Chapter 19: Ammy

Abhimanyu said our friendship began two years ago after a sports competition between my school and his.

The Commissioner said, "Alright, we'll investigate your statement, but if we find any false statements, you'll be charged with perjury."

Abhimanyu just smiled in response and said nothing.

The DCP gestured for Aakash to come out, and they both left.

The DCP said, "We received a number from Sushil's phone, which was used to send the picture of the two captives, and the number is registered under the name of Subham, the principal of Agrasen School of Talents. Besides, Shubham has had several conversations with him. That's the only evidence we have. Everyone present there was killed, so no one can testify against him, but he must have some account that he used for transactions. Find out everyone's details."

Aakash replied, "Yes, sir, I'll find out."

The DCP then left, followed by the other officers present.

Outside the hospital, the DCP made a phone call and said, "Hello, Ramakant ji, how are you?"

Ramakant replied, "I'm fine, sir. How can I help you?"

The DCP asked, "Was there a competition between your military school and the military school in Bihar two years ago?"

Ramakant replied, "Yes, sir, there was indeed a competition, and the children performed quite well."

The DCP said, "Thank you, sir," and then ended the call, moving on.

In reality, Abhimanyu's grandfather had already prepared the testimony, and fake evidence had been fabricated.

Before Ramakant stood a girl wearing a mask and a black robe. She was the temporary leader of the Delhi Young Soldiers. She wondered, "How is Abhimanyu so powerful? He single-handedly killed fifty men. Even our leader couldn't do that. Is he also a part of another group within the Young Soldiers?"

Ramakant calmed her down, saying, "Relax. Abhimanyu is worthy of being a skilled soldier. When the incident happened with your leader, I went to my friend, the head of Bihar's military, with my concerns. Abhimanyu is his grandson, and he trusted his grandson's abilities because he had trained him since childhood. Abhimanyu was sent here to investigate this case, and because he was just an ordinary boy, it was my responsibility. I had sent you all to rescue him, but I didn't know that Abhimanyu would be so capable that he would defeat them so easily."

The girl didn't have the courage to ask them if they were telling the truth, so she left.

After she left, Ramakant thought, "I don't know what will happen when these two find out about each other, but whatever it is, I've found a capable student. Within a month or two, she'll be more powerful than even Samarth. However, facing Abhimanyu is beyond anyone's capability, as he is the only one in all the groups of Young Soldiers who has begun to feel his spiritual energy."

On the other side, Abhimanyu was lying in his room, scrolling through his phone. Although Bhawna and he were fine, the doctors needed to run some tests because they might have been given some kind of poison.

Aakash was sitting beside Abhimanyu, not even looking at Bhawna, who was staring at him while Aakash was absorbed in his phone.

Abhimanyu said, "Bro, I apologize. It was DCP's order. After all, what else could she do?"

Aakash replied sharply, "Just shut up and don't interfere in adult matters."

Abhimanyu asked, "Who are these Delhi Liberals that all the officers were talking about, saying they killed everyone and saved us?"

Bhawna explained, "No one has ever seen the Delhi Liberals. We don't know how many they are, but after each of their crimes, they always leave behind a mark. Mostly, they go to the criminal's hideouts and kill them. Only a few people survive, and even they don't remember what happened. All they remember is suddenly losing consciousness. This made us realize that even if you're unconscious, they can leave you alive. They have conducted rescue operations several times, but those they rescued also don't remember what happened. But mark my words, one day I will catch them."

Abhimanyu said, "All the best. But why did the commissioner ask me to follow you?"

Bhawna explained, "Some time ago, there was a gang eradication in Jaipur, and you and Karishma were there too. The same happened yesterday, so they asked me to keep an eye on you."

Abhimanyu chuckled, "Remember last night when the lights went out? I had you in my sight. Forgot, huh?"

Bhawna recalled, "I didn't even pay attention to that. It means you didn't do anything. But still, it remains a mystery how everyone was killed in just a few seconds."

Abhimanyu remarked, "The Delhi Liberals are also a mystery."

He thought to himself, "This time, I've been seen in many places, even if I didn't do anything or my name didn't come up. From the plane incident to the gang's elimination, then the event, and now yesterday and today. Even if no one has seen me, if someone connects the dots, the first suspicion will fall on me. I'll have to keep a low profile for a few days. Maybe those who are now keeping an eye on me are not amateurs."

On the other hand, Shubham received the news that the police had reached his warehouse, and apart from him, the Black Liberals gang had wiped out all his men. He knew there was no one left to testify against him, but he was afraid of any evidence surfacing because his number was found on Sushil's phone, indicating that he was under investigation in every possible way. Although he knew nothing would happen to him, he was still afraid.

After a while, he was taken in for questioning by the narcotics department. His every property was thoroughly searched, but nothing was found because Shubham had already hidden all the evidence. After hours of interrogation, he was let go, but due to this, he faced a lot of defamation in the news.

But Shubham's anger was directed mostly at Abhimanyu because all this was happening because of him. He called Kapil Mehta and placed a hit on Abhimanyu.

Kapil Mehta didn't know much about Abhimanyu; he seemed like just a student. But last time, because of a student, his friend and his gang were wiped out due to his kidnapping. So, this time, he refused Subham, saying he couldn't take the risk again.

Subham argued, "The last student had a high background; his father had connections in the ministry. But this student comes from a poor family and studies on scholarship. Dealing with him is child's play."

Kapil said, "If that's the case, why are you giving me the contract? You can take care of him yourself."

Subham replied, "The police are keeping an eye on me because of this guy. It's because of him that the police found out about my whereabouts. Look Kapil, they haven't found any evidence against me yet, but I've suffered losses worth millions because of him. He will have to pay for it."

Kapil said, "Alright, I'll handle it, but I'll take a crore for this job."

Subham agreed, "Fine, get the job done first, and you'll get your crore."

Abhimanyu listened to their entire conversation from his home, and everything was recorded. Today, school was closed as the principal was detained, and the entire school was being searched.

In his mind, Abhimanyu thought, "So, this private number guy is Kapil Mehta."

Meanwhile, at the DCP headquarters, an officer traced the call through headphones and reported to the DCP after the call was disconnected.

The DCP said, "So, Abhimanyu's life is in danger, and it's from Kapil Mehta. After that, he immediately issued an arrest warrant against Subham for giving a contract to Kapil Mehta. He couldn't arrest Kapil because he only mentioned Kapil's name, and besides, he was calling from a private number, for which they needed to request information from the company first. But even after that, Kapil Mehta wasn't disclosing anything. Then, the Commissioner called Aakash and informed him that his brother's life is in danger, Subham has given a contract to Kapil Mehta. We are going to arrest Subham. You stay with Abhimanyu for 24 hours, take Bhawna with you. Understand? Protect them. It's your duty now."

On the other hand, after listening to the call recording, Abhimanyu said to Saily, "Just one crore to kill Abhimanyu? Who do you think Kapil Mehta will send to kill me?"

Saily replied, "I think, considering the police presence, he might send an expert killer."

Abhimanyu remarked, "The Scorpion family?"

Saily confirmed, "Yes, someone from that family could disappear someone even in front of the police's eyes."

Abhimanyu nodded, "Yeah, I know."

Saily said, "The police just received a message from the high command containing evidence of Subham's online transactions. Now he's definitely going to be behind bars for quite some time."

Abhimanyu asked, "Where is his location?"

Saily tried to track his location but couldn't. She said, "It seems he has turned off his phone."

Abhimanyu remarked, "Something fishy is going on."

In reality, Subham had already found out that the police were coming to arrest him, so he went underground and turned off his phone.

The police searched for him everywhere, even in Dean Trilok's company and other properties, but he was nowhere to be found.

On the other side, in a farmhouse in Sonipat, Subham was sitting with a man, drinking. The man sitting across from him was none other than Kapil Mehta.

Subham, in his intoxicated state, said, "Brother Kapil, I've helped your son so much. Cover up his every mistake. Just do one thing for me, kill that Abhimanyu, and I'll give you two crores. Just get him killed."

Kapil replied, "Killing him right now is difficult because the police are protecting him."

In his intoxicated state, Subham insisted, "I know you're the only one who can do this job. Just name your price."

Kapil responded, "It won't be less than 10 crores."

Subham said, "Brother, will you betray your friend too now?"

Kapil replied, "Last time, because of you, my friend and his entire gang were killed."

Subham acknowledged, "Yes, but that wasn't your gang, right? Okay, I'll give you 10 crores, but just get rid of that Abhimanyu for me by tonight."

Kapil agreed, and then he went to the darknet through his computer and placed an assassination request on The Scorpion Family's website. He got a significant discount for the contract and finalized it for just 1 crore, transferring the remaining 9 crores to his account from Subham.

Abhimanyu, sitting alone in his room, was keeping a vigilant eye when his grandfather called him.

Abhimanyu answered the phone, and his grandfather said, "There's a contract posted on The Scorpion Family's site for your assassination, and it's priced at 1 crore."

Abhimanyu immediately realized, "It must be Kapil Mehta who posted it."

His grandfather explained, "One rule of The Scorpion Family is that if we offer them double the contract amount, meaning if we give them 2 crores, they'll cancel the contract. After that, even if someone offers them 100 crores, they won't accept the contract to kill that person again. Shall I cancel it for you?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Not now, grandfather. If this contract is only for 1 crore, then I'll probably just get some small-time assassin. This is my chance to find out about The Scorpion Family."

His grandfather insisted, "If it's too risky, I'll cancel the contract."

Abhimanyu responded, "Not yet, grandfather. Let me handle this."

Dadaji continued, "By the way, your mother Kiran is coming to Delhi for a fashion event, and Prachi is accompanying her. You should go and meet them."

Abhimanyu replied, "Okay, Dadaji."

Abhimanyu's mother, Kiran, owned a branded clothing company, with its expensive clothes showcased in all major stores, making it quite popular. At the ongoing fashion event in Delhi, where many new companies were participating, the winner would gain both fame and fortune, and the demand for their clothes could skyrocket. Abhimanyu's mother was attending the event as a judge, and Prachi insisted on accompanying her to witness the event.

Dadaji added, "They'll arrive in Delhi by tomorrow afternoon, and security will be with them. You'll also be present during the event."

After that, he hung up the phone.

Abhimanyu muttered, "So, I have to take care of that little mouse."

That night, while Abhimanyu was peacefully sleeping in his room, he started hearing noises from his rooftop. Someone wearing a lab coat was standing on the terrace, looking rather short and scared. After opening the gate to the terrace, the person placed their bag there, took out a hooked rope, and attached it to the railing. Initially, they looked down, feeling slightly nervous, and said, "Oh God, let this bloodshed be successful. I'll offer 100 coconuts. This is my first murder. God, please help me." Then, they placed one foot on the railing. However, they were still trembling.

Abhimanyu had just arrived on the rooftop and was observing the person's bag. It contained a gun, a knife, and other tools, indicating that this girl might be an assassin. She had forgotten to bring the weapons down with her.

The girl was slowly descending when she suddenly remembered that she had forgotten to bring the weapons. She started climbing back up, but when she looked up, she saw Abhimanyu standing there, holding the gun. Terrified, she raised her hands, forgetting that she could attack. She stumbled and fell, realizing too late that she could have attacked Abhimanyu with her legs while falling.

Abhimanyu swiftly caught her, but taking advantage of the situation, he grabbed the gun from her. Using the railing as support, he somersaulted as she tumbled backward, landing back on the rooftop. Now, she was holding the gun.

Abhimanyu was astonished by her gymnastic skills because he couldn't perform such moves himself. The girl immediately aimed the gun at Abhimanyu and said, "Now, you'll be my first prey."

Abhimanyu showed her an empty magazine, indicating that the gun was unloaded because he had already removed the bullets.

Abhimanyu said, "you are still a child."

The girl retorted, "Shut up!" Then, she leaped into the air, performing acrobatics mid-air. While somersaulting, she kicked at Abhimanyu, who cleverly blocked it with his hand. She continued to attack with various moves, but Abhimanyu easily defended himself. Eventually, Abhimanyu grew bored and grabbed her leg mid-kick, pulling her towards him. Using his other hand to push her head back and his foot to push her legs forward, he slammed her head into the railing, rendering her unconscious. Although Abhimanyu didn't exert much force, the impact was enough to knock her out, although there was no blood coming from her head.

Abhimanyu remarked, "I thought a professional would come, but you're an embarrassment even for a novice."

He then checked the girl's belongings and found an ID card with the name Ammy from Agrasen School of Talents, indicating she was a student there, possibly in the 11th grade. He also found her school uniform and undergarments, along with some weapons like blades, knives, and gun ammo.

Abhimanyu examined her neck for any tattoos but found none. He knew that some members of the Scorpion Family didn't have tattoos, but they wouldn't resort to such killings.

Abhimanyu took her into his bedroom and tied her hands and feet with ropes.

Abhimanyu waited patiently as the girl regained consciousness. Sitting across from her, he kept the silenced gun aimed at her, a silent reminder of the danger she posed.

After the girl woke she plead to Abhimanyu,"please don't kill me."

Abhimanyu listened to the girl's plea, her words tinged with desperation.

He replied sternly, "You wanted to kill me, and now you're asking me to let you go. Why should I believe you won't try again?"

The girl pleaded, "Please forgive me. I made a mistake. I don't want to harm you. But if I don't kill you by morning, that man will kill my siblings."

Curious, Abhimanyu inquired, "Who is this man?"

She confessed, "When I was five or six, I was separated from my parents. I don't even remember who they were."

Abhimanyu said,"shut you boring story and tell me about this man." And pressed her to reveal more about the man.

She said with anger, "had Someone told you that you don't have the decency to talk to a girl."

Abhimanyu sighed, "Yes, everyone seems to have same opinion. Now, tell me your story."

She recounted, "I used to beg on the streets. Then, a man kidnapped me and took me to a private orphanage. It looked like an orphanage from the outside, but inside, children were trained as assassins. Only those with tattoos knew of its location, hidden in the underground basement of a building in Delhi."

"At that place, five tattooed members always conducted dangerous training sessions, resulting in many children's deaths. But they never spoke of it outside. I managed to complete the training, but the others failed."

Abhimanyu realized that they wanted to kill her and set fire to the orphanage, but she had imposed a condition: as long as her siblings were alive, she wouldn't betray them. Otherwise, she threatened to expose everything.

She had been sent to school recently, supposedly due to financial constraints, but she was actually admitted for free, likely due to some connections. However, she couldn't escape from school because they held her siblings hostage.

Today, she received her first assignment in life, and she knew she couldn't afford to disobey those people. That's why she had come to kill Abhimanyu, but if she didn't return by morning, they would kill her siblings.

Abhimanyu looked at her with disbelief. Ammy swore she was telling the truth.

Abhimanyu said, "How can I trust you? You're claiming to be the most powerful candidate in your batch, yet you couldn't handle my two moves."

Ammy replied confidently, "I'm not weak. It's just that you're incredibly powerful, perhaps even more than our teachers."

Abhimanyu inquired about the address and security details there.

Ammy informed him that there were only two ladies and three gentlemen, all skilled assassins.

Abhimanyu instructed her to sleep.

Ammy asked, "What do you mean?"

Abhimanyu knock her by pressing a vital point which caused her to sleep and then he injected her with a sedative, rendering her unconscious for a while, to buy some time.

Abhimanyu instructed Saily to call Dadaji.