Chapter 20: Orphanage

Saily said, "I'm trying to call."

A little later, Saily said, "They're not answering."

Abhimanyu replied, "I don't even have the military head's number due to protocol."

Saily asked, "What are you thinking?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Maybe I'll have to go alone. Let's see how powerful I've become. It's been a long time since I've used my full strength." He then took a bag from his bed, grabbed two knives from Ammy's side, and left about an hour later.

Abhimanyu was now on the rooftop of a building, using his night vision binoculars to observe inside. He said, "Are all the guys really sleeping, and that too, carelessly?"

Saily explained, "That's because they've installed an invisible security system."

Abhimanyu asked, "You mean invisible alarm rays?"

Saily showed Abhimanyu the alarm system through his glasses, which wouldn't be audible to anyone else, but the nearby clock would sound the alarm.

Abhimanyu suggested, "If they're sleeping carelessly, let's put them to sleep for good." Then he wore his black demon outfit and mask.

Abhimanyu reached the building's gate, which was still empty. He searched every room but found no cameras, only what seemed to be an orphanage building with no children visible, possibly kept in a secret basement for training.

Abhimanyu was trying to find a way through every corner of the building.

Abhimanyu asked Saily, "Can't you find any secret passage?"

Saily replied, "I can only help you with technology. Finding a secret passage is beyond my capabilities."

After searching for an hour, Abhimanyu concluded, "It seems Ammy was lying. I can't find anything here, and the ground doesn't seem hollow either."

Saily asked, "Did you ask Ammy where the entrance to the basement is? You were in a hurry to knock her out. Why would you ask now? Aren't you smart enough?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Stop scolding now. Scan the entire area and see if there's any unusual connection."

Saily scanned the entire area and said, "No, nothing like that is visible."

Abhimanyu noticed an upside-down painting and said, "Why is this painting upside-down?"

He removed the painting and found a small switch. When he pressed it, a hatch near the chimney opened. Abhimanyu went down through the chimney, but the noise alerted all five assassins. They came out of their rooms and started heading towards the stairs. Abhimanyu quickly hid behind a sofa, knowing they would all wake up due to the noise.

Abhimanyu wanted to investigate whether Ammy was telling the truth or not. They all reached the room, and one of them said, "Ammy, you're here so early?"

Another person asked, "Where is Ammy?"

A girl said, "I thought Ammy had arrived; this was her first prey."

One person doubted, "I don't think she wants to hunt us; she might deceive us."

The girl replied, "As long as these kids are with us, she won't do anything against us."

One person asked, "That's all fine, but where is Ammy?"

Another person suggested, "Maybe she went to see the other kids in their rooms."

A woman said, "Come on, what are you thinking? We need to know about her first kill because she needs to register it, and we need to get her tattooed. We'll get a reward for training a powerful assassin."

They started walking towards the children's rooms, with Abhimanyu stealthily following them.

When they reached the children's room, Abhimanyu saw that the kids were only 8 or 9 years old, with the oldest maybe around 10. Their clothes looked dirty, indicating they might not be well taken care of.

The woman said, "She's not here either."

A man said, "Why do I feel like she's deceived us?"

Another man said, "Don't be crazy. That girl loves these kids so much. That's why she agreed so easily after our blackmail. She said she wouldn't harm anyone's life. When it came to these kids, she immediately agreed. Keeping her under control is necessary, and these kids are essential for our training. She's the only living child in our entire unit of this age."

The third man said, "Maybe she's still upstairs."

A woman said, "Is she some queen that we should go upstairs to bring her down? Bring her down. A man went up the stairs to the room again, but as soon as he stepped into the room, Abhimanyu, who was hidden, emerged.

Abhimanyu swiftly attacked the man, first with a dagger to his neck, then with continuous strikes to his abdomen. He then pulled out the first dagger from his neck, stabbed him in the heart, and hid his body behind the sofa near the gate, took a position again.

The woman exclaimed in frustration, "It's been more than five minutes! What is he doing upstairs? I hope he's not doing anything inappropriate with her. He's so lustful; he slept with us twice a day, and lately, he's been eyeing on Ammy."

The man grabbed her back and pressed itand said, "What's the difference between you two? You also sleep with us once a day!"

Their banter fueled their agitation, and they left the room, heading to another one. Abhimanyu thought to himself, "These lechers, they just can't control themselves. They all jumped in lust just because one of them went missing."

Saily remarked, "It's a perfect opportunity; their minds are only filled with lust right now, so they won't think of anything else."

Abhimanyu agreed, "You're right."

He sheathed his dagger and took out his silenced gun, ready for whatever lay ahead.

Abhimanyu silently entered the room, concealing his killing intent and presence. He slowly approached them, aiming his gun at their heads, and fired simultaneously, causing both of them to collapse. On the other side of the sofa, the remaining two, lost in their romance, were also shot. One was hit in the head, while the other was struck in a vital point, rendering him immobilized.

Abhimanyu remarked, "That was too easy. I was afraid for nothing, thinking those five assassins were something, especially from the Scorpion Family."

The man, noticing Abhimanyu, asked, "Who are you?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Black Demon," and promptly knocked him unconscious. He then attempted to contact his grandfather several times, but it seemed he was asleep, knowing his grandfather tended to keep everything away when he slept. However, it was almost 4 am, and he would wake up soon.

As the clock struck four, a screen opened in front of Abhimanyu, showing his grandfather's call. When he answered, his grandfather asked, "What's the matter?" Abhimanyu switched to video mode.

His grandfather inquired, "What's this?"

Abhimanyu explained, "This is a hideout of the Scorpion Group, where they train young children and attempt to brainwash them."

His grandfather said, "I'll send some soldiers right away."

Abhimanyu agreed, and about half an hour later, a group of secret soldiers arrived. They took the bodies and the last remaining man with them, cleaning up any traces of blood. Abhimanyu watched from another building as the police arrived and shifted the children to another orphanage. The police had received information that children were being kidnapped under the guise of this orphanage. Although the perpetrators had escaped, all the children were saved. Most of them didn't know anything about their parents and were taken to a boarding school for education.

Abhimanyu returned home, it was already 7 am. He changed into his regular clothes, leaving his robe in the bag.

Upon entering his room, he found Ammy still asleep. He went to the bathroom, wrapped himself in a towel, and emerged to change his clothes. He noticed Ammy was awake and glaring at him angrily, but she couldn't speak as her mouth was taped shut by Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu watched as Ammy woke up, quickly dressing himself before approaching her. He assured her that nothing had happened to her siblings, then showed her the news on his phone. Tears welled up in Ammy's eyes as she saw the bodies of the assassins, but Abhimanyu reassured her that the one who appeared alive was actually dead, sparing her unnecessary worry.

Curious about her sudden tears, Abhimanyu asked, "What's wrong?"

Saily interjected, "Idiot, untie her hands, legs, and mouth."

Realizing his oversight, Abhimanyu apologized and untied her. As soon as her hands and legs were free, she hugged Abhimanyu tightly, causing him to stumble and fall onto the bed.

Abhimanyu remarked, "You won't ever change, will you?" However, Ammy surprised him by kissing him. Abhimanyu was momentarily taken aback by her actions.

After a minute, Ammy pulled back and said, "Thank you."

Abhimanyu hadn't seen Ammy properly in the darkness of the night, but now he examined her closely, noticing her slender waist, brown hair, and dark eyes. Suddenly, he remembered Karishma and remarked, "That 'thank you' was unnecessary. You ruined my first kiss."

Teasingly, Ammy replied, "Have you never kissed anyone before?"

Abhimanyu confessed, "I've never had a girlfriend."

Ammy joked, "Then I'll be your first girlfriend. Don't reject me."

Abhimanyu conceded, "Alright, now get out of here."

Ammy retorted, "Where should I go? All the children have gone to boarding school."

Abhimanyu replied, "I thought about sending you elsewhere, but I don't trust you right now."

Ammy asked, "So should I wander the streets alone like in the old days, begging for alms?"

Abhimanyu wondered, "How did someone like you end up in the assassin line?"

Ammy explained, "I told you they forced me into becoming an assassin."

Abhimanyu agreed, "Fine, you can stay here, but don't let anyone see you."

Ammy inquired, "What do you mean?"

Abhimanyu explained, "My elder brother also lives here, but he's mostly away. You can use the fridge and other amenities when he's not around."

Ammy understood, "Got it. I have to stay in this room all day, and if I need to go to school, I have to sneak out quietly so no one notices."

Abhimanyu confirmed, "Correct. I'll bring food for you. Now, let's eat." He then went to the kitchen, where his brother had already prepared dinner. He brought back two plates and they began to eat.

As they ate, Ammy asked, "Why did you let me stay here? You don't seem like the type of guy who would do something like this."

Abhimanyu replied, "You're an assassin. I can't trust what you'll do outside. Plus, I can't send you to a military school or headquarters. Who knows, you might be a spy for the Scorpions."

Ammy remarked, "Well, you're not entirely wrong. By the way, who are you? I thought you were just an ordinary student who got into Agarsen School of Talent on scholarship."

Abhimanyu laughed, "Forget about me. Tell me, how did you get admission to Agarsen School of Talent?"

The child protection officials came to our orphanage, which is why we were taken upstairs. They tried to manipulate us, but then they mentioned that we don't send any children to school. We explained that poverty was the reason. They suggested sending at least one child to school, and during the discussion, a person named Kapil Mehta proposed sending someone to Agrasen School of Talents, where they could keep an eye on us, which was true.

Abhimanyu asked, "Does this mean Kapil Mehta knows you?"

Ammy replied, "No, he doesn't. Kapil Mehta has never seen me. He only knew that one child needed admission. I was chosen because I kept quiet, and one of their men would come to drop me off and pick me up."

Abhimanyu asked, "Do you have a ticket?"

Ammy said, "I was also chosen at the last moment, so I know Kapil Mehta only spoke to the bald principal."

Abhimanyu checked the time; it was already 10:30. He said, "I have to go now."

Ammy said, "I'm coming too. I don't want to stay here and be bored."

Abhimanyu replied, "You're staying here. This is my final answer."

With that, he left his apartment. Abhimanyu took the elevator down and felt as if Ammy was following him, but he ignored the feeling and continued. He hailed a taxi and headed towards the airport, where he waited for some people.

Ammy was still trailing behind him, clutching her bag.

Saily remarked, "She's still following us."

Abhimanyu wondered, "What's her problem? Just last night, she wanted to kill me."

Saily teased, "Boss, if you're ready to have two girlfriends, what do you think about a third one?"

Abhimanyu retorted, "Stop nonsense."

But Saily, in her virtual avatar again, grabbed Abhimanyu's hand and stood beside him. Abhimanyu couldn't do anything as Saily hadn't actually grabbed his hand. After a while, Abhimanyu's mom and Praachi came out of the airport, accompanied by some bodyguards who definitely looked like soldiers.

Prachi spotted Abhimanyu as soon as she stepped out and happily rushed to hug him.

Seeing this, Ammy, burning with jealousy, remarked, "Leave my boyfriend alone."

Abhimanyu then bent down to her level and asked, "How are you, little squirrel?"

Prachi replied, "I'm good. And how are you, big mouse?"

Just then, their mother, Kiran, arrived. Abhimanyu touched her feet for blessings. Some expensive cars arrived, and apart from one car, all the others had soldiers. One soldier in a black suit opened the door of a car, and Kiran and Praachi got inside. Abhimanyu looked around and said, "Whom are you waiting for? Come quickly."

At that moment, a girl wearing tight white jeans, a white top, and a jean jacket walked out. She had stolen the jacket from a store in the airport and changed in the ladies' washroom, just in case she needed it later.

She got into the car directly. Praachi asked, "Who is she, brother?"

Abhimanyu replied, "She's my student."

Praachi joked, "You have another student now?"

Abhimanyu teased back, "You can become my student too."

But Praachi said, "I don't want to learn anything from you. I'll learn from Grandpa."

Abhimanyu escorted them to the hotel room and then headed to the lobby.

He dressed like one of the bodyguards, wearing a suit and a Bluetooth earpiece. He gave another Bluetooth piece to Ammy, who put it on as well. Then, he put on his ID and handed a black suit to Ammy, saying, "Wear this outfit."

After a while, they all started to look like the other bodyguards, with black sunglasses covering their eyes, except for Abhimanyu, whose lenses turned black automatically.

Ammy asked teasingly, "Do you have a bunch of the same style glasses?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Don't ask unnecessary questions."

Ammy retorted, "But you're my teacher; I have the right to ask questions."

Abhimanyu replied, "I told you that already. But if you really want to learn from me, pass this test."

Then, they headed to a private chamber in a restaurant for a meeting scheduled at 3 p.m. After the meeting, they would be free for the rest of the day.

Abhimanyu and Ammy waited outside Kiran and Praachi's room. When their mother opened the door, she looked stunning in a white saree and a white suit, which she probably wore for the meeting, portraying the image of a perfect businesswoman. Her beauty made it hard to believe she was the mother of two children.

Behind her, Praachi wore casual clothes—a pair of jeans, a top, and a green jacket.

As they stepped out, Praachi remarked, "Brother, you look just like a bodyguard."

Abhimanyu replied, "Yes, I am a bodyguard as long as you two are here. We are your temporary bodyguards."

Praachi, with a playful tone, warned Abhimanyu, "If you show laziness, I'll deduct money from your salary."

Kiran questioned, "Why do you need to do all this? We have plenty of bodyguards here for our safety."

Abhimanyu explained, "Don't worry, it's just a punishment from grandpa."

No one could defy grandpa's orders, so they all headed to the restaurant. Upon arrival, they were surprised to see two children acting as bodyguards.

Kiran and Praachi entered the meeting cabin, where several people were already seated. Everyone stood up and welcomed Kiran, reserving a seat for her. Abhimanyu and Ammy stood behind them against the wall.

One of the seated men, named Harsh Gupta, suggested, "You two can leave; the meeting is about to start."

Abhimanyu and Ammy didn't react, as it was usual for regular bodyguards to leave. Abhimanyu was there to ensure his mother wasn't left alone, considering the family's background and his father's profession, which could make them targets for kidnapping.

Harsh Gupta felt slighted that these kids, possibly still in training, weren't following his instructions, but since they were with Kiran, he couldn't say anything. He turned to Kiran and said, "Could you ask them to leave, please?"

Kiran responded calmly, "Let them stay; these kids love me dearly and never leave my side."

Harsh, feeling a bit flustered, replied, "But we need to continue the meeting."

Kiran insisted, "My daughter is also present here. Are you suggesting she should leave too?"

Harsh, feeling uneasy, replied, "No, ma'am, I wouldn't suggest that. Alright, they can stay."

Praachi struggled to stifle her laughter, covering her mouth in an attempt to control herself. However, Harsh Gupta noticed her amusement, but he tried to remain composed. The meeting resumed, discussing which parts each participant wanted to be involved in the upcoming event. Additionally, collaborations regarding business products were discussed.

Abhimanyu learned that Karishma's aunt's company, Sharma Designers, would also be participating in the competition, which was scheduled for the next day. After the meeting, they planned to return the following day.

Once the discussions concluded, a waiter arrived with wine and orange juice. Harsh mentioned that the wine being served was the most expensive one there, Leroy Domaine d'Auvenay Chevalier-Montrachet Grand Cru from Cote de Beaune, France, suggesting they try it.

Kiran politely declined, stating she didn't drink alcohol. This surprised and disappointed everyone, as they wouldn't be able to taste the wine either.

Kiran reassured them, "Don't worry; I'll have the juice, and you all can enjoy the wine."

However, one man hesitantly asked, "But ma'am, how can we drink wine in front of you?"

Kiran insisted, "I insist, please."

As the waiter began to pour wine into everyone's glasses, Harsh intervened, saying he would personally serve Kiran and Praachi. He then replaced their wine glasses with ones filled with juice.

Just as they were about to raise their glasses for a toast, Saily suddenly spoke up, catching Abhimanyu's attention. Sensing what she was about to say, he preemptively responded, "I know."

With that, they all raised their glasses in a toast. Kiran and Praachi were about to drink their juice when Abhimanyu reached out and held Kiran's hand. Seeing this, Praachi also refrained from drinking.

Harsh became furious upon seeing this and yelled at Kiran for her audacity to hold her hand and stop her from drinking juice.

Kiran, noticing Harsh's anger, yelled back, ordering the guards to take Abhimanyu and Praachi out. However, no one came in as Abhimanyu's guards had already stopped them from entering.

Harsh continued to shout for the guards, but no one came. Kiran didn't want to endanger Abhimanyu's life by revealing his identity, as she knew he had to spend a year alone in the city. However, she warned Harsh that if he didn't quiet down, he would have to face her anger.

Abhimanyu carefully examined the glass and then whispered something in Kiran's ear. Kiran instructed to call the waiter who brought the drinks.

Abhimanyu signaled to Ammy, who went to the kitchen and brought the waiter back. The waiter was trembling with fear, apologizing and admitting to his actions, saying he did it out of greed.

In reality, the waiter had been given a hefty sum by Harsh Gupta to mix a drug in the drinks. He thought it was just a medicine, but when Kiran arrived with her heavily guarded entourage, he got scared but still managed to put the drug in both the wine and juice. He prayed that everything would go smoothly and no one would find out. However, upon being caught, he confessed that he had mixed the drug at the behest of Harsh Gupta.

Harsh Gupta, stuttering with rage, exclaimed, "What nonsense are you talking about? I don't even know you!"

Abhimanyu approached Harsh Gupta and grabbed his tie, pulling it so forcefully that his face slammed onto the table, causing his nose to bleed.

Praachi covered her eyes, witnessing this scene, but for the military school kids, such scenes were not unusual as they often witnessed similar training scenarios and received martial arts training.

Despite Harsh's attempts to call the guards, none of them were coming to his aid. His own guards threatened, "We will file a police complaint against you."

Abhimanyu's bodyguards retorted, "Go ahead, report to the police. Who stopped you?" as they began moving slightly away to make the call.

Meanwhile, inside, Abhimanyu was landing blows on Harsh's face, gradually transforming his appearance to that of a beggar.

Harsh pleaded, "Let me go, I'll tell you everything."

Abhimanyu replied, "Today, I didn't get a chance to ask anyone anything. Okay, tell me now, whose plan was it?"

Harsh confessed, "I don't know much about them. They just paid me 10 crore to get Mrs. Kiran and her sons out, but their main goal was to kidnap Mrs. Kiran and her son Prachi."

Abhimanyu asked, "Who were they?"

Harsh replied, "I don't know much about them, but they called themselves The Scorpion family."

When Abhimanyu inquired about their appearance, Harsh described a man around 30 years old, dressed like them, with a Scorpion tattoo on his neck. He emphasized that the man insisted on being referred to as part of "The Scorpion family" and threatened him not to fail the job or reveal anything about them.

Abhimanyu showed Harsh an image on his phone and asked if the Scorpion looked like that. Harsh confirmed that the Scorpion indeed resembled the image.