Chapter 21: The lion hotel

Abhimanyu sent all the evidence to his grandfather immediately and received a message back instructing him to leave the place.

He escorted his mother and Prachi back to their hotel room, which happened to be The Lion Hotel, owned by the Tripathis, ensuring their safety.

At the venue, Abhimanyu instructed everyone to remain vigilant and ordered thorough scrutiny of any new arrivals. He also requested details of all guests and staff who had booked rooms.

Tripathi provided him with the required information, and Abhimanyu tightened security throughout the hotel.

Back in his room, Abhimanyu began memorizing the details of everyone on the list.

Saily offered to copy the information, but Abhimanyu insisted on relying on his own abilities rather than depending on her.

Ammy, curious about their conversation, asked whom he was talking to.

Abhimanyu replied, "You should also memorize them."

Ammy began memorizing the details alongside Abhimanyu.

Saily informed them that a man had checked out two hours ago using a fake ID, and his profile verification was pending. Abhimanyu immediately sent the man's photo to his grandfather and instructed his men not to let him leave if spotted anywhere.

After memorizing all the details, Abhimanyu, along with Ammy, headed towards his mother's room. Ammy was still going over the details while walking.

Abhimanyu advised his mother to cancel the event due to the potential danger.

Kiran responded by saying that there's always a risk, and if everyone gave in to fear, how would they carry on with their work? She emphasized that her husband wouldn't abandon his job due to fear, and neither should they. She believed that succumbing to fear would hinder progress.

Suddenly, Abhimanyu and Kiran received a message that Harsh Gupta had been shot dead on the street, and the killer's identity was unknown.

Abhimanyu checked the news, and it confirmed the incident.

He asked Ammy if she had any idea who could be behind this.

Ammy mentioned that she knew there were several locations belonging to The Scorpion family in Delhi but didn't know specifics. She had heard that there were seven locations, but she didn't have their exact addresses.

Abhimanyu acknowledged that this information was helpful.

A man was being tortured by a soldier in a room with glass walls, the man named Li Feng, who was a member of The Scorpion family, trying to extract information from him. Despite the torture, Ki feng remained silent, not revealing her true identity or any information.

Li feng was the man who got captured by Abhimanyu in orphanage of the scorpion family. Ammy was also a Chinese girl but from orphanage she got the identity of Indian and she didn't even know her true Name and similar to her other kids also don't know their real names.

Observing this, the entire Delhi liberals team, including their teacher, watched how to extract testimony effectively. The teacher advised that if torture wasn't yielding results, they should send in another soldier to approach with gentleness only after the first soldier had exhausted himself and left. The second soldier should then try to gain the person's trust by showing sympathy and offering incentives to speak. However, this approach might not work with someone like the person they were dealing with, as he seemed unlikely to succumb to such temptations.

Meanwhile, in the room, soldiers were attempting various methods to extract the truth, but they were unsuccessful. A young soldier questioned how to extract truth from someone like him.

Their instructor was about to tell them that he saw a child opening the door and going inside. He said, "Who is this?"

"That boy wasn't anyone else but Abhimanyu. As soon as he opened the door, he picked up the gun being used to torture the soldier from the table and shot him in the legs, saying, 'You've lived enough; get ready to die.'"

Le Feng said, "So, do you all not need information from me anymore?"

Abhimanyu said, "We've already found out whatever we needed to know."

Le Feng asked, "What have you found out?"

Abhimanyu said, "In Delhi, The Scorpion family has seven branches."

Le Feng was surprised at how he found out about this.

Abhimanyu continued, "In Delhi, you also have a puppet who seems different from you in the eyes of the world, but in reality, he works for your organization. He was in charge of Delhi for The Scorpion family, and his name is Kapil Mehta."

Le Feng was shocked because he didn't know this either. Kapil Mehta was a mafia, that much he knew. That's why he had befriended him and made some deals with him. He hadn't even revealed his true identity.

Abhimanyu, sensing his thoughts, said, "It seems you didn't know this either. How could you? After all, I was just working with children at a simple training facility."

This made Le Feng very angry. In his anger, he said, "You're underestimating me. I was the leader of my center."

Abhimanyu chuckled and replied, "Well then, what else can I say? You were only taking care of an orphanage. I don't think you even knew about the seven branches. But just saying." He fell silent after that.

In the other room, the instructor of the young soldiers said that this boy, whoever he is, is using quite a clever tactic.

A young man asked, "Sir, what kind of tactic is he using?"

The instructor replied, "We only know that there are 7 locations of the Scorpion gang in Delhi, but apart from that, the talk about Kapil Mehta might be nonsense because even he himself doesn't know about it. However, he's using it to confuse us and hurt his ego. But this tactic can only work to this extent. If a person becomes egoistic, they reveal themselves, but this has stopped now. If we don't have any more information, he won't be able to move forward."

All the young soldiers turned to look into the room again.

Abhimanyu smiled at Le Feng and said, "Don't worry, I already know everything. You reminded me; I came here to kill you, but the one who doesn't easily give death will hear how your death will be."

After that, he started speaking slowly, "First, I'll make a big cut near your abdomen, and then I'll leave you to suffer until you die," saying this, Abhimanyu started laughing like a devil, and not only Le Feng but also the soldiers in the room and the people standing in the adjacent room were scared. The instructor asked the computer operator sitting there if the recording was still on.

The computer operator said, "No, as soon as this guy entered the room, the recording automatically stopped, and not only that, as soon as he entered the headquarters, the recording near the main gates also stopped, and as he moved forward, the recording stopped by itself, which means there is no evidence of his entry here."

Le Feng said, "You're just trying to scare me because I'm not telling you anything."

Abhimanyu took out his phone and showed a picture of a man, saying, "He's from your Scorpion family, right?"

Le Feng was surprised to see the photo and said, "Commander."

Abhimanyu was also taken aback hearing "commander," but he didn't show any reaction.

Abhimanyu said, "He was trying to kidnap someone, but he got caught. He provided this information and much more so that he can spend some time in jail peacefully without torture, hoping to get some time to escape. He thinks we have no idea what he wants to do, but yes, he has definitely implicated all of you."

Le Feng asked, "How can I believe you?"

But Abhimanyu showed him another photo in which Le Feng was sitting on a chair with blood oozing from his body. This photo was actually generated by Sally, but unless someone examined it closely or knew the person in the photo, they couldn't tell it was fake. Abhimanyu then turned off his phone.

Abhimanyu then took out a knife from the table. Le Feng's hands and feet were already tied. Abhimanyu lifted his T-shirt slightly and was about to bring the knife to his stomach, as if he was going to make a deep cut.

Le Feng was quite scared by this and said, "Okay, wait. What do you want from me if you already know everything?"

Abhimanyu said, "I need to verify everything. We'll verify the information about Delhi, but I also need to verify what you've told us about the outside."

Le Feng said, "Okay, I'll tell you everything, but you have to promise me you won't kill me."

Abhimanyu agreed, "Fine, I promise I won't kill you."

Le Feng began to speak and disclosed details about all seven locations. Additionally, he mentioned that their commander's name is Su Sheng. Apart from the commander, there are six other commanders, and above them is a leader. Le Feng admitted that he only knows about the headquarters in China where he received training, and he doesn't know much about the other commanders or the leader. Besides this, he claimed to know nothing else.

Abhimanyu asked, "How many people are there in the Delhi headquarters?"

Le Feng said, "I don't know, but we were informed about these locations so that we can go there if needed."

After listening to everything, Abhimanyu started to leave.

Le Feng asked him, "Who are you after all? I've never seen a 17-year-old like you before."

Just then, in the other room, the computer operator said, "Sir, the recording has started again."

The leader of the Delhi liberals group was observing Abhimanyu's new avatar.

The computer operator added, "He has left the headquarters."

At that moment, a message came on the instructor's phone summoning everyone to a meeting.

The instructor said, "Now, you all go back to your training. I have some work to do."

In the meeting room, Ramakant addressed everyone present.

Ramakant said, "We have identified the seven add-ons of The Scorpion family. For now, we won't attack them directly, but we need to keep an eye on them from nearby, and here, on the screen, is a picture of a man."

Ramakant continued, "This is Su Sheng. We need to search for him everywhere. He is a commander of The Scorpion gang. He could be anywhere among these add-ons, but there's a high chance he's near The Lion Hotel. His target is Mrs. Kiran Pratap Singh and her daughter Praachi Pratap Singh. He wants to kidnap them. Some young soldiers will be deployed inside the hotel in civilian clothes, while the rest will monitor other locations. Your responsibility will be to keep an eye on them, and remember, if you spot this commander, just report. There's no need for you or the young soldiers to confront him. He might be way above your level. Apart from this commander, there may be other members there as well."

After a while, missions were assigned to the young soldiers as well.

The next day, as soon as Abhimanyu woke up, he resumed his exercises, and after three hours of workout, he got ready and put on the bodyguard's clothes again.

Heading downstairs, he began overseeing the event's security. He had taken the responsibility of security upon himself, and preparations for the fashion week event were underway. Abhimanyu wore dark sunglasses and stood in a corner like all the other bodyguards, from where he could see the entire venue. After a while, Karishma and her team arrived, followed by a young girl, probably around 22 or 23 years old, who seemed to be Karishma's aunt Sulochana. Sulochana was a young woman who resembled Karishma's elder sister, and as beautiful as Karishma herself.

Karishma noticed Abhimanyu and approached him, asking, "You're here, and you're a guard?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Mom is judging this event, so I'm with her. I was free, so I came here to see everything."

Karishma chuckled and said, "Alright, then. Are you allowed to stay here with guard attire?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Because I'm their bodyguard."

Karishma chuckled again, "Fair enough. Can you stay here, or do you have to leave?"

Abhimanyu responded, "You go to the allotted room with your team. I have a lot of work here right now."

Karishma said, "Yes, I have work too. I'll see you later then," and she left.

Abhimanyu then deployed someone else in his place and went to his mom. There, Praachi and Ammy were with Kiran.

Abhimanyu told Praachi, "You'll have to change your attire," and handed her a bag containing some clothes, including a black suit, black goggles, a black glove, and a black mask.

Praachi asked, "What is this nonsense?"

Abhimanyu replied, "If you want to leave this room, you'll have to wear these."

After changing into the clothes, Praachi joined them. After a while, it was time for all the judges to go on stage. Abhimanyu and the others headed towards the room from where they would proceed to the stage.

When Abhimanyu, Kiran, Ammy, and Praachi reached backstage, all eyes were on them because the most important judge was Mrs. Kiran. However, everyone was particularly looking at Praachi. Despite wearing a mask and other accessories, she looked quite cute. Karishma, noticing Praachi, excitedly waved her hand and immediately went to her, holding her hand affectionately, and asked, "How do I look?"

Karishma remarked, "Very cute," and soon everyone else joined them. Sulochana also approached Kiran, embracing her, and said, "Sister, we're meeting after so many years."

Kiran replied, "Yes, it's been a long time, but you still look 18."

Sulochana joked, "Stop kidding, sister."

Kiran then introduced Abhimanyu and Praachi, mentioning that they were her children. Sulochana hadn't seen Abhimanyu in years. Karishma had told her that he was in Delhi, but she hadn't been able to meet him yet.

Upon seeing Abhimanyu, Sulochana commented on how much he had grown and how handsome he had become. She teasingly asked him if he still remembered his promise to marry her when he grew up.

Abhimanyu chuckled and replied, "Of course, once you say yes, I've been ready for years."

Sulochana teased him further, saying he hadn't changed at all, but wondered why they were dressed as bodyguards.

Praachi chimed in, saying she was forced to wear it, but Abhimanyu and Ammy were indeed currently acting as bodyguards.

A while later, the event concluded, and now Abhimanyu, Karishma, Ammy, Praachi, Kiran, and Sulochana were all seated together at a table, having a meal.

Kiran remarked, "You were unnecessarily tense; you see, nothing happened."

Abhimanyu remained silent. He knew that the Scorpion King was skilled in assassination, and a commander had even attempted to kidnap him.

Praachi suggested, "Since we have some time, shall we go somewhere for a stroll?"

Kiran responded, "There's going to be a dinner party at the hotel tonight, with several VIPs attending, along with everyone related to the competition. We can't go anywhere because the party will start shortly."

Abhimanyu's phone suddenly started ringing. When he checked, it was Tina calling. He stepped aside and answered, "Hello, Tina."

Tina said, "I was keeping an eye near Kapil Mehta's bar and saw a man entering the bar whom I had never seen in the city before. He stayed inside for about half an hour until Kapil Mehta arrived."

Abhimanyu asked, "What happened next?"

Tina continued, "Then, I followed him inside the bar, and he went into a private cabin. The staff there knew me, so they didn't find it strange to see me there. As I approached the cabin, I overheard him talking about a kidnapping, and Kapil showed him a contract to kill you, which hadn't been completed yet. The man promised to help him and agreed that if he did, he would kill you for free. After that, I discreetly left, and I saw the man leaving with a scorpion tattoo on his neck."

Abhimanyu said, "I've sent you a photo; please take a look and confirm if it's the same man."

Tina looked at the photo and was shocked. She said, "Yes, that's him."

Abhimanyu asked, "Where are you now?"

Tina replied, "I'm currently trailing Kapil Mehta and that man is also with him. Maybe I'll find out more about his movements."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, if anything important comes up, call me."

After ending the call, Abhimanyu turned to Sally and said, "Show me her location."

Abhimanyu said, "It means they're coming to this hotel."

He messaged his grandfather to prepare the powerful soldiers because he himself was going to confront Su Sheng soon.

After sending the message, he approached the table and said, "I have some urgent work; I'll catch up later. Ammy, take care of Mom." With that, he left. Karishma also excused herself, saying she had something to attend to, and left.

Prachi joked, "Aunty, don't tell me you also have somewhere to go?"

Sulochana replied, "I'll be here until the party ends."

Prachi laughed at her response.

Meanwhile, Tina was trailing a speeding car on the highway, which had two occupants: Kapil Mehta, the mafia kingpin of Delhi, and Su Sheng, the commander of the Scorpion family.

Kapil said, "Boss, I don't understand why Abhimanyu is sitting there as the bodyguard for that woman and her daughter."

Su Sheng replied, "I don't know, but maybe his inspector brother also made him stand there, and he might be around as well."

Kapil said, "Initially, I thought the same, but that inspector is in the office."

Su Sheng responded, "What difference does it make? Maybe he's doing it for some money or some other reason."

Suddenly, Kapil Mehta's driver stopped their car abruptly in the middle of the road.

Kapil asked, "What happened? Why did you stop the car?"

The driver replied, "Boss, a car suddenly came from the wrong side and blocked our path." Kapil Mehta saw Abhimanyu stepping out of the driver's seat.

Seeing him, Kapil also got out of the car and said, "Kid, you brought the car from the wrong side. I'll give you a chance to turn your car around quietly and leave."

Abhimanyu replied, "Sorry, uncle, but I need to go straight ahead. Please move your car aside."