Chapter 22: Scorpion's hideout

At that moment, several military jeeps and cars arrived, and everyone aimed their guns at Kapil Mehta.

Kapil started, "Sir, you see—"

But before he could finish his sentence, a soldier approached him and began to handcuff him.

Kapil protested, "This is wrong! We live in a democratic country. You can't arrest us without evidence."

Ignoring Kapil's plea, Commander Rajat Mishra stepped forward, aiming his gun, and ordered Su Sheng to surrender. Although they couldn't take action against Kapil Mehta, they could arrest Su Sheng as he was a foreign national and was roaming around with fake visas and IDs.

Su Sheng couldn't fight back against so many soldiers, especially not against someone as powerful as Rajat Mishra, whom he felt was quite formidable.

The soldiers also arrested Kapil Mehta because he was accompanying someone who was carrying fake passports, visas, and some fake IDs.

Abhimanyu then gestured to Tina to come closer.

Tina drove her car closer, and Abhimanyu asked her what all that was about.

Abhimanyu asked her, "Do you know who that man was?"

Tina replied, "He was the assassin from the Scorpion family."

Abhimanyu said, "And his commander was with him too. That's why the military took strict action and arrested him. Whether evidence is found or not, they won't let him go."

Abhimanyu asked her, "How is your brother?"

Tina replied, "He's on medication and will be fine within a week."

Abhimanyu then asked her, "Where will you go after he gets better?"

Tina said, "I don't know yet. Right now, I want to completely eliminate the Scorpion family. Wherever I find their clues and hideouts, I'll destroy them."

Abhimanyu suggested, "If that's the case, would you like to join my team?"

Tina asked, "Your team?"

Abhimanyu explained, "We're going to attack their hideouts soon. So, if you want to be part of this operation, let me know."

Tina replied, "I want to be part of this operation, but I don't like being tied down. I'll build my own team, but we'll stay in touch. However, for now, I think you need my help. So, okay, let me know when the operation is on."

Abhimanyu agreed, "Alright, I'll contact you in a few hours then."

Tina then got into her car and left, while Abhimanyu returned to his car.

Meanwhile, Karishma was observing everything from a taxi on a different route. She had followed Abhimanyu because she always knows him of being involved in messed up situation, and her suspicion proved to be correct when she saw Su Sheng there, But what surprise her was Tina's presence.

Karishma wondered, "Is this just my imagination?"

Then, Karishma also returned to the hotel.

Finally, after Su Sheng's arrest, Abhimanyu could relax and enjoy the party, although he didn't take off his dress. He was still attentive to security, but now he could be a little more stress-free.

As the party decorations were being arranged, Abhimanyu started helping out. After a while, Karishma also arrived and was seen chatting with Abhimanyu.

Karishma asked, "Why are you doing all this work?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Well, since it's my hotel, I should also take care of things, right?"

Karishma joked, "Why are you lying? This hotel belongs to Tripathi, isn't it?"

Abhimanyu responded, "Don't you trust me anymore?"

Karishma assured him, "I still trust you as much as ever. I just didn't expect to see you in the business field."

Abhimanyu clarified, "I only have shares; Tripathi handles all the work."

Karishma then asked, "By the way, where were you?"

Abhimanyu teased her, "You were there too. Didn't you notice?"

Karishma realized, "So you knew?"

Abhimanyu lightly pressed his finger against her head and said, "Now, you're so different that you stand out from a distance."

Karishma asked, "Then tell me, what was Tina doing there?"

Abhimanyu replied, "She was keeping an eye on Kapil Mehta for me."

Karishma inquired, "But since when?"

Abhimanyu said, "Since we met her."

Karishma questioned, "Why don't you involve me in all this?"

Abhimanyu brushed her hair back and said, "Because I can't risk putting you in danger."

Karishma asked, "Do I seem weak to you?"

Abhimanyu assured her, "No, you're not weak, but I can't guarantee anyone's safety, including my own. How can I risk your life in such matters?"

Karishma questioned, "Then why do you do all this? It's not like it's your duty. Right now, you're just a regular student like me."

Abhimanyu replied, "I want to join the army and become a true soldier. If I turn a blind eye to injustice and wrongdoing happening right in front of me, how will I protect my country from its enemies?"

Karishma said, "It's very difficult to talk to you sometimes."

Abhimanyu replied, "Why bother trying? Come on, aren't you ready for the party yet?"

Karishma asked, "Aren't you ready either?"

Abhimanyu said, "I am ready."

Karishma said, "This is what you call being ready? Come with me."

She then took Abhimanyu's hand and led him to her room where several outfits were already laid out. Karishma carefully selected a white shirt, black pants, a black half-coat, a red tie, and black shoes for him.

She said, "Go and change."

Abhimanyu returned after changing in the bathroom, and Karishma remarked, "Now you look like a movie star."

Abhimanyu, admiring himself in the dressing mirror, said, "Yeah, I'm looking good!" He then struck a pose with attitude.

Karishma promptly snapped a photo of him and said, "Alright, I'm going to get ready now."

She laid out about ten dresses on the bed and asked Abhimanyu which one she should wear.

Abhimanyu looked through the dresses, noticing that most of them were quite revealing. However, he found one that seemed more modest and nice, so he picked it up and asked Karishma to try it on.

Karishma returned wearing the dress and asked, "How do I look?"

Abhimanyu replied, "You look absolutely stunning, like my wife."

He said this because the dress was predominantly black and white, with black being the dominant color.

Karishma blushed slightly at Abhimanyu's comment.

Abhimanyu teasingly said, "Now you're blushing?"

Karishma shot him a glare, but Abhimanyu quickly added, "Okay, sorry, but seriously, you look beautiful."

Karishma didn't react this time. Instead, she started putting on jewelry and applying light makeup.

Abhimanyu and Karishma then headed downstairs. Meanwhile, Praachi had dressed Ammy in an outfit, and they were also making their way to the venue. Everyone eventually gathered at the party, engaging in business conversations.

Abhimanyu, Karishma, Praachi, and Ammy stood aside, feeling bored. Praachi expressed her boredom and started to walk away, but Abhimanyu grabbed her hand, stopping her. He reminded her that this wasn't their party, and the guests wouldn't understand their pranks.

Abhimanyu starts to feel some unsettling vibes at the party. He becomes vigilant and carefully scans the surroundings, trying to detect any signs of trouble.

Abhimanyu instructs his security guard Saily to thoroughly scan the area and check if anyone has any sharp objects or guns. While Saily doesn't notice anything suspicious, Abhimanyu trusts his instincts and senses something unusual in a waiter.

Following the waiter, Abhimanyu goes to the bathroom. As he is occupied at the urinal, the waiter also enters and starts washing his hands at the basin nearby.

Remaining alert, Abhimanyu approaches the waiter and hits his head against the mirror, leaving the waiter confused. However, Abhimanyu doesn't harm him; instead, he immobilizes him and has him confined to a room with the help of security.

After rendering the waiter unconscious, Abhimanyu rejoins the party, knowing that he has thwarted a potential threat.

Just then, Abhimanyu received a message, prompting him to leave the hotel. As he stepped out, he called Tina to inquire about her whereabouts.

Tina responded that she was at home.

Abhimanyu directed her to a specific location and then set off in a car, equipped with a fake driving license to avoid any issues.

Driving to his destination, he arrived at the military headquarters, where he found Ramakant leading a meeting with six soldiers and a young soldier as their leader.

Upon seeing Abhimanyu, Ramakant gestured for him to join them.

Abhimanyu became part of the meeting, where Ramakant outlined plans for attacking seven locations, providing maps and details of personnel to each team leader. The young soldiers' group was assigned to the easiest target, where only 20 assassins were present, but they were led by a powerful figure.

Abhimanyu was to accompany the young soldiers, with the plan to eliminate everyone at the location quietly and make a swift exit. This was to be a secret operation, eliminating the need to leave any trace of their whereabouts.

This time, all the soldiers had to wear Delhi liberals uniforms, but this time they weren't going to draw the symbol of Delhi liberals .

After Ramakant instructed the six soldiers to leave, he informed the young soldier's leader that Abhimanyu would be accompanying them for the operation. He also mentioned that another member would join them, and then instructed the young soldier to inform her team about the mission.

The leader of the young soldiers left after acknowledging Ramakant's orders.

Ramakant instructed Abhimanyu to take two bags from Room No. 7, containing their uniforms.

Abhimanyu then left with the bags and arrived at the designated location, which was an abandoned building.

Handing over one bag, Abhimanyu instructed Tina to put it on.

Abhimanyu then went into another room within the building, put on his black uniform with all the gears and his sword.

When Tina came out wearing her outfit and saw Abhimanyu's uniform, she remarked that he looked like he was from some assassin group.

Abhimanyu simply replied, "Maybe. Let's go."

Tina started heading towards her car, with Abhimanyu planning to join her.

As they drove to the location where the young soldiers were gathering, Abhimanyu advised Tina not to engage in conversation with them.

Finally, they reached a spot about 500 meters away from the building they were supposed to attack.

After the arrival of Abhimanyu and Tina, the leader of the young soldiers spoke up with a firm voice, cautioning them against attempting to engage the approximately 20 individuals alone. He emphasized that each of them was highly skilled and powerful, with five of them being genuine assassins from the Scorpion family. He then pointed out the structure of the building, indicating that all present inside were affiliated with the Scorpion family. He concluded by instructing them not to show mercy to anyone.

Afterward, the leader of the young soldiers began to explain the entire plan. In this operation, they would use silenced guns and first needed to ascertain everyone's positions before launching the attack.

The building they were to assault belonged to a Chinese IT company, where all were Chinese nationals with valid visas. Directly confronting them would be difficult due to their legal status, but the presence of Scorpion family members would deter any significant inquiry from the Chinese government.

All were positioned discreetly on the roof of the building facing the IT company. The young leader announced loudly that there were two guards in front of the building armed only with sticks. Inside, there were 20 people. They confirmed that the CEO, manager, and other employees seemed ordinary without any weapons. However, five individuals residing in the topmost room, rented as residents, were armed. Despite appearing as regular employees, they were also members of the Scorpion family. Their plan was to hack the cameras first and show them recorded footage, a task achievable by a member codenamed J5 (Abhimanyu), A1 (Tina), and C1 (the leader).

When Saily offered to handle the hacking, Abhimanyu gestured to her to refrain from doing so.

It was dark outside, and two guards were sitting outside the building, dozing off in their chairs. Suddenly, four shadows emerged, swiftly snapping their necks, ending their duty.

Entering the building, they found some individuals working on computers while others were asleep at their desks. Quietly advancing, they eliminated them all with silenced guns. There were approximately five people present, making it an easy task. Moving up the stairs to the next floor, they found five individuals sleeping on camp beds while five others were still working. Taking aim, they executed all of them simultaneously upon the leader's command.

Reaching the top floor, they encountered a man lounging on a sofa, another doing pushups, and one simply lounging around. Two men were asleep on the floor. The leader fired at the lounging individuals, who, despite being awakened by the noise, were too late to react and were also eliminated. However, the man on the sofa was hit, and as he fell, he managed to alert the others. Sensing danger, they rushed towards another exit, but Abhimanyu and Tina appeared at the other door, guns drawn. Both raised their hands in surrender, but when one of them attempted to disarm Abhimanyu, he retaliated, shooting him down.

The assailant tried to grab Abhimanyu's gun, but Abhimanyu fired back, causing him to fall back towards Tina. The assailant then took advantage of the situation, grabbing Abhimanyu's hand and delivering a blow to Tina's chest, causing her to fall back with him. Seizing the opportunity, the assailant attempted to escape.

The man realized that he needed to eliminate the remaining soldiers to escape. He dashed towards them, dodging their bullets, and pushed two or three of them away. He then snatched a gun from one of them and was about to shoot when their leader intervened, shooting at his gun, causing it to fall away. Seeing this, the man immediately took cover behind the leader, threatening to shoot him if anyone attempted to harm him.

Abhimanyu loudly instructed to let him go, and the man pleaded to be allowed to leave peacefully. Abhimanyu agreed, and the man cautiously approached the stairs, pushing the young soldier ahead of him. As soon as they reached the railing, the man shoved the soldier forward, causing him to fall down the stairs. Taking advantage of the chaos, he quickly descended, and his companions shot at him, but he managed to evade the bullets.

When the leader looked towards Abhimanyu, both he and Tina were gone. They had swiftly entered the room, jumped out of the window onto the balcony, and then leaped down to the ground below. As the man attempted to flee, Abhimanyu delivered a kick, knocking him down, and assumed a defensive stance, ready to confront him further.

Abhimanyu swiftly lunged towards the man, aiming to land a punch, but the man quickly rose and delivered a side kick to Abhimanyu's face, causing him to collide with the building's wall. At that moment, Tina intervened, delivering a kick that sent the man flying. As Abhimanyu regained his footing and approached the man again, he attempted to execute the same move as before, but Abhimanyu dodged it and struck him in the back with a punch.

The fighting style of the Scorpion gang was inspired by gymnastics, making them agile and elusive. Abhimanyu had observed some of Ammy's moves previously, making it challenging to combat this opponent.

Meanwhile, the other young soldiers and their leader arrived at the scene, witnessing Abhimanyu and the assassin engaged in combat. The assassin performed acrobatics, launching a vertical kick towards Abhimanyu's head. Anticipating the follow-up kick, Abhimanyu intercepted it, employing a judo move to redirect the momentum and throw the assassin off balance.

In retaliation, the assassin unleashed a burst of spiritual power towards Abhimanyu's head, but it didn't seem to faze him. Undeterred, Abhimanyu countered with a strike, drawing a slight amount of blood. With a swift motion, he delivered a powerful kick infused with spiritual energy, sending the assassin sprawling unconscious.

Abhimanyu told Tina, "You have to kill him."

Tina asked, "Can I interrogate him?"

Abhimanyu replied, "For interrogation, we have a commander. We have no reason to spare him alive."

Tina agreed and then pulled out a gun, shooting the man.

Abhimanyu then took the body inside the building, setting the entire building on fire and placing a couple of grenades nearby. After a while, the explosions caused by the grenades shook the building, scattering their remains.

Abhimanyu and Tina returned to the building. Tina handed Abhimanyu a uniform.

Abhimanyu then returned to his car with both uniforms and went back to the hotel. He went straight to his room and fell asleep.

The next morning, Abhimanyu had some free time, so he went out for a stroll with Kiran, Praachi, Ammy. However, they all disguised themselves. Abhimanyu and Ammy had taken leave from their school. Abhimanyu accompanied Kiran and Praachi to the airport with their bodyguards, where they boarded their private jet back to Bihar.

All the soldiers assigned to their security returned to their headquarters. Abhimanyu handed the keys to his car to Tripathi's man and then returned to the apartment with Ammy in a taxi.

Ammy asked, "Why do you want to stay in this small apartment when you have such a big hotel?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Because I don't want to disclose that I own a hotel."

Ammy suggested, "But where will I stay? The flat next to our apartment is vacant, you can stay there."

"But I don't have money," Ammy said.

Abhimanyu handed her a card and explained that it contained ten crore rupees, but she should spend it wisely as it's limited.

Ammy then teasingly asked if Abhimanyu was starting to like her, considering he was giving her so much money. She even guessed if it was for Karishma.

Abhimanyu remained silent, prompting Ammy to joke that he must be into Karishma as she noticed their chemistry.

Abhimanyu agreed and told her to go ahead and rent the flat.

Ammy accepted but jokingly remarked that she now felt like a mistress, enjoying Abhimanyu's money.

Ammy returned after a while and said, "Let's go to the apartment now."

They both went to the apartment, and Ammy began to inspect her room. Similar to Abhimanyu's room, it also had two rooms with attached bathrooms, along with a kitchen and living room.

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, I'm going to my room now."

Ammy replied, "But how will I stay in this empty space? I need some belongings."

Abhimanyu then made a phone call and ordered Tripathi to send furniture and household items to the address he provided, enough to furnish a one-bedroom apartment.

Tripathi agreed, saying he would send everything immediately.

Abhimanyu messaged the address to Ammy and said, "There, it's done."

Ammy said, "Alright, until the furniture arrives, I'll stay in your room."

Abhimanyu thought to himself, "I don't know what I'm doing, but I can't really trust this situation."