Chapter 23: Tina in school

Abhimanyu was having breakfast the next day when he and his brother Aakash stepped out, and there stood Ammy in her school uniform.

Aakash asked, "Are you new here?"

Ammy replied, "Yes, I just arrived yesterday."

Aakash inquired, "Who do you live with?"

Ammy said, "I live alone."

Aakash remarked, "You seem to be around 15 or 16 years old. Why do you live alone?"

Ammy explained, "I have no one in this world, so I live alone. The money to stay in this flat was left to me by my parents."

Aakash apologized, "Oh, I am sorry for asking that. But don't worry, you have us now. Come, I think you study at the same school as my brother's. I can drop you there."

Ammy immediately agreed.

Abhimanyu didn't utter a word in the car and they reached the school. Ammy headed to her class while Abhimanyu went to his. That's when he spotted Rohit in a corner, accompanied by his gang and two kids, heading towards a construction site.

Seeing this, Abhimanyu followed them.

On the other side, Rohit and his gang, along with the two kids, entered a room whose construction was almost complete, with only the doors, windows, and some other finishing touches pending, like pipes and electricity.

Rohit said, "You both should have inquired about me when you took admission in this school. You've been here for so long, yet you didn't bother to find out who Rohit Bhai is."

The boy named Rakesh, nervously replied, "I'm sorry, Bhai. I won't do this again."

Rohit retorted, "No, you've started considering yourself a lion too soon. You've already found a girlfriend, so you think you're the king here, right? Isn't that right?"

The girl named gwen pleaded, "Rohit Bhai, please forgive us. We accidentally spilled the apple juice."

Abhimanyu insisted, "Come on, Rohit Bhai, your sister is apologizing to you."

Rohit replied sternly, "Stay out of my affairs, Abhimanyu, and peacefully leave from here."

Abhimanyu asserted, "These are juniors, and I'm their senior. If someone is bothering them, then it concerns me too."

Rohit retorted, "They spilled juice on me."

Abhimanyu responded, "So, in return, why don't you spill something on them? What do you want to achieve by bringing them here?"

Rohit warned, "Stop messing with me, or you'll regret it one day," and walked away from there.

Abhimanyu didn't say a word to them and started walking away.

Gwen asked, what's your name.

Abhimanyu remained silent and left without saying anything.

Gwen praised, "What an attitude! I'm already a fan."

Raakesh intervened, "Let's go from here; you're getting late for class."

Gwen said, "From now on, we're breaking up."

Rakesh responded, "But we haven't even been together for three days."

Gwen replied, "I made you my boyfriend because I thought you were the most powerful, the way you ruled the class. But now I feel there are others here more powerful than you, so it's better to not be your girlfriend."

Then Gwen left him alone and went to class.

Rakesh was watching Gwen angrily.

When Abhimanyu entered the class, everyone was talking about the new principal.

Abhimanyu sat on his bench, and Rohit and Sahil were sitting beside him.

Abhimanyu learned that Mr. Manohar Tyagi had been made the new principal, and Ms. Sangita had become the vice principal, and their class was going to get a new teacher.

Then Kashmira entered the class, and the class proceeded. When it was Ms. Sangita's turn to teach, a new teacher entered the class.

Abhimanyu was looking out the window and didn't pay attention to the new teacher.

The teacher said, "Hello students, I am your new teacher, and my name is Tina. You can all call me Miss Tina."

Abhimanyu was surprised when he heard the name and voice and turned around, because it was indeed the same Tina he knew, the one he had been on a mission with just the night before.

Tina noticed Abhimanyu but didn't say anything.

Karishma also turned to look at Abhimanyu and didn't say anything when she saw his surprised expression.

Tina then proceeded to take everyone's introduction one by one, and after that, she started the class as if she didn't even know Abhimanyu.

After the class, Tina announced that they had a swimming class after lunch, followed by a fitness class, and there wouldn't be any club activities today. Then she left.

Abhimanyu got up to follow her, and Karishma followed him too.

Aliya asked, "Where are you going?"

Karishma replied, "I'll be back in a while."

Saying this, she left the class.

Abhimanyu stopped Tina on the way and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Tina replied, "I had found out that Kapil Mehta had recommended someone here for admission, so I'm investigating that."

Abhimanyu said, "I know who the recommendation was for. You can leave now."

Tina said, "You should have told me all this earlier. Anyway, now that I'm here, I'll stay."

Karishma came over and asked, "How did you get permission to be a teacher?"

Tina replied, "Aakash removed my background and added some praise to my resume. Besides, the police department also helped me. After all, I had caught such a big criminal."

Tina asked, "Who was the admission for?"

At that moment, Abhimanyu saw Ammy approaching.

Abhimanyu gestured towards her and said, "It was for her."

Tina, looking at Ammy, asked, "And who is she?"

Karishma replied, "She's Rita, right?"

Abhimanyu suggested, "Let's find a safer place to talk."

They then found themselves in a closed room for the time being.

Abhimanyu disclosed everything to Tina.

Tina remarked, "So she's a Scorpion member, and you kept this from me."

Abhimanyu defended, "If I wanted to hide it, I wouldn't have told you. We found out about the other locations through her, and she wasn't going to become a member."

Tina observed, "You trust people too quickly."

Abhimanyu countered, "I trusted you, didn't I?"

Tina explained, "My background is different."

Abhimanyu reasoned, "That's why I haven't told anyone about this yet, and I hope both of you won't tell anyone either."

Karishma questioned, "But is this the right thing to do? You're taking a huge risk. You've even told her about your family."

Abhimanyu replied, "Trust me."

Karishma said, "I trust you, but not on this."

Tina agreed, "I feel the same way."

Karishma added, "But I won't say anything about this to anyone for now."

Tina nodded, "I won't either," but then she looked at Ammy and added, "But I'll keep an eye on you."

With that, both of them left.

After they left, Ammy asked, "Why did you tell them about me?"

Abhimanyu replied, "If I hadn't, that girl would have found out on her own. And when she realized you're a member of the Scorpion family, she would have attacked you without a second thought."

Ammy questioned, "Do you trust me now?"

Abhimanyu responded, "Haven't you heard the saying, 'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer'?"

Ammy remarked, "Your words say one thing, but your heart says another. Is this the effect of that kiss?"

Abhimanyu, taken aback, told her to stop talking nonsense, but Ammy, showing audacity, kissed him again.

Abhimanyu was stunned once again.

Ammy, seeing his reaction, placed her lips on his for a moment, but when he realized what was happening, he pushed her away.

Ammy said, "I found your weakness," and then smiled as she walked away.

Abhimanyu muttered to himself, "She's a strange girl," and then, with a smile on his face, he headed to class.

When Abhimanyu entered the class, Sahil said to Rohit, "Bro, we have to do something about this Abhimanyu, otherwise he'll keep interfering in our affairs."

Rohit replied, "You know we can't defeat him."

Sahil insisted, "Bro, maybe you can't, but your dad's goons can definitely take care of him, right?"

Rohit cautioned, "Don't be foolish. Those guys are dangerous. If something happens to him..."

Sahil interrupted, "Come on, boss, since when did you start caring about all these things? Just tell them to teach him a lesson."

Rohit responded, "No, involving them in this wouldn't be right."

As Abhimanyu entered the class, Karishma handed him a sandwich, saying, "Looks like you didn't bring anything."

Abhimanyu started eating the sandwich after unwrapping it.

Suddenly, a boy rushed into the class, saying, "Rohit Bhai, Tinku Chobe and his gang have come to our school, and he's calling you out to settle scores."

Rohit replied, "Tinku Chobe has the audacity? Let's go outside and see."

Tinku Chobe was a notorious kid from another school, known to be even more notorious than Rohit. He was Rahul Chobe's son, who was involved in various illegal activities such as extortion, real estate scams, and occasional contract kidnappings, following in the footsteps of Kapil Mehta's gang. Recently, he had also ventured into the drug trade to expand his influence.

Rohit, accompanied by all his followers, reached outside the school where he started beating up all the kids he could grab, while his guards had already subdued the security guard.

Rohit taunted Tinku, "You won't back down, will you?"

Tinku replied defiantly, "Today's decision will determine who rules this area."

Rohit echoed, "Attack!"

The kids from both groups started fighting each other, attracting the attention of teachers and students. Everyone had already called the police, but it would take about 10 minutes for them to arrive and another 15 minutes for reinforcements.

Sangita was at a loss about what to do. This incident had tarnished the school's reputation just a day after she became the principal. She immediately called the Dean for advice.

The Dean instructed Sangita to gather all the students back to school immediately, threatening to investigate and penalize them if they didn't comply.

Sangita was worried about the safety of the students still outside, but the Dean insisted, so she reluctantly relayed the message to them using a megaphone.

As the students heard the threat of losing exam points, they started returning to their classes. However, some students remained on the field, including Abhimanyu, Karishma, Charu, Aliya, and a few others. Ammy, seeing Abhimanyu, approached him.

Aliya suggested, "Let's go back to class. It's not safe to stay here."

Abhimanyu told her, "You go back to class."

Aliya replied, "If no one is going, then neither am I."

Principal Sangita used the megaphone to announce, "Rohit and all the kids fighting outside, come inside the school now. If you want to fight, do it inside. Otherwise, you'll be investigated."

Upon hearing this, Rohit and the other boys hurried inside, while the rest of the kids followed suit without a second thought.

Seeing all the kids back inside, Sangita instructed the guards to close the main gate.

Abhimanyu approached Sangita and offered, "Ma'am, if you want, I can stop this fight."

Sangita replied, "No, Abhimanyu. I can't allow you to resort to violence. Handling this is the teachers' responsibility."

Tina, who was nearby, asked if she could do something. Sangita, surprised, questioned what Tina, a new teacher, could do.

With a smile, Tina headed towards the fight.

Sangita exclaimed, "Is she crazy?"

Abhimanyu warned, "The condition of the kids involved in the fight will deteriorate soon."

Sangita asked, "Why do you say that?"

Abhimanyu remained silent, just smiling.

Tina intervened in the fight, grabbing both Tinku Chobe and Rohit by their collars and throwing them to the ground, causing the other kids to freeze in shock.

Tina announced, "Anyone else who wants to fight, come forward before the police arrive."

The kids were startled by Tina's actions and started shouting for the police.

Tina warned them, "You're creating a scene in another school. You'll face consequences."

Frightened, the kids attempted to flee, but a few police officers arrived. However, they couldn't catch them all, as there were more than 50 kids, and the police force was limited to only five officers. Tinku Chobe was the only one they managed to apprehend, while the others were let off with a warning as they were from the same school and had been attacked earlier.

Police didn't say anything to them, but Principal Sangita punished them by making them stand with their hands raised until the end of the school day.

Rohit and all the boys obediently stood with their hands raised, while Abhimanyu and the other kids headed to their swimming class.

Abhimanyu asked, "Why is Rohit accepting this punishment so sincerely?"

Karishma replied, "I don't know."

In reality, Rohit's mother and Sangita were close friends. Rohit's mother, Drishti, hailed from Punjab and had married Kapil Mehta. However, she didn't like his business, so she divorced him and started living separately. Rohit lived with Drishti but sometimes stayed with Kapil Mehta, which Drishti disliked because Rohit's behavior deteriorated in his company. Whenever complaints reached Sangita, she punished Rohit at home as well. While the previous principal could control the situation, Sangita's authority left him with no choice but to silently accept the punishment to prevent his mother from hearing about it.

The Scorpion Family's headquarters was destroyed overnight in a secret operation, causing chaos in neighboring countries.

The neighboring country's government was alarmed, questioning how seven Chinese companies were coincidentally set on fire. The Indian Prime Minister clarified that they weren't claiming responsibility, but many individuals found at the scene were linked to the Scorpion Family.

The neighboring country's Prime Minister was surprised to hear about the Scorpion Family's involvement and suggested another gang might be targeting them, possibly even targeting some of India's locations.

After the video conference ended, the Indian Prime Minister instructed Ramakant that the Scorpion Family would go to any lengths, especially now that they likely knew their Commander was in Indian custody.

Army Chief Ravinder Narayan, who was overseeing the entire military command despite being relatively young, was present. Abhimanyu's grandfather was a retired Army Chief and currently served as the chief of the Bihar headquarters, while also managing the family's estates. Although Ramakant hadn't retired from the army, he was involved in managing the Delhi headquarters and the school while leading a group of young soldiers. Ravindra Narayan was familiar with all the young soldiers but kept their identities confidential.

Ravindra Narayan said, "I didn't like that they sent those kids on this mission without consulting us. They weren't an ordinary group, fighting them wasn't easy."

Ramakant replied, "If Abhimanyu wasn't there, I wouldn't have sent them, but the Bihar Army chief said he was capable for this mission, so he must be sent. And there was another member with him who was quite capable. Our soldier's report said that both of them had fought and defeated the leader there."

Ravindra Narayan knew that the girl wasn't part of the young soldiers, but he had no idea who she was.

Army chief Narayan said, "In the future, don't send our young soldiers on such dangerous missions. They're not ready yet to handle big missions."

Meanwhile, in a room, Kapil Mehta was talking on the phone, "Yes, boss. He was captured by the army the other day. And that night, all the headquarters of the family got attacked."

For a while, there was silence on the other end of the phone.

Kapil continued, "But, boss, not everyone escaped in that attack."

After a brief pause, there was some noise from the other end, and then the phone got disconnected.

Kapil remarked, "They trust their commander so much that he won't say anything."

Meanwhile, in Aakash's office, a constable came in and said, "Sir, a telegram has arrived for you." After handing over the telegram, the constable went to Bhawna's desk and gave her another telegram before leaving.

Aakash didn't open the telegram and asked, "Who was that?"

Another officer replied, "I don't know, never seen him at the station before."

Aakash stopped Bhawna from losing the telegram and then inquired about the constable, but nobody knew who he was. All they had was the telegram, and even the CCTV didn't capture his face.

Aakash thoroughly checked the telegram first, and when he found nothing suspicious, he opened it. Bhawna also opened it, and inside was a letter informing them that they had been selected for an exam, which was part of the recruitment process for the Intelligence Bureau.

Aakash and Bhawna were thrilled to receive the letter, which contained the exam date and address. The exam was scheduled for the next day, and the exam location was nearby.

When the Deputy Commissioner of Police heard the news, he called them to his office and wished them the best of luck for the selection exam.

Meanwhile, in Spain, a man was swimming with some girls in a private villa's pool. The girls were wearing bikinis. Among them was a woman, the most beautiful of them all, with a perfect figure. She asked the man, Charles, if they could go to a room. She was a local from Spain, and the man was Charles, a powerful Mafia leader from France who was involved in various illegal activities worldwide.

Charles was accompanied by four girls, and upon her request, one of the girls who was very close to him approached.

The girl glanced at the bodyguards who were standing nearby. There were about 20 guards present, easily visible around them.

The girl, in a flirtatious tone, showed her cleavage and said, "If you come to the room, I promise you'll feel the best emotions. We can't be comfortable here."

Charles tried to peek at her cleavage and greedily agreed, "Okay, let's go to the room."

They all started moving inside the villa and reached Charles's room. They were still wearing only bikinis, with their curves on display.

One girl approached Charles and began kissing him. Meanwhile, the girl who insisted on entering brought five glasses and a bottle of wine, which was already in the room.

She served wine in everyone's glass, including herself. After serving, she drank the wine from her glass, and the other girls followed suit. Seeing this, Charles also drank the wine.

Charles then removed the bra of the first girl and started touching her, kissing her. But gradually, her eyes began to close, and the other girls present there also started closing their eyes.

The girl checked Charles's pulse and then, with a pin, pricked the neck of a bodyguard standing outside in the backyard, rendering him unconscious. She then dressed herself and left the place.

At that moment, she was in a car, and she placed her hand close to someone, removing a mask from her face, revealing a silicon mask. She then took off her wig, and her face now looked like an Indian.

She was in the car with a Spanish driver, who also removed his mask, revealing himself to be Indian as well.

The girl said, "Let's go to the airport." Her name was Riya Mathur, a member of the Indian secret army, The Night Demons.