Chapter 29:Delhi to Mumbai

Abhimanyu asked, "Brother, what would be the price of this restaurant?"

Samarth replied, "Considering the surrounding area and everything, at least 40 crores, but if it were to be auctioned, maybe 60 crores. Even then, the owner might not want to sell it for anything less than 100 crores."

Abhimanyu pondered, "So, this guy has 100 crores?"

Vayu and the others chuckled upon hearing Abhimanyu's question.

Rakesh retorted, "I don't have 100 crores, so what? My family does. They could buy this restaurant in a snap. But you don't even have enough to pay the bill here."

Ammy turned her head towards Rakesh and said, "Whether he has the money to pay the bill or not, what's it to you?"

Rakesh replied, "Well, it's a matter of status."

Abhimanyu didn't say anything in response. He preferred to stay in a playful mood. He never boasted about his wealth because his family never taught him to. If Abhimanyu wanted, he could buy this restaurant alone, with his own money, but he remained calm.

After finishing their meal, when the bill arrived, Samarth called the waiter and took out a card. A waiter came to their table and said, "Sir?"

Samarth said, "Bring the card machine, brother."

The waiter replied, "Sir, your meal is free of cost, on the house."

Samarth asked, "Why?"

The waiter explained, "We were instructed by our manager not to charge you."

Samarth asked, "Who's the manager? Call him here."

After a while, the manager arrived, and Samarth asked him why their meal was free.

The manager replied, "Sir, the owner instructed us to give you a complimentary meal because there is an important person seated at your table."

Samarth inquired, "Who's the important person?"

The manager confessed, "I don't even know."

Samarth said, "Alright, then I need to speak with the owner."

Rakesh joked, "Just let it go. They probably gave you the meal for free thinking you're poor."

Abhimanyu asked, "Who's the owner of this place?"

The manager responded, "Mr. Shivam Shukla."

Abhimanyu felt a sense of familiarity with the name. Then he remembered that Shivam Shukla was also the name of Tripathi's left hand.

Abhimanyu asked Karishma, "Isn't Shivam Shukla your dad's friend?" and than he signal karishma to nod in agreement.

Karishma nodded, "Yes, he might be the one."

Abhimanyu then told Samarth to leave the bill and leave the place.

Gwen asked as they were leaving, "By the way, are you coming to the party?"

Ammy replied, "We don't have time tomorrow."

After Karishma left, Ammy moved to the front seat.

Saily was virtually present there and said, "Hey, I'm sitting here. You can't see me!" Then she moved aside and sat on Abhimanyu's lap, saying, "This seat is better."

Abhimanyu asked, "Are you feeling anything?"

Saily replied, "No, but I'm having fun."

Ammy asked, "What kind of feeling?"

Abhimanyu responded, "The feeling of sitting ahead."

Ammy said, "If we're going to Mumbai, I need to go shopping. I don't have enough clothes."

Abhimanyu replied, "You have the card."

Ammy said, "What's the point of giving me the card? You have to come with me anyway. Besides, your future wife has already given us permission to stay together."

Saily interjected, "And who's going to ask me for permission? I'm his virtual girlfriend."

Abhimanyu conceded, "Alright, let's go."

During the night, Abhimanyu received a call from his grandfather.

Grandfather said as soon as the call was picked up, "I heard you're going to Mumbai tomorrow."

Abhimanyu confirmed, "Yes, there's a competition."

Grandfather continued, "Alright, I'm assigning you a new mission."

Abhimanyu inquired, "What kind of mission?"

Grandfather explained, "There's an event happening at Green Palace in Mumbai on Sunday. Someone has kidnapped the daughter of the event's organizers and is threatening to kill her if they don't cancel the event. Even if the police get involved, they might not hesitate to harm her. We're secretly looking for her, and we've also deployed a team of young soldiers for this task. But I want you to find her too."

Abhimanyu asked, "Who's the organizer of this event?"

Grandfather replied, "He's the son of my friend, Ravish Kapoor, and his daughter's name is Nitya."

Abhimanyu exclaimed, "Ravish Kapoor of Mumbai's Kapoor family? He's one of the top families there, no one can mess with them. How can they not find their daughter? It's impossible."

Grandfather explained, "They are searching for her secretly, but they haven't found any leads yet. This matter is on a slightly larger scale. I'll also be there by tomorrow, and I'll stay at Kapoor Mansion. I'll send the rest of the details to Saily."

Abhimanyu added, "Grandfather, I also wanted to ask you about Saily."

Grandfather replied, "You want to know why she appears like a human?"

Abhimanyu asked, "How do you know?"

Grandfather said, "We'll talk about it later, but for now, remember that protecting Saily is also your responsibility. No one else should know about this. Remember that." Then he hung up.

Saily remarked, "See, he said he's protecting you and taking care of me."

Abhimanyu said, "You really don't know anything."

Saily replied, "I know that Dr. Rustam created me. I also know how he looks, but other than that, I don't remember anything."

Abhimanyu remarked, "From Grandfather's words, I felt like there's a big secret behind this." With that, he lay down on his bed. Saily virtually hugged him and said, "There's no point in thinking about it now."

Meanwhile, in a container in a harbor in Mumbai, a girl was tied up tightly, with her hands, legs, and mouth bound. Four men were playing cards nearby.

One of them said, "Boss, do you think Kapoor will listen to us?"

Another replied, "He'll definitely listen until his daughter is with us. After all, he won't risk his daughter's life for a 500 crore deal."

The third man interjected, "But brother, if he finds us..."

The first man said confidently, "How will he find us? We'll be locked in this container for three days. No one knows about this container. We don't even have a device to track us. We have enough food and wine supplies inside, and there's even a toilet room in this container. So, there's no chance of getting out. No one will suspect a thing."

The second man sarcastically remarked, "Three days locked in a container with a girl..."

The first man grabbed him and said fiercely, "Don't even think about it. If she gets hurt, our boss will shoot us first, then our families. Nitya is a beautiful 16-year-old girl whom these people abducted from school, where there's little to no security. She wasn't used to all this. She always stayed with her bodyguards and never even set foot on the ground like a princess. Now, she's locked in a container with these people and is very scared and worried."

The next day, Abhimanyu and Ammy headed to the headquarters to return the car and than Riya dropped them at airport. Abhimanyu and Ammy went inside the airport, where everyone else had also gathered. They checked in and boarded the plane, taking their seats.

Abhi was reviewing the details of the case during the flight.

Nitya Kapoor was always seen surrounded by bodyguards and was pampered with great care. She is the granddaughter of Ramesh Kapoor, and besides her, there is no heir to the Kapoor Corporation. Nitya was born after a long time, and she is very well taken care of. The Kapoor family was already powerful, but after Nitya's arrival, their business flourished, and they became one of the top 10 richest families in India. Despite her profile, Nitya has no friends because she was never allowed to go out with anyone or attend birthday parties.

After reading all this, Abhimanyu thought to himself, "She's almost like me, just a little different."

Nitya is in the 11th grade, and yesterday, when she was in her class, a peon came and informed her that the principal wanted to see her in his office. Since then, she has been missing. The peon was not part of the school staff, and no one recognized him. All CCTV footage was deleted, and no footage was recorded from the surrounding cameras. Besides this, there are no other clues.

Abhimanyu looked at Nitya's picture again. She looked very innocent, just like Praachi.

Ammy then said, "I'll be back from the bathroom," and got up to go to the bathroom. Abhimanyu saw this as an opportunity and asked Saily how long the school's footage was not recorded for.

Saily replied, "Almost half an hour, and besides that, the footage of the surrounding 2 kilometers was also not recorded."

Abhimanyu then instructed her to list the cars parked there during that time, even after the footage was recovered.

Saily quickly prepared a list with over 100 cars.

Abhimanyu immediately messaged his grandfather to collect the dashcam footage of all those cars.

His grandfather replied that they had already collected footage from several cars present there and would send it soon, as they were still collecting more.

Abhimanyu's grandfather sent him all the footage.

Abhimanyu then instructed Saily to create a virtual scene using all the footage, positioning the cars according to their timestamps.

Saily found it easy and arranged all the cars' positions based on the footage from the CCTV cameras, creating the virtual scene accordingly.

Just then, Ammy returned from the bathroom.

Abhimanyu asked, "Are you okay? You look a bit unwell."

Ammy replied, "Oh no, it's just my first time sitting in a plane."

Abhimanyu then started carefully examining all the footage, but he couldn't find anything significant.

He slowly controlled the virtual world with his hands and began to focus on the footage of the road nearby.

He signaled to fast forward the video and then said slowly, "In these past few hours, anything that passed through here, separate their clips and make a list."

Abhimanyu instructed Saily to display all the information one by one on the screen.

For an hour, Abhimanyu went through all the details, but nothing seemed amiss. His head was spinning when he noticed a truck passing through the area.

He asked, "Does a truck usually pass through this route?"

Saily replied, "Normally, trucks don't pass through here, but occasionally one might."

Abhimanyu then asked her to analyze the footage of all the areas and determine when the truck entered the area.

After a while, Saily said, "The truck entered the area around 8 a.m. yesterday and left when the footage was deleted."

Abhimanyu thought to himself, "I have a 99% suspicion that they used this truck to transport her."

He then asked for details about the truck.

Saily provided the details. It was a truck from Hussain Transport, currently transporting fruit crates.

Abhimanyu inquired, "From where to where?"

Saily replied, "From a fruit company warehouse near the school to the harbor."

Abhimanyu realized, "So, the truck didn't go for its usual work. I need to investigate thoroughly."

He then asked if any ships were scheduled to pick up their cargo from the harbor.

Saily replied, "No, there's no ship scheduled for today."

Abhimanyu queried, "Do they have another warehouse there?"

Saily explained, "They do have a warehouse there, but they went directly to the harbor and loaded the containers."

Abhimanyu suggested, "Should we inspect that container?"

Saily expressed doubts, stating that everyone was already searching for Nitya, and investigating the container might be futile.

Abhimanyu decided to investigate the other missing cars during the same timeframe.

Saily provided details of five stolen cars, which had been reported to the police the previous evening.

Abhimanyu speculated that it seemed like the work of an organized group.

Saily suggested tracking the last known locations of the stolen cars.

Abhimanyu agreed but expressed doubts about the group being involved in the kidnapping.

Saily proposed that perhaps the group wanted their attention diverted towards the stolen cars.

Abhimanyu considered the possibility and decided to track the group's location.

Abhimanyu arrived at the workshop, where several cars were being serviced. Upon entering, he approached a man and asked to meet the owner.

The man scrutinized Abhimanyu and questioned his purpose.

Abhimanyu explained that he needed some information from the owner.

The man asked about the nature of the information.

Abhimanyu mentioned the five stolen cars purchased by them the previous evening.

Upon hearing this, the man became aggressive, ready to strike Abhimanyu. But Abhimanyu swiftly grabbed his hand, twisted it, and pushed him away.

Abhimanyu asserted, "I need to meet the owner right now!"

The commotion caught the attention of others in the workshop. Some workers paused their tasks to watch the unfolding scene.

Abhimanyu swiftly defended himself again as the man attempted to attack him once more. This time, Abhimanyu managed to deliver a blow to the man's head with the car's bonnet, causing a trickle of blood to appear.

The commotion escalated, drawing more attention from the workshop staff.

As the remaining workers attempted to assault Abhimanyu with whatever tools they had, Abhimanyu dodged their attacks and, without using his strength, was smashing objects around and hitting their heads with them. After five minutes, all the workers were injured. At that moment, the owner of the place, Ratik Pathan, arrived and, upon seeing the condition of his men, became angry. However, he was even more surprised to see a boy involved in the brawl. He asked his men why he provided them with food and drink if they were going to lose to a boy.

Abhimanyu told him that he just needed some information.

Pathan asked what information he wanted.

Abhimanyu asked him whether his men were the ones who bought the five cars yesterday evening or if they were just ordinary thieves.

Pathan said if he wanted information, he would have to beat him.

Abhimanyu said, "That's fine."

Pathan and Abhimanyu slowly walked towards each other, looking like a mouse fighting an elephant. Pathan was like a wrestler, wearing a black Pathani kurta, black glasses, and a thick gold chain. He really looked like a gangster from a Hindi movie, and his mustache was impressive.

Pathan got angry and tried to attack Abhimanyu, who calmly dodged his blows. Pathan tried to attack him four or five times out of anger, but Abhimanyu dodged them all.

Abhimanyu then asked Pathan if he had enough strength.

Pathan got angry at this and started to show off his wrestling skills. Abhimanyu felt some spiritual energy in Pathan's wrestling, but it seemed like Pathan couldn't control it himself, and these are the people who don't know about spiritual energy.

Abhimanyu thought to himself that he didn't expect Pathan to be such a good wrestler.

Pathan then tried to grab Abhimanyu's legs to throw him, but Abhimanyu suddenly jumped into the air and, while jumping, hit Pathan's legs with a blow.

Pathan said, "I've never seen such a wrestling technique in my entire life."

Abhimanyu said, "Because I haven't only practiced wrestling."

Pathan said, "But with this body, you won't be able to defeat me in wrestling."

Abhimanyu said, "Let's see." Pathan tried to run away, but Abhimanyu jumped again, hit him with a blow, and threw him on the ground again. He said, "How many times should I throw you?"

Pathan said, "Okay, I lost. Tell me, what do you want to know?"

Abhimanyu said, "Were those thieves your men?"

Pathan said, "Yes, they were my men."

Abhimanyu asked him if he had done this on someone else's order.

Pathan said, "A private number called, and ten lakhs were transferred to my account just to steal those cars, and we could also keep the cars."

Abhimanyu asked who it was.

Pathan said he didn't know; the voice sounded computer-generated, so he recorded the call.

Abhimanyu said he needed that recording and the account details.

Abhimanyu said, "You lost your business just for ten lakhs because that person wanted to divert the police's attention."

Pathan said if it were that easy to catch them, they wouldn't have been here for so long.

Pathan gave Abhimanyu what he needed, and Abhimanyu left.

Before leaving, Pathan asked for his name.

Abhimanyu said, "Abhimanyu," and left.

Abhimanyu then listened to the recording and asked Saily to find out whose account it was.

Here's the translation of the provided text:

"Just then, the police arrived at the workshop, and Abhimanyu managed to escape from there.

Abhimanyu asked Saily if she had any information about the location of the remaining cars.

Saily presented all the details in front of him, revealing that all the cars had been found somewhere in the city, except one which had headed towards the jungle.

Abhimanyu said that the car heading to the jungle could also be significant.

Saily asked if he would go there too.

Abhimanyu said for now, he would leave the rest to others; after all, he couldn't do everything himself.

Abhimanyu then headed for the harbor.

Half an hour later, he reached the harbor and saw many containers there.

Abhimanyu thought that this place would be suitable for kidnapping someone.

He started wandering around the containers slowly, searching for the specific one, but there were many containers belonging to Hussain Transport in that port.

Just then, Saily said she could compare all these containers. Paint was scraped off at different places on each container, and the color of some had faded.

Abhimanyu said it's possible they might have shifted it to another container, so they needed to check all the containers.

Just then, a man came there and shouted, asking what Abhimanyu was doing there.

Abhimanyu said he was looking for his friend who had been missing since morning.

The man said he had no friend here and asked him to leave.

Abhimanyu retorted, asking if the harbor belonged to his father.

The man said yes, it belonged to his employer, Mr. Hussain.

Abhimanyu asked who Hussain was.

The man said he was too young to know about him and asked him to leave or else.

Abhimanyu said he would find his friend and then leave.

The man insisted there was nothing wrong there and mentioned that a ship was about to arrive soon, so his employer had forbidden anyone from wandering around.

Fearing, the man said there was nothing wrong here. Abhimanyu replied firmly, "There must be something fishy here." He then grabbed the man's arm and twisted it, demanding to know what was wrong.

The man, flustered, said there was nothing wrong here, and his employer had prohibited anyone from wandering around here as a ship was about to arrive soon."

Abhimanyu then pinched his vein and made him unconscious.

Then he continued forward.

Just then, Saily said she had found the container.

Abhimanyu went to the container and listened carefully without making any noise.

He could hear some noises from inside, but they weren't clear.

Abhimanyu went near the gate of the container and knocked.

A man came to the gate, and Abhimanyu said he was sent by the boss to inform that the container would now go into the sea by ship, and someone else had been asked to stay here.

The man hesitated for a moment, then opened the door, and there stood Abhimanyu. Upon seeing him, the woman who was tied inside looked frightened upon hearing about going into the sea.

The man asked who Abhimanyu was, as he hadn't seen him before.

Abhimanyu confidently said he hadn't been seen before, but now he would be seen because he had joined the gang just yesterday.

The man jokingly asked when children started joining their gang.

Abhimanyu retorted, asking if one needed a degree to join the gang now.

The man chuckled and said one needed more than just a degree, like being involved in crime and violence.

Abhimanyu grabbed his head and repeatedly hit it against the container until blood started oozing out, and he passed out.

Abhimanyu said, "This much bloodshed is enough."