Chapter 30: Energy pill

Seeing this, the other goons got up from their places.

Abhimanyu nervously said, "Don't be afraid, brother, he's still alive. I was just proving that I'm also worthy of joining the gang."

One of the goons said, "But our plan was something else."

Abhimanyu replied, "The boss has changed the plan. Now, this girl will be taken far from the harbor on a ship so that Kapoor can never find her."

The goon asked, "Who's going to stay here for the switch?"

Abhimanyu said, "They've sent me."

The man asked, "You mean the boss will send a kid for the switch?"

Abhimanyu retorted, "What kind of demo do you need from me?"

One of the goons said, "He's talking too much. Seems like he needs to be taught a lesson."

The goon signaled him to stay quiet and started calling their boss.

Abhimanyu whispered to Saily, "Jam the signals here."

After trying for a while, the goon realized his phone had no network.

He said, "I'll go out and try calling the boss."

He left the container.

After he left, Abhimanyu approached Nitya.

The man said, "Stop right there. Who told you to move forward?"

Abhimanyu said, "Are you trying to fool me by taking me lightly? I must have shed ten times more blood than you have."

He then approached Nitya and said, "What a beauty you are! I promise, once the job is done, I'll make you my girlfriend, and don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you."

Abhimanyu wiped her tears and said, "Nitya, I'll remove this bandage from your mouth. Maybe you have something to say."

The man replied angrily, "Are you showing sympathy now? Who knows why the boss called this kid here."

Another man said, "Let him be a kid, he's of the same age as this girl. He might get some consolation."

Another goon agreed, "Yes, he'll remain a kid."

Abhimanyu warned them, "Say one more word, and I'll bury you alive."

One of them said, "This kid is causing too much trouble."

Just then, the man who went to make the call returned and said, "There's no signal here."

One of the men asked, "What should we do now?"

The man replied, "We'll also go on the ship."

Abhimanyu asked, "So, you guys don't trust me?"

The man said, "I've just seen you for the first time. How can I trust you?"

Abhimanyu said, "Yes, you're right."

Saying this, Abhimanyu began to remove the bandage from Nitya's mouth.

The man asked, "What are you doing?"

Abhimanyu replied, "She needs to say something. Judging by her condition, it seems like you haven't even given her food. It's the first time you've kidnapped a rich girl. The boss said to take care of her."

The man said, "We were just told that nothing should happen to this girl."

Abhimanyu sarcastically remarked, "So, you're just going to let her starve to death, right?"

One of the goons said, "Bro, he's been insulting us for a while now."

The man signaled him to stay quiet.

As soon as Abhimanyu removed the bandage from Nitya's mouth, she tearfully pleaded, "Please let me go. My father will give you a lot of money, just let me go."

Abhimanyu said, "We don't waste our time chasing after your father's money. Do you know how hard it is to earn money?"

Nitya asked, "Then what do you want? Just tell me, and my father will give it to you."

Abhimanyu replied, "We'll get what we want. Until then, you have to stay with us. I promise to take care of you during this journey."

Nitya fell silent after hearing this.

Abhimanyu then said, "I've heard that you've never set foot on the ground."

Nitya nodded slightly.

Abhimanyu apologized, "I'm sorry. Because of us, you have to stay in this iron container."

Nitya was just looking at Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu continued, "These people don't know how to behave with a princess. They only know violence and thuggery. But don't be afraid of them because the more you show fear, the more they'll intimidate you."

Nitya asked him, "But aren't you also a thug?"

Abhimanyu replied, "It's a necessity. Sometimes, you have to do wrong things for survival. You have to sacrifice someone's life for a meal. If you try to work honestly, they won't keep you employed, fearing the police. Every thug isn't born a thug; the world forces them into it."

One of the goons said, "Bro, he's speaking from the heart."

Another man said, "I'm starting to believe him."

Their leader said, "Enough nonsense." Then they loaded their container onto the ship.

Nitya was very scared seeing this.

Abhimanyu held her hand and said, "Don't worry, I'm here."

Nitya didn't say anything.

After the container was loaded onto the ship, the ship began to sail away from the harbor.

The man said, "Let's get out now. We were tired of staying in this container anyway." As soon as the man opened the door, commandos with guns aimed at them were standing in front. Although the ship belonged to Hussain Transport, at this moment, the commandos had taken control of the ship and were leading it in another direction.

The leader of the goons said to Abhimanyu, "You betrayed us!"

Abhimanyu, with his hands raised, replied, "How would I know what's happening here? The boss said the container would be loaded onto the ship. Look, this ship also belongs to them."

At that moment, the commandos instructed everyone to come out. With all the goons and Abhimanyu with his hands raised, they came out.

Two commandos went inside and cut the ropes from Nitya's hands and feet, bringing her out.

The commandos said, "Take these goons to the others and interrogate the child."

The goons' leader warned Abhimanyu, "If you open your mouth, you'll regret it."

Abhimanyu replied, "If I don't tell them, these people will beat us badly, and I don't want to be beaten."

The commando angrily told the goon to move forward silently.

The officer in charge then began to take Abhimanyu and Nitya in the helicopter, and as they boarded, it started moving in a direction.

Meanwhile, soldiers were still advancing on the ship, heading in the direction that had been decided.

Some people at the harbor said, "Boss, the container has been shifted to the ship."

One soldier still had his gun aimed at Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu asked him, "Am I going to jump into the air and escape? Why don't you lower your gun?"

The soldier replied, "Stop your nonsense. You're probably with those goons too. Who knows why the commander brought you along?"

Abhimanyu didn't say anything and told Nitya, "Looks like I'm going to jail now."

Nitya asked, "If I give you a job, will you leave this world of crime?"

Abhimanyu replied, "But I'm going to jail."

Nitya said, "I'll talk to my dad about you."

Abhimanyu chuckled and said, "You're such a naive girl. You don't even know anything about me yet."

The soldier warned him, "Sit quietly, or else you'll regret it. Remember, you're just a kid."

After a while, the helicopter landed at a military base in Mumbai, where all the soldiers were already present.

As they got off the helicopter, Nitya saw her father, Ravish Kapoor, standing there and immediately ran to hug him.

Walking calmly toward them, Abhimanyu commented, "This place is absolutely fantastic, all shiny and polished."

Abhimanyu's grandfather was also there, and he said, "Stop using your street language."

Abhimanyu replied, "This is how I talk. If you have a problem with it, I can't do anything about it."

His grandfather said, "It seems you need a punishment."

Abhimanyu retorted, "I gobble up punishment like butter."

His grandfather decided, "Fine, your punishment is to be Nitya's bodyguard for a week."

Abhimanyu protested, "What are you saying? I have work tomorrow."

His grandfather insisted, "You'll do this job from the day after tomorrow. Nitya will stay at headquarters."

Ravish said, "But uncle, this boy..."

His grandfather interrupted, "This is my grandson, Abhimanyu Pratap Singh, who found Nitya."

Ravish realized that his uncle was serious and said, "You're Abhimanyu? Your grandfather speaks highly of you. I used to think he exaggerated, but now it seems he understated."

Nitya expressed her surprise, "You're not a goon."

Abhimanyu replied, "What did you think, item?"

His grandfather slapped him lightly and said, "Stay in character."

Abhimanyu replied, "As long as I'm in Mumbai, this is the character I'll stay in. Do you have a problem with that, old man?"

Nitya said in amazement, "Your acting was so convincing that I thought you were really with them."

Abhimanyu admitted, "My acting skills aren't that great yet. I need to learn more."

Abhimanyu then said, "But grandfather, I have to return to Delhi the day after tomorrow."

His grandfather replied, "You can go back after a week."

Abhimanyu couldn't say anything to that.

Ravish said, "But uncle, you're not putting Abhimanyu in danger. Those people just wanted to kidnap Nitya, but they could also harm Abhimanyu."

His grandfather assured, "Don't worry about that. I'll deploy some soldiers."

His grandfather told Abhimanyu, "Until we gather all the evidence and solve this case, you have to guard Nitya."

Abhimanyu agreed, "Okay, old man, I'll follow your orders."

Nitya smiled and said, "Now you've got a job."

Abhimanyu asked, "How much will my salary be?"

Ravish replied, "1 lakh per day."

Abhimanyu asked his grandfather, "Am I only worth 1 lakh?"

His grandfather retorted, "Do you want me to give you my property?"

His grandfather said, "Alright, you go back to the hotel now. We'll handle the rest."

Meanwhile, in another part of the harbor, a man who had been unconscious suddenly regained consciousness. He rushed to everyone and said, "A boy came here and made me unconscious."

Another man suggested that he might have had a dream or had too much to drink.

The man checked his body and found no injuries, leading him to think that it might have been a dream. Additionally, the CCTV footage showed no sign of any boy in the area.

When Abhimanyu returned to the hotel, Ammy was still awake. She asked him why he was wandering alone.

Abhimanyu replied, "I went on a mission, and going alone was necessary."

Ammy said, "Okay, anyway, you're the boss."

Abhimanyu then went to his bed and fell asleep.

The next morning, they arrived at the location of the event where the competition was going to take place. This time, the streamers were acting as judges, but the commentators had changed. The final battlefield match started soon, and this time, the top Indian teams were participating. The Agrasen Lions team seemed very serious this time, as if they were not playing a game but were in a real battlefield. Abhimanyu's strategies were so deadly that one by one, all the teams were eliminated. The Agrasen Lions won this eSports India tournament, and now, everyone was hopeful for the world-level competition in December. After this tournament, Abhimanyu, Vayu, Samarth, and Ammy became very famous. The prize money for this tournament was around 25 lakh rupees, which they planned to divide among themselves later, after setting aside some for the team's management. Additionally, they received tickets for another event happening that evening. Abhimanyu was a bit surprised to see the ticket because it was for the launch of a new version of a medicine by the Kapoor Corporation, which provided people with a lot of energy. People were eagerly waiting for the launch, as they had already placed orders for this new version. However, there was another reason behind the kidnapping plan for Kapoor's daughter. It was due to their enmity with a business tycoon in Goa who wanted to disrupt the Kapoor family's business by kidnapping their daughter and later marrying his son to her, aiming to gain control of the Kapoor business and assets legally. Kapoor needed some time to negotiate, so Abhimanyu was asked by his grandfather to be Nitya's bodyguard in the meantime.

Vayu said, "Bro, they're giving free samples of energy pills at this launch. How cool is that?"

Sanjay suggested, "Let's go back to the hotel, freshen up, and then head to the event. I heard that VIPs and celebrities of all kinds will be there."

Ammy remarked, "We are celebrities now too."

Sanjay responded, "You guys are, but we're just your teammates."

Abhimanyu added, "You guys are celebrities too now. People haven't seen you play yet, but when we stream, you'll see how much your fan following grows."

Then they all went back to the hotel, changed their clothes, and headed to the event where the launch of the medicine was scheduled to take place.

Abhimanyu and the others had normal tickets, so they had to sit in the back rows. However, some people were still noticing them, and some girls were even live-streaming the event on social media.

Vayu suggested that they should also start streaming since they had become quite famous now.

Suddenly, a girl who was streaming received messages on her screen saying "Agrasen lions, Agrasen lions." Their faces had briefly appeared on her screen, indicating that they had become famous recently due to their gaming skills. She asked her audience who the Agrasen lions were, and after receiving a video link from one of her viewers showing them gaming aggressively, she approached Abhimanyu's team to interview them.

Her name was Priya, and she asked them when they had started gaming so well. Vayu explained that while they had been playing for a long time, three new members had recently joined their team: Black demon, Delhi's ghost (Samarth), and Abhimanyu's girlfriend, who had started playing just a few days ago.

Priya was surprised that a girl who had started playing just a few days ago could play so well. She received mixed comments on her stream, with some praising the team and others questioning Abhimanyu's skills and relationships. Priya then turned the camera to Ammy and asked about Abhimanyu.

Ammy jokingly said that Abhimanyu was her crush, but he ignored her advances.

Some viewers commented on Ammy's beauty and questioned why Abhimanyu was ignoring her. Others criticized Abhimanyu for not appreciating the love of a girl.

Ammy defended Abhimanyu, saying that he was sweet and listened to her, Ammy insisted that Abhimanyu was a good person and her close friend.

As the audience continued to comment, asking why Abhimanyu wasn't choosing Ammy and other questions, Ammy suggested that she would answer those questions on another day during their stream. She encouraged the audience to keep watching their stream, as they might find their answers there.

However, when someone commented that Black demon was actually Abhimanyu, the comments flooded in even more. Priya then turned the camera towards Abhimanyu and asked for his thoughts on the matter.

Abhimanyu responded by saying that their relationship and what the future holds is currently complicated. He invited the audience to watch their stream daily from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., starting from Tuesday, apologizing for not being able to stream until then as he would be staying in Mumbai for another week due to some work commitments.

Upon hearing that Abhimanyu would be staying in Mumbai, everyone, including Ammy, was surprised. She asked if she should stay too, but Abhimanyu declined, saying he would be back safely by the next week.

As the event concluded, Priya resumed streaming the event.

As Ridhima Sinha took the stage, she captivated the audience with her eloquence and grace. Priya, who was seated nearby, introduced Ridhima to the audience, praising her as the face of Kapoor Corporation and her personal role model for achieving success through her skills and hard work.

Ridhima began speaking about the new features of the energy pills, highlighting their benefits for those who work hard and need to stay energized. She emphasized the difference between these pills and others in the market, explaining how they tap into the spiritual energy within the body to provide long-lasting stamina.

During her presentation, a man in the audience raised his hand and asked if he could break stones after taking the pill. Ridhima clarified that while martial artists could harness the energy to perform such feats, it was not something an ordinary person could achieve.

Samarth raise hand and questioned what would happen if a martial artist took the pill. Ridhima explained that while it could enhance their abilities but it's not like a drug, relying on it regularly could diminish the pill effects, recommending its use only for meditation.

Abhimanyu also posed a question, asking if the pill's effects would interact with a martial artist's original spiritual energy. Ridhima responded that frequent use could not affect their natural energy levels but the pills effect could be nullified, advising against regular consumption and recommending moderation.

As the discussion continued, another audience member raised concerns about athletes using the pills for cheating. Ridhima assured that rigorous testing methods were in place to detect any misuse, and she stressed the importance of using the pills responsibly according to prescribed guidelines.

Overall, Ridhima's presentation shed light on the benefits and potential pitfalls of the energy pills, emphasizing the importance of using them judiciously and responsibly.

Then a man asked, "Do you believe in the spiritual energy of martial artists? Because, in my opinion, all this is just fictional stories."

Then another man said, "Yes, nobody has ever seen any martial artist throwing energy balls or blasts."

Ridhima replied, "Whether there is spiritual energy or not, you can find out by taking these pills, and they are government-tested, so they are safe."

Then the staff there started giving each person a glass of water and a pill. The pill had already reached everyone's hands, but everyone was hesitating to take it.

Then a man took the pill and drank water. After that, everyone else started taking the pill. Even after everyone had taken the pill, Abhimanyu's group hadn't taken it yet because everyone was waiting for Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu checked through Saily and found only normal herbs. He took it and drank water, feeling his energy increasing in his body, and also feeling a slight flicker of control. Abhimanyu immediately sat down to meditate, and then Samarth also started feeling something, so he also sat down to meditate, and Ammy too.