Chapter 31: Party me fight

Samarth hadn't felt the spiritual energy yet, but as soon as he took the pill, he started feeling an energy and also started feeling different kinds of energy. He started trying to connect with their energy.

Ammy had already started feeling the energy, but her energy, like Abhimanyu's, also started to flicker slightly.

Seeing all three meditating like this, everyone started wondering because they didn't feel any energy in their bodies, but they were feeling slightly stronger.

Everyone was quite happy because they were actually feeling the energy. Some even started running to check their speed, feeling faster than before. Some other martial artists were also present there, and they all started meditating. After an hour, everyone opened their eyes; there were about 15 martial artists present. Abhimanyu and Ammy were feeling their energy and control.

After that, a buffet and wine, and champagne were set up, and it became like a party. Abhimanyu and Ammy, along with everyone else, were dressed in black suits, which suited them all, even Ammy, who looked appealing in a boyish outfit.

Then a man approached them with a champagne glass in his hand and said, "Hello, young lady." Then, handing her a card, he said, "My name is Raj Kashyap, I'm a manager at an entertainment company. Would you like to join my company? You can become a star."

Ammy replied, "I am really sorry, but I don't want to become a star."

Raj Kashyap, holding her hand, said, "Think about it carefully, young lady. You can become a star; fans will follow you everywhere, and you'll have wealth and fame."

Ammy said, "I'm not interested in any of that," and then she withdrew her hand.

After trying to persuade the other boys, Raj said, "There's quite a crowd here; why don't we go somewhere and talk about this properly?"

Ammy said, "I don't want to talk about this anymore; please excuse me."

Raj said, "But listen..."

Abhimanyu, placing his hand on Raj's shoulder, said, "Will you stop bothering her? She's not interested."

Raj shrugged off his hand from his shoulder, took out a handkerchief, and started wiping his suit, saying, "No one asked you, got it, boy?"

Raj said to Ammy, "I wanted to give you an opportunity, but maybe you don't know how to appreciate it. Do you know Kapoor Entertainment is part of Kapoor Corporation? It's a huge company; your life will be set."

Ammy said, "I don't care because I don't want to become a star."

Raj Kashyap said, "Fine, then let's talk about something else. You don't even have a glass in your hand," and then he took a champagne glass from the waiter and said, "Here, take this."

Ammy replied, "No, thank you. I don't drink champagne."

Raj asked, "Then can I get you some wine?"

Ammy said, "I don't drink wine either."

Raj then approached her and said, "Are you really not interested in becoming a star?"

Ammy stepped back and said, "No, I have no interest."

Then Priya arrived and said, "Hello, Raj, sir."

Ammy immediately said, "Come on, make her a star if you need someone."

Raj said, "You're Priya from Priya Vlogs channel, right? Your vlogs are very famous."

Priya said, "Yes, I am Priya."

Raj said, "Okay, you can come to my office."

Then he said to Ammy, "See, we've been talking for so long, but I don't even know your name."

Ammy said, "Rita, my name is Rita."

Raj said, "Okay, Rita, you can also come to the office tomorrow."

Ammy replied, "Yes, I have to go back tomorrow; I won't be able to come."

Raj was starting to get angry now. He traps girls like her in his net, first showing them dreams and then including them in his team, and later taking advantage of them physically. Many girls lose a lot in the pursuit of becoming a star, and some even commit suicide. But he had never found a girl who didn't want to become a star.

Raj said, "I think you're refusing because of these boys. Why don't we talk alone? Maybe you'll say yes then."

Then he said to Abhimanyu and the others, "You guys leave from here; don't ruin someone's future like this."

Priya said, "Sir, these people are also in the entertainment line. They are a whole gaming team who play games by live streaming. I think Rita is refusing because of Abhimanyu because they are a couple."

Abhimanyu said, "It's her own choice."

Raj said, "But you're there, Abhimanyu. I noticed that you were also trying to stop her indirectly, even trying to stop her."

Ammy said, "It's my own choice."

Raj said, "Don't be afraid of him. Even if he's your boyfriend, he can't control you. I am here; I won't let your future be ruined."

Raj then tried to drag Abhimanyu out by grabbing his collar.

Abhimanyu said, "If you want to leave safely from here, then quietly let go of my collar."

Raj said, "The milk teeth don't break, huh? I am Raj Kashyap, the manager and director of Kapoor Entertainment. You'll know now who I am."

Abhimanyu pushed his hand away and dropped his collar, giving him a light slap on the cheek, but not too hard.

Abhimanyu said, "I already told you to let go of the collar."

Raj said, "You will now realize my power!" He shouted, "Guards! All guards, come here!"

Just then, Ridhima Sinha arrived and said, "What happened, Mr. Raj? Why did you call the guards?"

Raj, bowing his head, said, "Ma'am, I was just doing my company's work, recruiting new talents, but this boy didn't agree to let his girlfriend move forward, so he hit me."

Ridhima looked at Abhimanyu and said, "Aren't you ashamed? Being educated and modern, your thinking is so primitive. Today, girls have come so far ahead, but people like you want to keep them under control, don't you?"

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "According to you, what does progress or freedom mean?"

Ridhima said, "Progress means establishing your identity and becoming independent, and freedom means liberation from narrow-minded people like you who hinder the progress of women in their own homes."

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "Why don't you ask my girlfriend what kind of freedom she wants or how she wants to progress?"

Ridhima looked at Ammy.

Ammy said, "I don't want to join the company; I'm not interested in it, and Abhimanyu doesn't stop me from anything. If he did, I wouldn't be gaming or participating in competitions, and I wouldn't be here. I didn't want to join this company, but he kept forcing me, and he was rude to Abhimanyu, so he raised his hand against him."

The manager said, "She's saying all this to save this boy; he's very dominating."

Ridhima said to Abhimanyu, "My manager made a mistake, now you apologize to him and end this matter."

Abhimanyu said, smiling, "I am sorry, sir. I apologize sincerely for lightly touching your face. I apologize from my heart," and he smiled.

The manager said, "See, ma'am, even his apology isn't sincere."

Ridhima stopped him and said, "Okay, let's end the matter here," and she turned to leave.

Abhimanyu said, "How can the matter end like this? I've already apologized, but when will the manager apologize for misbehaving with me?"

People present there started making comments. Ridhima had just left him, but this boy is still creating problems, he is so arrogant.

Someone else said, "No matter how polite Miss Ridhima is, anyone would get angry with such behavior."

The manager said angrily, "You should be thrown out. Guards, throw him out!" There were five guards there, and they all attacked Abhimanyu, but Samarth kicked two guards and knocked them down. Ammy also kicked a guard and held his stomach, forcing him to stay back. Abhimanyu grabbed one guard's hand and twisted it, then hit the other guard hard on the face.

Abhimanyu said, raising his hand, "Your arrogance is increasing now. I'm thinking about how to make you apologize."

Ridhima said, "You are all martial artists; that's why you are so arrogant."

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "Maybe you don't know the definition of arrogance."

The manager said in anger, "I didn't think you were martial artists, but we also have a martial artist here." He shouted, "Rishap!"

Then a powerful martial artist came, looking quite intimidating.

The manager said, "Rishap, throw these people out of here."

The martial artist said, "I was called here to throw these kids out, and you're disrespecting me."

The manager said, "These kids are quite arrogant and know a bit of martial arts."

Rishap said, "Even though they're martial artists, they're not on my level."

Ammy moved forward to speak, but Abhimanyu stopped her and said, "Calm down."

The manager said, "You're paid to do this job, so just throw them out quietly."

Ridhima intervened, saying, "These are just kids. How can you send a martial artist to fight them?"

Ridhima then said to Abhimanyu, "You still have a chance to leave peacefully."

Abhimanyu asked, "Whose event is this?"

Ridhima replied, "Of course, it's an event by Kapoor Corporation."

Abhimanyu asked, "And who are we?"

Ridhima said angrily, "I don't know who you are."

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "We are guests at this event. Have you started considering yourself greater than Kapoor's guests? You need to maintain peace here, and it's my right to remove troublemakers from Kapoor Corporation's event."

Abhimanyu then challenged Rishap, who gathered his spiritual energy and attacked. However, Abhimanyu used a technique to redirect his force, causing Rishap's hand to hurt. Rishap admitted defeat and said that Abhimanyu was more capable.

Abhimanyu then addressed the manager, saying, "Your sins are increasing, and now you have to apologize accordingly."

The manager replied, "Don't be too happy; we have more powerful martial artists than him." He called out, "Ashwin, Ashish!"

Two other martial artists arrived, looking quite fierce.

Ammy said, "I'll handle these two."

Abhimanyu asked, "Why would you fight when I'm here?"

Ammy replied, "You've already fought; I want to enjoy the party too."

Samarth said, "I want to test my strength too."

Abhimanyu asked, "Are you also starting to feel the energy now?"

Samarth replied, "Yes, after taking that pill."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, you two handle them. They seem fertile to me; they lack strength."

Vayu said to Abhimanyu, "Brother, are you crazy? Why are you sending Ammy to fight him?"

Ridhima intervened, saying, "Enough, there will be no more fights here. Manager, you're also going too far."

The manager replied, "Stop your nonsense. Don't forget, I'm also a part of the Kapoor family."

Raj Kashyap was actually Nitya's stepmother's brother. His own mother had died in his childhood, so his father had remarried to take care of Nitya. Anita, Raj's stepmother, also took care of Nitya, but she wanted her own child, which Ravish, Nitya's father, didn't approve of. Raj took advantage of his stay and managed to do wrong without anyone knowing, and Ravish Kapoor was unaware of his actions because he kept everything hidden, and his sister managed everything.

Ridhima couldn't do anything to Raj, so she stood quietly on the side.

Abhimanyu chuckled and said, "Wow, it seems you're not an ordinary person."

Raj said, "Ravish Kapoor is my brother-in-law."

Abhimanyu was astonished and said, "What! Are you serious? Ravish, oh my God, what has happened to me? What will happen to me and my friends now?"

Raj said, "Alright, since you guys are kids, I'll let you go if you kneel down and apologize to me."

Abhimanyu started laughing at this.

Raj said, "Are you mad now? Why are you laughing like a madman?"

Abhimanyu chuckled and said, "Sorry, sorry, you're talking as if I'll be scared of your brother-in-law's name."

Vayu pulled his coat and said, "Brother, calm down. Kapoor Corporation is no joke."

Sanjay, feeling nervous, said, "Yes, brother, this isn't a fight from our school days."

Abhimanyu said, "Why are you guys getting tensed? This man is raising his hand against kids. He could even end up in jail for this."

Manoj said, "Brother, you're not understanding. He's talking about their power."

The manager, Raj Kashyap, said, "Enough is enough. Now we'll have to break their hands and legs."

Abhimanyu said to Ammy and Samarth, "If they want it this way, then we'll have to respond in the same manner."

Ammy performed her seven-kick technique, but fell after the third kick. However, she managed to execute all seven kicks and brought him down.

Samarth was new to this energy field, but he knew many techniques. The fight went on for a while, but after 10 minutes, he also managed to defeat his opponent.

Abhimanyu reminded them, "I told you to break their hands and legs."

Ammy immediately broke Ashish's hands and legs.

Samarth hesitated for a moment, but then he also broke Ashwin's hands and legs. The screams echoed in the hall.

Abhimanyu, still smiling, said to the manager, "Now, will you apologize or should I also take care of you?"

Raj replied, "Apologize? Not only will I not apologize, but I won't even ask for forgiveness."

Abhimanyu grabbed his tie, pulled it down to his neck, and struck his knee into Raj's face, causing blood to trickle from his nose.

Abhimanyu then angrily hit him and, pulling his tie down, slammed his head onto the ground. He then leaned over him and said, "Next time, if your ego gets in your head, be sure to meet me. I give excellent lessons."

Just then, a voice echoed, "What's happening here?"

Upon hearing the voice, Raj opened his eyes, got up, and ran towards a direction, saying, "Brother-in-law, look, this guy is causing a scene here and is attacking everyone. He thinks he's the king of Mumbai and doesn't understand anything, not even about the Kapoor family."

Raj exaggeratedly complained to Ravish about Abhimanyu's behavior.

Abhimanyu never really created such a scene, but she didn't like Raj's behavior, especially the disrespect towards her friends, which she couldn't tolerate. Apart from that, Saily had also shared some details about him, such as how girls working with him had committed suicide. Although there was no evidence that Raj was involved, Abhimanyu had a gut feeling about his character.

Ravish didn't particularly like Raj, but since he was his wife's brother, he was given a company to manage. However, the company wasn't benefiting him; instead, he was only facing losses. Additionally, some models had also committed suicide, and he had tried to find out the reason, but couldn't discover anything conclusive, although he had his suspicions.

Ignoring Raj, Ravish approached Ridhima and asked what was happening.

Ridhima, bowing her head respectfully, greeted him and said, "Boss, the manager misunderstood something and tried to mistreat this boy and get him kicked out, but the boy let it go, and the matter moved forward."

Ravish asked, "And you let it go?"

Ridhima replied, "I tried to resolve the issue. The boy apologized, but then he asked the manager for forgiveness, which the manager didn't want to do."

The manager yelled, "That wasn't an apology! He was definitely disrespecting me!"

Ridhima added, "This boy is no less; he also has a lot of ego."

Abhimanyu stood calmly, waiting for Ravish to speak.

Ravish asked him if he had anything to say.

Abhimanyu replied, "As Miss Ridhima said, that's all that happened. I have nothing more to add."

Ravish inquired, "So how do you want to conclude this matter?"

Abhimanyu stated, "Since he sent a martial artist to break our limbs, according to that, his limbs should be broken too."

Raj interrupted, shouting in between, "You have the audacity..."

Ravish silenced him with a gesture.

Continuing, Abhimanyu said, "But for the sake of the Kapoor family, I will let this matter go. If Mr. Raj Kashyap kneels down and apologizes to us, then."

Raj retorted, "That will never happen."

Looking at Ravish, Abhimanyu continued, "But for the Kapoor family's sake, I will let this matter go. If Mr. Raj Kashyap kneels down and apologizes to us, then."

Ravish looked at Raj and said, "Apologize."

Although Raj was Ravish's brother-in-law, Abhimanyu had saved his daughter's life, and this event was happening because of him. On the other hand, he was the sole heir of the Narsingh Pratap Singh family, and his family couldn't afford any trouble from that side. Also, he was the grandson of his father's friend. Besides, he was dealing with a lazy employee who was sucking their blood like a bedbug. So, the choice was not that difficult for him.

Raj and everyone else present were shocked to hear Ravish asking his brother-in-law to apologize.

Raj exclaimed, "Brother-in-law, what are you saying? Should I, and that too, kneel down to apologize to this ordinary guy? He's like a sewer rat!"

Ravish slapped him on the cheek and said, "Apologize now. The mistake is yours. This guy already apologized to you, but you were the one prolonging it and not apologizing for your insolence. Now kneel down and apologize."

Ravish kicked his legs, making him kneel down, and said, "Come on, apologize now."

Ridhima and the others present couldn't believe that Ravish was asking his own brother-in-law to apologize.

Raj, with his head bowed in anger, softly said, "I am sorry."

Abhimanyu chuckled in response.

Abhimanyu chuckled and asked his friends, "Am I the only one whose ears aren't working, or did anyone else hear something?"

Ravish kicked him again and said, "Speak faster!"

Raj, in a loud voice, said, "Forgive me, please."

Abhimanyu, feeling uneasy, asked, "Are you apologizing or trying to scare me?"

Raj pleaded, "Please forgive me."

Abhimanyu replied, "Okay, forgiven. But if you mess with me again, I won't even leave you worthy of forgiveness next time."

Raj remarked, "See how egoistic your brother-in-law is, and you were asking me to apologize."

Ravish then said, "Alright, now you leave."

Raj argued, "But brother-in-law, the party isn't over yet. Why should I leave?"

Ravish clarified, "It means you'll stay here and humiliate yourself further."

Raj, upon hearing this, began to leave the place.

Ravish turned to Abhimanyu and apologized on behalf of Raj.

Abhimanyu replied, "Please don't apologize. I have no complaints against you."

Ravish smiled and said, "I wonder who called you egoistic."

Abhimanyu responded, "It wasn't my ego, but the self-respect of me and my friends that was at stake."

Everyone present was surprised to see Ravish and Abhimanyu talking to each other as if they were good friends.

Ravish then suggested, "But still, I want to compensate you. How about lifetime energy pills?"

Abhimanyu thought for a moment and replied, "I can't accept any form of compensation from you. However, if you consider it as your blessings, then maybe I can accept it."

Ravish chuckled and said, "Understood."

Ammy was feeling suspicious. She whispered to Abhimanyu, "Do you know him from before?"

Abhimanyu whispered back, "You're getting smarter day by day. Understand that Ravish Kapoor is my uncle, and I came here to meet him. I've been staying here for some time due to his work."

Ammy nodded and said, "Will I ever get to know you better? So far, I only know about your mother and sister."

Ravish approached them and said, "I came here to greet everyone. I'm Ravish Kapoor, the owner of Kapoor Corporation."

Abhimanyu shook hands with him and said, "Abhimanyu Pratap Singh."

Ravish invited him, "You should come to my mansion tomorrow."

Abhimanyu agreed, "Sure, who can refuse your invitation?"

The people around were puzzled by the strange conversation.

Ridhima apologized to Abhimanyu as well and then left with Ravish. The others also began to leave.