Chapter 32 kapoor mansion

On the way, Ridhima asked Ravish, "Master, is that boy someone special?"

Ravish replied, "You are my daughter, so I trust you. That boy is Nitya's bodyguard from today onwards, but his identity is much bigger than his duty. Handle him well."

Ridhima nodded in understanding.

Ridhima Sinha is actually Ravish's adopted daughter, whom he personally trained in both business and martial arts. Ridhima considers herself fortunate that Ravish gave her a life, so she prefers to call him "master" instead of "father." However, Ravish doesn't like it, but he can't force her to call him "father" because he couldn't impose such a sentiment on anyone.

Ravish added, "And another thing, you are also my daughter, so stop belittling yourself. You could have easily stopped that fight, but you considered yourself inferior to Raj."

Ridhima replied, "Then she would get angry with you, than Ridhima thought and then she would abuse me behind your back."

Ravish sighed, "I shouldn't have gotten married, but I had to because of my father's insistence. He thought how would I take care of Nitya alone, and you weren't there either. He went heaven by himself, and I got stuck in this mess."

Ridhima remarked, "By now, Raj must have complained to Mam."

Ravish replied, "Yes, he must have, but he doesn't have the courage to talk to me directly. That's why I married a middle-class girl so I could control her. I also made her sign a contract stating that if she didn't take care of Nitya properly, she would get an immediate divorce without a penny from the property. Instead, she would receive one crore rupees as pocket money per week. Additionally, her brother had to manage one of our companies."

Meanwhile, Abhimanyu was in his room. Ammy was lying on the adjacent bed, and she asked Abhimanyu what mission he was given.

Abhimanyu replied, "I'll tell you when the time is right, and that's after the mission ends."

Ammy questioned, "Don't you trust me yet?" She hung her head down.

Abhimanyu responded, "If I didn't trust you, I wouldn't have met you with my family. But this matter concerns someone else's life, and because of them, I have to keep this secret. If I had a say, I would definitely involve you. Now, you quietly go to Delhi. If I see you in Mumbai, our relationship will end there."

Ammy agreed with a heavy heart and soon fell asleep beside him.

Abhimanyu also lay down on his bed, feeling Ammy's presence but chose to remain silent and eventually drifted off to sleep as well.

Nitya, hiding her face shyly, was in a room at the Kapoor mansion. She found Abhimanyu's tapori language amusing, recalling how he once fooled some goons and ended up caught himself. Abhimanyu typically wore an unbuttoned shirt over a t-shirt and jeans, and this time he had switched the lenses of his Saily glasses to sunglasses, adding to his tapori look. He addressed Nitya, saying, "What a hottie! Once this matter is resolved, I'll make you my girlfriend. Will you come with me, even in front of your dad?" Nitya had never seen anyone speak like this in front of her father, which made her feel even more embarrassed, and she dreamed about it all night.

The next morning, when Abhimanyu woke up, he got ready and took everyone for sightseeing around the Gateway of India and nearby places. After touring, Abhimanyu dropped them off at the airport. He also informed Karishma that he would be staying for some work and sent a leave application to his school via email. Then, after dropping them off, he headed back to the Kapoor mansion.

Anita had the entire mansion under her command.

Anita: Did you insult my brother for that ordinary boy? That's why I came to this house so you could humiliate me in front of your ordinary guest.

Ravish: Calm down. When did I humiliate you? Besides, it was your brother's fault. Those were just kids, and he rashly asked them to break their arms and legs. If anything had happened to those kids, you know how much disgrace it would have brought, not to mention the police case, that's separate.

Anita: Alright, it was my brother's fault, but why did you apologize to him? And that too, groveling on your knees, and inviting him to the Kapoor mansion, will you tell me why?

Nitya couldn't understand who they were talking about. So she was a bit confused. She understood that someone hit Raj, and Papa apologized to Raj instead.

Just then, Abhimanyu entered whistling. Abhi wore his usual sunglasses.

Abhimanyu: What's up? Why is it so hot here even after the air conditioning?

Raj: There she is, the one for whom Jijaji apologized to me.

Abhimanyu laughed: What's up, buddy? You want to get beaten up too?

Anita in anger: How dare you come here?

Abhimanyu, laughing: What's up, uncle? You didn't tell her? Let me explain. I'm Nitya's boyfriend, and today you're looking just fabulous!

Nitya smiled at Abhimanyu but then looked at her father.

Ravish remained calm.

Anita, angrily: Boyfriend?

Abhimanyu: Yeah, a boyfriend, a bit of a handful for your brother, right?

Abhimanyu: Yeah, I'm the boyfriend, but your brother couldn't handle it, so your father-in-law supported me, and I need to know something from you.

Anita: What's this? Are you accepting this street guy?

Ravish was about to say something, but Abhimanyu cut in: I've been called here to take a test. If I pass, then I'll be accepted as the son-in-law. If I fail, then it's goodbye.

Ravish understood what Abhimanyu was planning.

Ravish: Exactly, that's why you need to learn some manners. You'll stay in this house for at least a week. You'll attend classes with Nitya, study, and forget this street language. If your behavior is good and you don't pick fights with anyone, you'll pass.

Abhimanyu: I'll definitely pass, uncle. Just get ready to start the dowry business. By the way, you didn't tell me how she is.

Nitya: I'm fine. How about you?

Abhimanyu: I'm absolutely first class.

Anita, again targeting Ravish: How can you do this? Do we have any dignity left? Accepting any street guy as our son-in-law?

Ravish: Shut up. I haven't accepted him as a son-in-law yet.

Anita: So, what if he passes the test? Will you accept him then?

Ravish: Passing my test isn't that easy. This is just the first step; there will be more tests.

Abhimanyu: Hey, I'll pass every test with full marks.

Anita: Shut your mouth, you filthy gutter worm. You don't even have the status to step foot here. Then, she looked at Ravish and said, "And will you fulfill every whim of Nitya? If she asks for poison, will you serve it to her?"

Ravish: We won't discuss this matter anymore. Saying so, he got up and asked Abhimanyu to come to his room.

Abhimanyu said to Nitya, "I'll be right back, darling."

With that, he started walking towards Ravish's room. Upon reaching there, Ravish closed the door first and then said to Abhimanyu, "I am sorry for her behavior towards you."

Abhimanyu replied, "She's shooting arrows at me, what do I care? How many more days do I have to stay here?"

Ravish replied, "I've enrolled you in her class, so you'll be in 11th grade. Your uniform has arrived, and your room is next to Nitya's. Besides, you'll have more bodyguards with you. If you need to go anywhere, go with them."

Abhimanyu said, "I am my own one-man army, sir."

Ravish asked, "Are you always like this?"

Abhimanyu answered, "Yes."

Ravish asked, "Any particular reason?"

Abhimanyu replied, "No, just having fun."

"All right, you can go now," Ravish said.

When Abhimanyu returned to the living hall, everyone was still there.

Anita told him, "If you're going to stay here, we can't let you stay for free, so you'll have to do household chores. It's part of your test."

Abhimanyu asked, "What kind of work?"

Anita smiled and said, "Just regular household chores like sweeping, mopping, doing the dishes, and laundry."

Abhimanyu remarked, "So you want the future owner of Kapoor Corporation to do household chores?" Then, with a chuckle, he added, "As soon as I become the owner of the corporation, the first thing I'll do is kick you and your brother out."

Anita, enraged, asked, "What did you say?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Exactly what you heard, aunty." With that, he went to Nitya and put his hand on her waist, saying, "Come on, darling, let's have some romantic conversation."

Nitya blushed a little and then started heading towards her room.

In anger, Anita broke a vase kept there.

As soon as Abhimanyu entered Nitya's room, he said, "Sorry, I may have overacted a bit."

Nitya replied, "No, it was fine. It was the first time I've seen someone shut mom up besides dad."

Abhimanyu said, "If I were really your boyfriend and came here to marry you, maybe she could have controlled me a little, but there's no chance of that now."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, darling, I'm going to my room now. If you need me for anything, just call out." With that, he started heading out.

Nitya said, "Oh, I was planning to go out with a friend for some shopping."

Abhimanyu asked, "Right now?"

Nitya replied, "Yes."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, let's go then."

Nitya asked, "So, should I introduce you as my boyfriend?"

Abhimanyu replied, "It's up to you. I'm fine with anything. The boyfriend thing was just to solve the argument between your dad and mom."

Nitya smiled and said, "Okay, I'll introduce you as my boyfriend then. By the way, how did you find me?"

Abhimanyu said, "I'm India's James Bond, and I had the help of a great hacker."

Nitya asked, "Hacker?"

Abhimanyu explained, "Yeah, she's like my virtual girlfriend. We've never met in person, but whenever I need technical help, I ask her."

Saily said , This is first time you introduced me to someone as your Virtual girlfriend I am flattered.

Nitya said, "But it must have been difficult to find someone even for a hacker."

Abhimanyu confidently said, "I told you, I'm James Bond."

Nitya joked, "Sherlock Holmes. James Bond was an action hero."

Abhimanyu get closed to her and replied, "Well, I'm an action hero too."

Nitya, feeling his closeness, paused, her heart racing. She then moved away and said, "I don't know how you are, but you're acting like a thug in front of me."

Abhimanyu joked, "That's how I am, always darling."

Nitya pleaded, "Please, don't act like a thug in front of my friends."

Abhimanyu teased, "Why are you worried, darling? Girls like thugs. Tell me, did I not impressed you until now? Didn't your heart skip a beat?"

Nitya asked, "So, do you have any girlfriend?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Well, I've been single so far, but in terms of interaction, I have a virtual girlfriend whom I take technical help from. Then there's Ammy, who is a team member, and Tina, who is about 23 years old but a very good friend of mine. And there's Karishma, my childhood friend and best friend. Besides them, I have other female friends, but these people are quite close to me."

Nitya asked, "So, among all of them, whom would you like to make your girlfriend?"

Abhimanyu, changing the subject, said, "Why are you asking me that?"

Nitya replied, "Just like that."

Abhimanyu said, "Then I won't answer."

Nitya said, "Okay, let's go for shopping then."

Abhimanyu and Nitya headed outside. It was around 4 PM. They sat in the same car and headed towards the mall where the incident had occurred the previous day.

Ahead of Abhimanyu and Nitya was a car with bodyguards, and behind them was another car with bodyguards. Altogether, there were 10 bodyguards for Nitya's security, and all three cars were bulletproof.

Abhimanyu said, "People must be afraid of you."

Nitya changed the topic and asked, "You mentioned that Ammy is your team member. What kind of team is it?"

Abhimanyu replied, "How much do you know about the gaming field?"

Nitya said, "Quite a bit."

Abhimanyu continued, "Well, we have a gaming team, and we play Battlefield. He then showed her yesterday's stream on his phone, which they had won."

Nitya said, "Wow, I didn't expect you to have this talent. You're basically a celebrity now."

Abhimanyu replied, "Celebrity? No one has recognized me yet. Even your mother called me a sewer rat."

Nitya said, "Don't take her words to heart, she talks like that to everyone."

Abhimanyu asked, "How come you're so nice even after living with her?"

Nitya said, "Because of my elder sister."

Abhimanyu asked, "Do you have a sister too?" because as far as he remembered, there were no details about her sister.

Nitya said, "You know Ridhima Sinha, she's my sister."

Abhimanyu was surprised and exclaimed, "Miss Ridhima?"

Nitya continued, "Ridhima's parents used to work for dad, and they were loyal, but they had a car accident on their way to a company assignment, and Ridhima had no one else, so dad took her in."

Abhimanyu said, "Your dad is a good person."

Nitya just smiled and didn't say anything.

After a while, they arrived at the mall.

Abhimanyu remarked upon seeing the mall, "This place! I caused a scene here just yesterday."

Nitya asked, "Why do you always cause trouble everywhere?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Well, darling, trouble comes to me, what can I do?"

Nitya then tried to call her friend, and suddenly a voice came from one side. When Nitya turned to look, Priya was walking towards them.

Abhimanyu whispered to Nitya, "Is she the friend you were trying to call?"

Nitya replied, "Yes."

Abhimanyu then said, "Then don't introduce me as your boyfriend, otherwise, the public will roast me."

Nitya was confused and asked, "But why?"

Abhimanyu said, "I'll tell you later."

When Priya saw Abhimanyu with Nitya, she understood the whole incident from yesterday, why Ravish Kapoor had asked Raj to apologize, as she already knew Nitya.

Priya greeted, "Hi Nitya and hello, Mr. Abhimanyu."

Abhimanyu replied, "Hi Priya, nice meeting you again."

Nitya asked, "Do you guys know each other?"

Priya explained, "Just that he's a gamer, and we met here at the mall yesterday."

Abhimanyu added, "Yes, she's Priya, who uploads vlogs, and we collaborated yesterday without any script or contract."

Priya said, "I know, that stream became so famous, my subscribers literally increased, and I made a good profit from the stream too."

Priya asked, "By the way, Nitya, how do you know Abhimanyu?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Our dads are friends."

Priya warned, "Well, if my audience finds out, they'll call you 'raw'."

Abhimanyu said, "If I were hanging out alone with a girl, then maybe, but for now, I'm with two."

Priya agreed, "That's also true."

Nitya asked, "What are you guys talking about?"

Abhimanyu quickly replied, "Nothing, just some public misconceptions."

Priya chimed in, "You were the one who said, 'it's complicated'. Watch the stream to know more."

Abhimanyu added, "If I didn't say that, the public would start trolling me right away."

Just then, a boy approached them and said, "Hello, Priya and Nitya."

Nitya whispered to Priya, "Did you invite him?"

Priya replied, "I just told him that I'm going shopping with you, and he decided to join us."

Sunder Desai, the heir of the Desai family, which was another prominent family like the Kapoor family, considers Nitya as his equal and wants to make her his girlfriend. However, Nitya doesn't socialize much outside and rarely attends parties. Moreover, she doesn't interact much with him even in school.

Upon Sunder's arrival, he asked, "Hi Nitya, who's this?"

Nitya replied, "He's my friend, Abhimanyu."

Sunder glanced at Abhimanyu, who was still dressed casually, wearing a checked shirt over a T-shirt and jeans, with Saily's sunglasses. Despite his expensive clothes, Abhimanyu seemed like an ordinary student, except for the Sharma designer tag hidden inside his clothes.

On the other hand, Sunder was adorned in branded attire, with a globally famous hoodie, a gold chain around his neck, sunglasses, expensive shoes, and a luxury watch. His outfit alone was worth at least 20 lakhs.

However, if Abhimanyu's clothes were to be valued, they would be worth at least 500 crores or perhaps even more.

Sunder glanced at Abhimanyu but didn't greet him or shake hands. Abhimanyu also didn't say anything to him.

Abhimanyu then jokingly asked Nitya, "Darling, who's this bell-like face?"

Nitya gently nudged him and signaled him to stay quiet, saying, "He's my classmate, Sunder Desai."

Sunder, surprised, asked, "Why is he calling you darling?"

Nitya chuckled and said, "He talks like that to everyone, in a tapori language."

Sunder asked, "Do you have friends like him too?"

Priya added, "Yes, he's also my friend. Any problem with that?"

Sunder replied, "No, why would I have a problem?"

Sunder continued, "I've booked the theater here. Will you all join me to watch a movie?"

Priya asked, "Which movie?"

Sunder replied, "Your favorite actor, Chris Wayne's movie."

Priya exclaimed, "You mean 'Revenge of the Bloody Day'?"

Sunder confirmed, "Yes."

Priya responded, "I haven't watched that movie yet. Let's go."

Nitya glanced at Priya with surprise.

Priya added, "Let's go, it'll be fun."

Abhimanyu agreed, "Yeah, let's go. I haven't seen that movie yet either."

Sunder interjected, "Who's taking you there? Tapori people like you are not allowed there."

Nitya said, "If he's not allowed, then I won't go either."

Priya added, "Alright then, I won't go either. Let's continue shopping."

Sunder was surprised that both girls refused to watch the movie with Abhimanyu. He reluctantly agreed, saying, "Fine, this tapori can come too."

Nitya looked at Abhimanyu and asked, "Will you come?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Of course, darling, I'll come."

Sunder was accompanied by his five bodyguards, and Nitya also had five bodyguards waiting in the other car.

When Abhimanyu and the others entered the hall, it was empty. Abhimanyu, Sunder, Priya, and Nitya took their seats. Nitya sat at one corner, and Sunder wanted to sit next to her, but Abhimanyu sat beside her instead. Priya sat next to Abhimanyu, and Sunder ended up sitting beside Priya.

Abhimanyu instructed his guards to sit as well, but they declined, stating that their duty was to protect Mrs. Kapoor, and they couldn't sit in front of her.

Abhimanyu insisted, reminding them that it was his order, as per Ravish's instructions to obey all of Abhimanyu's orders, no matter how strange they might seem.