Chapter 33: Andrews

Abhimanyu's bodyguards followed his order and took seats at the back.

Priya asked, "Why are Nitya's bodyguards listening to you?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Because I'm going to be the next owner of Kapoor Corporation, but keep it a secret. Not many people know."

Priya questioned, "Are you joking? How will you become the owner of Kapoor Corporation?"

Abhimanyu teased, "You'll find out soon enough."

Sunder muttered, "He's just a big talker, knows how to boast." Then he thought to himself, "Could he be Ravish Kapoor's illegitimate child? Maybe that's why Nitya is tolerating him."

Sunder's bodyguards were still standing. He whispered to them, "Sit down, we need to behave like gentlemen in front of Nitya."

Meanwhile, the movie started. It was filled with action, bloodshed, and cruelty, which frightened both Nitya and Priya. The murders depicted were gruesome, causing them to hold onto Abhimanyu's hand for comfort.

Sunder felt jealous and burning with envy because he had booked the movie knowing it would make him look cool. He knew that both Nitya and Priya were scared of such scenes.

Upon seeing a scene, Abhimanyu remarked, "Did you see how his head ended up in that grinder? He turned into a hamburger!" He joked about the scene, finding it amusing. Then, he playfully inserted his fingers into a slicer, making it seem like blood was oozing out. This frightened Priya and Nitya. Abhimanyu continued, "Poor guy, how will he pick up his food now? He won't even be able to hold a fork or knife. The hero must have thought about all this before killing him. It's good he did, but why did he have to cut his hands? What a weird movie!"

Later, after another scene, Abhimanyu whistled and said, "What a neck chop! I enjoyed seeing the villain's head fly off!"

Abhimanyu then turned to both of them and said, "The villain was just killed by the hero, but then came a plot twist. The villain turned out to be the hero's best friend, but suddenly a big wall fell on him, crushing him."

He concluded, "Looks like the movie's over. It was good, but there was a bit too much bloodshed. It could have been a bit less gruesome and better."

After watching the movies, everyone started shopping.

Abhimanyu asked Priya, "Weren't you supposed to go to Kapoor Entertainment?"

Priya replied, "Yes, I went and got selected. I have a chance to act in a film, just a small scene."

Nitya asked Abhimanyu, "Would you like to buy something?"

Abhimanyu shook his head in denial.

Then, a couple approached and one of them said, "Hey, isn't that Priya?" They were Priya's fans, so they came over and asked, "Can we take a selfie with you?"

Priya replied, "Sure, why not."

After taking a selfie with Priya, the girl looked at Abhimanyu and said, "Now, that's Abhimanyu, right?" The guy also said, "Black Demon."

Abhimanyu nodded in agreement.

The guy exclaimed, "Bro, I'm your fan." They both then took photos with him too and left after saying thank you.

Sunder, surprised, asked, "Are you a celebrity too?"

Abhimanyu didn't say anything.

Sunder said, "Are you ignoring me?"

Nitya, handling the situation, said, "Let's head home now."

Then they heard laughter coming from the cafe section. They saw some boys and girls sitting in the cafe, laughing and bothering a boy wearing glasses. The boy looked studious, and they were trying to take his bag, even filling their drinks from it.

Priya said, "Those are Yash and his troublemaker friends bothering Hrithik."

Nitya said, "Let me handle this." Saying so, she stepped forward and shouted, "Yash, stop bothering Hrithik!"

Yash replied, "When did we bother Hrithik? He himself wants to carry our bags and even pay the bill. He said he wants to become strong and has been exercising for it." He laughed and then called out to Hrithik.

When Nitya looked at Hrithik, he nodded.

Yash then said, "See, now you don't need to act like a princess. You can leave."

At that moment, Sunder arrived and asked, "What did you say?"

Yash quickly said, "Oh, Sunder bhai, I was just joking. Why are you standing? Please sit down."

Nitya wanted to say something, but Abhimanyu placed his hand on her shoulder, stopping her. He said, "If they can't even call for help, there's no point in saving them."

Nitya replied, "I don't weigh the pros and cons. If someone needs help, I'll help them, whether they ask for it or not."

Nitya then told Yash, "Let Hrithik go quietly, or it won't end well."

Yash, fearing not Nitya but Sunder, said, "Yes, why not? Hrithik, you can go."

Hrithik looked at everyone one by one and then left the place.

Nitya, followed by Priya, also started to leave.

Abhimanyu said, "She's truly a devotee of justice. Hey, wait for me!" Saying so, he also followed Nitya.

Yash asked Sunder, "Bro, who is that scoundrel and why was he roaming around with sister-in-law?"

Sunder replied, "You know she's your sister-in-law, but still, you misbehaved with her."

Yash said, "Sorry, bro."

Sunder replied, "Sorry won't cut it. Give yourself 50 slaps, and all of you give yourselves 50 slaps too."

Everyone started slapping themselves.

After Sunder left, Yash said, "Damn dog. If his family wasn't so powerful and rich, I would've broken his face. But no worries, every dog has its day. Mine will come too."

On the other side, the ship stopped at an island nearby where some people had set up a camp with boxes of weapons. It seemed like a secret base of some mafia. Soldiers disembarked from the ship and attacked them. All the mafia members tried to save themselves, but all were killed except one because the soldiers only shot him in the hands, legs, and shoulders so he could provide further information.

Then the commanding soldier took out his phone and said over the call, "Boss, we've taken control of the last hideout too."

A voice from the other side said, "Alright, collect everything and leave from there."

The next day, Abhimanyu started training at Kapoor Mansion from 4 in the morning, but until then, only guards were awake.

One guard chuckled and said, "This street thug wakes up early for exercise too."

Another guard said slowly, "Speak softly. He's going to be the son-in-law of the Kapoor family."

The first guard said, "Do you really think the Kapoors are going to accept him as their son-in-law?"

Then another guard said, "Well, let's leave all that. Let's see his training. He seems to have a lot of strength and stamina."

The first guard said, "He's just putting on a show to impress everyone."

Then the third guard said, "Let's see if that's true."

The first guard said, "Alright, let me show you." He then went to Abhimanyu and said, "Hey Abhimanyu, sir, you have a lot of strength and stamina."

Abhimanyu didn't say anything and continued his training.

The guard said again, "Why don't we have a competition? Whoever does the most push-ups will get ₹100."

Abhimanyu said, "Make it ₹500."

The guard agreed.

Both of them got ready for push-ups.

The guard said, "You can take a break if you want."

Abhimanyu, stretching, said, "Don't worry. It's okay."

Then one guard blew a whistle, and they both started doing push-ups. The guard thought, "He'll start getting tired after 20."

But even after 20, Abhimanyu showed no signs of fatigue. As they reached 50, the guard's breath started to get heavy, but somehow, Abhimanyu managed to do 100. However, he then collapsed.

Abhimanyu was still not tired and said, "Let's do another 500."

The guard handed him ₹500.

Abhimanyu then said, "Let's play a game."

The guard asked, "What game?"

Abhimanyu explained, "If you guys win, I'll give you ₹10,000, but if I win, from now on, you'll all call me boss and listen to me before Nitya ma'am."

The guards hesitated but eventually agreed.

One guard said, "Let's catch him. After all, can't we catch even a child?"

Then one guard reached out to touch Abhimanyu, but he dodged it. Abhimanyu started running in another direction, but a guard blocked his path. Then Abhimanyu tried to run in another direction, confusing the guard, and kept evading them.

Abhimanyu laughed and said, "You can't even catch a child. What do you eat?" Saying so, he jumped over one guard and ran, and after 10 minutes, one guard finally caught him.

Abhimanyu tapped the guard's head and said, "It's been 10 minutes, duffer."

Abhimanyu then lined everyone up and said, "I've assessed your strengths, and the result is that you all need rigorous training. So, stay on the ground until I tell you to stop."

According to the agreement, they had to follow everything Abhimanyu said, so they all started running on the ground. These were all night shift guards, so they were a bit weak, but Abhimanyu wanted to train them as well. Then, after 6 o'clock, the day shift guards and bodyguards also arrived. They saw everyone running and didn't understand what was happening. They asked a guard why everyone was running.

One guard hurriedly approached and asked, "Brother Sushil, why is everyone running like this?"

The guard replied, "We all lost a bet with Abhimanyu sir, so we have to run."

Abhimanyu was also practicing his martial arts training.

The guard went back and said, "Sir, those guys have made a deal with Abhimanyu."

The head guard in charge was named Kripal, and he said, "It seems I'll have to save these guards now."

Kripal then went to Abhimanyu and said, "Why don't we make a deal? If I win, you'll let these guards go."

Abhimanyu asked, "And if I win?"

Kripal replied, "Then I'll agree to everything you say."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, let's make a deal then. Whoever gets tired first will lose."

Kripal agreed, and they both started running rounds. The guards were still running, and Abhimanyu and Kripal passed them twice. After a while, the other family members woke up and slowly gathered in the ground. Raj Kashyap, Anita, and Ravish were also watching. Then Nitya and Ridhima arrived.

Abhimanyu and Kripal were running at a fast pace because it was a sprint competition. But after 20 rounds, Kripal started getting tired while Abhimanyu was still running. After a few more rounds, Kripal started slowing down, and Abhimanyu surged ahead. He circled back to where Kripal was and slowed down, teasingly asking, "What happened, Kripal sir? Tired already?" Then, laughing, he increased his speed.

Kripal got angry and increased his speed, but after five more rounds, he fell down. Abhimanyu was still sprinting. He circled back, approached Kripal, and stopped, warming up while saying, "Get ready to call me boss."

Kripal couldn't say anything but grabbed Abhimanyu's hand and stood up. Abhimanyu said, "It's time for now, but be here at 4 am from tomorrow. We'll train together."

Kripal said, "You indeed have a lot of stamina; I have to admit that."

Abhimanyu then gathered everyone else in the ground. Looking at Anita, he said, "Good morning, mother-in-law."

Anita made a face and left, followed by Raj.

Abhimanyu then said to Ravish, "Good morning, father-in-law."

Ravish replied, "Good morning. I didn't think you'd defeat even my head guard."

Abhimanyu asked, "So, did I pass the test?"

Ravish replied, "Not yet," and left.

Abhimanyu then said to Nitya, "Good morning, Chamiya."

Nitya replied, "Good morning. Get ready for school; otherwise, we'll be late."

Abhimanyu then looked at the guards and said, "Okay, now rest. All the guards finally collapsed on the ground."

Abhimanyu and Nitya left for school with their bodyguards.

Meanwhile, outside a villa on a private island, a man named Andrews was sunbathing by the pool. He was the kingpin of the Mumbai underworld, with all the brothers in Mumbai reporting to him. Not only in Mumbai, but Andrews also had connections in India, Mexico, and other countries, involved in drug trafficking and other illegal activities, including kidnapping girls and selling them abroad. He aspired to rule over India's underworld one day.

A man approached him and informed him that soldiers had attacked their three islands and now had their 10 boxes of drugs and some weapons.

Andrews asked how the soldiers reached there.

The man explained that Hussain had abducted Kapoor's daughter and was shifting her to their island on his ship, but somehow the soldiers got wind of it and captured the ship first, then informed about their three islands.

Andrews inquired why Hussain kidnapped Kapoor's daughter.

The man replied that Hussain was Andrews' brother, and he wanted to seize Kapoor Corporation.

Justin was Andrews' brother and a mafia in Goa. Like Andrews, he had also made a name for himself in the underworld. Both brothers resided in Goa. Andrews had established his empire in Mumbai on his own, while Justin inherited his kingdom. Though Justin was the elder brother, Andrews never questioned him. However, lately, Justin had been interfering with Andrews' business and trying to expand his influence in Mumbai.

Andrews wondered why he wasn't informed about his brother's plan to seize control of Mumbai by kidnapping Kapoor's daughter.

The man informed him that the kidnapping of Kapoor's daughter was kept a secret, even the police weren't aware of it until much later. It's heard that a secret army was tasked with finding her.

Andrews asked why this secret army got involved, as they usually didn't interfere with their work unless there was a threat to the country or some major issue. All soldiers were expert martial artists. Why did they take up this case?

The man speculated that there might be some connection between Kapoor and the secret army.

The man continued, "Boss, Kapil Mehta from Delhi has been released from jail."

Andrews chuckled, "This guy can't even handle a state properly."

The man added, "Boss, I heard that he used to handle Delhi for the Scorpion gang, but now the gang is finished, thanks to the secret army. Now Kapil Mehta is trying to regain control of Delhi."

Andrews wondered if Chaube would allow him to rise again.

The man replied, "Boss, I'm not sure about Chaube, but during Kapil Mehta's arrest, someone named Tripathi entered the underworld in Delhi, and his gang is now equal to Chaube's."

Andrews inquired about Tripathi.

The man explained, "Boss, he's a Don from Bihar, ruling Bihar alone. It seems he wants to expand his business to Delhi now. Although he's known as the kingpin of the underworld, he mainly deals with small illegal activities like extortion and petty crimes. He earns his money in a white-collar manner. Initially, he used to deal in drugs and weapons and supply guns to Naxals and other groups. But when the secret army discovered his weapons dealings, they wiped out all the gangs he had dealings with. In some places, he was even attacked by the Black Demon."

Andrews asked about the Black Demon.

The man described, "Boss, the Black Demon is very famous in Bihar, and everyone, including Tripathi, fears him. That's why Tripathi also became cautious. Nobody has seen the Black Demon's face, but some say he's a real demon because when he strikes, even demons shiver in fear. Although the police are searching for him, it's unclear if he's part of the secret army or some covert group. However, the underworld believes that if you accidentally see the Black Demon, you won't live to see anything else because no one has survived encountering him. After killing, he always leaves a mark, a demon face with 'Black Demon' written in blood."

Andrews questioned why they hadn't heard of him if he was so dangerous.

The man replied, "Boss, people are afraid to even mention his name. We only found out about him when we learned about Tripathi."

Andrews asked why the secret army or the Black Demon let Tripathi go.

The man said, "Because, boss, he promised to abandon all his criminal activities and engage in smaller businesses. The rumor is that he knows who the Black Demon is, but it's just a rumor. However, it might be true."

Andrews said, "Forget all this nonsense and call Hussain. We need to have a meeting."

The man replied, "Boss, he's underground now, and the police are searching for him. The secret army has an eye on him too. If we meet him, we'll become targets for the secret army, and they'll think we were behind the kidnapping plan."

Andrews asked, "So should I forgive Hussain for betraying me?"

The man suggested, "Boss, first we need to deal with this Shivam Chaudhari. He's revealing all our locations in Delhi where we grow drugs and poison plants."

Andrews blamed him, "This is all your fault. You suggested him as the school principal. Who would suspect him? We could have secretly planted our crops there. We just needed the climate of Delhi. We should have given this job to Chaube anyway; he's also in the drug business."

The man explained, "Boss, you knew Chaube used to work with Justin. He was asking for double commission to work with us, and Kapil Mehta was doing the same. That's why we needed a white-collar guy."

Andrews considered, "If we need a white-collar guy, should we approach Tripathi?"

The man agreed, "Boss, that's a good idea. I'll try to contact him."

Andrews concluded, "We'll handle all that for now. What should I do about the losses we've been facing for so long?"

The man proposed, "Boss, there's only one way now: we'll distribute all of Hussain's property and businesses. The police haven't touched him yet."

Andrews instructed, "Then do that, and what's his name? Yes, Pathan. Hand over everything to him."

The man agreed, "Alright, boss. I'll do that."

The man asked, "But boss, what about Justin?"

Andrews replied, "First, let's see what's going to happen between Justin and this secret army. Based on that, we'll proceed."

Meanwhile, Justin was troubled in his room because despite kidnapping the girl, his plan had failed, and now Hussain had resurfaced.

Hussain said, "Boss, the police are hunting me down like dogs. They have evidence with the ship and the harbor. I don't know how to escape from jail."

Justin warned him, "Calm down, or I'll send you to the afterlife."

He continued, "That Kapoor humiliated me, how could he let that girl go? She shouldn't have made any deals with a thug like me. Now that thug will become her father-in-law."

Suddenly, Hussain's phone rang, and he was shocked by the news.

Justin asked, "What happened?"

Hussain revealed, "Andrews, your younger brother, has taken over all my businesses and properties. My wife and children have gone to her parents' house, and now she's asking for a divorce. What should I do, brother?"

Justin advised, "What can you do? You'll have to go underground for now. But for the time being, run away from here."

Afterwards, Justin also left because he received a message that the police's entire team was coming there.

When the police team arrived at the villa, he told them, "Sir, they have fled from here."

On the other hand, sitting together in a truck, Justin told Hussain, "It seems like the police were tracking you through your wife's phone, and now they have their eyes on you."

Then, he pulled out a gun and said, "Now you've become a liability to me, which needs to be cut off. It's essential." Saying this, he shot Hussain and threw him near a pile of garbage. Then, he got off the truck and headed towards the garage, then back to his villa in a car.