Chapter 38: Brazil

After finalizing some other matters, they made plans to catch a flight to Brazil the next evening. Abhimanyu then returned to Kapoor Mansion.

The next day, as Abhimanyu had a school holiday, he was roaming around Mumbai with Nirta, Priya, Aliya, and the other girls. By evening, they were at the airport, and after seeing them off, Abhimanyu returned to Kapoor Mansion. Shortly after, everyone got ready for a dinner gathering at the Desai family's place.

Abhimanyu also needed to meet the man who was claiming to organize a seminar under the name of Genesis.

In reality, Saily was created in the same lab by the owner and scientist Dr. Rustam, but Abhimanyu was unaware of this fact. However, Saily had informed him about it the day before.

Abhimanyu asked Saily how they were working on AI project if it was a biotech lab, but Saily was unaware of this.

The dinner was arranged at an upscale restaurant. When Abhimanyu arrived, he saw an elderly man there whom Saily informed was Dr. Asthana, a scientist from Genesis.

The entire Desai family along with some members of the Kapoor family were present, but the dinner was only for Ravish Kapoor's family. There were only four seats left for Ravish Kapoor's family.

Anita and Raj took one seat each, while the others remained standing. Kunal Desai asked Mr. Kapoor to please sit down.

Ravish replied that as the head of his family, he couldn't sit if there wasn't enough space for his entire family. Kunal Desai apologized, saying he didn't know Mr. Kapoor would bring two more people with him.

Ravish questioned which two people he was talking about, stating that he had come with his entire family. Anita urged him to sit down.

Abhimanyu suggested that Mr. Kapoor should sit while he would take another table as he didn't enjoy business meetings anyway. Ridhima also volunteered to sit at another table.

After this, they both moved to another table where the other bodyguards were seated. Anita suggested that Mr. Kapoor gets upset over trivial matters, emphasizing that there wasn't enough space for everyone to sit, and he should figure out where to place the chair and sit.

Ravish didn't want to escalate the situation further, so he sat down, and Nitya sat beside him.

After placing their orders, Kunal Desai introduced Mr. Kapoor to Dr. Asthana, explaining that he was a neurologist working at Genesis lab, and introduced Ravish Kapoor as the Chairman of Kapoor Industries.

Mr. Kapoor shook hands with Dr. Asthana, acknowledging that he had heard a lot about him and knew he had received the Best Neurologist award last year. Dr. Asthana replied that he followed Mr. Kapoor's business news regularly, not just in Mumbai but throughout India.

After some more conversation, Ravish inquired about the type of research Dr. Asthana was currently working on.

Dr. Asthana replied that their lab primarily focuses on enhancing human abilities, and they were currently researching human memory.

Mr. Kapoor asked about human memory.

Dr. Asthana explained that our brains contain many neurons in which everything we see or feel is stored as data. They recently began an experiment of copying data from a human brain onto their server.

Mr. Kapoor inquired if this was possible.

Dr. Asthana affirmed, explaining that if successful, they could copy data from the brains of eminent scientists, even those who remained silent, directly gathering information from them. However, the experiment failed as it resulted in the death of the subject, and no data could be copied. Their technology and the human body's structure were too different. They are now devising a method to transfer one person's memory to another, but it requires further research.

From a distance, Abhimanyu asked Dr. Asthana a question, drawing everyone's attention.

Anita scolded him for speaking out of turn among elders.

Dr. Asthana assured Abhimanyu it was alright to ask questions, and Abhimanyu inquired if anyone had died during their experiment.

Dr. Asthana confirmed a death had occurred but not in the way Abhimanyu was thinking.

Abhimanyu pressed for details.

Dr. Asthana revealed that Dr. Rustam, the head scientist, had a daughter who was kidnapped by terrorists to force them to use a chemical called Chemical X, which they had developed. Dr. Rustam's daughter was rescued by the military, but in the ensuing explosion, she was trapped in a strongbox, barely surviving. They attempted to copy her data onto a private server, but she died during the process. Dr. Rustam believed her data could be stored in an artificial body, but when they accessed the file, it was empty. This led them to realize they lacked the proper container for storing the data. Dr. Rustam was devastated by his failure to save his daughter and spent years searching for the data, ultimately abandoning the project two months ago.

Abhimanyu thought to himself, "Two months ago?"

Abhimanyu asked Dr. Asthana, "Aww, when did this happen?"

Dr. Asthana replied, "In my opinion, it was about 10 years ago when his daughter was around 6 years old. Poor thing, she was so beautiful and innocent, she hadn't even seen the world. And we, being grown-ups, lost ourselves in our problems."

Saily said, "I don't remember anything specific, but it feels like they're talking about me."

Abhimanyu asked, "What was the name of that girl?"

Dr. Asthana, trying to recall, said, "I don't remember exactly, it was quite a long time ago. Lily, something like that."

Abhimanyu said, "Saily."

Dr. Asthana, suddenly remembering, said, "Yes, Saily, that's correct. But how do you know?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I just guessed. By the way, what was Chemical X, and has it been completed now?"

Dr. Asthana replied, "That's a secret. We can't share this information with anyone, otherwise both our jobs and lives will be in danger."

Saily said, "Does that mean I'm actually a human, and Dr. Rustam is my dad?"

Abhimanyu couldn't say anything further as Ridhima was sitting beside him.

Abhimanyu asked Dr. Asthana, "Isn't it possible that the data stored in neurons is actually our soul, and once the data transfer is complete, the soul also leaves?"

Dr. Asthana replied, "As a scientist, I don't think so. But I also believe that there are souls, dark spirits, magic, and other things in our world. We just haven't fully understood them yet. Dr. Rustam believes that those things outside the human realm can be understood well by tantriks and great martial artists. I once saw a magical creature as big as a giant building, but I only saw its corpse. I had heard that it was very powerful, its head was separate from its body. Imagine how dangerous its killer must have been."

Abhimanyu asked, "Who killed it?"

Dr. Rustam said, "That's a story from 20 years ago, but it was kept secret. However, I heard that it was a human who killed the beast all alone."

Sunder, feeling jealous while talking to Abhimanyu and Dr. Asthana, also seized the opportunity to ask, "Are you telling the truth? How can such a big beast exist in this world after all?"

Dr. Asthana replied, "In our world, many such creatures are found that we are not aware of. Most of these creatures are found in the depths of the ocean and rarely come to the surface. Sometimes they are found near islands, but they are not usually very large. However, the beasts that live in the ocean are very large and powerful because they have to withstand more pressure compared to land creatures. This makes their bodies extremely strong, so much so that even a nuclear attack wouldn't harm them."

Abhimanyu asked, "Is it true that there are creatures that can survive even a nuclear attack?"

Dr. Asthana replied, "It's possible, but I haven't seen one myself. However, many scientists believe in their existence, and some claim to have seen them."

Mr. Ravish Kapoor said, "I would like to invest in your research, but I've just launched a new medicine, so I won't be able to invest much at the moment."

Dr. Asthana responded, "Thank you, Mr. Kapoor. I'll do my best to ensure you benefit from this investment."

Kunal Desai didn't want to invest in the project because he didn't believe it was possible, and there was a risk of his investment going down the drain. He was only using this opportunity as an excuse to kidnap Kapoor's daughter, but since Justin disappeared, his plan failed. Therefore, he said, "Sorry, Dr. Asthana, but I won't be able to invest in your project. My budget is tight right now."

Dr. Asthana replied, "That's alright, Mr. Desai. Even if you can't invest, you can introduce us to someone who can. I'd be grateful for that."

Kapoor suggested, "Let's discuss the details in the office tomorrow."

Dr. Asthana knew that even a minimal investment from Kapoor meant at least 100 crores, which was sufficient for the entire experiment.

After dinner, everyone returned to the Kapoor mansion, and there were no issues during dinner.

Abhimanyu said, "Mr. Kapoor, my work here is done. Justin has been arrested, so I would like to leave now. I have other matters to attend to."

Ravish said, "Don't you want to stay here? Your presence doesn't bother me."

Abhimanyu apologized, "I'm sorry, but I can't stay. However, I'll definitely meet you again, and please be cautious of Raj. He purchased a box of poisonous drugs to paralyze someone. Perhaps he's plotting something evil, so stay alert."

Ravish assured him, "I'll keep that in mind."

Abhimanyu replied, "Alright, then I'll leave now." He had already packed his bag and was in Ravish's room at the moment.

Ravish offered, "I'll drop you at the airport."

Abhimanyu declined, "That won't be necessary. I'll leave on my own." With that, Abhimanyu left without anyone noticing, as everyone was busy in their rooms.

Ridhima asked, "Won't Nitya feel bad about this?"

Ravish replied, "I can't stop her. She's just like her grandfather, and one day she'll become a significant figure. It's already a big deal that we were able to delay her stay here. We shouldn't be greedy for more."

Ridhima understood, "I see."

On the other hand, Abhimanyu went straight to the Mumbai military headquarters and entered a section where Justin and Andrews were both detained, while Samuel stood nearby. All the men who managed their business were in police custody at that moment.

Abhimanyu asked Andrews, "I had agreed to all your terms, so why did you have us arrested? And why did you kidnap us?"

Andrews replied, "I agreed to all your terms, so why did you have us arrested? And why did you kidnap us?"

Abhimanyu explained, "If you were involved in weapons dealing or any other business, I could have forgiven you, but you kidnapped girls, and the god of death had already written death in your fate the day you stepped into this business."

Abhimanyu had already gathered all the information from them, including who they dealt with in Mexico. However, he didn't know anything about their hideout or any other secretive information beyond their business.

He continued, "But I won't give you an easy death. Now you'll know why people call me the Black Demon."

Bhawna heard the name Black Demon for the first time, but Ritesh and Justin were familiar with it, so they trembled upon hearing it. Others already knew about it, so it didn't make a difference to them. Apart from them, there was no one else in the room at the military headquarters because they had to handle this operation themselves, and they couldn't involve others. The responsibility of Mumbai was now on them alone, and only the military knew about their presence there.

Justin stammered, "You can't be the Black Demon. You're just a kid."

Andrews pleaded, "Please forgive me. I'll never get involved in this business again."

Abhimanyu said, "Many people may have trembled before you, but did you spare them?"

He then threw both of them into a container used to transport hungry wolves, and in no time, the wolves preyed on them, devouring their flesh.

Ritesh was still frightened, watching Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu said to Ritesh, "Don't be afraid. I'm only the Black Demon for criminals. For friends, I'm just Abhimanyu Pratap Singh."

The next day, when Nitya woke up, she freshened up and went to Abhimanyu's room, but she didn't see him there. She searched other places as well, but couldn't find Abhimanyu anywhere. Then she went to her father and asked, "Where is Abhimanyu?"

Ravish replied, "He had to leave."

Nitya asked, "When will he come back?"

Ravish said, "He won't come back."

Upon hearing this, Nitya felt sad. She went to her room, lay down on the bed, and kept thinking about Abhimanyu with a heavy heart.

In the evening, Riya, Abhimanyu, Bhawna, Aakash, Samuel, and Ritesh boarded a flight headed for the State of Piaul, as there was a pass available there and also a flight.

The next evening, Abhimanyu, Bhawna, Aakash, Samuel, and Ritesh arrived in Brazil. Upon landing, everything was now under the command of Riya Mathur. They had arrived here like civilians. An agent from RAW who also worked at a software company here named Kartik, a young man of about 30 years, came to pick them up at the airport.

Upon shaking hands with Aakash, Kartik greeted with a smile, "Hi, Mr. Rajveer, you've finally come to my country. Let me take you to your home."

Having already been trained by Riya, Aakash smiled back and replied, "Alright, let's go."

As they got into the car and started moving, Kartik introduced himself, saying, "My name is Kartik, and I work in a software company here."

Riya introduced herself, "I'm Riya Mathur, and this is Aakash, Bhawna, Ritesh, Abhimanyu, and Samuel."

Kartik smiled and jokingly asked Riya, "It seems like you're the leader. So, what are we looking for here?"

Riya replied, "Carlos."

Kartik immediately hit the brakes, bringing the car to a stop in the middle of the road. Luckily, there were no other cars around.

Annoyed, Riya asked, "Don't you know how to drive properly?"

Kartik explained, "Carlos is the biggest rogue in Cierra. If he gets wind of your presence here, he won't spare you."

Riya said, "Yes, we know. That's why we came here secretly."

Kartik warned, "That's all well and good, but why would you take these kids to such a dangerous man? Don't you know he's involved in weapons dealing, and he has connections with politicians and the police here? He holds sway here."

Abhimanyu, gesturing towards himself and Aakash, asked, "Are you talking about me?"

Riya asked, "Is there anyone else here besides you, kid?"

Abhimanyu replied confidently, "Isn't it good? Besides, no one will suspect anything."

Kartik laughed and said, "I thought so, but I'm surprised to see you both handling this mission. Even though Miss Riya is in charge, I'm surprised you're not the one leading."

Bhawna thought to herself, "We're also here. I don't know how and from where these guys are trained. Aakash never tells me anything; he just called himself my friend."

Riya explained, "He had to come on this foreign trip."

Kartik now felt very strange. Was it normal for someone to take their family on a mission?

Changing the subject, Kartik continued, "It's difficult to find Carlos. Forget about tracking his location. He has an underground fighting club where he goes every Wednesday to watch fights. It's an underground fighting arena where Brazil's top fighters participate. Sometimes, there are even death matches when someone urgently needs money. He can participate in those matches for a hefty sum."

Abhimanyu asked, "How much do you win in a death match?"

Kartik replied, "1 crore."

Abhimanyu remarked, "Just for 1 crore, someone risks their life?"

"Although, there's another way to meet him," Kartik added. "If you win the death match, Carlos himself will come to congratulate you and might even offer you a job."

Abhimanyu said, "That's a good opportunity. Let's speed up the car because we need to reach there by tomorrow."

Riya insisted, "Absolutely not. We don't even know those underground fighters, let alone how dangerous they might be. We'll keep a close eye on Carlos first and then plan accordingly when the opportunity arises to catch him. That's final."

Abhimanyu protested, "Come on, sis, don't be boring. We can at least go and check it out, right?"

After thinking for a moment, Riya conceded, "Alright, but we'll have to change our appearance."

Abhimanyu grinned, "That's what I brought silicon masks and fake IDs for, after all."

Kartik interjected, "To enter that place, you'll have to be ready to fight as a fighter. We'll also need to arrange an entry through them since only members and fighters are allowed inside."

Abhimanyu asked, "Do you know anyone among the club's members and fighters?"

Kartik replied, "I only know one person, Alexa. She's the commentator for the club's matches."

Abhimanyu decided, "Alright, let's try to get in through her."

Kartik cautioned, "It won't be easy. First, she shouldn't suspect anything, and convincing her won't be a walk in the park. She's quite moody. But I can try."

After arriving in Ceara, they stopped at a hotel for a while, and after some rest, they headed to the underground club late at night, about 5 km away. Kartik was tasked with convincing Alexa.

Alexa was the owner of the club, around 28 years old, with a figure like a model. She was a bold girl with blond hair and deep blue eyes, and she looked stunning in her revealing dress.

Upon seeing Kartik, Alexa said, "Kartik, my friend, what brings you here? You usually only come on Sundays when you're off from work."

Kartik replied, "Hi Alexa, I took a day off today. Some relatives from my country came, so I was showing them around the best places here."

Alexa said, "That's nice."

Looking at Samuel, Alexa exclaimed, "Wow, you're very handsome. My name is Alexa."

Samuel introduced himself, "I'm Samuel."

Alexa smiled and said, "Samuel, nice name." She shook hands with everyone, and when she finally shook hands with Abhimanyu, she asked, "You look like a kid. How old are you?"

Abhimanyu replied, "You also look like you're 16. Do you know, I never believed in love at first sight, but that was before I saw you."