Chapter 39: Underground Arena

Alexa chuckled and said, "Oh boy, you're quite playful."

Abhimanyu replied, "I always speak the truth."

Alexa remarked, "Well, you're handsome too, but I have a boyfriend."

Abhimanyu sighed, "Then maybe I'm unlucky not to have found my first love yet."

Alexa said, "You can't drink alcohol, right? I'll order juice for you." She then ordered juice and beer for everyone, and they all sat down at a table.

Kartik asked, "You have a boyfriend? I've never heard about him before."

Alexa replied, "We've been dating for only a week. He's the last time's death match winner, Larry."

Kartik said, "I've never been able to see those matches. It's impossible for people like us to go there."

Alexa explained, "That place is very dangerous; anyone can die there anytime. That's why I've never taken you there."

Abhimanyu asked, "Is Larry a good fighter?"

Alexa replied, "He's a capoeira-style fighter. He can break a 10-inch wall with just one punch. But today, he's going to play another death match."

Abhimanyu asked, "Why is it called a death match?"

Alexa explained, "Because to win there, you have to kill your opponent."

Abhimanyu nervously said, "Your boyfriend seems very dangerous."

Alexa reassured, "Don't worry, he only does it for the money. Otherwise, he wouldn't participate in such matches. This is his last game; after this, he won't participate anymore."

Abhimanyu puffed his chest and said, "Who's afraid? I can easily defeat your boyfriend."

At that moment, a waiter brought their drinks and asked, "Can you really defeat him?"

Abhimanyu looked at the waiter and said confidently, "I can't lose to my love rival so easily."

The waiter looked confused, "Love rival?"

Alexa explained, "Abhimanyu likes me, so he wants to compete for my sake."

The waiter nodded, "Okay then, let's compete. What's the challenge?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I may not be able to beat you in fighting, so let's see how sharp your eyes are. Look at this coin carefully." He placed the coin under one of the glasses, shuffled the glasses around slowly for a minute, and then stopped.

Bhawna said, "We can't play this game so slowly; anyone could tell which glass it's under."

Abhimanyu asked Larry, "Tell me, where's the coin?"

Larry glanced at all the glasses and pointed to one. Everyone nodded, thinking it was too easy.

Abhimanyu removed the glass, but the coin wasn't there.

Abhimanyu said, "You've lost. Now you have to take us to that place."

Everyone was confused because everyone's answer was the same glass.

Alexa exclaimed, "How is this possible? We all saw that the coin was under that glass. If it wasn't there, then where could it be?" She lifted another glass, but the coin wasn't there either. She then said, "This means the coin must be in this glass." She picked up the last glass, but the coin wasn't there either.

Larry said, "This is cheating! The coin isn't in any of the glasses; that means any answer I gave would've been wrong."

Alexa agreed, "Yes, your condition is not valid."

Abhimanyu interjected, "But when did I say that the coin would be inside a glass? I never asked you to choose any glass. I only said to keep an eye on the coin and tell me where it was in the end. This game was just a distraction, so the condition must be accepted now."

Larry chuckled, "You're very clever, but that place is really dangerous."

Abhimanyu reassured, "We'll all stay close to Alexa, so don't worry."

Larry accepted, "Okay, I'll accept the condition now."

Alexa asked, "But where is the coin?"

Abhimanyu replied, "It's in my pocket." He took out a coin from his pocket and showed it to them before putting it back.

After a while, they reached near the underground club. It was an old shop, and beyond it was the path to the underground fighting arena. There were several ways to reach it, but fighters used only one path.

A man sitting near the gate asked Larry, "Why are you taking so many people with you, Larry?"

Larry replied, "These people are friends of mine and my girlfriend."

The guard warned, "You know it's a dangerous area, yet you brought a kid along?"

Larry explained, "They'll stay near the commentator; let them go."

The guard allowed them to pass, and they entered the underground club. Everyone there had knives, blades, and other weapons, and some even had guns.

Larry said, "That's why I said this place is very dangerous. Today, there will be a couple of warm-up matches before my final match, and I must win at any cost."

Larry then led them to a cabin where several screens were showing footage from different angles of the battle stage. It was a high-tech setup, and the entire stage was visible from the cabin.

Abhimanyu had been to similar underground fighting arenas before, but he had never participated in one. There was also a fighting arena in Bihar where they often held competitions to settle disputes, and there used to be death matches as well, but Narsingh Pratap Singh had put a stop to them. However, Abhimanyu had never seen a death match before.

Alexa announced the beginning of the match, and everyone fell silent. The first two fights were brutal and intense. Though no one's life was at stake, injuries were inevitable, and both fights ended with some contestants injured.

Larry then got up and started walking towards the arena, followed by Alexa, who announced his intro and name. Then, she introduced the other fighter, Black Mamba, whose entrance was accompanied by background music. Both fighters were skilled in Capoeira style.

As the match began, both contestants displayed remarkable flexibility and agility, appearing as though they were made of rubber. After some time, Black Mamba delivered a powerful kick infused with spiritual energy. Larry, also utilizing spiritual energy, continued to fight back.

After a while, Black Mamba executed a dangerous move, knocking Larry down and causing him to bleed from his mouth. He then delivered a strong blow, knocking Larry unconscious.

Alexa fell silent, feeling the weight of the situation and fearing for Larry's safety.

Abhimanyu moved forward to intervene, but Riya stopped him, reminding him of their plan not to engage in fights. However, Abhimanyu insisted on proceeding, saying, "Whatever happens, we'll deal with it."

Abhimanyu then grabbed the microphone and shouted, "Stop!"

Upon hearing Abhimanyu's voice, Black Mamba paused.

Abhimanyu challenged him to a death match, to which Black Mamba initially hesitated, considering Abhimanyu just a child. Abhimanyu persisted, and eventually, Black Mamba accepted the challenge.

Abhimanyu warned Black Mamba not to waste his energy, as he would need it later. Annoyed, Black Mamba attempted to kick Abhimanyu with a spiritual kick, but Abhimanyu dodged and counterattacked with a scorpion-style kick, hitting Black Mamba in the chest and knocking him down.

Black Mamba, frustrated by Abhimanyu's skills, changed his fighting style and intensified his attacks. Abhimanyu dodged some of the attacks but began to retreat as Black Mamba's assault became more aggressive.

The audience started shouting, ridiculing Abhimanyu for running away and underestimating him. However, some acknowledged his bravery, admitting they had never seen such a young fighter in the arena before.

Black Mamba, fueled by spiritual power, struck Abhimanyu with immense force, causing him to stagger back. Although Abhimanyu didn't feel pain in his hands, he acted as if his punch had significant power behind it, indicating that he had received a deep injury.

Despite Abhimanyu's resilient demeanor, Black Mamba was surprised to see him still standing, expecting his hands to be broken. Abhimanyu smiled and signaled to continue the fight.

Black Mamba unleashed all his remaining energy, but Abhimanyu skillfully dodged his attacks, evading him for about ten minutes until Black Mamba began to tire. Abhimanyu then launched a series of normal attacks, gradually wearing down Black Mamba until, after five minutes, he emerged victorious, delivering a final blow to Black Mamba's neck, ending the match.

Everyone was shocked to witness a young fighter, who perhaps didn't even sense spiritual energy, defeat a formidable opponent like Black Mamba with such precision and determination.

As Abhimanyu confidently declared himself as the "young fighter," the audience erupted into cheers and shouts, eager to learn more about him.

Meanwhile, in a private cabin, Carlos watched the entire match unfold. Impressed by Abhimanyu's performance, he recognized the potential in the young fighter. Sitting beside him were two attractive women, a bold Russian and a beautiful French lady, while a hefty middle-aged man with gray hair sat between them. Additionally, there were other women present, including an Indian girl named Gulabo, who was now referred to as Rosi.

Rosi, lost in her thoughts, had resigned herself to staying, abandoning any hopes of returning home. She had been brought to this place in a container four years ago, part of the first batch to be relocated. The hefty man had taken her under his wing, employing her for various tasks. Despite her relatively lesser attractiveness compared to the other women, the hefty man had yet to make advances towards her, limiting their interactions to massages and occasionally sharing a bed with other women.

Carlos, overseeing the security arrangements by the Mexican Mafias, maintained tight control over his business and had full knowledge of all the women involved. Despite his ostentatious displays of bedding multiple women, he lacked the stamina to indulge fully, becoming the subject of mockery among the women.

Observing Abhimanyu closely, Rosie noticed his Brazilian appearance, recognizing the transformation he had undergone.

Meanwhile, Abhimanyu escorted Larry, who was still unconscious, to the commentators' cabin, where he remained unaware of his surroundings, still lying on the arena floor.

As Abhimanyu lay Larry on the sofa upon their arrival, Alexa approached them and inquired if everything was alright. Abhimanyu reassured her, mentioning that Larry had just passed out.

Expressing her gratitude, Alexa hugged Abhimanyu and planted a kiss on his cheek. However, Abhimanyu declined her gesture of affection.

Larry began regaining consciousness and questioned if he was in hell. Upon hearing this, he looked towards Alexa and asked what they were doing in hell.

Alexa dismissed his notion, affirming that he was still alive. Larry was perplexed, citing his participation in the death match.

Alexa then revealed that Abhimanyu had saved his life and defeated Black Mamba.

Suddenly, one of the men who were carrying Black Mamba exclaimed that he was still alive, his voice reaching Abhimanyu and the others.

The audience erupted into protests, claiming that the match was not valid unless Black Mamba was killed. Some even urged for Abhimanyu to be killed to end the match, citing it as the rule of the death match.

In response, Abhimanyu declared that he had defeated Black Mamba in the fight and challenged anyone present to come and fight him, promising that someone would surely meet their demise.

Despite his challenge, no one dared to enter the arena.

Then, Carlos received a microphone and asked if Abhimanyu was challenging everyone present. Abhimanyu, unaware of Carlos' identity, agreed to the challenge.

A tense silence fell over the arena as everyone recognized Carlos and awaited his response.

As Carlos announced his identity and ownership of the city and arena, Abhimanyu remained resolute, stating that if he won, Carlos' entire empire would be his, but he demanded assurance of his safety if he emerged victorious.

Carlos laughed at Abhimanyu's proposition, implying that he underestimated his own strength. Nevertheless, he agreed to Abhimanyu's terms, declaring that if Abhimanyu managed to defeat him, no one would lay a hand on him, and Abhimanyu would even gain possession of his car.

Unfazed by the challenge, Abhimanyu entered the arena, determined to face Carlos head-on. The fight commenced, and Alexa began commentating, though it was evident she was still worried about Abhimanyu.

The clash between Abhimanyu and Carlos resembled a battle between a lion and a deer. Carlos initiated the attack, allowing Abhimanyu to land a kick on his bulky abdomen. However, anticipating Abhimanyu's move, Carlos retaliated with a powerful kick aimed vertically at Abhimanyu's head. Although it did not harm Abhimanyu, he felt a slight pain in his legs due to not using spiritual energy.

Abhimanyu wisely retreated and sat down, grabbing his leg.

The audience chuckled at Abhimanyu's apparent vulnerability, speculating on his imminent demise.

Unperturbed, Abhimanyu did not seek to harm anyone unnecessarily, even though it was a death match. His intention was not to fight but to create chaos. From the beginning, he had planned to challenge Carlos upon learning about the arena.

Carlos, smiling, apologized to Abhimanyu for underestimating him, realizing that Abhimanyu was not to be taken lightly. He then filled himself with spiritual energy, and a breeze began swirling around him. Despite his bulky appearance, it became apparent that Carlos possessed significant power.

Abhimanyu realized that Carlos could only control about ten percent of his spiritual energy, while he had become proficient in controlling his own spiritual power. He wasted no time and used the scorpion technique, momentarily employing his demon technique. Upon regaining consciousness, he found himself far ahead. Carlos lay behind him, with Abhimanyu holding Carlos's head and blood gushing from his body.

This entire sequence happened in the blink of an eye, leaving everyone trembling in fear, and silence enveloped the arena.

Tina recalled seeing Abhimanyu use this technique for the first time. It was a secret technique passed down through generations in Abhimanyu's family. Abhimanyu had discovered it in a brass plate inside his grandfather's secret locker. He had used it that day against Tripathi and his terrorist group when no one could feel spiritual energy. Abhimanyu had almost killed Tripathi, but his grandfather intervened, punishing Abhimanyu severely and banishing him to survive alone in the jungle for six months. During that time, he had matured and learned to control his energy circulation, becoming faster and more powerful. Although he could only partially control the demon technique, he usually used it in front of his grandfather to prevent losing control.

With a commanding voice, Abhimanyu ordered everyone to bow before their new king. Everyone, including Carlos's bodyguards, other girls, Alexa, and Larry, knelt down, acknowledging Abhimanyu's dominance.

Aakash realized why Abhimanyu was called the Black Demon.

Bhawna, astonished, admitted she had no idea Abhimanyu possessed such power.

Riya explained that Abhimanyu had planned this from the beginning, challenging Carlos as soon as he heard about the arena.

Alexa praised Abhimanyu's restraint, acknowledging they hadn't mistreated him in any way.

Suddenly, a very beautiful and hot girl who was standing in Carlos's cabin at one place in a black outfit, hit the glass of the cabin and jumped straight into the arena. Her strength seemed even more than Carlos's. She was Carlos's personal secretary and bodyguard, whom he had hired himself. She was wearing a very bold and revealing dress and had put on a skin-tight black pant. Holding a sword in her hand, she approached.

Everyone saw this, now Jasmine wouldn't let go of the young fighter. Jasmine sat on her knees and bowing her head, she said, "From today, I consider myself your loyal servant, Abhimanyu. I am willing to give my life for you."

Abhimanyu asked, "How can I trust you, Jasmine?"

Jasmine handed him a remote and said, "The collar around my neck cannot be broken even by spiritual energy, nor can it be removed. If I try to deceive you, you can kill me. Pressing this button will detach the collar from my neck."

In reality, Jasmine had also not seen Abhimanyu's attack, so she had to become Abhimanyu's student since then.

Abhimanyu had taught his demon technique only to Tina and Ammy until now.

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, assist me now. Abhimanyu knew about the collar called the slave collar.

Abhimanyu then started walking towards the commentary, and everyone else followed him towards Carlos's den. Along with them, all the girls from Carlos's cabin also went with them. They went up a path and then went to Carlos's villa by car. Larry and Alexa were also going with them.

They reached a villa a little further away, which was very luxurious, and there were only girls in that villa, and all the servants were also girls.

All the maids and girls stood up to welcome Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu commanded Jasmine and said, "I need complete information about all of Carlos's business, and what else he has done, including information about all these, where they were taken from, and how many batches have come here so far." Without asking any questions, Jasmine pushed Carlos's laptop forward and said, "Everything is on this laptop, but I don't know the password. Someone will have to open it."

Ritesh said, "Let me see," and took the laptop, sat on a chair, turned on the laptop, and took out his laptop and some other tools and started accessing it.

Ritesh said, "This is voice-protected, and if something goes wrong even once or if it is found out that we are trying to hack it, it will crash."

Abhimanyu said, "Let me see," and took out a box of glasses from his pocket, put on Saily, and sat down. He looked at everything carefully, but in reality, Saily was watching him and trying to access it, and Abhimanyu also knew a little programming, and his typing speed was fast, so he just started typing.

Meanwhile, Saily had found a backdoor, and Abhimanyu had also pressed the enter button, but Saily was able to access both computers at the same time. She closed all the windows of Ritesh's computer, and Carlos's computer opened.

Everyone was amazed again. Bhawna said, "Now he's also a hacker, that's why we brought Ritesh."

Abhimanyu then opened all the information and saw that there were many illegal activities, such as illegal fishing and other illicit activities, but there were also some illegal activities against human values, such as auctioning girls and organ selling. This involved selling organs of fighters killed in death matches, from which they earned millions. Apart from this, the organs of supply girls were also sold, whose organs were removed and sold when they did not sell anywhere.

Abhimanyu saw that the organs of 100 girls from his country had been donated. Ten girls were in the mansion, and about 70 girls had been sold nearby, and 20 girls had been sent to Mexico. Apart from them, girls from other countries were also present there.

Abhimanyu told Jasmine to arrange for all of them to be sent back to their countries.

Jasmine asked, "Do you really want to do this? It will cause a lot of loss to your business."

Abhimanyu said, "Do as I say."

All the girls started crying after hearing this.

Rosie immediately came to Abhimanyu and, kneeling in front of him, said, "I don't know who you are, but today you have proved that there is no delay in God's house, but there is no darkness. I thank you."

Abhimanyu said, "There is no need to thank me because I am from your country."

Rosie said in astonishment, "From my country?"

Abhimanyu took off his mask and said, "Don't I look like I'm from your country?" Seeing Abhimanyu's face, Rosie was surprised and smiled. Abhimanyu actually looked like an innocent 17-year-old boy.

Rosie asked, "What is your name?"

Abhimanyu said, "Abhimanyu."

The other people present there were also surprised to see Abhimanyu's identity. At that time, in the mansion, the girls, along with Abhimanyu's companions Alexa and Larry, were present. All the bodyguards were present outside the mansion at that time.

Abhimanyu asked Jasmine, looking at her, "Do you still consider me your boss?"

Jasmine replied, "It doesn't matter to me what your origin is. I am just your servant."

Abhimanyu asked, "Alright, shut down all the girls' business and other illegal activities against human values, and save all the girls sold in Brazil from all those places."

Jasmine said, "This work will be a little difficult because apart from Carlos, there are four other people in Brazil who handle the work of Brazil."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, set up a meeting where the coronation of the new king will take place."

Jasmine asked, "What are you planning?"

Abhimanyu said, "I just want to let everyone know that a new king has arrived in Brazil."

Bhawna asked Riya and Aakash while looking at Abhimanyu, "Is he really your younger brother? He seems very dominating."

Kartik whispered, "Did you ask if you are all like him or if he is some unique piece?"

Riya said, "Almost everyone in our team is like this, but Abhimanyu is different from all of them. But there are even more dangerous people in our department."

Abhimanyu then looked at Alexa and Larry with a smile and said, "From now on, you two will manage the underground arena. Alexa will handle ownership and finance there, and Larry will take care of security and other matters."

Both Alexa and Larry kneeled on one knee and bowed their heads, saying, "Yes, boss."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, get to work."