Chapter 42: Sylvia

Abhimanyu replied, "Because I can read people's souls. Just by looking at them, I can tell what kind of person they are."

As they stepped outside, some gangsters surrounded them, but within minutes, they were all lying defeated. Abhimanyu then left the scene.

Curiously, Saily asked, "Was that man telling the truth?"

Abhimanyu responded, "He only revealed about 20% of the truth. 20% was him probing me, and 60% was lies."

Abhimanyu then proceeded straight to the factory, subdued everyone, set it on fire, and rushed towards the warehouse.

He found that many people were fleeing the factory towards the warehouse. Abhimanyu saw only six people left and swiftly dealt with them. Inside the warehouse, he found a 17-year-old girl with dark hair, fair skin, and blue eyes.

Saily exclaimed, "She's on social media! She's Silviya Parker, the granddaughter of Dre Parker, the owner of Parker Industries!"

Approaching her, Abhimanyu freed her from her restraints. The US government soldiers arrived, commanding them to surrender. Abhimanyu, holding a pistol to the girl's head, demanded to know Robert's whereabouts.

Robert emerged, removing his helmet, appearing as their leader.

Abhimanyu accused, "You're denying it now?"

Robert shrugged, "You're the foolish one here. But now, get ready to die."

Abhimanyu challenged, "Don't you care about this girl?"

Robert retorted, "What do you think she's doing here?"

Abhimanyu noticed tears in her eyes.

Abhimanyu questioned, "But aren't you one of his soldiers?"

Robert admitted, "I'm a deserter, and these men are also ex-military."

Abhimanyu demanded, "What do you want? Why did you trap me here?"

Robert chuckled, "You think we all left the US and came to Mexico to work for Alex? This was all a trap to lure you here. We didn't know your true identity, otherwise, Alex would have handled you himself."

Saily muttered, "Ever since you slept with that woman, your brain has turned to mush."

Abhimanyu didn't respond. Saily seemed upset, as if she were Abhimanyu's wife. He had explained to her multiple times that he couldn't control himself, as if a demon inside him was orchestrating all this.

But to Saily, it all seemed like an excuse.

Abhimanyu asked, "And who is this girl?"

Robert replied, "I was the one who kidnapped her and brought her here."

Suddenly, Abhimanyu was shot with a chemical injection bullet, rendering him unconscious. The same fate befell Silviya. When they woke up, they found themselves lying on a sofa, facing a man around 35 years old, with white hair, fair skin, golden eyes, and a slightly tan complexion. Abhimanyu was mesmerized by his appearance, as was Silviya.

The man clicked his fingers and said, "Hello. Where were you both lost?"

Both of them regained their senses, and Abhimanyu asked, "Who are you?"

The man replied, "You must have heard of me, Alex."

Abhimanyu questioned, "Are you the same Alex who rules Mexico and other countries?"

Alex confirmed, "Yes, I am. But I didn't expect the dominator of Brazil to be a Brazilian."

Abhimanyu touched his face, revealing his silicon mask, and asked, "Where is my glasses?"

Alex replied, "Seems like you can't see without your glasses. They are with me. My men wanted to take it from you, but I decided against it, saying that I don't take others' belongings. Do you understand?"

For Saily, apart from Abhimanyu, no one else could operate those glasses. For others, they appeared as regular glasses.

Abhimanyu questioned, "And what about the girls you kidnap from other countries? They aren't anyone else's property."

Alex retorted, "Wow, you sure know how to argue. You know, no one dares to argue in front of me. Are you a daredevil or just foolish?"

Abhimanyu inquired, "What do you want from me?"

Alex replied, "I want you to work for me. You will rule Mexico, but you will have to obey my rules."

Abhimanyu questioned, "Then why are you saying all this in front of Miss Parker?"

Alex shrugged, "Well, you know this girl. Does it matter? I only took her to scare her grandfather. She won't be able to enter the weapons market now. Anyway, enough chatter. Tell me, will you be my dog or not?"

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "I won't make my decision in front of this girl. Can you send her out?"

As Silviya was being escorted out, she noticed that outside the room, all five Mexican mafias were standing with their full security, and on a screen, the room they were in was displayed, so that the guards could enter at a signal.

Silviya's departure, Alex asked, "So, will you agree?"

Abhimanyu replied, "No, I refuse."

Suddenly, in the room, several armed men and a dozen martial artists entered.

Alex asked, "Confirm?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Confirmed."

Alex ordered, "Finish him." Suddenly, a man who was about to attack Abhimanyu had his head severed, and he began drinking the blood gushing from it, terrifying everyone except Alex.

Then, all the martial artists and Mafia leaders attacked Abhimanyu simultaneously, but their heads also started detaching, sending them into panic. Even Alex swiftly attacked Abhimanyu, but Abhimanyu managed to block it, although he lost one of his hands in the process.

Alex's eyes turned white, and wings started emerging from his back.

In a demonic voice, Abhimanyu exclaimed, "Angel!"

Alex replied, "Yes, I thought I was the only one in the world with this power, but perhaps there is another who possesses the power of demons."

Abhimanyu retorted in a demonic voice, "No, you're still human."

Alex countered, "But you're also human."

Abhimanyu suddenly laughed, "Do I seem like a mere human to you? This body is merely human, but I like it. And since you've broken my things, I'll break yours too!" Saying this, Abhimanyu fiercely attacked Alex, who managed to dodge his blows.

In a demonic voice, Abhimanyu asked, "What are you? A hybrid?"

Alex responded, "What nonsense! Alright, I'll tell you. I found a treasure in a tomb in Ankora Waat. In that treasure, there was a glowing wing, and as soon as I touched it, it fused into my body, granting me these powers."

Abhimanyu glanced at Alex's hand, which was shining more than the others. In a demonic voice, he remarked, "Then you're unlucky to face me." Abhimanyu's speed suddenly increased more than tenfold, and in the next moment, a glowing hand was in his possession. The wing hadn't fused completely into Alex's body, perhaps because his body wasn't capable enough. Therefore, he couldn't do much, and as soon as his hand was severed, his energy depleted, and his hair and eyes turned black.

Abhimanyu contemplated, "If I consume this, his body will become strong enough to endure my powers, and I will become even more powerful. Then my reign will return." With these thoughts, he began consuming the glowing hand and finished it within 20 seconds.After that Abhimanyu's hand immediately grown back.

Witnessing this, Alex vomited, and he began feeling dizzy and panicked.

Abhimanyu then attempted to control the angel's energy and merge it with his demonic energy, but it backfired. The energy started increasing and merging with Abhimanyu's body. As a result, his hair turned black on one side and white on the other, just like his eyes; his left eye became terrifyingly dark, while the right one remained clear and golden.

Suddenly, in a girl's voice, Abhimanyu remarked, "This body is very pure, strong, and powerful. I've never seen such a body before."

In a demonic voice, he asserted, "This body is mine."

Abhimanyu once again spoke in the voice of the girl, "You petty evil demon, leave this body. This is my body now, I am its mistress."

In a demonic voice filled with anger, Abhimanyu continued, "This is my body. I have painstakingly strengthened it with my demonic energy over time, and a mere angel has appeared to claim it."

Abhimanyu again spoke in the girl's voice, "What do you mean by a mere angel? Suddenly, two types of energy within Abhimanyu began to clash and attack each other.

Abhimanyu started vomiting blood suddenly, and then he regained consciousness abruptly. He felt a new white energy within his body that he had never experienced before. Abhimanyu immediately sat in a meditation pose and began to control both energies with his spiritual energy, finally managing to grasp both. Then he heard two unfamiliar voices conflicting within his body. Abhimanyu also said inwardly, "This body doesn't belong to either of you. Therefore, I am removing you both from my body." With that, he began to expel them both from his body.

Then, a girl's voice said, "Please don't throw me out. I am an angel."

Abhimanyu replied, "So what? You also wanted to take control of my body. You're just as evil."

The angel said, "You are mistakenly considering me evil. Do you know who I am? All angels would sacrifice themselves for me."

Abhimanyu said, "I'm sorry, I'm just a human."

Suddenly, a terrifying demonic voice laughed and said, "Tell this petty human that this body is not his place."

Abhimanyu said, "You're leaving too."

The demonic voice hesitated, "But I've been with you for so long, and I've saved you so many times."

Abhimanyu said, "That doesn't mean I'll give you my body."

The demonic voice said angrily, "I'll tear your body apart."

The angel said, "If you do that, I won't spare you."

The demon said, "We'll both die if this body is destroyed, and we'll vanish into thin air."

The angel said, "Foolish demon."

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "It means that when I die, you'll both die too. So now, if you want to stay in my body, you better behave, otherwise I'm not afraid of death."

Abhimanyu asked, "So who are you both and what are you doing in my body?"

Suddenly, Alex started to run away.

Before he could escape, Abhimanyu turned his hand and Alex's head detached from his body.

Abhimanyu asked, "What are you doing here?"

Demon said, "At one time, I ruled all realms. I was the most powerful being."

Abhimanyu said, "Stop praising yourself and get to the point."

Demon said, "Don't misunderstand me, I'm not afraid of death."

Demon continued, "But I underestimated myself, and God killed me by taking the form of an angel."

The angel said, "This demon is talking too much. I've never heard of a demon who ruled all realms."

Demon said, "You petty angel, keep quiet."

Angel said, "Petty? Who are you calling petty? I was the queen of all angels, and you keep calling me a petty angel."

Demon said, "Fine, I'll consider you my equal. My name was Arjun."

Angel said, "Arjun, the petty demon who I once pitied and spared."

Demon said, "Yes, that's me. I killed the angel who was going to kill you, and then I killed all the other angels. Then, God turned me to ashes and imprisoned me in a cave on Earth as punishment. But I had to be revived. So I wrote a secret technique of the demon clan on the wall there, hoping to be revived once. But humans were very weak. A human wrote that technique on a copper plate and erased it from the wall. However, the man's body was very weak. He only started to take power from the demon realm, and then many thousands of years passed. And finally, I got a very powerful body inside which there was no spiritual energy even after that, it was still very powerful. So now, I'm in this body."

Abhimanyu then got up and looked around, noticing a laptop nearby.

The angel said, "Now you just have to remain calm in front of me. Although I am weak, I will become powerful through this body."

The demon said, "What are you trying to do? I told you, I was a very powerful demon at one time."

The angel said, "What are you understanding? I am the queen of all angels; I can sacrifice all angels."

The demon said, "You're calling yourself the queen of angels petty?"

The angel said, "Keep calm, demon."

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "It means that when I die, you both will die too. So now, if you want to stay in my body, you better behave, otherwise I'm not afraid of death."

Abhimanyu asked, "So who are you both and what are you doing in my body?"

Suddenly, Alex started to run away.

Before he could escape, Abhimanyu turned his hand and Alex's head detached from his body.

Abhimanyu asked, "What are you doing here?"

Demon said, "At one time, I ruled all realms. I was the most powerful being."

Abhimanyu reiterated in the voice of the girl, "You petty evil demon, leave this body. This is my body now, I am its mistress."

In a demonic voice filled with anger, Abhimanyu continued, "This is my body. I have painstakingly strengthened it with my demonic energy over time, and a mere angel has appeared to claim it."

Abhimanyu again spoke in the girl's voice, "What do you mean by a mere angel? Suddenly, two types of energy within Abhimanyu began to clash and attack each other.

Abhimanyu started vomiting blood suddenly, and then he regained consciousness abruptly. He felt a new white energy within his body that he had never experienced before. Abhimanyu immediately sat in a meditation pose and began to control both energies with his spiritual energy, finally managing to grasp both. Then he heard two unfamiliar voices conflicting within his body. Abhimanyu also said inwardly, "This body doesn't belong to either of you. Therefore, I am removing you both from my body." With that, he began to expel them both from his body.

Then, a girl's voice said, "Please don't throw me out. I am an angel."

Abhimanyu replied, "So what? You also wanted to take control of my body. You're just as evil."

The angel said, "You are mistakenly considering me evil. Do you know who I am? All angels would sacrifice themselves for me."

Abhimanyu said, "I'm sorry, I'm just a human."

Suddenly, a terrifying demonic voice laughed and said, "Tell this petty human that this body is not his place."

Abhimanyu said, "You're leaving too."

The demonic voice hesitated, "But I've been with you for so long, and I've saved you so many times."

Abhimanyu said, "That doesn't mean I'll give you my body."

The demonic voice said angrily, "I'll tear your body apart."

The angel said, "If you do that, I won't spare you."

The demon said, "We'll both die if this body is destroyed, and we'll vanish into thin air."

The angel said, "Foolish demon."

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "It means that when I die, you'll both die too. So now, if you want to stay in my body, you better behave, otherwise I'm not afraid of death."

Abhimanyu asked, "So who are you both and what are you doing in my body?"

Suddenly, Alex started to run away.

Before he could escape, Abhimanyu turned his hand and Alex's head detached from his body.

Abhimanyu asked, "What are you doing here?"

Demon said, "At one time, I ruled all realms. I was the most powerful being."

Abhimanyu said, "Stop praising yourself and get to the point."

Demon said, "Don't misunderstand me, I'm not afraid of death."

Demon continued, "But I underestimated myself, and God killed me by taking the form of an angel."

The angel said, "This demon is talking too much. I've never heard of a demon who ruled all realms."

Demon said, "You petty angel, keep quiet."

Angel said, "Petty? Who are you calling petty? I was the queen of all angels, and you keep calling me a petty angel."

Demon said, "Fine, I'll consider you my equal. My name was Arjun."

Angel said, "Arjun, the petty demon who I once pitied and spared."

Demon said, "Yes, that's me. I killed the angel who was going to killed you, and then I killed all the other angels. Then, God turned me to ashes and imprisoned me in a cave on Earth as punishment. But I had to be revived. So I wrote a secret technique of the demon clan on the wall there, hoping to be revived once. But humans were very weak. A human wrote that technique on a copper plate and erased it from the wall. However, the man's body was very weak. He only started to take power from the demon realm, and then many thousands of years passed. And finally, I got a very powerful body inside which there was no spiritual energy even after that, it was still very powerful. So now, I'm in this body."

Abhimanyu then got up and looked around, noticing a laptop nearby.

Abhimanyu had opened a laptop that belonged to Alex.

Abhimanyu instructed Saily, "Saily, open this laptop."

Saily complied, "Okay."

The angel asked, "Whose voice is this? Is there anyone else in this body apart from us?"

The demon replied, "You're new here. Saily is the girlfriend of this guy who is a soul residing in this body."

Angel inquired, "What material is this glasses made of that can hold a soul?"

The demon replied, "According to my investigation, it's made of ordinary metals, but I've heard that Saily resides in it."

Saily asked, "Who are you both?"

The demon chuckled, "She can hear us."

The angel introduced herself, "I am Maya, the queen of heaven."

The demon added, "And I am Arjun, the king of the whole world."

The angel corrected, "You are no longer that."

The demon retorted, "Neither are you."

Abhimanyu suddenly asked Saily, "How can you hear them?"

Saily replied, "I don't know, but I can hear them."

The demon shrugged, "What's the big deal if she can hear us? If she can hear us, then..."

Abhimanyu interrupted, "She's communicating with us through telepathy, which is not possible through this glasses. I need to go to Genesis and meet Dr. Rustam, he'll explain."

Just then, many martial artists started entering the room, and they all knelt down in front of Abhimanyu. They all seemed as powerful as Abhimanyu himself, and in terms of spiritual energy, they were all in awe of Abhimanyu. They bowed their heads and said, "We were all slaves of Alex, and now we will work for you."

Abhimanyu asked them, "Who among you is from the Grim Reaper organization?"

The leader of all those martial artists replied, "None of us are from the Grim Reaper organization. There were about 12 of us who were sold by the Grim Reaper organization, and their leader seemed to be the most powerful."

Abhimanyu issued orders to them, "Gather all the girls who were kidnapped and sold to clubs or elsewhere, and arrange for their return to their respective countries through the embassy."

Abhimanyu then ordered the Mexican Mafia members working under him in a large resort in Mexico City to gather within four hours. As he stepped out of the room, he noticed Sylvia at a short distance, looking quite worried.

Sylvia said, "Are you okay? Your body is covered in blood."

Abhimanyu replied, "Follow me."

Sylvia and all the slaves followed Abhimanyu.

The leader of all the slaves was named Kim Sung, a Korean, and his internal name was Shadow King. The team of the remaining 12 members was referred to as the Shadow Army.

They all reached the resort, and Abhimanyu went to take a bath. Upon returning, he called Riya on the phone and asked her to come to the resort. Sylvia was given a phone, and she dialed a number to narrate her entire story, from her kidnapping to the recent events, to Abhimanyu. After expressing her gratitude, she asked about the blood and the deal with the others.

Abhimanyu chuckled and said, "I told them that if they handed you over to me, I would hand over the entire Brazil to them, and they agreed."

Sylvia asked, "And you're setting me free?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Don't you want to go home?"

Sylvia hesitated, "I do, but I'm finding it hard to believe you."

Sylvia asked, "By the way, who are you? I mean, what's your name? You seem to be of my age."

Abhimanyu replied, "My name is Abhimanyu, and I'm a student."

Sylvia laughed, "Don't joke. I heard Alex saying that you're the underground ruler of Brazil, and they call you The Dominator."

Abhimanyu said, "You have to keep this a secret. Can you promise me that?"

Arjun, in a demonic voice, chuckled, "She's an expert at tempting girls."

Saily interjected, "Stop it. Because of you, he was going to ended up sleeping with that bitch, Jasmine."

Arjun replied, "I only help where I see an opportunity. He should grab it when he can."

Saily retorted, "Abhimanyu isn't like that."

Arjun mocked, "I don't know what girls see in this guy. He's just a fool and weak."

Saily warned, "Stop talking nonsense, or..."

Arjun interrupted, "See, now this little girl is getting angry. Tell me, what will you do?"

Suddenly, Abhimanyu's spiritual energy went out of control, and the spritual energy choked him.