Chapter 43: return into Stream

Arjun asked, "How are you doing this? This is the boy's spiritual energy."

Abhimanyu said, "Calm down, or I might faint."

After a moment of thought, Sylvia said, "Okay, I won't tell anyone about you."

Half an hour later, Riya, Aakash, Bhawna, Ritesh, and Vishal arrived at the resort.

Riya asked, "What happened? Why did you call us here, and who are these people?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I killed Alex and all his five Mafia minions." Hearing this, Riya and others were shocked and trembled in fear. They fell to the ground, unable to move. Apart from them, no one else was there, and the Shadow Army stood at a distance. Sylvia had also gone to bathe.

Riya said, "You're joking. Do you even know how dangerous Alex was? I believe that even our Army chief couldn't have faced Alex and his men alone. It's impossible to defeat him."

Ritesh added, "Yes, we found out that Alex was four times more powerful than our Army chief. It was extremely difficult to defeat him."

Abhimanyu said, "I received some help," gesturing towards the Shadow Army.

Riya asked, "Who are they? Why did they help you?"

Abhimanyu replied, "You know how smart I am."

Riya said, "Yes, we all know. Where did you go to find Robert, and now you've taken over Mexico."

Abhimanyu replied, "Now that I'm here, I have to do what's best for all of us. What else can I do? Anyway, due to the shocks I gave, Alex has called all the Mafia from different countries for a meeting here."

About three hours later, Jasmine and her team also arrived at the resort, and after another half-hour, prominent businesspersons, underground Mafia members, and Mafia representatives from three other countries gathered at the resort grounds.

The Shadow Army and Jasmine's team arrived, and Abhimanyu, surrounded by them, walked towards a chair. They all reached near the chair, and Abhimanyu sat on the throne. He had some slave collars in his hands, which he removed from the Shadow Army's necks, but there was no space for them to go, so they pledged loyalty to Abhimanyu.

Sylvia stood aside with Abhimanyu's friends.

Sylvia remarked, "Abhimanyu has changed his appearance again."

Bhawna said, "That's his habit. Don't pay attention to it."

Meanwhile, Robert and the other US soldiers who had joined the Mexican Mafia were brought there, tied up with ropes.

Abhimanyu asked, "What should I do with you guys?"

Robert said, "Forgive us, Dominator. We were only following Alex."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, I forgive you, but you can't stay here anymore. I'm handing you over to the US, and your fate will be decided there."

Abhimanyu wasn't worried because Saily had told him that even after losing consciousness, he hadn't revealed his true identity due to fear of Alex. Only Alex and the others present there had seen his true face, and even if he had seen it, it wouldn't have made any difference.

Then they were placed aside, and Jasmine came forward to explain Abhimanyu's rules, benefits, and drawbacks. It was hard to believe that the new ruler of Alex's empire was a 16 to 17-year-old boy, but the five leaders and Alex their heads were hanging through ropes in column, which gaves them chills of death.

Jasmine gave a loud command after her speech, "If anyone has any objections, speak up now!"

However, no one spoke up.

Jasmine then said, "Then bow before your new king, all businessmen and gangsters." Everyone bowed before the new king.

Abhimanyu knew Jasmine could handle everything well, and the kingdom would now run smoothly with new rules and laws. He instructed Jasmine to learn everything from the Shadow King and to handle everything herself. He then went to rest.

Jasmine handled everything smoothly, and later, she went to Abhimanyu's room and fell asleep beside him.

The next day, when Abhimanyu woke up, he found Jasmine sleeping beside him. He silently cursed Arjun in his mind. Arjun denied doing anything, claiming they all slept when Abhimanyu did.

Jasmine woke up and reassured him that they didn't got intimate.

Arjun insisted she was lying, and Maya agreed.

Abhimanyu thought to himself that he knew the truth but decided not to expose it. He thanked Jasmine, saying he no longer felt guilty.

Jasmine kissed him, saying he was her boss, and she was under his complete control.

Abhimanyu assigned her the task of managing Brazil and Mexico's affairs, training new martial artists, and opening an orphanage. He emphasized creating a home-like atmosphere in the orphanage, with training feeling like an exercise. Only the most talented children would be trained in martial arts, while others would be trained according to their talents.

Jasmine teased him, saying he was talking as if he wouldn't stay there.

Abhimanyu replied, "I'm going back to India."

Jasmine immediately said she would accompany him.

Abhimanyu asked, "What about the work here?"

Jasmine assured him she would manage everything, as their other companions would stay there, along with the Shadow Army, which could handle Mexico's affairs. Abhimanyu agreed and left for his exercise routine.

Later, some businessmen and US Army personnel arrived by helicopter.

Those people landed straight on the helipad built in the resort garden, where Abhimanyu was training. Abhimanyu commented, "This old man looks like Dre Parker. I thought he would arrive here yesterday, but he took a long time to come."

There were two people with the businessman, one of whom seemed to be from the military. One of them approached Abhimanyu and said, "Go and tell your boss that the US government and Dre Parker have arrived here."

Abhimanyu replied, "All of you sit in the tea area over there. I will inform him."

Abhimanyu hurriedly went and changed his clothes, put on a silicon mask, and kept Saily in his box. He had just seen Saily wearing glasses, so he had asked Sylvia to get ready too. When he came out ready, Sylvia was already standing outside. Abhimanyu asked her why her grandfather took so long to come.

Sylvia replied, "I don't know. Maybe it took some time to get verification and permission to enter Mexico with the army."

They both then reached the area where there was a beautiful pond and a pool in the middle, where one could enjoy tea. Tea was served there.

Seeing her grandfather, Sylvia ran towards him and hugged him. Complaining, she asked, "Grandpa, why did it take you so long to come?"

Dre Parker apologized and promised not to be late again.

Seeing Abhimanyu, Dre Parker thanked him and then signaled to a bodyguard, who handed over a card to Abhimanyu. Dre Parker said, "This is a reward for rescuing my granddaughter."

Abhimanyu replied, "There was no need for this. I didn't go to save your granddaughter."

Dre Parker said, "This is a gift for our friendship. I have heard about how you set things right in Brazil's underworld. It shows what kind of person you are."

Abhimanyu accepted the card and said, "If this is a gift for our friendship, then I also want to give a gift to accept this friendship." Then some people were brought in chains; it was Robert and his team.

After some discussion, Sylvia, Dre Parker, and the US Army left with their granddaughter.

Riya had also successfully rescued all the girls, and they were about to be taken back to India. Riya asked Abhimanyu, "Our mission here is complete, but what are you going to do with your empire?"

Abhimanyu replied, "The Shadow Army will take care of the work here. I am going back to India."

Abhimanyu and Riya then caught the evening flight back to India. Jasmine had handed over all the work to Meena, and Abhimanyu had converted a small portion of the currencies into Indian rupees, which amounted to nearly 1 trillion rupees.

Abhimanyu commented, "These people used to make a lot of money." He handed over the business of organ trading and all the drugs to the Indian government. Now, everyone had reached India, and their flight had landed in Delhi.

Riya's mission was complete, and the credit for it would be shared among them. Riya had helped all the girls reach their country safely, which was the only task assigned to her. Bhawna and Aakash didn't get to learn much about the investigation, but they realized that they knew very little about Abhimanyu.

After landing in Delhi, they all went to report at the military headquarters. Abhimanyu handed Jasmine a card and told her to buy a house near his school, as he was going to explain the next steps to her.

Jasmine then left from there.

Bhawna asked, "Can Abhimanyu really keep that money?"

Riya replied, "During the mission, you can do whatever you want, and making money in any way doesn't matter to the Army Chief as long as the mission is completed. He believes that the money belongs to Abhimanyu anyway. Besides, he has already donated a lot of money and given it to both the government of that place and the Indian government so that they can operate those areas peacefully."

Bhawana asked, "Does Abhimanyu want to become the king of the underworld like Alex?"

Riya replied, "No, his belief is that if the underworld is eliminated or emptied, new people will recreate the underworld. And if there is no ruler in the underworld, they will want to rule by bloodshed. The best example of this is that gangsters and the underworld are found in every country. While the government can eliminate the underworld, it would require a lot of bloodshed, which is not possible in today's democratic era. Therefore, some governments secretly eliminate them. But Abhimanyu was a bit more violent in Mexico and Brazil's underworld, so there is a stir in the underworld right now."

Abhimanyu was listening to music with headphones and was sitting alone in the front seat of another jeep that was moving ahead.

On the other hand, in all the underworld gangs, a new leader emerged who called himself "The Dominator." It became known to the most famous and dangerous organization, "The Grim Reaper," and even they paid attention to this news. But the big organizations of the world didn't pay much attention to it. People associated with Mexican Mafias like those from Japan, France, and Russia were quite angry because Abhimanyu had put a stop to many of their illegal activities, causing them significant losses. So, they started planning to kill Abhimanyu, and a contract worth 100 billion US dollars was put on Abhimanyu's photo. But since The Grim Reaper organization hadn't seen Abhimanyu's real face, there was no immediate danger to Abhimanyu. He also made sure that his footage wasn't captured on any CCTV.

Abhimanyu hadn't directly confronted The Grim Reaper organization, so he was only investigating, trying to find out whether the information was valid. But after some time, the contract was rejected because the information was not valid. However, Abhimanyu didn't give any reason to the Mafia for rejecting the contract, so they were all disappointed, and they had to shut down their business. Then, the rest of the girls were also sent to Mexico and Brazil.

No news about the underworld was made public, so ordinary people didn't know anything about it. But they found out that many girls were rescued from several countries. Rumors were spread that it was the work of Interpol, but no one inside knew about it. It was only known that it all started from India, so many people believed that someone from India was also involved in this mission. And that's why the rumor spread that The Dominator was actually an Indian because he was seen in different disguises in Mexico and Brazil.

After reporting to the military headquarters, Abhimanyu was given an army uniform, and he was promoted to the rank of captain. He was also honored with a medal in that uniform. But only the Army Chief, IB Chief, RAW Chief, Abhimanyu's grandfather, Lalit, Riya, Bhawna, and Aakash were present at the ceremony because no one else knew about Abhimanyu.

The Army Chief said, "You have completely lived up to your grandfather's name. As soon as you turn 20, we will publicly announce you."

Abhimanyu saluted them, and then his grandfather and Lalit also praised him.

Riya was also honored with an award because this rescue operation was very important, and the government of India was talking about it. The Indian government had announced that they had completed this rescue operation with the governments of Mexico and Brazil and Interpol. It was all the power and method of Abhimanyu that his name was not mentioned anywhere, and a fictional story was created, which was being widely discussed in the news.

Abhimanyu then returned to the apartment with Aakash and Bhawna. Aakash, Bhawna, and Riya had been given a week's leave, and Riya had gone back to her home, where Ammy hugged her as soon as Abhimanyu arrived.

Bhawna, surprised, asked, "Who is this girl?"

Abhimanyu replied, "She's my friend and junior, and also my gaming partner."

Bhawna asked, "Gaming?"

Abhimanyu said, "Yes, I'm a gamer."

Bhawna said, "This was the most normal shock about you. How many followers do you have? It must be more than ten thousand."

Abhimanyu replied, "Last time I checked, it was around 5 million."

Ammy said, "Now it's 10 million."

Abhimanyu asked, "How did this happen?"

Ammy said, "I started streaming too. I've set up my own setup, and don't be angry, but I've also set up one for you, and you know everyone is waiting for your arrival."

Bhawna, trying to control her surprise, said, "10 million is a lot."

Abhimanyu said, "Yes, but the channel's revenue will be spent in our team. Everyone will get only 5% for personal expenses."

Bhawna said, "It's really weird to talk about expenses coming from your mouth."

Abhimanyu asked Ammy, "How much did you spend?"

Ammy replied, "The setup for both computers cost around 10 lakhs."

Abhimanyu asked, "How is that possible? Is it a computer or gold?"

Ammy said, "Come and see." When Abhimanyu looked at his room, he was surprised to see RGB lights installed, and his computer looked very powerful.

Abhimanyu turned it on and understood why there was so much expenditure. It was the most powerful PC available in the market, with top-notch processors and other components.

Bhawna asked, "Can I also use your computer?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Sure."

Bhawna then started playing an open-world game on it, which was already pre-installed.

Abhimanyu was now free, with nothing to do. Ammy suggested he make an entry into streaming.

Abhimanyu immediately agreed, and Ammy informed Vayu and the rest of the team about it.

They all started streaming different games. Abhimanyu also started streaming with Saily's help.

Maya asked, "What is all this? Is this some kind of magic window? And why is this demon so strange?" There was a demon's photo on Abhimanyu's wallpaper, which was a live wallpaper.

Saily explained, "This is called a computer."

Arjun added, "Old people may not know what a computer is, but inside this magical box, there are many battles fought, and maybe it's like an avatar that we control and fight enemies."

Initially, Abhimanyu could only hear Saily's voice, but suddenly, two more people joined. However, Saily was communicating with him telepathically, which Abhimanyu couldn't understand.

Abhimanyu ignored them and started his webcam and joined a Discord server, turning on his mic. Vayu told him that he had been missing for a month after saying he'd be gone for a week.

Abhimanyu asked, "Has work increased?"

Vayu started the stream, which Abhimanyu didn't know about.

Vayu said, "People are saying you were with Priya and betraying Ammy."

Abhimanyu clarified, "Actually, I was in Mumbai before, and I only met Priya twice. After that, I went to Rio. She showed me her photo at the statue there. Besides that, I showed them other photos and videos."

Vayu asked, "Did you make vlogs? The audience there is asking for them."

Abhimanyu replied, "I didn't make vlogs, but I took some videos and photos there. I'm showing them one by one." He accidentally played a video of two fighters on the beach, engaged in a friendly match in the Capoeira style.

Abhimanyu quickly stopped the video and showed other photos. When asked about the video, he said it was of two fighters having a friendly match on the beach.

Audience requests led him to play the video. The fighters were Larry and Black Mamba, fighting at lightning speed. It was so fast that the camera couldn't record properly, but Larry ultimately defeated Black Mamba. The match was without spiritual energy, making it easy for Larry, as Abhimanyu had advised him to fight mentally as well.

The audience praised their fight.

After some more chatting, they started playing a horror game, with Abhimanyu joking in horror situations and entertaining the audience with his humor. His subscribers increased as they watched.

Arjun said, "I also want to play this game. It's my turn."

Abhimanyu handed over his controls to Arjun, who played the horror game with expertise.

Arjun suddenly said in a demonic voice, "Guys, I feel like someone is in my room."

All the audience focused on Abhimanyu's webcam, where suddenly a shadow appeared next to him. Vayu enlarged Abhimanyu's webcam screen, showing only Abhimanyu's video. Then, the shadow entered Abhimanyu, and he closed his eyes. When he opened them, he looked completely dark, with black marks on his face. Then, he started laughing loudly, looking very terrifying.

Suddenly, comments flooded in, and super chats started coming. Some people cut the clip and made it viral on social media, leading to an increase in Abhimanyu's subscribers.