Chapter 44: Soniya

Then Aakash enters Abhimanyu's room and says, "Hey, can you keep the noise down? You disturbed my sleep."

Abhimanyu apologizes, "Sorry bro, I'll be more careful."

Aakash starts to leave, but then he notices the game and asks, "What game is this?"

Abhimanyu replies, "It's a horror game."

Aakash finds it interesting and says, "Looks interesting, I should give it a try."

Abhimanyu warns him, "Alright, but don't get scared."

Confidently, Aakash says, "Come on, nothing can scare Detective Aakash."

Abhimanyu hands him the headphones, explains the controls, and then sits back in his chair.

Then a comment comes from an audience member, "Hey, are you the big brother of Black Demon?"

Aakash finds this strange and asks, "Black Demon?"

Abhimanyu explains, "That's my gaming name."

Aakash responds, "You've chosen quite a familiar name."

Then another person comments, "I'm also from Bihar, are you from there too?"

Aakash says, "Yes, you're absolutely right. You could be a detective too."

The same person then sends another superchat message, "I'm also from Bihar, and there's a guy named Black Demon here who gives such terrifying punishments to wrongdoers that even the onlookers' souls tremble. The police have been searching for him for a long time, but he's nowhere to be found, and the public considers him a hero."

Comments start flooding in, with some saying they didn't know there was a story behind Black Demon.

Vayu reads all the comments and is surprised, and the other team members are also intrigued.

Someone else sends a superchat asking about Aakash's relationship with Yuwan Raijada.

Aakash responds, "I don't know him."

Then comments start coming in suggesting they ask Black Demon.

Abhimanyu reveals that he's their good friend.

After Aakash's turn ends, he says, "Bye bye guys," and leaves.

Abhimanyu sits back down, and Aakash goes back to his room. Abhimanyu ends the stream and says, "Alright guys, I have to say bye now too."

Then Abhimanyu's phone rings, and it's Kashmira calling.

As soon as Abhimanyu picks up the phone, Kashmira says, "I watched your live stream, you're back in India and you didn't even call me?"

Abhimanyu replies, "Yeah, I just got back and didn't have anything to do, so I started playing games."

Kashmira asks, "Where are my gifts?"

Abhimanyu assures her, "I've brought them, I'll give them to you at school tomorrow."

Kashmira insists, "We'll be students and teachers at school, let's meet outside. You know, it's my birthday today."

Abhimanyu agrees, "Then we'll have to meet."

Kashmira says, "I'm coming to pick you up, tell me your address."

After ending the call with Abhimanyu, Ammy enters his room. She's wearing a white blouse and a black top. As soon as she enters, she lies down on Abhimanyu's bed and says, "This gaming is quite exhausting, tell me, what were you up to?"

Abhimanyu replies, "I went to Rio, took control there, then went to Mexico and seized control there too, and before that, I took control in Mumbai and Goa."

Ammy interrupts, "Stop boasting, I know you're powerful, but bragging isn't cool."

Arjun adds, "He couldn't have done all that without me, I was there."

In his mind, Abhimanyu thinks, "Even without you, I could have defeated them. When I use the demon technique, I'm just as dangerous."

Arjun claims, "That technique is mine too."

Abhimanyu retorts, "You didn't invent it, you just copied it from someone else."

Then, Ammy swiftly uses one of Abhimanyu's techniques, pushing him onto the bed and straddling him. She passionately kisses him.

After a minute, she says, "I've missed you so much," and resumes kissing him. She takes off her top, revealing her bra with cleavage showing and a necklace that looks like a locket.

Abhimanyu comments, "You're being bolder than usual."

Ammy responds, "Well, I got permission from Karishma, so now I'm going to take full advantage of you."

Abhimanyu clarifies, "You mean permission from your assistant."

Ammy replies, "An assistant should always keep their boss happy," and kisses him again.

Abhimanyu says, "I have to go out now."

Ammy quickly says, "I'll come too, where are you going?"

"It's Kashmira's birthday today, she invited me to meet her," Abhimanyu replies.

Ammy pouts, "I'm her student too, but she didn't invite me."

Abhimanyu explains, "Because she's also my friend."

Ammy insists, "I'll come too then."

Abhimanyu warns her, "Alright, but seeing you there might create some confusion for Kashmira."

Ammy mischievously replies, "What confusion?" and then goes to get ready.

Ammy came back after getting dressed to go out, and upon entering Abhimanyu's room, she asked, "How long will this Miss Kashmira take?"

Just then, the doorbell rang. Ammy went to open it, and Kashmira looked confused.

Ammy greeted her, saying, "Happy birthday, ma'am."

Kashmira replied, "Thank you, but isn't this Abhimanyu's flat?"

Ammy explained, "Yes, it's his. I live in the flat across the hall."

When Abhimanyu came out, he was still wearing his usual style of clothes.

Kashmira commented, "Do you always like dressing like this? We're going to my party, and if you wear these clothes, people will make fun of you, which I don't want."

Abhimanyu replied, "Then I'm not going."

Kashmira quickly said, "Wait, wait, okay, fine, let's go. I'll get you some clothes."

Ammy asked, "Miss, can I come too?"

Kashmira replied, "Yes, come."

Ammy went with them, and Kashmira took them to a mall where she bought Abhimanyu an expensive suit and Ammy an expensive dress.

Abhimanyu remarked to her, "You've spent your entire salary on these dresses."

Kashmira reassured them, saying, "Don't worry, I have money."

She then took them to her house, where they got ready and arrived at a grand hall. The hall was adorned with decorations and lights, typical of events hosted by wealthy families for occasions like weddings, birthdays, or ceremonies. Only affluent individuals could afford to host such events here.

Abhimanyu asked, "What does your family do?"

Kashmira laughed and replied, "Let's go inside first."

As they entered the hall, it was bustling with activity and lights.

An man approached Kashmira and said, "Hello, birthday girl." This man was none other than Kashmira's father.

Kashmira introduced them, saying, "Meet my students, Ammy and Abhimanyu."

Kashmira's father greeted them with a hello before engaging with other guests.

Kashmira's father's name was Ratan Mathur, and he was the chairman of Mathur Textiles and Mathur Construction, part of the Mathur Group of Companies. The Mathur family was one of the four prominent families in Delhi, with various business interests and a large family network, including ties to the military.

As business discussions continued, Abhimanyu and Ammy sat on a sofa on the side, observing the proceedings.

Ammy remarked, "Is this what they call a party? Everyone seems so bored."

Abhimanyu replied, "That's how it is at big parties. It's the best place for business interactions."

Ammy said, "Sometimes, I forget that you also come from a wealthy family."

Abhimanyu said, "My family is a bit different."

Just then, another family entered the hall, and Ratan Mathur went to greet them.

Ratan said, "Hello, Ramraj Bhai, hello, bhabhi."

Ramraj chuckled and said, "You've become quite bold in the business field, I enjoyed hearing your talks."

Ratan replied, "You taught me well."

Ratan then turned to his son, who was 23 years old, and said, "Hello, Rajveer, how are you?"

Rajveer replied, "I'm good, uncle. How are you?"

Ratan said, "I'm good too."

Ratan then looked at a girl who was only 20 years old. "How are you, Riya, my dear? Finally, you've found time to meet me."

Riya replied, "You know how busy military life is. By the way, where is Kashmira?"

Ratan said, "She's over there, talking to people."

Rajveer's family went to Kashmira, congratulated her, and then mingled with other guests. Now, only Rajveer and Riya were left.

Riya hugged Kashmira and said, "Happy birthday, sister."

Kashmira thanked her and said, "Tell me, how did you manage to get leave? You hardly ever take a break, even though you're posted in Delhi."

Rajveer said, "I don't know what she's doing in the army. No one else in the family has joined the army."

Riya said, "Our grandfather wanted at least one member of the family to join the army, so I had to do it."

Riya looked around and asked, "Avinash Bhai didn't come?"

Kashmira said, "He's on a business trip, so he couldn't come."

Riya said, "Not only military personnel, but even businessmen are busy throughout the year."

Kashmira said, "Yes, but they always stay in air-conditioned rooms."

Riya said, "But why did you become a teacher?"

Kashmira said, "I have to open many schools and advance in the education department, so I'm gaining experience."

Riya said, "Wow, I heard that you teach at Agrasen School."

Kashmira said, "Yes."

Riya asked, "Do you know a boy named Abhimanyu? I consider him my younger brother, so take care of him."

Rajveer said, "Here we go again. Riya knows everything about this Abhimanyu. I've been hearing about this Abhimanyu for two years now, and she always ends up comparing me to him, even though he's just a school student."

Kashmira asked, "How do you know Abhimanyu?"

Riya said, "Two years ago, I was posted in Bihar, where he attended the military school. He was quite brave and courageous."

Rajveer said, "I also want to meet this Abhimanyu who can turn my dictator sister into his fan."

Kashmira replied, "Then you're lucky." She gestured towards Abhimanyu and said, "That's Abhimanyu."

When Riya looked in that direction, she saw Abhimanyu and Ammy playing a battlefield game on a sofa.

Riya started walking towards Abhimanyu, with Kashmira and Rajveer following behind.

Abhimanyu was engrossed in the game, but Saily said, "Abhi, Riya is standing in front."

When Abhimanyu looked up, he saw Riya standing there.

Riya asked, "Are you here to play games?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Was getting bored, so what else to do?"

Ammy asked, "How did you get out?" Then, looking at Riya, she said, "Hi, Riya didi."

Ammy had met Riya during the arrest of Subham Chaudhary.

Riya replied, "Hello, Ammy."

Kashmira asked, "How do you know Ammy?"

Riya replied, "Just know her. Forget all that, your guests are getting bored at your own party."

Raajveer said, "So, you're Abhimanyu. Heard a lot of praise about you."

Abhimanyu replied, "You must be Raajveer bhai." With that, he extended his hand forward.

Kashmira said to Abhimanyu, "Will you eat something? Wait, I'll get something."

Then she walked away from there.

Riya asked, "What were you playing?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Playing Battlefield. Would you like to play?"

Riya said, "Sure, just a minute. Let me install it too."

And a minute later, Riya also sat on the same sofa and started playing the game.

Just then, Raamraj arrived there and scolded Riya, asking what she was doing there while Raajveer was busy talking to some people.

Riya didn't say anything to him.

Raamraj continued, saying he had brought her to this big party so he could introduce her to chirag and find a match for her, but she was playing games with these kids. He asked her to get up and come along, mentioning that the Aggarwal family's young master had arrived at the party.

Riya said but I don't want to marry I am just 20 years old

Raamraj said shutup and just listen your dad

Riya got up and started to leave. She was in a corner from where the entrance gate wasn't visible, so Abhimanyu and Ammy returned their focus to the game.

At the gate, two people entered.The first person was Chirag Lakshay Aggarwal from the Aggarwal family. He was famous, but more for his spending habits and indulgence in luxury and being a Playboy. Currently, he had started his own business.

And he had a companion by their side. A hot girl wearing a white dress, revealing one of her legs, looking stunning like an actress. Indeed, she was an actress who played lead roles in TV serials. Her dress was too much revealing, Ratan, Raamraj ,Riya and Rajveer welcomeed them but Kashmira was giving cupcakes to Abhimanyu and Ammy.

Raamraj introduced his children to Chirag, and Chirag asked, "Where is the birthday girl?"

Ratan, upon noticing this, was angry, wondering why Kashmira was paying so much attention to these two students instead of focusing on important guests.

He then went towards Kashmira and tried to take her away to introduce her to some other people. Along the way, he whispered, "Why did you bring them here? They don't even know how to behave at a party. Look how everyone is staring at them, and they are making so much noise."

Abhimanyu and Ammy, wearing headphones, were creating a lot of noise while playing the game.

Seeing this, Kashmira smiled and said, "They are kids, they'll make noise."

Ratan was upset to see his daughter paying so much attention to these two students instead of focusing on important guests.

By the time they reached there, Ratan introduced his daughter, saying, "This is the birthday girl, my daughter Kashmira."

Kashmira greeted Chirag.

Chirag shook hands and said, "Happy birthday, Miss Kashmira. You are as beautiful as your name suggests."

Kashmira thanked him.

The actress also wished her and said, "You're looking very beautiful."

Kashmira also complimented her, and then everyone started to go inside. Just then, Chirag's gaze fell upon two kids sitting in a corner playing the game, creating a lot of noise.

Chirag asked, "Who are these kids? Everyone's attention is on them, even though they are in a corner."

Ratan replied, "They are my daughter's students."

Chirag was surprised, "You are a teacher?"

Kashmira replied, "Yes, I am a teacher at Agrasen School."

Chirag said, "Wow, really? But with such a big family background, why did you become a teacher?"

Sulochana replied, "I enjoy teaching children."

Chirag remarked, "Wow, but don't you have other students? These kids seem very mischievous to me. Look, they are spoiling your own party."

Ratan said, "Tell them to be quiet, or else I'll kick them out of here."

Riya intervened, saying, "Let me handle it."

Raamraj said, "Let Kashmira's students be, she knows them."

Kashmira then went to Abhimanyu and said, "Abhimanyu."

Abhimanyu removed his headphones and asked, "Yes?"

Kashmira whispered to him, "You and Ammy are making too much noise."

Abhimanyu replied, "But this is a party, isn't it?"

Kashmira whispered back, "Yes, but many business people are here who don't like noise and disturbance."

Abhimanyu asked, "Are they sadistic or what? Alright, I won't play the game, but on one condition, you won't let me get bored."

Kashmira agreed, "I'll introduce you to everyone in an hour, then we'll go somewhere quiet, okay?"

Abhimanyu asked, "What should I do until then?"

Kashmira suggested, "Why don't you also meet everyone?"

Just then, Chirag came over, chuckling, "What's up, Kashmira ji? Can't you handle these two kids?"

Chirag then said to Abhimanyu, "Take this card, it has 4 lakh rupees. Both of you spend it however you like. If you leave from here..."

Kashmira interjected, "Mr. Chirag, you can't speak to my students like this. This is my party, and I will decide whether they stay or leave."

Chirag was a proud man, and he couldn't tolerate anyone defying his words. Looking towards Ratan Mathur, he said, "Alright, Mr. Mathur, it seems I should leave from here then."

Ratan replied, "No, no, Mr. Aggarwal, why are you getting angry? They are just kids, why are you trying to kick them out?"

Chirag explained, "It's obvious that these two were getting bored here, that's why they were playing the game. I was just giving them 4 lakh to entertain themselves outside."

Although Ratan was from the Mathur family, his position within the family was quite low. He relied on his elder brother Raamraj's support; otherwise, the main branch of the Mathur family would have ousted him. Thus, neither Ratan nor Chirag could afford to anger each other.

Ratan said, "My daughter couldn't understand your intention, so please forgive her."

Chirag then said to Abhimanyu, "So, take this 4 lakh and have fun."

Abhimanyu burst into laughter at this.

Chirag chuckled, "What's so funny, kid?"

Ammy pulled out his card, still laughing, and said, "This card has 10 crore rupees. Why do you think we need your 4 lakh?"

Chirag, also amused, replied, "You kids really know how to boast. After all, which family in Delhi will give their children so much money?"

Despite being the young master of the Aggarwal family, Chirag received only 40 lakh as pocket money, which he often squandered on his luxuries. His father had only given him 5 crore to start a business, saying, "Start a startup and prove yourself. If it works, I'll invest more. Otherwise, you won't get more than 5 crore."

Ammy retorted, "Whatever it is, stop your nonsense here because you don't have the status to speak like that in front of us."

Chirag replied, "You have the audacity to talk like this to me, the prince of the Aggarwal family, here in Delhi?"

Chirag's companion, the actress, said, "Darling, why are you arguing with a child? What comparison are you making with him?"

Chirag responded, "These are very insolent kids, and despite being from such influential families, I should teach them a lesson."

Abhimanyu intervened, stating, "Someone who lacks values themselves should not try to teach others."

This provoked Chirag, who grabbed Abhimanyu by the collar, ready to strike, but Kashmira intervened, instructing him to stop and advising Abhimanyu to calm down, assuring him they would leave shortly.

Afterward, Ratan took Chirag to meet other influential figures, and then both Ratan and Raamraj had a private conversation with Chirag. They discussed collaborating in business due to Yuwaan Raijada's possession of a USB drive containing valuable information that hindered their market progress.

Chirag agreed to discuss the matter with his family and attempt to arrange a meeting. Later, when leaving, Chirag noticed the actress conversing with Abhimanyu, who was impressing her with his palmistry skills, much to Chirag's chagrin.

Chirag, upon arriving, questioned what was happening there.

The actress replied, saying Abhimanyu knows palm reading and is going to tell her about her future.

Chirag scoffed, claiming that Abhimanyu was trying to deceive her.

The actress insisted that Abhimanyu was telling the truth.

Abhimanyu smiled, knowing he was indeed revealing the truth, but he suggested he could also reveal Chirag's secrets.

In his mind, Abhimanyu remembered having the USB drive containing everyone's misdeeds, including Chirag's.

Chirag nervously asked Abhimanyu to first tell him about his past.

Abhimanyu looked at Chirag's hand and recounted an incident involving Chirag and a girl named Nate, leaving Chirag startled.

Chirag, feeling uneasy, dismissed Abhimanyu's claims, denying any knowledge of Nate or the incident.

Abhimanyu mentioned the incident occurred during their 10th grade at Agrasen School of Talents.

Chirag, enraged, demanded to know who Abhimanyu was.

Abhimanyu cautioned Chirag to be careful in dealing with him, implying he knew more than Chirag expected.

Abhimanyu revealed his name as Kaal Bhairav and hers as Alakhnanda, recounting their tragic past life where they couldn't be together due to societal constraints. This revelation left Soniya stunned, as she aspired to become a film star but was currently working in a TV serial.

Soniya was taken aback by the accuracy of Abhimanyu's words and wondered about the unfolding of their incomplete love story.