Chapter 62:Naagraaj

Shrikant intervened to stop the attack, but Nina fell back. The man, laughing, said, "This girl seems weak, but you're as powerful as us. Unfortunately, alone, you can't do anything." Saying this, another man attacked Shrikant with a palm strike, which Shrikant blocked with his other hand. However, both men continued their assault, causing Shrikant to stumble back, but he remained standing on his feet.

Suddenly, Abhimanyu's hand gripped a black sword, his eyes turned black, and everything seemed blurry. At that moment, a man's head detached from his body, while Abhimanyu sat on the truck's roof, blood smeared on his sword. Laughing maniacally, he exclaimed, "This is the blood of the Takshak clan! It's been a long time since I came in this form."

Only one man remained, bewildered by the sudden turn of events. Abruptly, his head separated from his body, seemingly by itself. Everyone was shocked to see Abhimanyu sitting atop the truck, using the man's head as support. Abhimanyu gestured towards the man with his sword, saying, "I'll give you ten seconds to tell me who sent you, or you'll meet the same fate."

At that moment, everyone present was terrified, as none had witnessed Abhimanyu's demonic and commanding voice before. However, the man, showing courage, said, "You can kill us if you wish, but we won't tell you anything."

Abhimanyu approached him and decapitated him, causing the man to collapse. However, the man saw Abhimanyu still seated on the truck and checked his own head, puzzled. Abhimanyu smiled, then detached the man's head from his body again, causing him to fall, blood spurting from his body. Witnessing this, the man realized the pain was real, not an illusion. Abhimanyu then struck him, causing him to writhe in agony until he succumbed to death. After burning him with fire, the man pleaded for forgiveness after enduring the death 99 times.

Abhimanyu remained seated on the truck, surrounded by astonished onlookers, as he had not moved from his spot.

Abhimanyu asked, "Who sent you here?"

The man replied, "Nagaraj sent us."

Abhimanyu questioned, "Why does Nagaraj want to kill me?"

The man replied, "I don't know. We are just ordinary killers sent to eliminate you."

Shrikant interjected, "Nagaraj must have felt threatened by you, Abhimanyu."

Abhimanyu looked at Shrikant and asked if he knew these people.

Shrikant, kneeling, replied, "Yes, Prince, these are all sent by Nagaraj Samar. Perhaps he got wind of you, and he feared for his position of power."

Abhimanyu inquired further, "Why?"

Shrikant explained, "We are all from the land of Nagas. Thousands of years ago, our king, Indraansh, disappeared, and we couldn't find him. This caused internal strife among our people, and many enemies attacked our kingdom. We had no ruler to guide us; everyone did as they pleased. Our Guru suggested choosing a temporary ruler until the true king returned. A great contest was held, and Samar emerged as the strongest candidate. He became the ruler and stabilized the kingdom, but he was a selfish and tyrannical ruler. He imprisoned many Nagas and indulged in luxury. To counter him, a group was formed that worked to protect the people from his atrocities. Meanwhile, Samar also formed his own group, which only killed and eliminated any hidden enemies. These assassins are from his faction, and I belong to the other group. The Naga kingdom is currently divided into two factions."

Abhimanyu asked, "What does this have to do with me?"

Shrikant said, "Some time ago, our current guru made a prophecy that the Nagaraj would return. She said the Naagraaj will exactly look like when he was young but she told us that his powers are not awakened yet. Therefore, we must find him immediately, protect him, and also teach him about these powers and show us his portrait."

Abhimanyu replied, "But what does this have to do with me?"

Shrikant said, "That portrait was yours and you look exactly like our previous lord."

Abhimanyu chuckled, "As you can see, there is no Naga power within me. Pack up and leave, and tell your guru to stop dreaming, as I already have someone I love."

Shrikant insisted, "Our guru's words are never wrong. If she said you are to become our Nagaraj, then you will indeed become him."

Abhimanyu suggested, "Why not organize the competition again or hold a vote every five years to change rulers, as is done among humans? It would be more appropriate."

Shrikant explained, "That would be considered treason, and as soon as Nagaraj Samar sees any revolution or uprising, he will ruthlessly crush it without a second thought. It's up to you to protect the Naga kingdom."

Abhimanyu insisted, "I am not a Naga; I have no powers within me."

Nina knew Abhimanyu was lying, but she supported him nonetheless. "Yes, it's true. You don't see his eyes; they're not those of a snake but of a demon. Quietly leave from here."

Shrikant had to leave, transforming into a snake and slithering away. Then the man said, "I can see you're not a snake. If I inform Nagaraj of this, he won't send anyone else to kill you."

Abhimanyu burst into laughter. "Do you think after injuring my friends and attempting to kill my closest companion, I will let you live? So be it," he said, setting the man ablaze with black fire, causing him to writhe in agony.

Abhimanyu's eyes returned to normal, and he also lost consciousness for a while. When he woke up, everyone was in the hospital, and Nina was sitting beside him, along with his other friends except for Ammy.

Abhimanyu said, "I need to got to the bathroom."

Nina reassured him, "We are looking for Ammy; she will be found soon. Don't worry."

Abhimanyu replied, "Don't worry about her; I know where Ammy is. Stop searching for her."

Abhimanyu then went to the bathroom and entered the realm within his ring, where Ammy lay motionless.

Abhimanyu asked, "How can we revive her?"

Maya replied, "First, we need to heal her body. She will need to stay in the nectar of immortality for quite some time because her consciousness has become very weak. Therefore, the effect of the medicine will be very slow."

Abhimanyu left Ammy in Ramika's care and exited the realm.

Abhimanyu emerged from the bathroom and asked Nina, "How long was I unconscious?"

Nina replied, "Perhaps half an hour." Abhimanyu then recited a mantra, and his friends began to regain consciousness.

Nina expressed surprise, saying, "You also know mantras and tantra?"

Abhimanyu gestured to silence, and Samarth, regaining consciousness, said, "Are we in hell? What are you all doing in hell? You're good people, aren't you?"

Vayu replied, "Stop talking nonsense. We're probably in the hospital."

Abhimanyu asked, "Are you all okay?"

Samarth inquired, "Where's Ammy?"

Abhimanyu replied, "She's fine. She'll meet us at the gaming competition. She left for the hotel a while ago because she needs rest."

Samarth agreed, "Alright, the competition doesn't start for another half a day, so let's rest until then."

Abhimanyu gestured to Nina to leave, and he himself lay down on the bed. After about two hours, Abhimanyu woke up and returned to the bathroom, where he entered the realm within his ring, finding Ammy lying motionless.

Abhimanyu asked, "How can we revive her?"

Maya replied, "First, we need to heal her body. She will need to stay in the nectar of immortality for quite some time because her consciousness has become very weak. Therefore, the effect of the medicine will be very slow."

Abhimanyu left Ammy in Maya's care and returned to the real world.

After some time, he prepared a special liquid and added an eagle feather to it. Abhimanyu asked, "Isn't this the same liquid that gave me wings?"

Maya confirmed, "Yes, and it's essential."

After a while, the feather turned white and began to glow. Maya instructed, "Now, put Ammy in this potion."

Abhimanyu did as instructed, then sat in a meditation pose.

Maya said, "Abhimanyu, I'm going to enter Ammy's body now because her soul has become very weak, and she wants to leave her body. To reconnect her soul with her body, I also need to reside in her body, just like Saily."

Abhimanyu was surprised. "Like Saily?"

Maya explained, "I think something similar happened to you in the past, where your consciousness became very weak, and someone inserted Saily's consciousness into your body to keep your soul connected, and then it was well set apart later."

Suddenly, a golden light began to emanate from Abhimanyu's body, entering Ammy's body. After about half an hour, the medicine began to dissolve in Ammy's body, and the feather also connected with her body. After about 24 hours, the pot was empty, and only black mud remained. Abhimanyu lifted Ammy, cleaned her, and bathed her in the elixir pool. After 24 hours, the pool was also empty, and Ammy's body had absorbed all the elixir. Her skin was glowing, soft like a child's, and she felt incredibly strong within her body. When she looked at herself, she found out that she was naked and doesn't have any piece of cloth. She then covered her chest with her hands.

Suddenly, someone hugged her tightly, crying. Ammy realized it was Abhimanyu but didn't understand why he was crying; she had forgotten she was naked. She comfort Abhimanyu.

Ammy remembered suddenly that she wasn't wearing any clothes and covered herself. Abhimanyu then gestured towards her to get dressed.

Ammy forgot her earlier state of undress and looked at Abhimanyu with surprise. "What happened, boss? Why were you crying?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Promise me you won't leave me again."

Ammy said, "Yes, I'll never leave you, but tell me what's wrong."

Abhimanyu said, "It's nothing. You being okay is enough."

Abhimanyu saw that Ammy wasn't wearing clothes, so he conjured a dress, which Ramika had placed in his hand earlier.

Abhimanyu said, "First, put on some clothes."

Ammy suddenly remembered that she was sitting naked and covered herself. She then asked Abhimanyu what was happening and why she was lying naked there.

Abhimanyu replied, "It's nothing like what you're thinking. Maya, would you explain?"

A voice came from Ammy's head, confirming Abhimanyu's statement, saying, "He's telling the truth; he saved your life."

Ammy, scared, asked, "What kind of voice is this?"

Maya said, "My name is Maya."

Ammy asked, "Maya?"

Maya explained, "I used to reside inside Abhimanyu, but I had to enter you to save your life."

Ammy, astonished, asked, "Are you some kind of ghost?"

Maya replied, "You can think of me that way, but you can call me an angel."

Ammy chuckled, "What kind of things exist in this world like angels?"

Maya replied, "Let me control your body, and you'll see what I'm talking about."

Ammy agreed, and suddenly her hair turned white, her eyes golden, and wings emerged from her back, allowing her to fly.

Ammy, feeling scared, exclaimed, "What's happening?"

Maya reassured her, "These angelic wings mean we're now one. You're now a half-angel. I hope we can be friends."

Abhimanyu's hair also turned white, wings sprouted from his back, and he joined Ammy in the air. "Don't forget me," he said.

Abhimanyu had mastered the angel technique, allowing him to use his wings whether Maya was inside him or not. However, he couldn't access the full power of the angelic abilities yet; it would require much practice.

Ammy, trembling, said, "I must be in heaven, and I must be dead for all this to be happening, right?"

Maya reassured her, "This is real, and you're still on Earth."

Ammy questioned, "But why are there strange creatures here, and why is there so much spiritual energy?"

Maya explained, "This is Abhimanyu's private world, where he can summon anyone at any time or bring someone here."

Abhimanyu interjected, "Enough of this; let's fly later and focus on other things. For now, we need to leave."

After a while, they landed back on the ground and returned to normal.

Abhimanyu and Ammy suddenly found themselves in the bathroom.

Abhimanyu said, "Let's go out now."

When the door opened, Vayu and the others were already awake and chatting. Abhimanyu and Ammy emerged from the bathroom.

Vayu, surprised, asked, "What were you two doing together in the bathroom for so long?"

Abhimanyu asked, "How long have you all been awake?"

Vayu replied, "About half an hour."

Abhimanyu said, "Let's go; it's time for the competition."

Sanjay teased Abhimanyu, saying, "Don't change the subject. These miracles behind your back are not a good thing."

Abhimanyu retorted, "Do you want to die? Come on, let's go quietly."

Samarth added, "Alright, let's go; don't bother him anymore."

Outside the room, the guards were still standing.

Abhimanyu and his friends didn't pay much attention to them, thinking they were there for someone else.

Abhimanyu and his companions arrived at the gaming center in Mumbai, where they were all participating in the competition.

They only had to play one match on the battlefield. Ammy was filled with a new energy, and this time, she was playing with more enthusiasm than ever, raining bullets on their enemies. Abhimanyu supported her, shooting at enemies too.

Abhimanyu had sold the medicine to the military and had given Samarth several bottles for free, making him stronger and faster. Now, Samarth was playing alongside Abhimanyu, firing at enemies with great skill.

Only Vayu was struggling a bit; however, he was still playing well and shooting at enemies, but a few mistakes were costing him kills. Nonetheless, the other teams were also strong, and the entire map was filled with action. At one point, explosions were happening simultaneously in different areas of the map, leaving even the streamers and commentators astonished.

Even the soldier, known for being a top player, was feeling the pressure this time. His team, named Black, consisted of top players too, and they were all visible on the map, causing chaos.

The match ended in about 7 seconds, but there was still a large area left on the map, and only two teams remained: Agrasen Lions and Black Clan. Both teams spotted each other's locations on the screen and moved towards each other. However, Abhimanyu's group was in a valley, and Black Clan was on a high hill, giving them an advantage. As they approached, Black Clan began firing on Abhimanyu's group.

Abhimanyu was driving the car, and as soon as the firing started, he drove the car away to a distant location. They all healed themselves there, but Black Clan caught up. Abhimanyu saw this and shot Black Mamba, knocking him down. However, other enemies started shooting at them, and a grenade came flying towards them. Abhimanyu quickly took cover behind a building, saving himself. He then moved away and jumped into another building, where Ammy had knocked down two enemies who were throwing grenades at him.

Abhimanyu took cover as more gunfire rained down on them. Meanwhile, Samarth was lying in the open, knocked down by Black Soldier, who was on the building's roof. Abhimanyu and Ammy moved towards the building, firing at the enemy, but Samarth ignored, as he would not get the kill because Black Soldier's teammate was still alive, and Abhimanyu's team ignored him too. Abhimanyu, Ammy, and Samarth moved towards the rooftop, where Black Soldier was, and they engaged in a fierce battle, exchanging gunfire.

However, Samarth had jumped away, causing Black Soldier to only rain bullets on Abhimanyu and Ammy. Although Ammy and Abhimanyu were knocked down by Black Soldier's shots, since Samarth killed Black Soldier, even though Ammy and Abhimanyu were knocked down, Agrasen Lions won the game due to Black Soldier's kill, and all four of them were alive. Additionally, Vayu got one kill.

At the end, Abhimanyu had 20 kills, Samarth had 18 kills, Ammy had 22 kills, and Vayu had 14 kills. Now, they were all going to Seoul, Korea for an international game. Upon winning, fireworks were set off on stage, and they were called on stage to receive a 1 million rupee check. Teenagers and some adults from India were watching the live stream, including someone named Shrikant, who was watching the stream from a gaming center.

Shrikant said, "Guruma's predictions are never wrong. Your powers will awaken soon."

The day after, they were flying to Seoul from Mumbai, and they were all going on the same flight.

They all went to a hotel where Ammy and Abhimanyu stayed in the same room again. Abhimanyu took Ammy with him, and then Maya taught her the angel technique, which she needed to practice. Abhimanyu also took a dip in the pool of nectar and, as Ammy was deeply engaged in meditation, he did so without clothes.

After about 12 hours, Abhimanyu's body absorbed all the water from the pool. When he woke up, he saw Ammy looking at him attentively. Abhimanyu quickly covered his essential parts and said, "Shameless girl, go and practice."

Ammy turned away and left. Abhimanyu then put on his clothes and started practicing his angel techniques. Over the next two weeks, he kept practicing, and during this time, Ammy also learned to use the angel technique and even learned to fly by herself.

They both came out of the rings, and it was already 7 o'clock in the morning. They both went out, and Samarth and the rest were waiting for them.

Abhimanyu and all the others were traveling on a cruise ship, cruising through the oceanic areas. As they were crossing a bridge, someone shouted, "Look on top of the bridge!"

Everyone looked up at the bridge and saw a girl standing on the railing, looking down at the sea. Suddenly, she jumped and landed on one knee on the ship, causing one side of the ship to sink into the water while the other side rose up.

Looking at Abhimanyu, the girl said, "I'm sorry, but you'll have to die." Saying this, she quickly grabbed Abhimanyu and jumped into the sea.

Abhimanyu dodged her, but she caught him in the sea. Abhimanyu had a dagger in his hand, and he fought her, but suddenly, she turned into a large snake and tried to swallow Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu struggled in the air, and the snake bit him, causing him to fall into the sea. As he fell, his eyes turned black, and with great speed, he fought the fan of the snake to separate it from his body. But before he could do so, the snake hit Abhimanyu with its tail, causing him to collide with the ship's iron, creating a hole in the ship, and now the ship began to fill with water, and it started to sink. When he came out of the hole, he saw that the snake was escaping from there.

Abhimanyu also started going in that direction and started chasing the snake very fast. But suddenly, his eyes turned normal from black, and his eyes turned into those of a one-eyed person. His skin gradually began to look like a snake's skin, and he completely turned into a one-eyed person. He suddenly became very fast and started spinning very fast in the water. When he reached near the snake, he caught it with his tail, and the snake suddenly turned into a girl.

Seeing the girl, Abhimanyu hit her with a shock, but he couldn't do anything to her, but he was definitely holding her tightly.

The girl suddenly said, "Forgive me, Naagraj Indraansh."

Abhimanyu said, "You attacked this boy and then attacked me."

The girl said, "I was forced to. I couldn't disobey the orders of Naagraj Samar."

Abhimanyu said, "That's why I haven't killed you yet, but you will definitely be punished."

The girl said, "I am ready for any punishment, but because of disobeying Naagraj Samar's orders, I will get the punishment of death."

Abhimanyu said, "Your punishment is that you will be the slave of this boy for a hundred years."

The girl said, "I am ready."

Abhimanyu let her go, and the girl sat on her knees in the water, and Abhimanyu left her. He turned back into a human and his eyes turned normal, and then he suddenly saw the girl sitting on her knees.

Abhimanyu asked, "What just happened here?"

Arjun said, "I don't know."

Saily said, "I don't know either, but maybe that snake-like power came out again."

Abhimanyu looked at the girl and asked what had just happened.

The girl said, "From today, I am your slave for a hundred years."

Abhimanyu asked, "Why?"

The girl said, "Because I tried to kill the future Naagraaj."

Abhimanyu said, "I am not the future Naagraaj, and do not come near me again." Saying this, Abhimanyu started swimming back towards the ship.