Chapter 63: Nitya's birthday

The girl transformed back into a snake and approached Abhimanyu, growing larger in size. She placed him on her back and said, "Now I am your slave, so I will stay around you, even if you don't accept me. This is the order of our true Naagraaj."

Abhimanyu asked, "The real Naagraaj?"

The girl said, "I cannot tell you anything about this."

Abhimanyu asked, "What is your name?"

The girl said, "My name is Hinisa."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, but for now, stay away from me and don't come near."

Saying this, Abhimanyu suddenly leaped and started swimming above the ocean's surface. A rescue operation had been carried out nearby, and now everyone was searching for Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu raised both his hands and waved, and a boat came near him and rescued him.

Hinisa emerged from a little distance on the shore when she saw Shrikant standing there.

Shrikant asked, "What happened inside?"

Hinisa asked, "Who are you?"

Shrikant said, "I am Shrikant from the Kranti team. I was appointed to protect Naagraaj and investigate him."

Hinisa asked, "So have you met Naagraaj yet?"

Shrikant replied, "I have met him, but the snake power inside him has not awakened yet."

Hinisa said, "That power has awakened, but he still does not realize it. So, I am leaving."

Shrikant asked, "Where are you going?"

Hinisa said, "That boy told me to stay away, but Naagraaj Indraansh has ordered me to serve him, which means I have to stay around him all the time."

Shrikant said, "If that power has awakened, then he will soon realize it, and he will gradually remember his past life."

On the other hand, as soon as Abhimanyu was rescued and brought to the shore, Vayu asked nervously, "Bro, who was that girl, and why did she want to harm you?"

Abhimanyu, feeling flustered, replied, "I don't know, but she's gone now. Let it go."

Sanjay interjected, "Was she some kind of ghost? She jumped from up there onto the ship, but nothing happened to her."

Abhimanyu said, "Maybe she was indeed a ghost. Let's go, I'm feeling cold."

Abhimanyu, who had wrapped himself in a towel, said this, but since it was December, the cold didn't affect him much.

Everyone returned to the hotel, and Abhimanyu changed his clothes. Ammy had to go back to training, so Abhimanyu sent her back with the ring and went to meet Nina himself.

Abhimanyu arrived at his island villa where Nina managed everything. He gave Nina some new instructions regarding the Amritjal and company-related matters.

Nina informed Abhimanyu that a new gang had emerged in the market, operating quietly. They didn't know how many members were involved, but they learned about this gang when a new type of cocaine appeared in the market. They investigated and found out that the dealers were college graduates selling cocaine to students. When they traced it back, they found out it was coming from Bihar. They warned all the local dealers, but since they were all from Bihar, Nina thought she should inform Tripathi.

Abhimanyu told her to let it go.

Abhimanyu then called Vikrant, but he didn't pick up. He called his grandfather and informed him about the drugs and other details but didn't ask about Vikrant.

Abhimanyu told Nina that he had to leave.

Nina, wrapping her arms around his neck, asked, "Where are you going in such a hurry?"

Abhimanyu said, "Look, I have a lot of work."

Nina pushed him onto the bed and said, "I also know that you don't have any work. So, stay here."

She kissed Abhimanyu and said please for some time I want you to eat my cooking, Abhimanyu then stayed there. When it was 7 in the evening, he said he had to go.

Nina took him to the other villa by boat, and Abhimanyu left from there. That's when he received a call from Priya.

Abhimanyu thought, "This must be Priya; she's calling after a long time." He answered, and Priya said, "You came to Mumbai, and you didn't even call any of us."

Abhimanyu replied, "Yeah, I didn't get the time."

Priya said, "Okay, but today is Nitya's birthday. Will you come?"

Abhimanyu, surprised, said, "Today is Nitya's birthday?"

Priya said, "Yes, actually, at midnight, we're going to cut the cake for her, but today we've brought her to the club with all our friends."

Abhimanyu asked, "When's the party?"

Priya replied, "It's in 2 hours. You should come because Sunder is going to propose to her."

Abhimanyu said, "That's good news."

Priya, surprised, said, "You don't seem to care."

Abhimanyu replied, "I have a girlfriend, Karishma. You've met her."

Priya said, "Congratulations, but I don't want Nitya to say yes to Sunder. Nowadays, they've become quite close friends. He pretends to help the poor and act good in front of Nitya. Now, in the situation they're in, he will propose to her."

Abhimanyu said, "It's her own choice. I can't interfere in that."

Priya said, "I don't know about all that, but I want you to come. As soon as you arrive, something will definitely go wrong."

Abhimanyu said, "I think my friendship with Nitya will end today, whether I do something or not. But alright, I'll come."

Abhimanyu then went to an antique market to look for a gift for Nitya.

He found an old bracelet in the antique shop and asked for the price. They quoted him 500 rupees.

Just then, a guy at the counter bought a ring worth 50 lakh, which was made of gold with a small diamond embedded in it.

Abhimanyu was surprised to see the guy, as it was none other than Sunder Desai.

Sunder had also seen Abhimanyu buying the 500 rupees bracelet and glanced at him jokingly before ignoring him and leaving.

Abhimanyu ignored him too and was about to leave when Arjun said, "I feel a cursed object nearby."

Abhimanyu asked, "What cursed object?"

Arjun replied, "I feel it in that weapon shop we're looking at."

Abhimanyu then went to the weapon shop, and there was a unique sword placed there with a tag "Not for sale."

As Abhimanyu lifted the sword, the shop owner, an 80-year-old man, approached him and warned him not to buy it.

Abhimanyu asked why.

The old man said, "This sword has a unique story. It has always been thirsty for its owner's blood. Whenever someone picks up this sword, something bad happens to them, and eventually, their blood ends up on this sword. No one knows who the real owner of this sword is, but it's believed that the sword has been searching for its true owner for centuries. The last time my ancestors bought this sword, they died under mysterious circumstances while the sword was in their possession. Since then, it has been in our family, but we have never dared to use it or sell it to anyone. It's kept here only as a showpiece, and it's not meant for any practical use. Therefore, this sword is not for you."

Abhimanyu said, "But I like this sword."

Just then, a 40-year-old woman came out and said, "Why are you telling him stories? If the boy wants to buy it, let him buy it. Why spread unnecessary rumors?"

The old man said, "It's not a rumor. You know it too, it's because of him, my son."

The woman immediately interrupted the old man and said, "Enough of these nonsense talks. Anyway, it's junk here. The price for the boy is 500,000 because it's a very old sword."

Abhimanyu said, "500,000?"

The woman replied, "Okay, 400,000, but I won't go lower than that."

Abhimanyu glanced at the old man and placed a card on the table.

The woman quickly picked up the card and began swiping it in the machine.

The old man said, "Okay son, but never take this sword out of its sheath."

Abhimanyu asked, "But why?"

The old man replied, "This sword is so dangerous that as soon as it's taken out of its sheath, its curse begins, and within just 2 minutes, the person wielding it dies."

The woman, annoyed, said, "Why are you scaring him?"

The old man said, "I was just warning him."

Abhimanyu bought the sword and then started looking at some other things in the area.

The old man asked, "Do you want to buy anything else?"

Abhimanyu said, "Yes, I was looking to see if there's something unique here."

The woman showed Abhimanyu some other items, but he didn't like anything else and left.

The old man asked, "Why did you sell him that sword? You know my son died because of that katana."

The woman said, "That katana had nothing to do with our work, and besides, even after hearing the story, the boy still wanted to buy it. So what's the need for you to become his fortune teller? It's his fate. If it's destined for him to die by that sword, then so be it. If not, nothing will happen."

Abhimanyu went to a secluded corner and took the sword out of its sheath, and he could hear the voices of many dark shadows and spirits emanating from it.

Abhimanyu said, "It seems to be true."

Arjun said, "Yes, but such a small cursed sword can't harm me, but it will ruin your condition. It's better to put it back in its sheath."

Abhimanyu tried wielding it once, and the sword began draining all his energy, causing a devastating war that destroyed the entire area. It felt like a massive gash had been made with a giant sword. Abhimanyu put the sword back in its sheath and consumed a vial of energy pills.

Arjun said, "This sword may not harm me for now, but it will ruin your condition. It's better to put it back in its sheath."

Abhimanyu said, "I don't know who made this sword and who its real owner is, but we'll focus on this another day," as white wings suddenly appeared on his back, his hair turned white, his eyes turned golden, and he started flying into the sky.

Arjun said to Abhimanyu, "It would have been so nice if, through these wings, you had a demon wing on your back. It would have been a beautiful sight."

Abhimanyu didn't say anything and went to a deserted alley near the club. Last time this club was Andrews, and the manager here was Nitin, but Abhimanyu completely changed the club's direction and management. The new manager's identity was unknown, but Nitin had also been sent to jail by him. The club's name was changed to The Lion, and departments were divided. Tripathi handled the bar, casinos, clubs, and construction business, and he had placed his special men in every state. The rest of the goons were recruited from Mumbai, and they were trained well to handle every situation. They all became goons when necessary and worked as waiters and other staff during normal times.

Meanwhile, in a room at The Lion club, a party was going on, and everyone was chatting with each other. Sunder and Nitya were talking to each other, and Rihana had patched up with Mukesh. Priya was sitting alone in a corner because besides her, everyone else had become each other's boyfriends or girlfriends, or something was going on between them.

Sahil whispered in Neha's ear, "I've booked a room on the upper floor. Shall we go there?"

Neha said, "But what will these people think about us?"

Sahil said, "If we're in love, then why be afraid? We haven't tried that yet. Don't you want people to tease us by calling us virgins?"

Neha said, "Okay, but let's celebrate the birthday first."

Sahil said, "No problem, I've booked that room for the whole night."

The clock showed 11:30.

Priya looked at the clock and said, "Where has Abhimanyu disappeared? Why hasn't he come yet? It's good that Sunder is still here till 12," just as she received a phone call, which was from Abhimanyu.

Priya asked, "Have you arrived? Okay, come to cabin no. 105."

After a while, Abhimanyu suddenly entered that cabin, and many people were surprised to see him there, including Nitya, who had no idea that Abhimanyu was in Mumbai at that time because she knew he wasn't interested in online gaming, and Priya hadn't told her anything either. It was like a surprise for her, and her heartbeat suddenly stopped, and then started beating very fast.

Abhimanyu approached Nitya and said, "Hey, how are you, Chappan Churi?"

Nitya, astonished, replied, "Abhimanyu, is that really you? But how?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Just consider it destined to meet. And by the way, didn't want to miss your birthday. Happy birthday!" He extended his hand towards her.

Nitya shook his hand and said, "Thanks. And how's everyone else doing?"

Looking at Rihana, Abhimanyu said, "Hey, Rihana, what's up? How are you doing?"

Rihana replied, "I'm doing great, thank you. How about you?"

Abhimanyu chuckled and said, "Oh, you're speaking in Bhojpuri."

Rihana replied, "Well, if a Bihari guy can speak the tapori language of Mumbai, then I can speak Bhojpuri."

Abhimanyu laughed and said, "That's cool."

Mukesh intervened, "What rubbish is this? Are you starting with this nonsense again?"

Rihana retorted, "Stop your nonsense. I'm not your slave."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, let's stop fighting. I came here to party, not to watch the Mahabharata."

He then noticed some beer bottles on the table and asked, "So, who's drinking these beers?"

Sahil, coming closer, said, "I ordered them. Any problem?"

Abhimanyu retorted, "But you're underage too."

Sahil replied, "Yeah, so what? Are you my father to lecture me?"

Abhimanyu chuckled and said, "I remember I opened a place somewhere."

Rihana couldn't hold back her laughter at that remark.

Sahil, getting irritated, said, "You..."

Sunder interrupted him, "Hold on, he's Nitya's friend, and we're here to celebrate Nitya's birthday. Let's not fight. Let's celebrate properly, and Abhimanyu, you should also show some respect since you're Nitya's good friend."

Abhimanyu glanced at Nitya and didn't say anything. Instead, he called a waiter and asked, "Who brought these beer bottles?"

The waiter replied, "I did. What's the problem?"

Abhimanyu pointed out, "Can't you see he's underage?"

The waiter retorted, "Hey, are you suddenly an adult? Just party quietly and get out of here. Don't try to lecture us on rules."

Abhimanyu demanded, "Call the manager here."

Nitya intervened, "Just let it go, Abhimanyu. It's just a small beer bottle, and they wanted to drink it. Besides, they'll turn 18 next month anyway."

The waiter warned Abhimanyu, "Understand, this club is not an ordinary club. It has a high-profile background."

Sahil remarked, "What does this guy know about it?"

Neha teased Abhimanyu, "Why are you calling him a guy? Don't you know his uncle is the CM of Bihar?"

Sahil joked, "Until when will he remain the CM? There are elections in two months, and after that, he won't be the CM anymore."

Sunder intervened, "Guys, stop it. You all have started again."

Abhimanyu chuckled and said, "Alright, what's the background of this club? I'm curious to know."

Priya pulled him gently and whispered, "The background is really high-profile."

Abhimanyu replied, "I don't care about the background."

The waiter, now irritated, said, "You're acting too smart. Get out of here." He grabbed Abhimanyu by the collar.

Abhimanyu looked at him and said, "Let go of my collar."

The waiter challenged, "What will you do if I don't?"

Abhimanyu was about to throw a beer bottle at him when Nitya grabbed his hand and shook her head.

Abhimanyu didn't say anything and sat down on the sofa. Nitya sat next to him and said softly, "I know you didn't come just for my birthday."

Abhimanyu replied, "You don't watch my stream, right?"

Nitya said, "I hardly get time, but I watch it occasionally."

Abhimanyu said, "We had a competition in Mumbai, and our team won again. This time, we defeated India's official pro gamers."