Chapter 68: Korea

Abhimanyu returned the card to Nina, who then handed it to Ravish Kapoor.

While Nina conversed with Abhimanyu, Nitya had moved away to talk to others. Rajiv approached her with two glasses, one containing juice and the other wine, offering the juice to Nitya.

Rajiv initiated, "What are your thoughts on the medicine field?"

Nitya replied, "I'm more interested in biotech. I want to work on a medicine that can strengthen our genes."

Rajiv acknowledged her unique dream.

Meanwhile, plates of cake were placed in front of Abhimanyu and Nina, which they quickly devoured while continuing their conversation.

Suddenly, Nitya began feeling drowsy, so she excused herself to go home and retired to her room. Rajiv followed her.

At the same time, Abhimanyu's eyes turned red, and he started feeling dizzy.

Arjun, after scanning Abhimanyu's body with spiritual energy, detected an unfamiliar energy affecting his mind.

Abhimanyu asked, "Is it cocaine?"

Arjun replied, "It seems more dangerous than cocaine."

Abhimanyu inquired if there was anything Arjun could do.

Arjun suggested, "Try to absorb that energy. Your body can store energy like an energy pill."

Abhimanyu closed his eyes and began meditating, absorbing the energy to counteract Sunder's plan.

Meanwhile, Rajiv entered Nitya's room and saw her distressed. As he approached her, a dark shadow emerged from her bracelet, attacking Rajiv. He stumbled back in fear, quickly removing his shirt and suit and rushing out of the room.

Abhimanyu, who was meditating in the garden, suddenly felt that someone had tried to harm Nitya.

He instructed Saily, "Cultivate this energy and merge it with my spiritual energy."

As he stood up and headed towards the house, he spotted Rajiv outside. Abhimanyu recognized him as the person who had attempted to harm Nitya. However, Rajiv left the scene and disappeared into the party.

Abhimanyu warned him, "You got lucky this time, but if you ever try to harm Nitya again, I can't guarantee what will happen."

Arjun intervened, calming Abhimanyu down.

Abhimanyu reassured, "I'm calm now."

He then joined his friends and suggested leaving for the airport as they had ample time before boarding.

Ammy agreed, "Alright, let's go."

They all went back to Abhimanyu's room to change their clothes, then headed to the airport.

After some time, they reached the airport, completed the check-in procedures, and headed to the waiting room.

After a while, their flight takes off, and Abhimanyu tries to sleep with his eyes closed. Then, an air hostess arrives with a trolley and after some time, she asks Abhimanyu if he would like anything.

Abhimanyu replies, "My mother always says fairies are found only in the sky. By the way, I am Abhimanyu."

The air hostess responds, "And I am Shalini. But for now, what would you like to have?"

Abhimanyu says, "Whatever you give, I won't object."

Ammy interjects, saying, "He'll have a hot chocolate. Please bring that and also a mixed fruit juice."

Shalini smiles and says, "I'll bring it in just a moment."

Then, she leaves, and another air hostess takes the trolley forward.

Ammy remarks, "You never flirt with anyone upfront. What's gotten into you today?"

Abhimanyu explains, "I had a task for her, but you spoiled it. Rajiv is sitting in the plane."

Ammy acknowledges, "So?"

Abhimanyu says, "I wanted to play a prank with him. Wait here, I'll be back soon," and he heads towards the business cabin.

There, he sees Rajiv stopping Shalini. Suddenly, an eerie idea strikes Abhimanyu. His eyes turn black, darkness surrounds Rajiv, and only Shalini is visible to him. He grabs her hand, and suddenly, Shalini starts smiling creepily, looking very scary. Her face gradually turns sinister, and her hands look creepy too. Suddenly, a black entity emerges from Shalini, attacks Rajiv and killed him by piercing his throat by hand, Rajiv screams in terror. Then, everything returns to normal.

Rajiv immediately lets go of Shalini's hand, and she quickly leaves. Rajiv is sweating profusely and looks terrified.

Ignoring the situation, Abhimanyu stealthily makes his way to the kitchen.

When Abhimanyu arrived there, he found Shalini talking to another air hostess. He looked like a despicable person, and his eyes showed only lust. Shalini decided not to go near him to serve the coffee.

Another air hostess said, "We sometimes have to endure such situations, but why worry? Anyone can misbehave on a plane. Just serve them and move on."

Shalini then prepared everyone's order and placed it on the trolley, ready to go out of the kitchen. At that moment, Abhimanyu entered.

Abhimanyu said, "I forgot to mention that I am allergic to grapes, so please don't put them in my juice."

Shalini smiled and replied, "We haven't put grapes in anyone's juice."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, then I can have my juice."

Shalini nodded, and Abhimanyu picked up a juice bottle and continued, "By the way, how does one become an air hostess?"

Shalini asked, "Are you aspiring to be an air hostess?"

Abhimanyu chuckled, "No, I was just curious. Who knows, It might appear for the UPSC exam someday."

Shalini joked, "Look at your age and then look at mine. There's a gap of around seven years between us."

Abhimanyu replied, "Love doesn't see age, my dear."

Shalini retorted, "But I do."

Abhimanyu quietly mixed something into Rajiv's coffee and then asked, "Can I help you with anything?"

Shalini replied, "Just take your seat; that would be helpful enough for me."

Abhimanyu said, "Oh, don't say that. Anyway, I was getting bored sitting there. Will you be my friend?"

Shalini replied, "Look, my job will be at risk if you help me."

Abhimanyu reassured her, "Seeing a child mischievous won't get you in trouble. Don't worry." He then slowly pushed the trolley forward, while Shalini began serving orders to everyone, asking about their preferences. She eventually reached Rajiv, served him coffee, and moved on. This time, Rajiv completely ignored her, which made Shalini feel uncomfortable.

Abhimanyu also ignored her and moved forward. As they reached the other cabin, he remarked, "I think I should go to my seat now. That guard is staring at me."

Shalini said, "Fine, if you don't want to help me now, it's okay."

Abhimanyu replied, "If that's what you want, then I won't stop helping you until you ask me to stop."

Shalini said, "I was just kidding. It's okay, you can sit down."

Abhimanyu replied, "Alright, but I can at least drop you to your seat."

Shalini responded, "As you wish," and a while later, Abhimanyu reached his seat and sat down.

Ammy commented, "I think you should become an air hostess."

Abhimanyu put on his headphones and ignored Ammy.

Abhimanyu actually gave Rajiv a pill that would make him feel scared whenever he looked at a girl with bad intentions. By morning, they had arrived in Korea.

As they stepped out, Ammy paused to look at Korea.

Abhimanyu asked, "How does it feel to be back in your homeland?"

Vayu asked, "What do you mean?"

Abhimanyu clarified, "Ammy is from Korea."

Everyone was surprised to hear this.

Ammy explained, "I don't remember my home very well, but I remember many things about this place."

Abhimanyu suggested they head to the hotel first for some rest before exploring Seoul.

During their stay, Abhimanyu asked Ammy, "I know you're from South Korea, but where exactly are you from?"

Ammy shared, "As far as I remember, I used to live in a city. Then, my parents and I went on a boat trip. Suddenly, a big fish attacked our boat. My parents managed to hold onto the boat, but I drifted away. When I regained consciousness, I was by a river somewhere. I spent quite some time wandering around on the streets there."

Ammy touched her locket and showed it to Abhimanyu, saying, "I don't remember my mom and dad, but I remember their love and the time we spent together. However, I don't remember what they looked like. All I have left is this locket."

Abhimanyu reassured her, "Don't worry, now that we're in Korea, we'll find your mom and dad soon."

Abhimanyu had three main reasons for coming to Korea besides the gaming contest: firstly, to find Ammy's parents; secondly, to rescue Dr. Rustam, who had been captured by a group in Korea; and thirdly, to search for the genius hacker who created the pen drive.

Abhimanyu had been searching for Dr. Rustam for a while now, and the third reason was to locate the locker mentioned in the pen drive's encrypted data, which was somewhere in Seoul.

Upon reaching the locker's location, Abhimanyu instructed Saily to temporarily disable the CCTV. He then went to the locker, found a pen drive inside, and pocketed it. His friends, including Vayu and Samarth, asked him what he was doing, but he just brushed it off and rejoined them.

Abhimanyu later gathered everyone and told them they needed to find Ammy's parents, Dr. Rustam, and the hacker. They arrived at an apartment where Meena, Abhimanyu's associate, had found several boxes containing newspapers from 15 years ago, which could potentially have information about Ammy's parents.

Meena and the others started going through the newspapers, looking for any articles about missing girls or any mentions of Ammy's locket. After a thorough search, they found several articles about families or girls who had gone missing around 9 to 11 years ago, including one about a family whose child fell into a river during a boating accident.

Abhimanyu noted that they needed to focus on cases from around 9 to 11 years ago, as that matched the timeframe of Ammy's disappearance. After hours of searching, they compiled a list of nearly 50 cases to further investigate.

After clearing away the cases of all the boys for a while, they had 30 cases left to investigate.

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, now go to the families of these 30 cases and show them the picture of this locket, ask them if they recognize it or have seen it anywhere. Don't say anything more to them, and don't mention any missing child or anything related to Ammy. Okay, call all these phone numbers and find out everything. I'll be back in a while." Saying this, he left for a PC cafe and inserted the pen drive into a computer. When Abhimanyu opened the file, there was a video in it.

A boy wearing a white mask and a black hoodie was seated, with large CPUs behind him. The room was dark, giving a cool vibe, and his computer setup looked expensive. The boy said, "Hello, Mr. Abhimanyu Pratap Singh, or should I say Black Demon. Well done, you're the first person who has set foot into my realm and cleared the first level. You probably know who I am, but let me tell you anyway. My name is Dark Lord, and I'm still alive. Anyway, let's get down to business. You're currently in South Korea, and you're searching for Ammy's parents."

Abhimanyu was surprised to learn that this person knew so much about him.

Dark Lord continued, "I know who they are, but to find them, you'll need to clear my second level. Otherwise, you'll spend your whole life searching through old news or records without finding them. Let's talk about the level now. Miss Jin Gyong, the famous figure in Korea, is Mr. Jin Song's daughter. Mr. Jin Song is the director, chairperson, and owner of the Jin Song Herbs Company. Your task is to woo her. I know she's only 14 years old, but you just have to woo her. It's an easy task, right? If she says 'I love you' within three days, you'll clear level 2, and you'll get a new mission for your next level. For your information, she already has a boyfriend, so you'll have to break them up first. If you don't, I have some secrets about you, such as the plane footage where you were fighting terrorists, and perhaps your involvement in the gang fight in Jaipur, followed by the incident in the hotel corridor where you were seen taking a guy named Varun to the terrorist's room. Varun's photo was clearly visible. Well, you're good at hiding, but after connecting all these dots, some people might guess that you're The Dominator, and perhaps the real Black Demon. I'm just guessing, but my guess is 98% correct."

Abhimanyu was now tense; he would have to search for this hacker.

Abhimanyu said, "Saily, find out about this Jin Gyong."

After searching for a while, Saily said, "I found her. This is Jin Gyong, and she's in the final year of middle school. Her father's name is Jin Song. Other than that, there's nothing special, but her social media account was open in front of her."

Abhimanyu said, "Good, we've kept this trip for three weeks."

Saily asked, "Don't you want to know about the group that attacked my dad?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Yes, I haven't forgotten about that. Our next stop is the underworld market. I've learned about the market here, as Meena told me. From there, we can start our investigation."

Abhimanyu got up and started to leave when suddenly he bumped into a girl, causing her to fall down due to the impact.

Abhimanyu said to her, "I am sorry, did you get hurt?"

The girl replied in Korean, "Are you blind? Can't you see where you're walking?"

Saily translated Abhimanyu's words for her, but she also needed to speak Korean, which she didn't know. However, in anger, Saily managed to say, "Blind? You're the one who's walking in front."

Abhimanyu asked, "What are you doing here? You don't look like Jin Gyong."

Saily said, "She does look like her, but why would the daughter of such a big business person be in this PC cafe? Judging by the nameplate, it seems like she is Jin Gyong."

Jin Gyong angrily said in Korean, "First, you hit me, and now you're not even apologizing?"

Abhimanyu said, "I did apologize, but you're cursing at me."

Just then, a high school boy wearing a school sports jacket, earrings in one ear, blonde streaks in his hair, and sunglasses walked in, followed by some other boys and a girl, all dressed in school uniforms but with unique styles. When he saw Jin Gyong, he too had black lipstick on and purple streaks in his hair. Instead of a school jacket, he wore an expensive black one.

The boy said, "What's up? Coming to our country and harassing our girls?"

Another boy said, "Kim Bong, he's not harassing a Korean girl, he's bothering your girlfriend. You should teach him a lesson."

Abhimanyu told Saily, "Translate exactly what I say."

Abhimanyu said, "Well, I haven't bothered her yet, but she's quite beautiful. Jin Gyong, will you be my girlfriend?"

Jin Gyong replied, "Shut up you pervert, babe, teach him a lesson so he won't dare to do this again."

Abhimanyu said, "And if your boyfriend loses to me?"

Jin Gyong replied, "My boyfriend is the strongest; he can never lose."

Abhimanyu said, "If you're so confident in your boyfriend, then make a bet."

Jin Gyong asked, "What bet?"

Abhimanyu said, "If your boyfriend can touch me, I'll admit defeat and let him beat me up. I'll also give you 50,000 won. But if I win, you'll give me a kiss."

Kim Bong said, "You bastard, how dare you ask for a kiss from my girlfriend?"

Jin Gyong confidentially said, "I agree, Kim Bong. Beat him up so badly that he regrets it."

Jin Gyong then said, "Alright, let's go." A while later, they were under a bridge near a riverbank, with Abhimanyu and Kim Bong and the other.

Abhimanyu said, "Come on, all of you. It won't be as fun to beat up a weakling ant."

Kim Bong replied, "Fine, but if you back out of paying later, we'll take all the money from your pocket."

Abhimanyu said, "Sure, sure, come on now."

Kim Bong and his friends then charged at Abhimanyu to attack him. Kim Bong swung a punch at him, but Abhimanyu caught it with one hand and delivered a punch to Kim Bong's face with his other hand, knocking him unconscious. Another boy tried to kick Abhimanyu, but he ignored him and punched him as well, causing both of them to pass out.

Seeing the condition of these two, the other boys got scared and immediately sat down, saying, "We give up."

Abhimanyu said, "You guys kneeled down pretty quickly. Anyway, I'm only interested in the reward."

Abhimanyu then slowly approached Jin Gyong.

Arjun said to him, "If you kiss her, you'll become the villain in her eyes, but if you don't, she'll let you into her heart afterward."

Abhimanyu replied, "That would take a long time, and I'm short on time. So, there's only one way: seduction."

Taking off his glasses and putting them back on, Abhimanyu initially looked like a nerd, but without them, he resembled a Hollywood hero. With his sapphire blue eyes, Jin Gyong couldn't stop staring at him. She hadn't kissed Kim Bong yet because he was so powerful, which is why she made him her boyfriend.

Abhimanyu slowly approached Jin Gyong. As she moved backward, she ended up against the Bridge's wall. Abhimanyu leaned in, placing one hand on the wall, and looked into Jin Gyong's eyes. She was feeling very nervous, and her heart was pounding fast.

Abhimanyu then brought his lips close to hers but didn't kissed her. Jin gyong closed her eyes on embracement, and Jin Gyong felt ticklish inside, getting lost in the moment.

The girl with Jin Gyong said, "That was a wall slam and a bold moment! Wow, that was enjoyable to watch."

Abhimanyu said,"I can't kiss someone without their permission."

The boys said, "If Kim Bong finds out about this, he'll beat us all up in anger."

Abhimanyu then parted from Jin Gyong and said, "I love you. I fell in love with you at first sight. I'll meet you under this bridge in three days for your answer to this proposal." With that, he left and disappeared.

Jin Gyong watched Abhimanyu leave and thought, "What a guy! He's a fighter and very handsome. This was going to be my first kiss."

Her friend said, "Looks like you've taken a liking to that guy."

Jin Gyong replied, "What are you talking about, Do Bong? There's nothing like that. I don't even know his name. Besides, love doesn't happen from just one meet. I only love my mom and dad; no one else and that boy is a pervert."

Do Bong said, "Well, he looked like a foreigner, but his Korean was quite good. Was he half-Korean?"

Jin Gyong said, "What difference does it make? Forget it; we didn't even get the 50,000 won from him. How long could we have partied with it?"

A while later, Kim Bong regained consciousness and learned that he had lost, and the guy mocked him in front of his girlfriend.

In anger, Kim Bong looked at Jin Gyong and said, "I will beat him next time?"

Jin Gyong replied, "Well, I want him to be beat up? And, I thought you were quite powerful, but that nerdy guy defeated you without even trying."

Kim Bong said, "I won't let him go. Tell all every one to find him and bring him to me, wherever they spot him."

One of the boys said, "Boss, he'll be back by the bridge in two days."

Kim Bong said, "We'll see him then. For now, go and find him."