Chapter 69:Kim han

On the other side, Abhimanyu was exploring the underworld market in Korea, where there were many antique shops, auction houses, fighting arenas, and various weapons, including guns and swords. Most of the weapons were pistols and handguns, as keeping weapons in Korea is illegal.

Later, Abhimanyu went to a small bar or restaurant and sat at the counter. In any country, bars like these are usually the best places to gather underworld information.

When Abhimanyu sat at the counter, he asked, "Do you have milkshakes here?"

Upon hearing the order for a milkshake, everyone sitting there burst into laughter, but the bartender said, "Besides milkshakes, we also have mango shakes, mixed fruit juice, and various other drinks. If you want to try, go ahead."

Abhimanyu said, "Okay, then give me a mixed juice, but without grapes. I'm allergic to them."

When the bartender gave him his mixed fruit juice, Abhimanyu said, "I need some information."

The bartender replied, "You watch a lot of movies, here you don't get any kind of information."

Abhimanyu ignored him and said, "My uncle came to Korea on a field trip three months ago, but some people kidnapped him, and now I'm looking for him. His name is Dr. Rustam."

The bartender replied, "Maybe you haven't heard, this isn't an information center." Abhimanyu ignored him again and after drinking his mixed juice, he paid the bill and left. He had barely walked a few steps when a man stopped him and quietly said, "You're looking for your uncle, right? I know who kidnapped him."

Abhimanyu ignored him and continued walking. The man followed him and said, "Alright kid, you're good at bargaining, but I won't settle for less than 5000 won."

Abhimanyu replied, "Perhaps you should scam someone else."

The man left the market, but he didn't stop following Abhimanyu. They both ended up in a deserted alley. The man said, "Listen to me, kid, I'm not lying. I know where your uncle is."

At that moment, some people jumped down from the surrounding buildings and stood in front of Abhimanyu. They were all dressed in black and wore masks. They immediately attacked Abhimanyu. One of them threw a kunai knife at Abhimanyu, but he caught it and spun it around his finger.

Then, a star made of iron flew towards Abhimanyu, but he blocked it easily. The man who had been following Abhimanyu was now scared and hid behind a corner.

The men in black realized that they couldn't easily kill Abhimanyu, so they all ran towards him with their swords, attempting to kill him. One of them aimed for Abhimanyu's neck, but he dodged and suddenly a demon sword appeared in his hand. He cut off the attacking man's hand who had targeted his neck. Another man attacked him from above with his sword, but Abhimanyu blocked it and then cut off his hand too.

Now, all the men in black were holding their bleeding shoulders in pain.

Abhimanyu's eyes turned black, and he said, "Why did you attack me? Tell me, or I'll decapitate you."

The man in black replied, "We don't know anything. We're just part of a small killer organization. Someone gave us a contract five minutes ago to kill you. We were supposed to get 500,000 won for your death."

Abhimanyu asked, "Who gave you the contract?"

The man replied, "Only our leader knows that."

Abhimanyu said, "Take me to your leader."

The man said, "Our leader is a man with a cut hand." Pointing towards him, he said, "He's our leader."

Abhimanyu smiled and looked at him. With his sword still on his neck, he said, "I'll count to three. If you don't tell me, I'll decapitate you. One, two..."

The man quickly said, "I'll tell you. His name is Johnny. He sells lottery stones in this market."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, let's meet this Johnny. And don't ever follow me again."

Saying this, he started walking back to the market. Then, he noticed the man hiding and told everyone around not to let anyone know what happened there, and then he continued ahead.

The man came out and said, "Boss, if you have any work for me, I'll do it for free."

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "Take me to Johnny."

The man then took him to Johnny's place. When they entered, the man went into the room behind the shop. Abhimanyu followed. As soon as they entered, a silenced gun fired at him. Abhimanyu dodged it and quickly reached Johnny, pointing the gun at him, and asked, "Why do you want to kill me?"

Johnny replied, "You can't kill me. If you do, you won't leave this market alive."

Abhimanyu said, "I'll count to three. If you don't answer, you won't leave the market alive. One, two..."

Johnny remained silent, so Abhimanyu shot him and left.

Seeing this, the man got scared and said, "Boss, what have you done? It's against the rules of this market to kill someone."

Abhimanyu said, "And if I do kill him?"

The man said, "Kim Han is the boss here. He won't spare you."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, let's test how powerful this Kim Han is." Saying this, he walked away from there and left the market peacefully. No one even knew about the dead body.

The man followed Abhimanyu from behind.

Abhimanyu said, "Why are you following me? Aren't you afraid of dying?"

The man said, "You're looking for Dr. Rustam, right? If I find out and tell you, how much will you give me?"

Abhimanyu, feeling confident, replied, "I'll give you 10 lakh won if you can find out about him. Call me on this number if you get any information."

The man agreed, "Alright, if I find out anything, I'll contact you."

Abhimanyu then left and returned to his apartment. By that time, his friends had read all the news, but they didn't find anything.

Meena said, "I've checked the old police records too, but there's no record of Ammy."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, we've searched enough, let's go eat."

After a while, they were all in a small restaurant nearby. Abhimanyu was looking for vegetarian options since he came from a vegetarian family.

Arjun thought to himself, "You've killed humans, and here you are looking for vegetarian food."

Abhimanyu replied, "I haven't, you have. And if I'm sober, why shouldn't I eat this?" After looking at the menu for a while, he ordered veg noodles while everyone else was having fried chicken.

Arjun said, "Looks like I won't get any chicken. Can we get any energy from these noodles?"

When everyone's food arrived, suddenly some guys entered the restaurant and said in Korean, "You're the one who killed our leader, Kim Bong, right?"

Abhimanyu replied in Korean, "If I were Korean, maybe asking this question would be expected, but when you can see that there's no one else like me around, why are you asking?"

Vayu and the rest of Abhimanyu's friends didn't understand what he was saying because they didn't know Korean.

Samarth asked, "Bro, who are these guys and what are they saying?"

Ammy, in anger, said to Abhimanyu, "I'm here too, and you're making fun of me."

The guys looked at Ammy and said, "She doesn't look like Miss Jin Gyong."

Abhimanyu thought, "Yeah, I felt the same, but everyone here seems the same to me."

One of the guys said, "Stop talking nonsense, he has some purple hair, and she's a bit shorter. This isn't the same person."

Abhimanyu thought, "Even they look confused."

One of the guys said, "Hey, we didn't come here to talk. Let's kill him."

All the guys attacked Abhimanyu together, but within just 10 seconds, Abhimanyu, Samarth, and Ammy defeated them effortlessly, despite being outnumbered.

Abhimanyu and his friends then calmly left the place.

Ammy asked, "Who were they, and who did you kill?"

Abhimanyu explained, "When I was at the PC cafe, I had a little altercation with some guys. I knocked out their leader with just one punch, but now it seems like he wants revenge."

Abhimanyu and the others returned to their hotel and went to their rooms. Ammy then came to Abhimanyu's room, and they both trained together for a week, focusing on their skills. Abhimanyu continued practicing his angel techniques and became quite proficient in them.

After about two weeks of training, they came out again, and after a while, everyone gathered in the lobby and headed to a gaming center for a competition happening in Korea, with the finals scheduled for that day.

At around 3 o'clock, the Battlefield game started, with the top 25 teams competing, including Agrasen Lions, Abhimanyu's team. Each team was called one by one to the main stage in the gaming center, and Abhimanyu's team also showed their faces before returning to their seats to start gaming. This whole event was being live-streamed, and Kim Bong, Jin Gyong, and some other guys were present there.

One guy said, "Kim Bong, that guy has been found. Look, he's watching the eSports live stream." Abhimanyu's face was clearly visible on the stream. Kim Bong said, "So, this guy is a gamer, and his team, for a minute, this girl doesn't look like you, Jin Gyong."

Jin Gyong saw the girl's name and it said, "Abhimanyu's girlfriend," and looking at her face, she said, "She looks similar, but her features are slightly different, and she looks older."

One of the guys said, "Let's see what this guy's name is. It's written 'Black demon,' what could his real name be? What could be on the internet about him?"

They searched for "Black demon," and it showed information only about Abhimanyu being a famous gamer, but there was no mention of his name anywhere. Other than that, there were some different news articles about Black demon, like how he wiped out an entire group, leaving their bodies blurred, but there were also real videos on some sites showing all the bodies, which scared the two guys, and one of them started feeling sick. It was written that the police were still searching for Black demon, and some people even called him the "God of death."

Kim Bong said, "What nonsense is this? Has he kept his name like this, thinking he's like Black demon? But in those videos, there was also a line saying, 'No one survives at the hands of the real Black demon in the real world, and no enemy survives at the hands of the Black demon in the gaming world.'"

One of the guys said, "Then his name suits him. Even the real Black demon hasn't said anything to him yet."

The guy said, "Now, only four teams are left, and Black demon is still in the game."

Everyone started watching the live stream, where Abhimanyu was shown several times, raining bullets on enemies as soon as they appeared. The commentators were commenting in English, saying, "He's playing like a hacker; bullets seem to hit him, and he gets knocked out. Then Ammy knocks out the guy who shot him and takes Abhimanyu to a corner of the building to revive him. As soon as Abhimanyu revives, a grenade comes towards him. Abhimanyu takes a pan in his hand and hits the grenade back, sending it towards the enemy, knocking him out too. Then Samarth knocks out the last guy, but the first one gets revived by then. Vayu marks and finishes him off, and the squad is finished."

Now, only three teams were left, two of which were still fighting. But the circle had become very small, and there was no place to hide. So, they all lay in the grass, waiting for the enemies to come.

Kim Bong said, "Look, they won't be able to win; they're lying in the open. They're on the other side of the hill; they'll finish them."

Then, all the enemies arrived on the hill, but they couldn't stay there for long because the circle had become small, and they knew there was danger ahead. So, they threw smoke bombs all around and lay hidden in the grass, waiting. After a while, the smoke cleared, and everyone was quiet, no one dared to move from their place. After some time, the circle became even smaller, and slowly, everyone reached the center. But still, no one could be seen, and no one dared to stand up. Then, an enemy team member was seen on the bushes by Abhimanyu, but he had already heard his voice and was looking there. He shot him down, and everyone looked in that direction, and their teammate was knocked out. Sensing something, one guy fired towards Abhimanyu, but Abhimanyu had already moved far to the side. Then, Ammy fired towards the shots, and Samarth and Vayu did the same, and Abhimanyu did too, and within a second, two more guys were knocked out.

Abhimanyu pulled the pin of a grenade, threw it in that direction, and his remaining teammate did the same. All the enemies were knocked out, but one was still left. Then, Vayu heard someone crawling, turned towards that direction, and shot, and they won the competition. Now, all the gamers were applauding for them, and their team's subscribers started increasing rapidly.

After some time, the Agrasen Lions team was called up and given a cheque of 10 million dollars. Everyone cheered for them enthusiastically, and they received many congratulations related to the gaming field. Later, there was an upcoming event for Battlefield where all the top 25 teams were invited. It was more like a party because the popularity of this eSports game had increased, with nearly a million new users installing it, which was the reason for the celebration. Many people related to the gaming field were invited, and some from other games as well. Many were congratulating the Agrasen Lions and discussing various matters with them, such as promoting their game on their streams and trying it out themselves, for which they would get paid. They agreed to do all of this for many people, which would significantly increase their earnings. Some parts of the event were being live-streamed, and others were live-streaming it on their social media.

Kim Bong was watching all this in a karaoke club, and everyone else was also watching.

Jin Gyong said, "It's not so bad to have him as a boyfriend." Then some guys came to Kim Bong and said, "Boss, we went to beat up that guy you told us about, but he had some other guys with him, and they fought back very well, and they beat us badly and made us unconscious. We just regained consciousness a while ago."

Looking at a photo of the Agrasen Lions team, one of the guys said, "Yes, boss, this is the same guy, and this girl too. Both of them are as dangerous as this guy, and we don't know about the others because they didn't need to come forward."

Kim Bong said, "Now only Dad can handle him."

Jin Gyong said, "No, if your dad gets involved in this, those people will kill him."

Kim Bong said, "Are you worried about him choosing him over your boyfriend?"

Jin Gyong said, "Stop nonsense. Will you kill someone over such a small matter?"

Kim Bong said, "Yes, how dare he kissed my girlfriend, whom I haven't even kissed yet?"

Jin Gyong said, "If you involve your dad in this, I'll break up with you."

Kim Bong got scared upon hearing this and calmed down, saying, "Okay, I won't involve my dad, but don't give me this breakup threat again."

Kim Bong said, "Now he's supposed to come under the bridge after tomorrow, so let's see him there."

On the other hand, Kim Haan was sitting in an office in the black market, watching a live stream. A man was standing in front of him with his head bowed.

Kim Haan said, "He seems to be the one who attacked us in our market. If we don't eliminate him, the Axe gang won't spare us. Keep an eye on him, and when he's in a deserted place, finish him off."

The man said, "Yes, boss."

After attending the party, Abhimanyu and his friends returned to the hotel. They had to go for a photoshoot the next day, and they had a lot of work to do. They went to their respective rooms, and Abhimanyu and Ammy went for training again in their room.

The next day, everyone had to do a photoshoot and video shoot for various companies and gaming companies. They also had to shoot an ad for Battlefield. They worked until late at night, but they earned a lot of money in their accounts. Now, Abhimanyu's friends had become very wealthy. They continued to stay busy like this for a few more days. Abhimanyu and Ammy kept their training going the next day. Abhimanyu also planned to visit the black market, but while practicing a new technique, he was about to become proficient in a technique where he could summon lightning from the sky using his White Space technique, which he had been practicing for a long time. Due to this, he trained for a long time, and then he executed that attack. This attack was very powerful, and he threw it into a pond that was filled with energy.

Ammy said, "Maya says that the pond must have accumulated a lot of divine energy by now, which is beneficial for our bodies, so we should bathe in it."

Abhimanyu and Ammy went to different sides of the pond, undressed, and started bathing. Despite being quite far away, due to the eagle's vision, Abhimanyu's sight was quite sharp, and due to Maya's presence in Ammy's body, her sight was also quite sharp, so they could easily see each other. They spent some time in the pond and then came out and it was 3 o'clock in the afternoon in the external world.

Abhimanyu said, "I need to go somewhere. You go to Meena's house with the others and find my parents. I'll find them in another way."

Ammy said, "Okay."

Abhimanyu then left and after some time returned to the bridge where Jin Gyong was waiting for him.

Abhimanyu said, "It's still time. Why are you here so early?"

Jin Gyong said, "You should leave here quickly. Kim Bong has planned to beat you up."

Abhimanyu said, "You are not involved in that plan."

Jin Gyong said, "If I wanted to see you beaten up, I wouldn't warn you. Go now; those people haven't arrived yet."

Approaching her, Abhimanyu said, "I'm not going anywhere because I didn't get my answer."

Jin Gyong stepped back and asked, "What answer?"

Abhimanyu said, "Just this: Do you love me too?"

Jin Gyong said, "I don't love you. Now go away from here."

Abhimanyu said, "You seem quite flustered. If you don't love me, why are you so worried about me?"

Approaching her, Abhimanyu said, "I can see the answer in your eyes. Now say it with your mouth."

Jin Gyong, clinging to the bridge railing again, said, "Yes."

Upon hearing this, Abhimanyu Asked do you love me, and she also became intoxicated.

Jin Gyong said, "I love you too."

At that moment, Kim Bong's angry voice was heard, "How dare you tried to kiss my girlfriend!"

Abhimanyu said, "Did you forget we were having a bet?"

Holding his hand, Jin Gyong said softly, "Go away from here. Look behind you; there are almost 50 guys."

Abhimanyu said, "50 is nothing for me."

Jin Gyong said, "Do you really think of yourself as Black Demon?"

Abhimanyu was surprised and asked, "How do you know about Black Demon?"

Jin Gyong said, "I saw your stream and then read about the real Black Demon on Google."

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "You turned out to be my stalker."

Jin Gyong said, "My friends searched, not me."