Chapter 70: Jackson

Abhimanyu then distanced himself from Jin Gyong and moved forward. Addressing Kim Bong, he said, "Come on, I don't have much time." Everyone then attacked Abhimanyu, and showing agility, he started fighting back, knocking each one down. After a while, Abhimanyu had everyone down, and it seemed like he hadn't even exerted much effort. Kim Bong was about to be knocked out first, and Abhimanyu approached him. At that moment, some men arrived, each wielding a katana.

Jin Gyong, looking at Kim Bong in anger, said, "You involved your dad."

Kim Bong said, "I swear I didn't tell them anything."

Jin Gyong said, "Get lost."

The leader of the men said, "Isn't that him?"

Another man said, "And he's also attacking our young master."

Upon hearing this, Abhimanyu asked, "What are you all doing here?"

The leader of the men said, "Aren't you the one who killed Johnny?"

Abhimanyu asked, "Are you Kim Han's men?"

The leader said, "According to our rules, you have been sentenced to death."

Abhimanyu chuckled and said, "Do you think killing me is that easy?"

The leader said, "Finish him."

Abhimanyu said, "Wait, brothers. I need to talk to Kim Han before you kill me."

The leader first called Kim Han and told him the whole situation, including Kim Bong's beating. Meanwhile, Kim Han's voice was heard saying, "Bring him here. I want to kill him myself."

Everyone then took Abhimanyu away from there, and Jin Gyong, Kim Bong, and the other guys stayed there. Jin Gyong left Kim Bong there and left.

After a while, Abhimanyu was sitting in front of Kim Han, who was also seated. Abhimanyu said, "I just want to know about my uncle, Mr. Rustam."

Kim Han said, "I don't know who he is. If that's all you wanted to talk about, then say bye-bye to this life because you've broken the market's rule." Saying this, he took out a pistol and aimed it at Abhimanyu's head.

Abhimanyu immediately grabbed his gun, causing the men standing behind him to approach. Abhimanyu then said, "If you move, I'll shoot your boss. But next time, it'll be between the eyes. See, none of the rest dared to move."

Kim Han was holding his ear, in pain.

Abhimanyu said, "Now tell me, where is Dr. Rustam? I'll count to three."

Kim Han said, "I really don't know who he is."

Abhimanyu began counting, "One..."

Kim Han interrupted, "I only got a contract to kill you."

Abhimanyu asked, "Who gave you the contract?"

Kim Han hesitated.

Abhimanyu continued counting, "Two..."

Kim Han said, "It was the Axe Gang. Johnny was their guy."

Abhimanyu asked, "How can I contact them?"

Kim Han hesitated again.

Abhimanyu said, "One..." and began to pull the trigger.

Kim Han finally said, "He's a vice president at the herbs company, named Jackson. I contact Axe Gang through him."

Abhimanyu said, "Don't try to mess with me again."

Abhimanyu then threw his gun on the table and started to leave. Kim Han picked up the gun and pointed it at Abhimanyu, but suddenly another gun appeared in Abhimanyu's hand, and he shot Kim Han in the forehead, saying, "I had forgiven you, but you just don't learn."

Seeing this, the others attacked Abhimanyu, and his eyes turned black. He swiftly took them all down, and then started cleaning the blood off his sword.

Arjun said, "Now I don't feel like cleaning, you're doing it."

Abhimanyu's eyes suddenly returned to normal, and he said, "It's because of this technique. When I draw blood, I lose control."

Abhimanyu then left. They were in a building away from the market, so he didn't encounter anyone on his way out. He erased all evidence of the killings and only a few people knew he was there. He then released Ramika and instructed her to make a deep wound on herself.

Ramika hesitated but eventually attacked Abhimanyu and ended up bumping into the wall, causing her mouth to bleed.

Ramika approached him and said, "Sorry boss, I hit too hard."

Abhimanyu said, "You hit quite slowly. Hit a little faster and aim for my face."

Ramika did as instructed, and Abhimanyu's face swelled. He then said, "Okay, go back to your post."

After Ramika left, Abhimanyu knocked himself unconscious. He had already informed the police, so when they arrived, they found him unconscious. A constable noticed he was still alive.

The police took him to the hospital, and news of Abhimanyu, the Black Demon, went viral. Many people were praying for his recovery, and the news of Kim Han's death left many Koreans surprised. Some started questioning the connection between gangster Kim Han and the Black Demon, Abhimanyu, and what he was doing there.

Upon seeing the news, Vayu said, "Let's go to the hospital."

Ammy showed them a message from Abhimanyu, instructing no one to come to the hospital.

Ravi said, "But why did Abhimanyu send such a strange message?"

Samarth said, "Maybe he doesn't want to involve us."

Ammy said, "You all stay here. All of this is happening because of me."

Samarth said, "I don't think it's right. If we get involved, I think he already has a plan. This small-time gangster is nothing for him."

After a while, when Abhimanyu regained consciousness, he found himself surrounded by doctors, nurses, police, and detectives.

As soon as Abhimanyu came to his senses, the others also came in. The detective asked, "What were you doing at Kim Han's hideout?"

Abhimanyu pretended not to understand Korean.

The doctor translated and asked, "How are you feeling now?"

Abhimanyu said, "I'm fine."

The doctor asked, "He's asking what you were doing at Kim Han's hideout."

Abhimanyu said, "He kidnapped me."

The doctor translated again.

The detective asked, "Why did he kidnap you?"

Abhimanyu said, "His son, Kim Bong, and I had a fight, and in anger, he took me there."

The detective asked, "Do you have any evidence of this?"

Abhimanyu said, "You can ask Kim Bong. His friends were also there, and Miss Jin Gyong, the daughter of the Herb company's chairman, can testify to this too."

Detective asked further, "What was the fight about between you guys?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Jin Gyong and I were talking about something, and Kim Bong got angry over it. That's all it was about."

The detective inquired, "What happened in that room?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Kim Han's men were attacking me, and I passed out. I woke up straight in the hospital."

The detective said, "Alright, you can't leave Seoul for now, and we'll keep an eye on you," and then left.

Abhimanyu chuckled to himself, thinking, "Good luck finding me."

After a while, Abhimanyu left the hospital and returned to Meena's apartment, where Ammy and the others were present.

Vayu asked, "Bro, what are you doing here?"

Abhimanyu said, "Nothing special, just got caught up in a situation. I'm going to my room now."

Abhimanyu went to his room, and Ammy followed him and asked how he got injured.

Abhimanyu said, "I got Ramika to punch and kick me to make it look real."

Later, Abhimanyu and Ammy went back inside the ring and then took a dip in the Amritlal pool.

When Abhimanyu got up and started to leave, Ammy said she would accompany him wherever he went.

Abhimanyu agreed and suggested going to the Herbs company's office.

Ammy asked, "Why there?"

Abhimanyu thought to himself that the hacker had given a clue about her parents, and the Vice Director of Herbs Company had connections with the group that spread rumors about Dr. Rustam. He believed that after solving this case, he might learn something about the hacker.

Ammy questioned how they would get into the Herbs company.

Abhimanyu unfolded his wings and said, "We'll fly there because we need to meet Vice president Jackson."

Abhimanyu and Ammy then went to the balcony and flew up to the rooftop of the Herbs company's building. Saily scanned the entire building's structure and hacked into the CCTV and the entire system, locating Vice president Jackson in his office.

Abhimanyu and Ammy proceeded cautiously towards the vice president's office. Ammy was hiding her face in embarrassment.

Abhimanyu reassured her, "Don't worry, nothing is being recorded."

Ammy whispered, "You should have told me earlier."

Abhimanyu noticed that Ammy had her locket hanging out, which looked quite charming.

As they reached the vice president's office, Ammy shyly closed her eyes and hid behind Abhimanyu.

The vice president was being intimate with a female employee, having taken off their pants and other clothing.

Abhimanyu remarked, "Is intimacy allowed in Korean offices?"

The vice president and the female employee quickly put their clothes back on. Jackson, in anger, asked who they were and how they entered without permission.

Abhimanyu replied confidently, "We are from the media, and we just caught the vice president of one of Seoul's biggest companies, Mr. Jackson, being intimate with his employee, Miss Nam Jin."

The female employee angrily retorted, "Stop your nonsense."

Abhimanyu chuckled and said, "Alright, let's go to the vice president." He grabbed Jackson by the collar and tightened his grip, accusing him of ordering his murder through Kim Han.

The female employee intervened angrily, but Abhimanyu ignored her. He recounted how Kim Han had ordered his killing and how he had fought back.

As Abhimanyu delivered a kick to Jackson's head, Jackson blocked it with his hand, resulting in a crack in his hand's bone due to Abhimanyu's new technique, the Advanced Spiritual Kick.

Abhimanyu then questioned Jackson sternly, demanding answers for why he wanted him dead. Jackson, writhing in pain, asked if Abhimanyu was the one he was looking for, to which Abhimanyu affirmed and asked why Jackson wanted him dead.

Jackson said, "Johny was my friend, and you killed him."

Abhimanyu kicked him, causing him to fall back, then continued, "I don't like lies at all. You also work for the Axe gang, so tell me quietly now, where is Dr. Rustam kept?"

Frightened, Jackson replied, "I don't know. I only work as an interface for them, nothing more."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, then tell me how you contact the Axe gang."

Jackson said, "His name is Tae Wang. He contacts me on my phone, and each time from a different number."

Abhimanyu took his phone and said, "Okay, if I don't receive his call within two days, you'll lose your head."

Abhimanyu put the phone in his pocket and continued, "Now tell me the entire history of this herb company, both what outsiders know and what they don't."

Surprised, Jackson asked, "Why do you want to know about the herb company?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Just answer what's asked."

Jackson explained, "The company started 20 years ago, initially distributing medicines. However, four years later, when the company's chairperson, Jin Song, learned about his daughter's illness, he began researching ancient and new medicines. Some of our research was successful, but we still haven't found a cure for his daughter."

Abhimanyu inquired, "Does Jin Song have any connection with the Axe gang?"

Jackson responded, "No, the Axe gang is just a gang, but they might have connections with that group. I'm not a special member of the Axe gang; they all live in the jungle, and I've heard they used to buy herbs from them."

Abhimanyu asked, "Is Jin Song the only daughter, or does he have others?"

Jackson confirmed, "Jin Song has only one daughter."

Abhimanyu didn't ask any more questions. He wondered, "What does Ammy have to do with this herb company? Did that hacker give me a false clue, or am I asking the wrong person?"

Just then, an unknown number called Jackson's phone. Abhimanyu put it on speaker in front of Jackson's face.

On the other end, a voice said, "The boy escaped from Kim Han's hands. Find out who helped him."

Abhimanyu turned off the phone's microphone and told Jackson, "Tell him that you've found out, but to kill him, they'll have to deal with real martial artists."

On the other end, a voice replied, "Alright, I'll send some men your way," and the call ended.

Ammy said, "Do you have any other plan?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I've done what I thought was right. I don't think anything he says will bring him here, but those martial artists might know a lot about the headquarters."

Ammy responded, "We didn't come here for this."

Abhimanyu said, "Maybe I got the wrong information because he's claiming to have only one daughter named Jin Gyong, his only daughter. He then slapped Jackson and asked, 'Did you have a daughter who drowned and went missing in water?'"

Ammy said, "Ugh, stop your nonsense."

Jackson stuttered, "Yes, I had a daughter."

Abhimanyu looked at Jackson first, then at Ammy.

Ammy's legs started shaking, and she sat down. She thought to herself, "This scumbag pervert is my father?" Then she glanced at the female employee and silently thought, "No, no, she can't be my mother. She's probably around 30 years old. A mother can't get pregnant at such a young age."

Abhimanyu stammered, "Was your daughter the one who got lost in the water?"

Jackson said, "No, no, my daughter... where is she? I'm not even married. She was Mr. Jin Song's daughter, Jin Syong. She was the one who got lost."

Abhimanyu then took a sigh of relief and asked, "Why hasn't this news spread?"

Jin Gyong said, "If her photo had been released and it was claimed she was missing, many underworld figures would have tried to take advantage of the situation, even harming her. That's why secretly, in Korea, we kept an eye on every orphanage, school, and all the children, looking for Miss Jin Syong. On the other hand, our younger daughter always stayed in the hospital. After that, we met a sage from India. He gave Ammy a medicine which helped her to temporarily recover. Everyone knows that they have only one daughter, Jin Gyong, but only a few old people know that they had another daughter, Jin Syong."

Abhimanyu asked Ammy, "Did you have a younger sister?"

Ammy said, "I don't remember."

Abhimanyu said, "There's a 10% chance that Jin Song is your father, Jin Gyong is your younger sister, and Jin Nam Ra is your mother."

Ammy said, "I don't like this word 'perhaps'. How can we find out if they're my parents or not?"

Abhimanyu said, "A DNA test. Also, Jin Gyong's face resembles yours a lot."

Ammy said, "If I have a younger sister, she should meet me, right? She won't meet the neighbor, will she?"

Jackson, astonished, asked, "Is she Miss Jin Syong?"

Abhimanyu said, "I don't know, but if it turns out to be her, you'll lose your job because she claims you sexually harassed her in the office."

Ammy angrily hit Abhimanyu's arm and said, "Stop talking nonsense!"

Abhimanyu asked Jackson, "When will the martial artists from the Axe gang arrive?"

Jackson replied, "Maybe in an hour." Just then, there was a knock on the door, and someone asked, "Mr. Vice President, can I come in? I need your signature on a file."

Abhimanyu gave permission for him to enter.

Then a man entered the office, and it was none other than Rajiv. After entering, he saw Abhimanyu and Ammy sitting on the sofa, along with their personal secretary, and Jackson seated in his chair.

Jackson first went to the vice president, showed him the file, got it signed, and asked, "Sir, what is Abhimanyu doing here?"

Jackson inquired, "Do you know him?"

Rajiv replied, "Sir, I met him at Kapoor's party. He was a special guest there."

Jackson said, "Okay, now leave from here."

Rajiv then left.

Abhimanyu said to Ammy, "Ammy, when you become the CEO here, the first thing you should do is fire Rajiv from his job, and then maybe even this vice president. Perhaps there are others like them in the company, and you should fire all of them too."

Ammy replied, "Those are just beautiful dreams right now. I haven't even confirmed yet if they are my parents or not."

Abhimanyu assured her, "Don't worry. I'll arrange for a DNA test."

At this moment, Jackson said, "I can provide you with Jin Gyong's DNA sample, but can you promise that if the DNA matches, you won't fire me? I have been working here for many years."

Abhimanyu chuckled at this and said, "Okay, we won't fire you if you stop working for the Axe gang or any other group. Also, affairs are not allowed in the office; whatever you need to do, do it outside."

Jackson thanked him, and then he opened an app on Abhimanyu's phone, which showed that his DNA was in the data.

Abhimanyu exclaimed, "Wow, can we test it here?"

Jackson replied, "Yes, we have a lab in this building. Although it was damaged, it's still functional. Let's respect each other's strength, even though his hand was injured."

After a while, everyone arrived at the lab, and the experts there began testing Ammy's hair sample to match it with the DNA.

Before an hour had passed, the DNA test report came, showing a 100% match.

Abhimanyu was astonished and said, "This is impossible!"

Jackson agreed, "I have never seen this before."

Ammy, seeing the report, said, "So, she really is my sister!"

Abhimanyu shook his head and said, "No, she's not your sister."

Ammy, confused, asked, "What nonsense are you talking about? The DNA is a 100% match!"

Jackson intervened, "That's the problem."

Ammy was now even more confused.

Abhimanyu suggested, "If we believe this DNA report, then both samples are yours. Or we can say that Jin Gyong and Jin Syong are the same person."

Jackson added, "Maybe that's why they kept this a secret from the world."

Ammy questioned, "But how is that possible? I'm right here."

Abhimanyu speculated, "That means you're her clone."