Chapter 71:Ammy's Family

Jackson's phone rang, and after speaking for a while, he said that the members of the Axe gang had arrived, and they wanted to meet with them once.

Abhimanyu instructed, "Okay, Jin Song shouldn't know about this."

Ammy's eyes were filled with tears of joy, but she was still in a state of shock. Abhimanyu placed his hand on her shoulder and said, "Stay calm for now. We'll talk about this later." Ammy nodded silently.

Abhimanyu, Ammy, and Jackson went out for a while.

After some time, they all reached a bar where all the martial artists were already waiting for them.

Abhimanyu quickly went inside and started fighting with them. Ammy also displayed her strength and defeated everyone within 10 minutes.

Abhimanyu asked, "Who is your leader?"

Everyone pointed to a man.

Abhimanyu approached him and asked, "If you lie, I'll smash your head. How many thugs are in the Axe gang?"

The man replied, "Apart from us, there are two more teams, and each has an equal number of thugs."

Abhimanyu inquired, "Where is the headquarters of the Axe gang?"

The man responded, "It's across the river."

Abhimanyu said, "Okay, let's go to the headquarters now."

After a while, they all reached the headquarters, where many thugs were stationed. They all looked powerful with swords in hand.

Abhimanyu told Ammy, "First, we need to know who's inside."

Saily explained, "There are security cameras everywhere, both inside and outside. Footages are being displayed on all screens. One of the footages shows an underground lab where Dr. Rustam and some other scientists are present, along with Jin Song, who seems to be conducting some experiments."

Abhimanyu saw a man sitting in an office with an axe on his table and a nameplate that read Park Kim Bong.

Abhimanyu understood that he was the leader.

He told Ammy, "If we go through that window, we'll directly reach Park Kim Bong's office."

Ammy agreed, and they both headed towards the window.

Abhimanyu asked Jackson if Jin Song had been to the office lately.

Jackson replied, "He rarely comes to the office. Most of the time, he's in the jungles or mountains or in his lab. He disappeared three months ago and hasn't contacted us since. Why are you asking?"

Abhimanyu said, "Because Jin Song is kept in the underground lab with Dr. Rustam, and there are other people there too."

But upon hearing this, Ammy immediately rushed to attack.

Abhimanyu added, "I forgot that she was also here."

Saying this, he also ran. Jackson and the others were scared and hiding.

As Ammy was running, a guard tried to shoot her, but she dodged and knocked him out with a punch, then kicked another guard away.

Abhimanyu dealt with the other guards, and both of them entered. As they entered, they were separated. Abhimanyu went towards the leader, while Ammy went downstairs.

As they went, they knocked out all the guards who came their way. Eventually, they both reached a gate, and they kicked it simultaneously, but they were attacked by powerful individuals. One had the power of a monkey, while the other had the strength of a gorilla.

Ammy didn't want to waste time arguing, so suddenly her hair turned white, and her eyes turned golden. She created numerous golden light swords and attacked the gorilla-like person, instantly killing him. Then she reached a room where there was a strong door.

Ammy instructed Maya, "Maya, control my body again and break this gate."

Maya hesitated, "I don't think we should do this."

Ammy asked, "Why?"

Maya explained, "When Abhimanyu was in a similar situation, Arjun said he would easily break the gate. But Abhimanyu refused, saying it might cause an explosion or harm the people inside."

Ammy insisted, "At such times, only Abhimanyu can do something."

Abhimanyu was attacked by a gorilla-like man, but he didn't want to waste time. Suddenly, his eyes turned black, his hair became completely black, and he wielded a demon sword in his hand. He swiftly moved forward and decapitated the man in less than 0.1 seconds. Abhimanyu then swiftly took down two guards who tried to stop him and stood before Park Kim Bong, placing his sword at his neck. He asked, "I'll count to three. Quickly, tell me what you're doing here. Three..."

Park Kim Bong laughed, "You think you can kill me?" Suddenly, his eyes also turned black, and he tried to attack Abhimanyu, but Abhimanyu cut off his hands. Abhimanyu remarked, "You're just another petty demon."

Park Kim Bong, bewildered, asked, "Who are you?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Two..." and then swiftly beheaded him.

Abhimanyu sighed, "What a waste. We needed information."

Arjun suggested, "The scientists are still alive."

Abhimanyu pondered, "But who knows if they're working for someone else."

At that moment, a dark spirit emerged.

Arjun said, "We'll interrogate this one." He captured the spirit and left the room, heading downstairs where Ammy was waiting by the gate.

Ammy asked, "Is the leader finished?"

Abhimanyu nodded, "Yes." He approached the gate and typed something, causing it to open.

As they descended the stairs, they entered a large lab where guards were on alert, but Ammy quickly took them down with precision shots to their foreheads. The scientists gathered, and Dr. Rustam addressed Abhimanyu, "My boy, you're here."

Abhimanyu replied, "You recognize me?"

Dr. Rustam smiled, "Yes, very well. And how are you, Saily?"

Abhimanyu then revealed, "Actually, I am Saily. Hello, Dad. I am your daughter, aren't I? Though I don't remember much, Abhimanyu and I have learned a lot about ourselves."

Ammy, astonished, asked, "Who is this?"

Maya explained, "Apart from Arjun and me, there's also a mysterious girl named Saily within him."

Ammy realized, "So, is it his body or some rented apartment where so many people reside and share the same space?"

Abhimanyu listened intently and then said, "We'll discuss all this later. For now, let your hubby talk to your father."

Saily replied, "Okay, I'm just a little curious."

Abhimanyu then turned to Dr. Rustam and asked, "What are you all doing here?"

Dr. Rustam explained, "The Axe gang captured us all here to work on superhumans."

Abhimanyu, surprised, inquired, "Superhumans?"

One of the doctors elaborated, "We tried combining animal DNA with human DNA to grant humans animal-like abilities, but it's nearly impossible. While our experiments with DNA from monkeys and gorillas were somewhat successful, the subjects couldn't survive for long. We were tasked with further research."

Abhimanyu nodded and then declared, "From now on, you're all free to leave, except for Dr. Rustam and Mr. Jin Song. Everyone else should forget what happened here for their own well-being."

All the doctors hurriedly left the premises, and Abhimanyu turned to Jin Song, asking, "Do you recognize her?"

Jin Song glanced at Ammy and after a moment's thought replied, "Jin Syong."

Abhimanyu then turned to Dr. Rustam and asked, "My first question: Is Saily really your daughter?"

Dr. Rustam confirmed, "Yes."

Abhimanyu then inquired, "And how did she end up inside my body?"

Dr. Rustam said, "I think you've almost understood everything. Alright, according to the world, I input Saily's data into the computer, but I didn't have any system to view that data. So, I searched for an invisible data system and attempted to place it inside the clone of a girl that we manufactured, in a capsule. However, the clone didn't last long because only the body that matches the DNA of the soul can function for that soul, and the soul couldn't be stored in any other body. We researched this extensively and consulted several tantriks and spiritual gurus, but we couldn't find anything different. Then, after some time, I found a technique in an ancient ruin, which mentioned that an soul is actually like a core in a human body that controls and resides within the spiritual energy of the human. It also mentioned the procedure to transfer one core into another body. I memorized the procedure and practiced it, but this time, no clone could function. For this, a real body was needed, and that too, a body so powerful that it could handle two cores. Finding such a body was next to impossible. Only once in thousands of years, someone is born who can manage two consciousnesses.

After some time, I went to Bihar; your grandfather had called me for some work. That's when I found out that you had defeated all the men of a group. I also learned that you hadn't even begun to feel spiritual energy.

Due to being out of control, you were severely injured, on death's door, and your soul was very weak. To save you, I had to take you back to my lab and put you in a biocapsule.

I transferred Saily's soul into you because the technique also mentioned that if someone is on the brink of death, or if their consciousness is about to end or weaken, this technique can be used. So, I transferred Saily into you, and then I took you out of that capsule and placed my hand on your body, using the technique to merge Saily's core with yours, making your core stronger. In past I created a system containing a lot of data, and it had the power to hack into any system, but I made the system in Saily's file to communicate with her, which we couldn't access; only Saily could access it. For that, I made a screen, which looked like a pair of glasses. Whoever wore those glasses wouldn't see anything normally; Until saily awake itself. And yes, Saily would think that she was an AI system cause of lost of memory."

Abhimanyu then asked, "So, does that mean the experiment was successful or unsuccessful?"

Dr. Rustam said you can say that the experiment remained unsuccessful because memories fade after soul transfer, but a new body needs to be created from the same DNA, and the previous body dies immediately after soul transfer. I don't think anyone would want to transfer their soul without memories. Yes, it can be done if they want a new life or to change bodies, but there's a complication.

Abhimanyu asked, "What complication?"

Dr. Rustam replied, "There's a significant difference between a clone and a real body, and a clone isn't powerful enough to hold a spirit core inside. I am researching how to control one's consciousness in another body."

Abhimanyu said, "I think if others find out about this, your life could be in danger, and memories cannot be transferred, so it's not useful for military purposes. Besides, people naturally get a new life after death, which has been interfered with extensively. Perhaps you should stop here."

Dr. Rustam said, "That's why I don't want to work on it, so I can control nature. The truth is..."

Then Jin Song said, "Let me tell you, my daughter Jin Syong was born with two consciousnesses. Initially, we thought it was a case of multiple personality disorder. She would sometimes cry, but immediately start laughing, sometimes she would get scared looking at something paranormal, and sometimes she would laugh looking at the same thing. I thought it was multiple personality disorder."

Dr. Rustam and I graduated from the same place, so we had good knowledge of biotech, IT, genes, and cloning. Once Dr. Rustam came to South Korea when Jin Syong was only 1.5 years old. By then, Dr. Rustam had learned the technique of spirit core transfer. When I told him about my daughter's multiple personalities, he told me about spiritual cores, that sometimes a person can be born with two spiritual cores. This mostly happens when both die at the same time, and both are twins. But once in thousands or millions of years, a person is born with two consciousnesses. When Dr. Rustam examined Jin Syong, he saw two spiritual cores in the same body.

Dr. Rustam said, "Then Jin Song asked if we could separate them and transfer one core to a new body."

Jin Song said, "Then Dr. Rustam said, 'This is only possible if someone's consciousness is dying or weakened and broken, or if there is a body with the same shared DNA.'"

Dr. Rustam said, "Then Jin Song suggested making a clone. We had the DNA, so we started the experiment. We separated her consciousness and within a few months, we had a clone ready. We put it in, and the experiment was successful, and we observed them for a long time, and they seemed quite healthy."

Dr. Rustam continued, "Actually, I was thinking about Saily. Could Jin Song handle Saily? But it was quite risky because a consciousness had been separated from her body a while ago. But during this time, Jin Song disappeared, and then we found out about a new problem with the clone. The clone wasn't powerful enough to control the energy of the spiritual core, and Jin Song's clone's condition deteriorated significantly. After some time, I met a sage who gave me a potion that could temporarily solve this problem, but now that potion is running out, and we need to find a cure, or the clone will die."

Abhimanyu said, "I know the cure."

Dr. Rustam was surprised and asked, "How do you know?"

Abhimanyu said, "I'll explain later. For now, I need to blow up this whole place."

Dr. Rustam said, "There's a self-destruction button here." He pressed it and said, "We have a minute to get out. Everyone, get out!" Outside, Jackson and some others were still standing.

Abhimanyu, looking at Jackson, said, "Your Axe gang has been destroyed, so now you guys have no option but to serve Ammy. Understand? If not, I'll turn you all into minced meat and have it for dinner."

Jackson and the others bowed before Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu said to Ammy, "I'll meet you later."

Ammy asked, "Where are you going?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I need to get Dr. Rustam safely to India."

Dr. Rustam added, "I'm a martial artist. It seems there was a powerful group behind this Axe gang, called the Soul Catchers. Their martial artists were truly dangerous, so they captured me. Their group was even bigger than the Grim Reaper."

Abhimanyu remarked, "It doesn't seem like they want to become the Grim Reaper."

Dr. Rustam said, "Perhaps they want to surpass the Grim Reaper. Well, I'm leaving. You don't need to worry."

Abhimanyu said to it's time for the family reunion I will join you later

Dr. Rustam and Abhimanyu then left, and Jin Song asked, "By the way, what's your relationship with him?"

Ammy replied, "He's my boyfriend."

Jin Song said, "Alright, tell me your story on the way home."

Ammy were in a car with Jin Song. Ammy told her father how she was on the streets for some time, and then a group kidnapped her and took her to India. But she hid the murder part and said she was involved in illegal activities with that organization, and when she grew up, she escaped from the organization. But they were after her, so Abhimanyu saved her life and got that group arrested. After that, she started living with Abhimanyu and went to school with him. He took care of her completely, and then we formed a gaming team at school and went to Korea to play at the international level. We won the competition, and now I'm a celebrity. He also searched for you and mom, as well as Dr. Rustam, and found out that I had a clone who was actually Jin Gyong."

After a while, Both of them reached Ammy's Villa.

As they entered, Jin Song exclaimed, "Darling, look who's here!"

A woman, who looked like a housewife, came out of the kitchen wearing an apron. She was Ammy's mother. She asked, "Who's here?"

Ammy, looking at Ammy's mother, thought, "So, I will look like this when I grow up."

The spoon slipped from Nam Ra's hand, falling to the ground, and she rushed to hug Ammy, tears flowing. Both Jin Song and she hugged Ammy tightly.

In a while, Ammy started helping her mom in the kitchen, and Jin Song went to take a shower.

Then a girl came in and it was Jin Gyong.

At that moment, Jin Song returned after changing clothes.

Jin Gyong, seeing Jin Song, hugged him happily, and Jin Song smiled, saying, "What's up? My girl, are you on a diet or something?"

Jin Gyong replied, "Why do you say that? I've actually gained weight."

Jin Song said, "How is that possible? You've become fat."

Jin Gyong jokingly said, "Are you saying that I've become skinny?"

Jin Song, and Jin Gyong sat at the table.

Just then, Nam Ra and Ammy came out of the kitchen.

As soon as Ammy came in, she sat next to Abhimanyu and looked at Jin Gyong, saying, "Hi, Jin Gyong."