Chapter 72:I am death

Jin gyong was surprised and said, "So, you're Abhimanyu's girlfriend, right?"

Ammy smiled and replied, "Abhimanyu's girlfriend? No, I'm actually your elder sister."

Jin gyong was once again astonished and looked at her mom and dad.

Jin song confirmed, "Yes, she is your sister, Jin Syong."

Surprised, Jin gyong asked, "But how come she suddenly appears now? And why didn't you tell me about my sister before?"

Jin gyong bombarded them with numerous questions.

Jin song calmed her down and explained, "She left us years ago and has now returned, searching for us."

After hearing everything, Jin gyong warmly said, "Hello, sister! Welcome back to the family."

Jin song asked, "Where have you been all this time? And why are you dressed like this for the memorial service?"

Jin gyong explained, "My friend's dad passed away, so I attended a memorial service."

Jin gyong then inquired, "Sister, do you know Black Demon? I saw him in your team. What kind of person is he?"

Ammy replied, "He's the best, better than anyone else."

Jin gyong asked, "What's his real name?"

Ammy said, "Abhimanyu."

Jin gyong asked, "Is he your boyfriend then?"

Ammy blushed and said, "Yes."

In her mind, Jin gyong thought, "So he's cheating on my sister. He's trying to deceive her and also tried to trap me. He's a very cunning person. I have to save my sister from his clutches."

Jin gyong said, "Sister, you'll stay here in Korea now, right?"

Ammy became silent upon this question and looked at her mom and dad.

Jin song said, "We'll discuss this later. For now, Ammy is here."

After a while, Jin gyong was showing Ammy her room, and then they spent some time together.

On the other side, Abhimanyu drops Dr. Rustam directly at the Indian embassy and reports to his grandfather about it and then leaves from there.

He returns to his friends at Meena's apartment.

When Abhimanyu arrived, he said, "Finally, Ammy's parents have been found."

Vayu asked, "Who is that?"

Abhimanyu said, "Chairperson of the herbs company, Jin Song, and Ammy's real name is Jin Syong."

Vayu asked, "So, will she stay here now?"

Abhimanyu said, "Yes, her family is here, so where else would she go?"

Vayu said, "So, does it mean that our team's pro player won't be with us anymore?"

Abhimanyu said, "She'll always be part of the team; it's not that easy to separate us."

Samarth said, "By the way, we have a photo shoot tomorrow."

After a while, Ammy received a call.

Ammy said, "Are you still in the apartment? I'm coming there."

Abhimanyu said, "Okay, come, everyone. Ammy is coming."

Abhimanyu went to the bathroom and inserted his ring inside it. Suddenly, his eyes turned black, his hair became completely black, and a dark demonic spirit emerged from his body. Abhimanyu grabbed its neck and asked in a demonic voice, "Who are you, and who do you work for?"

The demonic spirit replied, "Our current demon lord sent us to Earth to establish a powerful organization, the Demon Clan, to search for a saurman. We have recruited powerful killers and criminals from around the world by signing contracts with them."

Abhimanyu understood their motive for searching for a saurman, but questioned why they kidnapped the scientists. The spirit explained that they were trying to create powerful human bodies to inhabit since demon bodies were too weak. Despite using techniques like Amritjal and the blood ritual, they couldn't enter the human bodies, so they resorted to Earthly knowledge.

Abhimanyu captured the demonic spirit again, realizing that they might send more demons to attack him. Arjun expressed confidence, stating that until the current demon lord himself arrives, they won't be defeated. Abhimanyu questioned how Arjun could enter his body despite him using Amritjal. Arjun explained that Abhimanyu's ancestry and the positive influence of Amritjal allowed him to enter, along with his practice of angelic techniques and numerous blood rituals performed on him to enhance his strength.

Abhimanyu was astonished to learn that Arjun drank the blood of those he killed to gain power, realizing it was a significant source of his strength.

After a while, Ammy arrived with a girl who was her younger sister, Jin gyong.

Ammy said, "Meet my friends. This is my younger sister, Jin gyong."

Vayu said, "She looks just like you."

Everyone greeted her with a hello, and finally, Jin gyong looked at Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu said, "Hello, babe."

In anger, Jin gyong said in korean, "You scoundrel! You're my sister's boyfriend, and you proposed me without any shame!"

Ammy got shocked, upon hearing this.

Abhimanyu said in korean, "There's a reason for everything this pendrive is the evidence of my innocence."

Jin gyong, angrily, said in korean, "Don't fall for his tricks, sister. He's just good at manipulating people, and this pendrive is just an act."

Ammy said in korean, "I'll watch it later and then decide. For now, let's forget about this."

Ammy said in hindi, "Dad has arranged a small get-together. I've come to take you all."

About two hours later, everyone had reached the party Jin song had organized for his close friends.

Jin Song announced, "Hello, my friends! I organized this get-together so that I can introduce you all to my eldest daughter who was separated from us in childhood, and after many years, she's back with us. This is Jin Syong."

Looking at Ammy, Jin Song continued, "Jin Syong, I promise I won't let any trouble come your way again."

Ammy hugged Jin Song, and everyone applauded.

Dr. Rustam and the other scientists were present at the party because their passport reissue and return to India would take some time.

Suddenly, blood started flowing from Jin Byong's nose, and she fainted. Jin Namra caught her, and Jin Song carried her to the room in his arms.

Dr. Rustam and others followed, including Abhimanyu, Ammy, and Namra, along with Abhimanyu's other friends.

In the room, Dr. Rustam and Jin Song called Abhimanyu and asked him about the treatment he mentioned for Jin hyong.

Abhimanyu confirmed that he could treat her immediately.

Jin Song asked how, to which Abhimanyu replied that he couldn't disclose it at the moment. He requested everyone, except Ammy, to leave the room and wait for him.

Once alone, Abhimanyu and Ammy went to the ring.

They both then entered Jin gyong's body through the ring, and Abhimanyu instructed Ammy to stay while he went to the other side.

After about 24 hours, Abhimanyu came out of meditation, and Maya called him.

Abhimanyu saw that Jin gyong was glowing.

Maya explained that Jin gyong was now fine, but This is just a temporary solution.

Abhimanyu asked, "How can she be fully cured?"

Maya replied, "Creating a clone is against nature's laws, so the energy of nature won't have any effect on her. For now, we don't have a solution, but maybe in the future."

Ammy asked, "How much time do we have?"

Maya said, "If you give her a pill every month, she'll remain temporarily fine. And It's better if she avoids practicing martial arts."

Abhimanyu agreed and said they would see what happens in the future.

Maya expressed her concerns about Ammy leaving her family. Abhimanyu offered to let her stay in the place.

Abhimanyu and Ammy return to the room with Jin gyong

After a while Jin gyong regained consciousness and warned Abhimanyu to stay away from her sister.

Abhimanyu teased her by saying are you jealous because I am your sister's boyfriend and not yours, after saying that he gets near her face as he was going to kiss.

Ammy said in hesitation shut up, big sis look at him he was flirting with me in front of you and Ammy defended him, saying he was just joking.

Abhimanyu left, and everyone returned inside. Abhimanyu instructed them to take care of Jin gyong and reminded them that she couldn't practice martial arts.

Later, the party resumed, celebrating Jin gyong's recovery. Although she felt stronger, Jin gyong still couldn't believe that Abhimanyu had healed her. She was not angry with him anymore, but she still didn't like him and couldn't understand why Ammy forgave him. She wondered what was in the pendrive that made Abhimanyu do all this.

Jin Gyong asked Ammy, "What was in that pendrive, sister?"

Ammy replied, "It's not related to your work, so forget about it. By the way, I heard you have a boyfriend too."

Jin Gyong said, "No, I used to, but we broke up because of Abhimanyu. His name was Kim Bong, and he was Kim Haan's son. Kim Haan kidnapped Abhimanyu because of Kim Bong, so I broke up with him. But mysteriously, someone saved Abhimanyu, and Kim Haan and the others were killed."

But suddenly, some assassins wearing masks and black robes stormed in. They attacked Dr. Rustam, Jin Song, and some other doctors together.

Dr. Rustam was skilled in combat, but the other scientists were not. Samarth jumped to save a scientist, and Abhimanyu did the same for another. Ammy stood to protect Jin Song. Together, they deflected the blades aimed at them.

There were about seven assassins. One attacked Abhimanyu with a katana blade, but he dodged it. Dr. Rustam was attacked by three assassins simultaneously. While he managed to dodge one, another delivered a powerful spiritual kick, sending him crashing into a table.

Another assassin attacked Samarth, who tried to dodge and defend himself using surrounding objects and spiritual energy.

Two assassins targeted Ammy. The first attacked with a katana, but she dodged effortlessly. However, the other assassin tried to stab her vertically in the abdomen. She swiftly moved aside and countered with a powerful spiritual kick, knocking him back. Meanwhile, the first assassin came back for another strike, but Ammy used her spiritual energy to send him flying. Samarth, in his defense, crashed onto a table, breaking it.

Suddenly, Abhimanyu's eyes turned black, and his hair became completely black. In an instant, a sword appeared in his hand. Similarly, Ammy's hair turned white, and her eyes turned golden. She unleashed lightning from her hands, striking an assassin's chest and disabling him.

Abhimanyu smiled and suddenly a white blade appear in his hand, He trew it to Ammy and Abhimanyu and Ammy severed the heads of the remaining four assassins.

As they perished, black smoke emanated from their bodies, and a black light designed circle formed in the air, within which a figure emerged. This entity wore peculiar clothes, had black eyes with red outline, black hair with raid outline and two red spikes on top, and a white body and wings on his back of black feathers with red outline. A reddish black aura surrounded him, causing everyone present to tremble. Suddenly, they all fell to their knees, blood trickling from their noses, and Ammy's mother, her younger sister, and the other scientists and Jackson, along with some important personnel of the company present there, fainted. Only Jin Song, Dr. Rustam, Abhimanyu, Ammy, and Samarth remained conscious. Abhimanyu's other friends had also passed out, and even Ammy and Abhimanyu were now kneeling.

Arjun whispered to Abhimanyu, "This is a demon, perhaps at the General level, but why is he here on Earth?"

Abhimanyu asked, "Can we fight him?"

Arjun replied, "No, he's very powerful, and your body still can't handle my power. If we fight, we'll die."

Abhimanyu said, "That's means. For now, We have to focus on saving them."

On the other side, Maya said to Ammy, "He's a demon, perhaps at the General level. We can't fight him. Your body hasn't become powerful enough yet."

Ammy's hair turned white and her eyes golden as she summoned a divine aura to protect her friends.

The demon observed Abhimanyu and remarked, "A demon killing his own kind, how disgraceful."

Abhimanyu retorted, "They're my family. If they're attacked, I'm ready to kill any demon."

The demon taunted, "These people work on the orders of the demon lord. Only he has the right to punish them, and the punishment for breaking a demon clan rule is death."

Abhimanyu questioned, "What rule is that?"

The demon explained, "A demon can't kill another demon; it's against our laws. Only the king can decide on the punishment."

Abhimanyu asked arjun in mind, "Are there any other rules like this?"

Arjun replied, "Not in my time."

Abhimanyu then asked the demon, "So, will you take me to the king now?"

The demon chuckled and said, "You don't need to be taken to the king for that because I can give you death myself," as he reached out his hand towards Abhimanyu, attempting to pull him closer. Abhimanyu felt as if the demon was drawing him in, but he didn't budge from his spot, leaving the demon surprised.

"You are quite powerful, but you are a half-demon, so I cannot enlist you in my army. Otherwise, I'd kill you," the demon said as he suddenly lunged towards Abhimanyu, trying to strike him with his sharp claws. Abhimanyu tried to dodge, but the demon changed the direction of his claws, delivering a powerful punch that sent Abhimanyu flying 500 meters away, crashing through two gates and a house's wall into a living room where a family was watching TV.

Abhimanyu quickly got up and launched himself at the demon at full speed. He moved so fast that he appeared outside of the demon's reach and delivered a punch, which the demon attempted to block with one hand. However, the impact was so strong that the demon was sent crashing into Jin Song's house, creating a large hole in the wall.

Abhimanyu gestured to Ammy to take everyone into the ring while he dealt with the demon. Ammy complied and quickly gathered everyone into the ring, then focused on defeating the demon. She wielded a white blade named White Space, which Maya had controlled, and suddenly, clouds began to gather in the sky. Ammy swung her blade towards the clouds, causing lightning to strike down onto her sword, then directed the attack towards the demon. The demon tried to dodge but ended up colliding with Jin Song's house, creating another large hole.

Abhimanyu, meanwhile, had grabbed a demon sword and was engaged in combat with the demon. However, the demon effortlessly blocked his attacks and demanded that Abhimanyu hand over the sword, stating that only an angel could wield it. When Abhimanyu refused, the demon threw the sword back at Ammy with incredible force.

Ammy dodged the attack, but the sword landed on her house, causing it to collapse, and a crater formed.

Abhimanyu told Ammy to go, but she refused.

At that moment, the demon attacked Ammy.

Abhimanyu immediately grabbed hold of Ammy.

Abhimanyu grabbed Ammy's hand, and suddenly, she disappeared into the ring.

Abhimanyu challenged the demon, saying let's see who survives today.

The demon chuckled and delivered another powerful punch towards Abhimanyu, who couldn't evade it. Subsequently, the demon unleashed a series of punches, all of which landed on Abhimanyu's face as he attempted to block them, resulting in fractured hands.

Observing Abhimanyu's condition, the demon delivered a devastating blow, causing Abhimanyu to stagger far away. However, the demon swiftly closed the distance and unleashed a powerful punch into Abhimanyu's chest, fracturing his ribs and sending him crashing to the ground. His wings retracted into his body, creating a deep crater where he fell.

Then, the demon created numerous spheres of demonic energy in its hands and began to hurl them into the crater, causing seismic tremors and generating a raging storm in the vicinity. People had already evacuated the area due to the ongoing battle. Suddenly, Abhimanyu rose from the crater, ascending upwards.

Then, Abhimanyu's wings turned completely black, with a red mark appeared on his forehead which was like a small y and a dot on its upper center.

Abhimanyu's eyes are still black but the outline of the iris turned red, his wings fully black with red edges, his hair black, and his outline red.

Abhimanyu's Aura suddenly got heavy and reddish black bat mostly black.

The demon, astonished, said, "You look like a real demon. How do you have these powers? Who are you?"

Abhimanyu, in a demonic voice, replied, "I

