Chapter 73: Pheonix

Abhimanyu, fueled by rage and determination, gathered a swirling mass of dark energy between his palms, compressing it into a dense ball. With a fierce glare, he hurled it towards the demon with all his might. The demon, unfazed by the attack, responded in kind, conjuring its own sphere of malevolent energy and launching it back at Abhimanyu.

As the two spheres collided, the impact unleashed a deafening explosion, sending shockwaves rippling through the surroundings. Amidst the chaos, Abhimanyu and the demon engaged in a brutal melee, their fists and feet becoming blurs as they exchanged lightning-fast strikes. Each blow resonated with primal force, shaking the very foundations of the building they were in.

In a daring move, Abhimanyu seized the opportunity to gain the upper hand. With lightning reflexes, he grabbed hold of the demon's neck, exerting immense pressure as he slammed it forcefully into the nearest wall. The sheer impact caused cracks to spiderweb across the structure, sending debris flying in all directions.

As they found themselves locked in a deadly struggle within the confines of the building, Abhimanyu tapped into his reserves of inner strength once more. With a fierce battle cry, he channeled his energy into a devastating strike aimed squarely at the demon's chest. The force of the blow shattered the demon's ribs, eliciting a guttural roar of pain.

The structural integrity of the floor beneath them faltered under the tremendous force of their clash, unable to withstand the sheer magnitude of their power. With a deafening roar, the ground crumbled beneath their feet, sending them hurtling down through multiple levels of the building.

Amidst the chaos, the demon spat forth a torrent of blood, its eyes ablaze with a crimson hue that mirrored the intensity of its rage. Its wings, once dark and imposing, now glowed with an otherworldly crimson red light with black outline, while its hair seemed to writhe with an unholy energy. Meanwhile, the outlines of the surrounding figures, took on a sinister black hue, as if tainted by the darkness of the unfolding battle.

Despite the grievous injuries inflicted upon it, the demon's resilience proved formidable. With an ominous smirk, it began to undergo a rapid process of regeneration, its wounds closing before Abhimanyu's eyes. In that moment, it taunted Abhimanyu with a chilling promise: "Now the real fun begins."

The demon suddenly punched Abhimanyu with great speed, causing him to crash through a wall. The demon pursued him, unleashing numerous slashes of crimson energy from its hands. Abhimanyu gathered his energy in his hands and wrapped them around himself, deflecting the slashes. However, the slashes ended up hitting various buildings and houses, injuring many. Seeing this, Abhimanyu said, "Let's go somewhere else; people will be hurt here."

Abhimanyu then flew away towards the ocean, closely followed by the demon. Their battle had caused significant damage to the surrounding buildings and homes, and some people had been killed. However, once they left the area, it became calm, and rescue operations began.

Abhimanyu reached the shore of the sea and flew a considerable distance away. The demon approached him, laughing, and warned him to flee to any corner of the earth, but there would be no escape from its hands.

Just then, Abhimanyu noticed a bird with flaming wings flying towards them. He realized it was a bonghwang bird. Arjun asked about the bonghwang, and Abhimanyu explained that it was believed to protect the people here, although most called it a phoenix.

Arjun inquired about the phoenix, and Abhimanyu explained that it was a bird born of fire, immortal, and when it died, it was reborn from its ashes.

The demon also noticed the bonghwang approaching. As soon as it arrived, it threw a ball of fire at them. Abhimanyu headed towards the sea, but the ball hit the demon first, then Abhimanyu, and they both fell into the water. They flew back into the air after a while.

The demon drew its sword and attempted to cut the bonghwang's wings, but the bonghwang noticed and wrapped its wings around itself, spinning like a drill. It struck the demon's chest, leaving a wound, but the demon retaliated by attacking the bonghwang's beak, cutting part of it off. Seeing this, the demon laughed as its chest healed, and it threw the sword towards the bonghwang, piercing its stomach. The bonghwang fell to the ground, writhing in pain.

Abhimanyu witnessed this and drew his sword, surrounded by a reddish-black aura. He attacked the demon, which dodged several times, but then Abhimanyu used a demon technique, revealing some killing points, and then unleashed a wave.

Suddenly, darkness enveloped the demon, revealing the shadow of a dangerous demon in front of it. Realizing it was the demon lord's technique and facing a terrifying demon, the demon's hands detached from its body, and blood flowed from its shoulders, causing it to writhe in pain. Abhimanyu then severed its head from its body.

Blood began to flow from Abhimanyu's mouth. In reality, he was Arjun. Abhimanyu's spiritual core had shattered, and now Arjun's spiritual core was also shattering.

"Abhimanyu suddenly became normal, his wings retracted into his body, his hair turned back to a light brown color, and his eyes became sapphire blue. He then plunged into the ocean.

The bird witnessed this and flew towards Abhimanyu. It lifted him onto its back and brought him to the ground. A sword was still lodged in his neck, blood dripping from it.

The bird then gradually transformed into a woman and tried to remove the sword from her neck. After pulling it out, blood gushed out like a fountain. She grabbed her neck and sat down.

The woman appeared to be over 55 years old. She struggled to speak, 'I am dying, and I have no successor. Perhaps I misjudged that man as weak.' She then looked towards Abhimanyu and said, 'If you were a girl, I would have made you my heir, but these powers do not work with boys. Perhaps I am the last bonghwang. Goodbye, Korea.' With that, she closed her eyes, and her body turned into dust, falling to the ground.

A voice echoed, 'If the guardians do not choose their heir, nature will choose the next heir.' The dust flew into Abhimanyu's ring, and from there, it flew into Jin Gyong's body, who was lying naked and unconscious in a pool of elixir nearby. Others around the pool were also unconscious, but not severely injured.

Meanwhile, Ammy had quickly prepared a potion to enhance her powers. She absorbed the potion, which was as hot as a furnace, into her body. Her body quickly became powerful, although she felt a lot of pain. The dust had completely absorbed into Jin Gyong's body, and Jin Gyong's body began to glow, and it continued to glow for some time.

Abhimanyu was still unconscious in a dark room, floating in the air. Suddenly, he saw a light below and landed there. He was in a different form, but after a while, Vikrant appeared beside him, and he stood next to him. Then, another light appeared, and Nina came and stood there, followed by Jin Gyong.

Abhimanyu was confused because he remembered having had this dream before, but at that time, he only saw Nina and Vikrant. This time, Jin Gyong was also there, and they were all standing in a circle, but there was still darkness in one place.

Then the scene changes, and it is seen that Abhimanyu was sitting with Karishma. Their clothes looked very different, like ancient costumes. Karishma looked like a princess, and Abhimanyu looked like a warrior.

Karishma asked, "Will you ever leave me?"

Abhimanyu reassured her, "Never."

Karishma said, 'You will never betray me, right?' Abhimanyu replied, 'Never, my love.' But then the scene shifted again, and Abhimanyu saw himself thrusting a sword into Karishma's abdomen, and she began to suffer. Abhimanyu then sat down and started crying.

And then Abhimanyu opened his eyes and forgot about the dream. Arjun said, 'What is happening? It seems like our cores have merged.' Abhimanyu chuckled and said, 'We were once one body and two souls, now we are one body and one soul.'

Arjun said, 'I'm feeling something else too,' and then Abhimanyu's eyes suddenly changed like a snake's.

Abhimanyu said, 'This is snake power, but how?'

Arjun said, 'I think that same power has bound us.'

Abhimanyu asked, 'Was that the old snake's core?'

Arjun replied, 'It's possible, but why isn't it saying anything?'"

Abhimanyu suggested that perhaps the snake preferred to remain calm.

Saily remarked that if counted, there were currently four spirits present in Abhimanyu's body that had merged with him.

Arjun intervened, saying that when adults were talking, children shouldn't interrupt.

Saily retorted, "But you..."

Arjun playfully responded, "What can you do speak little girl, Will you choke me like in past how can you do it when I become one with Abhimanyu's core?"

Saily pouted and sat down.

Ignoring them, Abhimanyu went to check on Ammy, who was lying in a cauldron, absorbing medicine.

Abhimanyu then approached the others and found them still unconscious. Jin Gyong was lying in the pool, covered in mud.

Arjun speculated that Jin Gyong's body had become stronger as she had expelled so much mud, which she couldn't absorb before.

Abhimanyu concluded that she no longer needed any pills.

Arjun agreed, saying, "Yes, that seems to be the case."

Abhimanyu then suggested that Saily should take care of things because Jin Gyong was still naked.

Saily took control of Abhimanyu's body and dressed Jin Gyong before returning her to the ring.

Abhimanyu then administered pills to everyone to heal their bodies.

Arjun urged Abhimanyu to quickly retrieve the demon's body from the sea, warning of potential dangers from magical creatures.

Abhimanyu flew to the ocean and retrieved the demon's body parts, placing them in the ring. He then went to Meena's apartment.

Meanwhile, Ammy had regained consciousness and was testing her newfound strength.

Ammy asked Abhimanyu if he was okay.

Abhimanyu replied affirmatively and indicated the demon's body with a gesture.

Ammy inquired how he had defeated such a powerful creature.

Abhimanyu replied, "Don't ask me that. Go outside now; we're in Meena's apartment."

Abhimanyu escorted Ammy outside.

Abhimanyu's hair and eyes had turned black, but the outer lines remained red. From now on, he would have the demon's appearance.

Abhimanyu approached the demon's body, licking his lips and salivating.

Saily remarked, "He truly is a demon."

Abhimanyu dismissed her comment and asked how he could access the system without glasses.

Saily admitted she didn't know, but she could see the entire system. After a while, she reported no available options for him.

Abhimanyu suggested that Saily could see the screen, and she confirmed she could see the entire system.

Abhimanyu understood.

Meanwhile, Arjun had finished devouring the demon's body and commented that it must have made his body much stronger.

Abhimanyu began meditating for a while.

After a while, Abhimanyu completely absorbed the demon and returned from that realm.

Upon returning to the apartment, Meena was sent back since her task was completed.

Everyone was unconscious in the living room, and Ammy was standing, observing them. Abhimanyu recited a mantra to bring everyone back to consciousness.

When they regained consciousness, they all seemed quite confused. Dr. Rustam asked about the whereabouts of the demon.

Ammy replied, "I don't know, we were all unconscious."

Jin Song then checked her phone and found some messages mentioning earthquakes and strong winds in Seoul, along with significant damage to buildings and few deaths and injured.

Then, a breaking news report came in, showing footage captured from a helicopter. Although the video wasn't clear, it depicted Abhimanyu and the demon engaged in a fight. Their faces weren't visible.

Abhimanyu remained silent. Dr. Rustam remarked, "Isn't he the same flying man whose spiritual energy was terrifying."

One scientist said, "Could this be someone whose genetic structure has been altered?"

The other scientist replied, "If that's the case, it means they already had a way to change genetic structure. Why were we putting in effort then?"

Dr. Rustam speculated, "Perhaps there's something wrong with their structure, like they might not be as old as they seem. But the real question is, if they're from the same organization, why are they fighting each other?"

Then they noticed the two men heading somewhere distant, with a helicopter following them. But then they saw a burning bird flying towards the men about to take off. They were recording all this from a distance, but the recording abruptly stopped; it turns out the government had halted the recording.

The news anchor reported, "As you saw, it wasn't anyone else who saved us but the mythical bonghwang, it seems they saved us from those flying demons."

All this chaos starts near a colony in Seoul, where many homes are destroyed, including the villa of the well-known herbs company owner, Mr. Jin Song. Rescue operations are underway, but the fate of anyone is still unknown. After seeing this devastation, Jin Song immediately announced through Jackson that he and his family are safe and there's no need for a rescue operation. Later, this news was broadcasted.

After that incident, there was no threat again. Ammy and her family shifted to a small house. Abhimanyu's team was in South Korea for a week. They had some photoshoots and video shoots done and then returned to India with Dr. Rustam.

They were all at the airport when Ammy arrived with her family. Ammy had a suitcase.

Abhimanyu and others were surprised to see Ammy. Ammy said, "Why are you staring? I'm coming too."

Abhimanyu asked, "But why? Shouldn't you stay here with your family?"

Ammy replied, "My whole family is coming."

Abhimanyu saw a trolley behind him and asked, "But why?"

Jin Song said, "We are shifting the main office of Herbs to India, and most of our clients are also from India. Besides, I already have Indian citizenship, which I got 10 years ago."

Abhimanyu was surprised and asked, "Is it so easy to get citizenship of a country?"

Dr. Rustam said, "It's not easy, but we have worked together on many projects and have lived in various countries for a long time. We didn't know how long we would stay, so we have permanent citizenship of some countries."

Ammy added, "And we also have a private jet, so shoot the flight and come with us."

Vayu said, "Then it will be fun!"

Abhimanyu looked at Jin Gyong and said, "But Jin Gyong might have trouble with this. All her friends are here, and she also has a boyfriend."

Jin Song said, "Jin Gyong has already agreed to go to India."

Looking the other way, Jin Gyong said, "I had a breakup, and besides, all those friends are because of my physical weakness. I have no friends because of my weakness; I was alone."

Abhimanyu thought, "What does she think of me?"

Jin Gyong sarcastically said, "Ha ha, very funny. Even a fat person is better than you. I should date this fatso." Looking at Ravi, Jin Gyong said, "Ravi was a fat guy, weighing around 60 kilos, with a slight potbelly."

Abhimanyu angrily said, "Who are you calling fat? My friend deserves a girl 10 times better than you."

Ravi felt embarrassed hearing such things about himself.

Ammy interrupted, "What did you say, bookworm?"

"Why are you so bitter, wildcat?" Abhimanyu retorted.

They started arguing with each other.

Ammy intervened, "Okay, stop fighting now, You guys should stay calm and peacefull with love."

Jin Gyong said, "Love never happens with this perverted man."

Abhimanyu replied, "Well, I have no interest either. If it weren't for necessity, I wouldn't even talk to you."

Ammy said, "Okay, stop fighting now."

Jin Song said, "Alright, there's been enough fighting. Let's go." Everyone then boarded a private jet bound for India. In the plane, Ammy sat next to Jin Gyong, perhaps because she didn't want to be far from her, maybe due to the clone issue.

Abhimanyu and Jin Gyong glared at each other, not missing any opportunity to annoy one another. By nightfall, they had all reached India. From there, Jin Song had already arranged a villa near Abhimanyu's villa in Delhi, so everyone went their separate ways.

When Abhimanyu reached his home alone, everyone welcomed him, but Karishma was not there. Abhimanyu called her, but she didn't pick up. Instead, she messaged him that she was on a mission and would call later.

Abhimanyu then went to sleep, but after a few hours, he resumed his training. He realized the need to make his body stronger besides mastering the demon technique, as Arjun's soul was now merged with him. He had regained all his memories, powers, and even his personality.

Arjun said, "It seems we are truly becoming one because I feel you absorbing me." Abhimanyu asked if it was dreadful. Arjun replied that he didn't think so; in reality, they both would remain alive, and their memories would be with them. Understand that we are both becoming a mixture, but maybe it will take time.

Saily said that she hadn't experienced anything like that yet, even though she had been with Abhimanyu for a long time. Arjun suggested that there might be something in her that the system had put in separately, creating a different identity for her.

Abhimanyu asked if the same was happening with the old snake. Arjun replied that he wasn't sure; he could only see memories of his, not the snake's. He could only see Abhimanyu's memories from childhood until now. Arjun jokingly said you were very mischief in your childhood. Abhimanyu joked that all children are mischievous, and he asked if the same was happening with Ammy and Maya.

Arjun replied, "Yes, but as I said, it will take time for all this." Abhimanyu asked how much time. Arjun said, "About nine months."

Abhimanyu then began practicing his angel techniques because he had become proficient in demon techniques and magic. However, he constantly felt a bloodlust, so he used the demon technique to control it. After a few days of training, he extracted thousands of bottles of Amritjal from his ring, which he had collected over the days. He gave them to Jasmine, who gradually introduced them to the market. Many wealthy people ordered the original bottles, so one lakh original bottles sold out immediately. In addition to these, some original bottles were kept aside, and the rest were made into smaller bottles and cans and distributed to shops.

Meanwhile, Karishma returned from her mission and thanked Abhimanyu for saving Dr. Rustam. But Abhimanyu told her that he didn't need her thanks and instead asked her to take him out to dinner. Karishma enjoyed spending time with Abhimanyu, so she took him out.