Chapter 76:Gangs of delhi

After eating, Himani, Himanshu, and Abhimanyu closed the restaurant and headed to the chowk.

When Abhimanyu arrived, many people had already gathered there, along with some police officers, government officials like the District Collector, SDM, and Tehsildar, and a few lawyers.

Once everyone had arrived, the District Collector made an announcement that this settlement is included in a government development project. Therefore, the government is occupying all the land here. However, there is no need to worry as everyone will be given a place to live, and they will also be compensated for their land. Additionally, those who run businesses here can continue their businesses after the development project. The Collector then displayed a model and indicated that separate sections would be created for all businesses in this area, including shops and restaurants. However, everyone will have to pay for these new shops, but don't worry, you can pay in installments. You can get more details from the Tehsildar. You have 10 days to consider your options and submit your application to the office. After providing some more details, the DC left, and the Tehsildar and some officers started setting up in an empty shutter on the side.

Everyone began discussing among themselves and seemed very happy about this announcement.

Abhimanyu, Himani, and Himanshu returned to the restaurant.

Abhimanyu said to Himani, "I think you shouldn't leave here right now. In times like this, you have to stand firm." Saying this, Abhimanyu left.

Abhimanyu returned home and started practicing. He instructed some men to keep an eye on Brijesh Sharma's actions while he continued his studies.

Meanwhile, Himani and Himanshu closed the restaurant and went home.

Sitting there, Himani and Himanshu discussed what to do about the restaurant.

Himanshu said, "Mom, this is our livelihood. Where would we go if we leave this place? And even if we go somewhere else, who's to say we won't face the same problem there? If someone tries to take our land there too, will we run away again?"

Himanshu added, "Abhimanyu was right; we should face our problems instead of running away."

Himani agreed, "You're right. We should file a complaint with the police."

Just then, a voice said, "Who are you planning to file a complaint against?" Some thugs had entered their house, and their leader, smoking a cigarette, asked this question.

The leader of these thugs was named Ranjit Rana, a local thug who ruled over this settlement.

The man was actually Mohit Arora, the general manager of Brijesh Sharma's company. After hearing all this, he left. It was midnight.

Mohit called Brijesh.

At that time, Brijesh was in an apartment, drinking wine with his personal secretary. He had a bandage on his face, eagerly waiting for the stamp paper to arrive.

The apartment belonged to his secretary, who Brijesh had gifted it to. Nishant was also there, with the secretary sitting on his lap, kissing him.

Another employee from the office was also present with Brijesh.

Just then, Brijesh received Mohit's call.

When Brijesh answered, he asked, "What happened? Did you get the stamp paper?"

Mohit said, "No boss, there's another problem."

Brijesh asked, "What kind of problem?"

Mohit explained, "Boss, Tripathi is behind Himani. Tripathi's men beat up Ranjit Rana and his thugs, breaking their bones, and warned them to stay away from the restaurant and Himani."

Brijesh, surprised, asked, "Why is Tripathi protecting Himani?"

Mohit replied, "Ranjit overheard the thugs saying on the phone that Himani and Tripathi have a love affair."

Brijesh exclaimed, "That bitch! To save herself, she's now sleeping with that thug!"

Mohit asked, "Boss, what should we do now? We can't mess with Tripathi in Delhi."

Brijesh said, "Okay, you go home. I'll handle the rest." He hung up the phone.

Nishant asked, "What happened, Dad?"

Brijesh replied, "That bitch Himani is having an affair with Tripathi."

Nishant, shocked, said, "No way! She seemed so innocent, raising her son alone after uncle's death. What will we do now, Dad?"

Brijesh said, "This is not a big problem. A few days ago, the gangs from Gurgaon, Rohtak, Ghaziabad, Baghpat, and Noida formed an alliance, and I was part of that meeting. Along with some other businessmen, we're funding them to attack Tripathi from all sides. When they take over Delhi, we will also rule over it. The alliance is called 'Delhi Wars.'"

Nishant asked, "But how will that get us the restaurant?"

Brijesh said, "When Tripathi and the Delhi Wars are fighting, we'll get Himani to sign the stamp paper."

Nishant said, "Great plan, Dad! But won't it take time?"

Brijesh said, "I've heard they're planning something this week."

Nishant said, "Dad, I have a brilliant idea."

Brijesh, intrigued, asked, "Really? What is it?"

Nishant explained, "The Delhi Wars need to fight and defeat Tripathi, right? So, why don't they kidnap Himani and blackmail Tripathi?"

Brijesh replied, "What nonsense! Why would a gangster care about a widow like Himani?"

Nishant said, "Dad, whether he cares or not, our work will get done."

Brijesh said, "Yes, this is a good plan. We just need to convince the Delhi Wars."

Nishant and Brijesh laughed after making their plan and continued their party.

Meanwhile, two people came out of the airport: Hinisa and Shrikant.

Hinisa asked, "Where will we find Naagraaj?"

Shrikant replied, "He is the owner of The Singh Empire, so we keep an eye on him. We'll find Naagraaj eventually."

Hinisa said, "That's a stupid plan because I don't think he'll show up at the company often. I think we should watch the school where he likely goes every day. But are you sure he's in Delhi?"

Shrikant said, "He left for Seoul suddenly without informing us, so we couldn't make a plan. But today, he streamed and mentioned that he's back in India and streaming from his school."

Hinisa said, "That's fine, but where will we stay?"

Shrikant replied, "I don't have much money. First, we need to find a job."

Hinisa, irritated, said, "I don't know why I agreed to team up with you."

Shrikant asked, "By the way, what is Naagraaj Samar planning?"

Hinisa said, "I don't know, but my sources say he is sending Rudra."

Shrikant said, "Rudra is a very powerful naag and the commander of Naag Lok."

Hinisa replied, "Yes, but he is very afraid of the future Naagraaj, so he is sending his strongest naag."

Shrikant asked, "How will we protect Naagraaj if Rudra is coming?"

Hinisa said, "We must protect Naagraaj even at the cost of our lives."

Shrikant said, "You are right." They both got into a taxi.

The taxi driver asked, "Where do you want to go?"

Shrikant said, "We are new to this city. For now, take us to a hotel."

The taxi driver asked, "What kind of hotel? I mean, what's your budget?"

Shrikant quickly replied, "Somewhere very cheap."

The taxi driver said, "Okay, sir."

After a while, the taxi driver stopped at a hotel.

The taxi driver led Shrikant and Hinisa to the entrance and said, "This is the best hotel here; it's only 200 per night."

When they went inside, the taxi driver approached the counter and said, "These two are new here and need a place to stay for the night."

The man at the counter, who was dozing off, looked up and asked, "Single or double?"

Hinisa said, "Double."

The man said, "It will be 300."

Shrikant said, "He said it was 200."

The man replied, "That's for a single bed. If you want a single bed, it will be 2000."

Shrikant took the double bed room, and they went to their room.

The man gave the taxi driver 2000 rupees.

The taxi driver said, "Brother, only 2000? Did you see that girl? She's worth at least 20000."

The man said, "This is all for now. You know the police are investigating all of Sheela Madam's businesses because of the underage girls' issue. We had to spend a lot to get rid of that mess and compensate for the girls."

The taxi driver said, "But brother, that was because of those rich kids. They should pay for it."

The man said, "Do you know how powerful they are? Do you think Sheela Madam can extract money from them?"

The taxi driver said, "So, will Sheela Madam let them go so easily?"

The man replied, "Just get out of here now."

The taxi driver left, making a face.

On the other hand, when Shrikant and Hinisa reached their room, they saw that instead of two beds, there was just one double bed.

Shrikant said, "What nonsense is this? Double means there should be two beds."

Hinisa replied, "Yes, so you can sleep on the floor. I'm going to sleep on the bed."

Shrikant said, "To hell with that. I'm sleeping on the bed." He placed pillows on the bed to create a partition and said, "Don't come to my side."

Hinisa said, "How shameless you are."

Hinisa turned away angrily and went to sleep, while Shrikant also turned the other way and said, "If I feel ashamed, it'll be my loss."

Hinisa replied, "Just let me sleep quietly. I'm very tired."

After a while, the room started filling with smoke. Shrikant and Hinisa both opened their eyes.

Hinisa smiled and said, "They don't know who they're messing with."

Shrikant asked, "So, what's the plan?"

Hinisa replied, "For now, let's pretend to be unconscious and see what their plan is."

After a while, some people entered the room. One of them picked up Hinisa, and another one picked up Shrikant. A bit later, they took Shrikant to another room and threw him on a bed. Then they took his fingerprints and placed them on various spots before leaving.

Shrikant then opened his eyes. He saw a girl's corpse lying there and a murder weapon in his hand. Shrikant wipe off all his fingerprints from the knife and other things and transformed into a snake to escape.

On the other hand, Hinisa was also taken to another room where they injected her with a strange drug, making her drowsy. Hinisa thought, "This drug is affecting me too." She struggled to control her energy but couldn't stay conscious.

Then a man entered and started undressing near Hinisa. He came close to her. Hinisa tried to transform into a snake, but she couldn't use her powers.

The man was the same one who was at the counter earlier. He tore Hinisa's clothes, exposing part of her skin. Hinisa was trembling inside, unable to believe that even as a powerful snake-woman, a human could do this to her. Tears rolled down her eyes.

The man smiled wickedly at Hinisa's reaction and grabbed her hands, pinning her to the bed. Just then, a large snake appeared behind him.

Sensing danger, the man turned around and saw the snake, which had furious red eyes. The man tried to run towards the door, but the snake struck him with its tail, causing him to fall. The snake then opened its mouth and shot a fireball at him, setting him ablaze.

Ignoring his screams, the snake transformed back into Shrikant, who then went to Hinisa, covered her with a sheet, and carried her out through the window. They reached the roof where Shrikant unleashed several fireballs, setting different parts of the building on fire, including an electrical panel. The entire building caught fire, and Shrikant had already killed everyone inside.

Shrikant sneaked into another hotel and laid Hinisa on a bed in a room. Hinisa was unconscious.

Shrikant then slept on a sofa in the room.

Around 4 AM, Hinisa regained consciousness. She remembered that the previous night someone had tried to assault her but Shrikant had arrived just in time to save her. She had passed out after that. She saw Shrikant sleeping on the sofa and herself on the bed under the blanket he had given her.

Hinisa felt a bit impressed by Shrikant for this and started looking at him affectionately.

Hinisa, still covered with the blanket, went to Shrikant and woke him up saying, "Shrikant, wake up."

Shrikant opened his eyes and saw Hinisa standing there.

Shrikant said, "Hinisa, your clothes are in that bag. Go to the bathroom and put them on."

Hinisa hugged Shrikant and cried, "What will happen to me now? I'm impure."

Shrikant said, "Why are you saying that? You're still pure. I arrived before that man could do anything to you, and besides, I killed him. So, you're still pure."

Hinisa asked, "But who will believe me?"

Shrikant replied, "I believe you."

Hinisa then asked, "Will you marry me?"

Shrikant was silent.

Hinisa said, "See, all men are the same. First, you looked at my body, and now you're refusing to marry me."

Shrikant replied, "Which custom will we marry in?"

Hearing this, Hinisa smiled internally and thought, "He agreed so quickly. I was just teasing him."

Shrikant held Hinisa's cheeks and turned her face towards him. Hinisa suppressed her smile and kept tears in her eyes.

Hinisa held his hand and asked, "Are you serious?"

Shrikant suddenly kissed Hinisa. She wasn't prepared for this and was shocked.

Hinisa felt a flutter in her heart but then remembered that she was Naagraj's slave. She didn't have the right to form a relationship with anyone else. She was only Naagraj's slave and had to do whatever he commanded.

Hinisa pushed Shrikant away and said, "I was just teasing you."

Shrikant said, "But I'm serious. I like you, and I've wanted to tell you for a long time that I love you."

Hinisa replied, "I like you too, but a slave cannot form a relationship without Naagraj's permission."

Shrikant also remembered that Hinisa was indeed the slave of the future Naagraj.

Shrikant stepped back and said, "Go change your clothes. We need to find Naagraj first, and until his powers fully awaken, we need to stay close to him."

Hinisa then went to the bathroom, changed clothes, and came out. After a while, both of them exited the hotel through the window.

Meanwhile, Abhimanyu got ready and left for school with Karishma and Tina. When they reached the school, he told Karishma and Tina, "You both go ahead; I'll be there shortly." The two girls went inside the school, and Abhimanyu turned into an alley, saying, "I told you both to go back."

Hinisa and Shrikant appeared behind Abhimanyu, kneeling, and said, "We are here just to protect you and to wait for your powers to awaken."

Abhimanyu asked, "What will happen when my powers awaken?"

Hinisa replied, "Once your powers awaken, you'll remember everything about Naaglok and that place, and you'll be ready to protect everyone."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, if protecting Naaglok is so important, I'll come with you and defeat Samar. After that, you won't disturb me, right?"

Shrikant said, "You aren't powerful enough to defeat Naagraj Samar yet. You need time for your powers to fully awaken, but Naagraj might try to kill you before that, which is why we're here."

Abhimanyu agreed, "Fine, but don't scare anyone by showing off your powers."

Shrikant said, "We also needed to talk to you about something else. We need jobs to survive in this city."

Abhimanyu made a phone call, took a photo of them, sent a message, and then told them, "Go to The Singh Empire company. You'll meet a girl named Jasmine there. She will give you both jobs."

As Abhimanyu turned to leave, Shrikant said, "There's one more thing."

Annoyed, Abhimanyu asked, "What now?"

Shrikant said, "I want your permission to ask for Hinisa's hand in marriage."

Abhimanyu replied, "Am I her father that you're asking me for her hand? Go ask her father."

Shrikant said, "Hinisa is your slave, so without your permission, I have no right to love her."

Abhimanyu thought to himself, "I don't know what this snake inside me wants."

Abhimanyu looked at Hinisa and asked, "Do you love him?"

Hinisa blushed.

Abhimanyu looked at both Shrikant and Hinisa and said, "Fine, from today, I declare you both husband and wife." Then he turned and went back to school.

Hinisa, looking at Abhimanyu, said, "He is much nicer than any Naagraj I've known."

Shrikant replied, "Who knows if his personality will remain the same after his powers awaken."

Hinisa said, "Let's go to the company now." And both of them left for the company.

Abhimanyu went back to school and found Kashmira still looking upset when he entered the classroom. She began giving them a surprise test.

Meanwhile, Hinisa and Shrikant arrived at the company and were impressed by the grandeur of the building.

Hinisa remarked, "Whether Naagraj are human or serpent, their power never diminishes. Look at their office, their palace, their empire."

Shrikant replied, "You're right, but you drank Amritjal, which is as powerful as our world's medicine."

Hinisa countered, "It seems you haven't tasted the original bottle. Its true effect is even more potent than our Naaglok medicine."

By then, Shrikant and Hinisa had reached inside, where a lobby was set up with five candidates already waiting for their interviews.

A girl, who was an intern, approached Shrikant and Hinisa and asked, "What brings you here?"

Hinisa replied, "We're here for a job."

The girl said, "Alright, please wait. The interviews will start shortly."

While waiting, Shrikant mentioned to Hinisa, "Naagraj said we should meet Jasmine. She is the co-director of The Lion Empire."

Hinisa responded, "I don't know, but since we're here for jobs, let's secure them through proper interviews."

A man sitting nearby remarked, "You're wasting your efforts. This job is mine."

Another man countered, "Why? We could get the job too."

The first man replied, "Getting a job at The Singh Empire isn't easy. You need a degree, status, and good connections."

Everyone felt a bit demotivated upon hearing this.

The intern returned and announced that the interviews had begun, asking everyone to follow her. They took the lift to a floor where chairs were arranged. The boastful man took the first seat, followed by the others, with Shrikant and Hinisa sitting last.

The interviews started, and the boastful man was called in first. Inside, Roma was impressed with his resume.

The man introduced himself, "Hello Miss Roma, I am from the Rohilla family, and we have a textiles business."

Roma asked, "Why do you want to work with our company when your family has a textiles business?"

He replied, "You know, your company is excellent, and I don't want to rely on my family. I want to start my career here."

Roma asked him a few more questions and then asked him to wait in a chair nearby. After interviewing the remaining four candidates, she told one girl to wait while sending the other two home.

Roma remarked, "That's all for today, right?"

Her assistant replied, "Ma'am, there are two more candidates outside."

Roma said, "But I don't have their resumes."

The assistant asked, "Should I send them back then?"

Roma replied, "No, send them in together."

A few moments later, Hinisa and Shrikant entered the room and sat down.

Roma said, "Sorry, I didn't receive your resumes. Can you tell me about yourselves?"

Shrikant responded, "My name is Shrikant, and this is my wife, Hinisa. We came from Mumbai and are looking for jobs."

Roma asked, "What are your educational qualifications?"

Shrikant replied, "Ma'am, we haven't studied, but we learn quickly."

Hearing this, the boastful man chuckled.

Shrikant, Hinisa, and Roma looked at him.

Roma said, "Shrikant, I can offer you a worker's job, but I'm not sure what job to give your wife. Our company doesn't allow women to do worker's tasks, and besides that, I don't have any jobs suitable for her qualifications."