Chapter 77:Cheek kiss

Roma said, "Alright, Miss Hinisa, you can leave now or wait in the lobby for your husband." Then, looking at everyone, she added, "Your roles in the company will be announced shortly. Please wait in the lobby."

Everyone went back to the lobby.

Once there, the boastful man mocked Shrikant, "Look at this guy's nerve, coming here without a degree or connections. Get lost, this company isn't for people like you."

The intern interrupted, "Didn't you hear? Miss Roma hired him."

The man retorted, "She just took pity on him."

Turning to Hinisa, he said, "You're very beautiful. Why are you wasting your life with this loser? Stick with him, and you'll only face hardship. Do you even know how much a worker's salary is? Only 15,000 rupees! I spend that much in a day."

Hinisa, glaring angrily, replied, "You seem very arrogant."

The man responded, "Of course. I'm better than many people in many ways."

Hinisa said, "But you're not better than my husband in any way."

The man laughed, "You're comparing me to this loser? Looks are nothing without money. Without it, no one respects you. I'm superior in wealth, family background, education, and now, even in getting a job."

Hinisa shot back, "My husband's looks aren't the only thing better than yours; his heart is too. He's brave, smart, and a real man, unlike you."

Shrikant placed his hand over Hinisa's mouth to calm her, saying, "Stop, there's no need to get emotional."

The man, now furious, said, "How dare you insult me!"

At that moment, Roma's assistant arrived and asked, "Is there a problem, sir?"

The man said, "These two are disturbing me and insulting me."

The assistant glanced at Shrikant and Hinisa, knowing their background and that Shrikant only got a worker's job, and said, "Sir, ma'am—"

Before she could continue, another selected candidate spoke up, "They're lying. They didn't insult anyone."

The man argued, "She called me a coward. Isn't that an insult?"

The girl fell silent.

Hinisa said, "Yes, he lied. If you're brave, let's see you prove it."

The man replied, "Sure, let's take it to bed. I'll show you what a man I am."

Enraged, Hinisa slapped the man hard, knocking him down and breaking two of his teeth, causing blood to spill from his mouth.

The man, holding his mouth and seeing the blood, cursed, "You bitch!"

Hinisa, stepping towards him, demanded, "What did you say?" Shrikant grabbed her, saying, "Control yourself, baby."

Hinisa, still furious, told him to shut up.

Shrikant stayed quiet but didn't let her go any further. At that moment, Roma's voice was heard, and she arrived with Lily and Jasmine, who had just come to the company because Abhimanyu had instructed her to recruit two people.

Roma's assistant explained, "Ma'am, these people were arguing."

Jasmine, looking at Shrikant and Hinisa, asked, "Are you Shrikant and Hinisa?"

Shrikant replied, "Yes, and you must be Miss Jasmine."

Jasmine said, "Just call me Jasmine. Come, I'll show you your work."

As they were leaving, Hinisa kicked the man once more and said, "Don't talk about family background or connections in front of us again." With that, Shrikant and Hinisa followed Jasmine. Lily, looking confused, also followed them, and Roma instructed her assistant to throw the man out, saying, "We don't need him, only this girl will work here." Then she too followed Jasmine.

The man, holding his bleeding mouth, shouted, "I won't spare you two. I'll file a case against you. Do you know who I am? I'm from the Rohila family, soon to be one of the top four families in Delhi!"

The assistant silently thanked her luck for not having the chance to be rude to them; otherwise, she would have lost her job. She told the man to leave and then took the selected girl to explain her duties.

Meanwhile, Jasmine took Shrikant and Hinisa to the CEO's office and said, "Abhimanyu sir is starting a new business. A large development project is beginning near the river, and you'll both be managing it. You can seek help from Miss Lily and Miss Roma."

Shrikant and Hinisa protested, "But we don't know anything about business. We only know how to fight."

Jasmine reassured them, "Don't worry. You'll learn everything in a few days. For now, work within the Singh empire to understand how things are managed here." With that, Jasmine led Lily and Roma outside and instructed them, "Abhimanyu sir said to take good care of them and never make them angry. Understood?"

Lily and Roma replied in unison, "Yes, Miss Jasmine."

Jasmine continued, "Show them how things work here."

After giving her instructions, Jasmine left. Lily began explaining the workings of the company to Shrikant and Hinisa. The Singh empire encompassed various sectors, including Amritjal Construction, restaurants, bars, casinos, A to Z transport clubs, and some illegal businesses like fighting arenas and racing betting, managed by Jasmine. Shadow King managed their overseas illegal businesses.

Abhimanyu had an entire army of gangsters and fighters, but it was still not enough to rival powerful organizations like The Grim Reaper.

In a small company office elsewhere, two couples were having a romantic conversation.

Kapil had Drishti sitting on his lap, kissing her cheeks, and said, "Drishti, we haven't gone on a trip for a long time. How about a family trip after the kids' exams?"

Drishti replied, "So that's why you're buttering me up. Let me work. We have a lot to do, especially after losing the riverfront project. We've missed a huge opportunity."

Kapil pleaded, "Please."

Drishti said, "Stop it. What if someone sees us like this at our age?"

Kapil laughed, "What age? Dress like Rashika and see how many boys come to propose to you."

Drishti retorted, "Stop talking nonsense and let me go."

Kapil persisted, "Family trip?"

Drishti sighed, "Okay, okay. Right after the exams."

Kapil, excited, thanked her and kissed her on the lips. Drishti got lost in the kiss, enjoying her life with Kapil. They had been together for three months, and their life had become blissful again. Just then, the office phone rang.

Drishti, immersed in the kiss, answered the phone while Kapil continued to kiss her neck and other places.

Drishti asked, "Yes, what is it?"

An employee's voice came from the other end, "Boss, some people are here to see Kapil sir."

Drishti asked, "Who are they?"

The assistant whispered, "They have guns and knives."

Drishti, alarmed, looked at Kapil and said, "Hold them off for a while. I'll call the police."

Kapil, hearing the word "police," asked, "What's going on?"

Drishti, worried, said, "Nothing."

Kapil, holding her hands, asked again, "What's wrong?"

Drishti explained, "Just like before, some goons are here to see you."

Kapil said, "I'll go see what they want."

Drishti insisted, "No, you won't do anything."

Kapil reassured her, "Don't worry, I won't fight. But if we make them wait too long, our employees could be in danger."

Kapil then left the room, and Drishti followed him to the lobby.

In the lobby, four goons were standing behind a sofa, and a man was sitting on the sofa.

Kapil looked at him and said, "Raghav Verma, what brings you here from Ghaziabad?"

Raghav replied, "I have an offer."

Kapil asked, "What kind of offer?"

Raghav said, "Soon we are going to wipe out the Tripathi gang from Delhi. If you help us, it will be beneficial for you too."

Kapil replied, "Sorry, but I have left the underworld, so your visit here is a waste of time."

Raghav said, "We just need the locations of all your secret hideouts. After that, we will leave. You don't need to fight anyone because I can see how weak you have become."

Kapil said, "Do you think removing Tripathi from Delhi is easy?"

Raghav replied, "We know everything about him. He is from Bihar. We have also talked to a gangster named Brijesh there. We will all attack Tripathi together. This will not give him a chance to fight back. Now quietly give me those locations, or your peaceful life won't remain peaceful."

Kapil said, "I need an hour to think about this because it involves a dangerous gang."

Raghav replied, "Alright, think carefully and decide quickly, but give us the locations."

Kapil and Drishti went back to the CEO's office.

Drishti asked, "What are you thinking?"

Kapil said, "He has no idea who is really behind Tripathi."

Kapil tried calling Abhimanyu, but he was in class and did not pick up. Kapil then called Tripathi.

Tripathi answered, "Who is this?"

Kapil said, "This is Kapil Mehta speaking."

Tripathi asked, "Kapil Mehta, why are you calling me?"

Kapil said, "Do you know Raghav?"

Tripathi replied, "Yes, the head of the Ghaziabad gang, right?"

Kapil said, "Yes, he is in my office and asking for the list of all my old hideouts."

Tripathi said, "Give him the list; I'll handle the rest."

Kapil asked, "Are you sure?"

Tripathi said, "I already know about their plan to attack us, but I didn't think they would contact you."

Kapil hung up and made a list, then went back to the lobby and handed the list over.

Raghav said, "If anyone finds out about this, the first thing we will do is kill your son, remember that."

Kapil replied, "I hope I don't have to see your face again."

Raghav and his associates left.

Drishti said, "You left the dark work, but it hasn't left you."

Kapil said, "Why are you worrying? I'm not going back to that mess."

Abhimanyu received a message on his glasses. When he opened it, it was from Tripathi, stating that Raghav Verma from Ghaziabad had met Kapil Mehta and left with a list of their hideouts.

Abhimanyu thought to himself, "So that's why Kapil Mehta was calling me."

Abhimanyu asked, "Where is he now?"

Tripathi replied, "He just left Kapil's company."

Abhimanyu quickly messaged Aakash. Aakash and Bhawna were now working for the Intelligence Bureau.

Abhimanyu told Aakash, "Raghav is currently in Delhi. There's no better opportunity to catch him."

Aakash asked for all the information.

After giving the information, Abhimanyu said, "Good luck."

Aakash asked, "What's in it for you?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I don't want a gang war in Delhi."

Aakash said, "Alright."

Aakash informed the Delhi com yemissioner to track down Raghav Verma based on Abhimanyu's information, and soon they tracked him heading towards Kirti Nagar. The police surrounded him on one road.

Raghav's men got a little nervous.

Raghav's men turned the car onto another road. They were just about to go when they saw another police blockade.

Then a police car started following them from behind.

Raghav said, "This must be Kapil Mehta's doing. Otherwise, how would the police know about us so quickly?"

One of the men asked, "Boss, what do we do now?"

Raghav said, "Turn the car towards Inderlok."

After a while, they saw the police ahead and opened fire because there was no public around. Raghav and his men dodged the bullets, got out of the car, and fired back at the police. They turned into an alley and went inside a building, closing the door behind them. Then they reached the rooftop.

Raghav saw a policeman searching for them in the adjacent building, checking each balcony floor. He was about to reach the rooftop.

Raghav started running from rooftop to rooftop, and after a while, they reached a place where there were no police. They climbed down and started running.

Suddenly, a policeman saw them and fired, but by then, they had turned a corner. One of them got shot in the shoulder but kept running with Raghav. The police were chasing them.

They were in the police's sight, but there were many people around, so the police couldn't fire.

The gangsters fired at the police, who took cover, but one policeman got shot in the back and was injured.

Then more police came from left and right and started firing at Raghav's gang. The public had already run away due to the firing. When the bullets hit Raghav, he fell into a drain, but his two associates were injured, and two died on the spot.

The police reached the drain but couldn't find Raghav anywhere.

On the other hand, after lunch, Abhimanyu went to meet Kashmira again in the staff room. As soon as he entered, Sudhir stopped him and asked who he wanted to meet.

Abhimanyu replied, "I need to see Karishma ma'am."

Sudhir said, "She's busy right now, come back later."

Abhimanyu said, "By the way, Tina ma'am was looking for you. She's having lunch on the bench on the ground."

In his mind, Sudhir thought, "What does Tina want from me now? No one usually gives me any attention. Well, if not Kashmira, then Tina will do. She's no less than Kashmira."

Sudhir told Abhimanyu, "Alright, you can go now."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright," and left. Sudhir then headed towards Tina ma'am.

As soon as Sudhir left, Abhimanyu entered the staff room and went to Kashmira. He asked, "What happened? Why do you look so upset?"

Kashmira replied, "Even after Chirag's scandal came out, my family still wants me to marry that scoundrel. It seems a bad reputation isn't enough because it's purely a business deal."

Abhimanyu asked, "What are you going to do?"

Kashmira said, "What can I do?"

Abhimanyu said, "Why are you worried?"

Kashmira replied, "Because the wedding date has been moved up, and now my marriage is in just four days."

Abhimanyu said, "This is serious. Should I talk to your parents?"

Kashmira asked, "What can you do?" She then looked carefully at Abhimanyu, who was quite handsome, and suddenly had a brilliant idea.

Kashmira asked Abhimanyu, "Would you help me with an idea?"

Abhimanyu asked, "What kind of help?"

Kashmira said, "Can you pretend to be my boyfriend and come with me to my family?"

Abhimanyu stepped back and said, "No, no, this is a terrible idea."

Kashmira pleaded, "Please."

Abhimanyu asked, "Why would they break off the engagement because of this?"

Kashmira explained, "Look, you're a student and I'm a teacher. I don't think my family would want this to be known publicly."

Abhimanyu said, "But what makes you think they will agree to break the engagement?"

Kashmira said, "Just try once, please. I'm asking you as a friend."

Abhimanyu said, "No."

Kashmira then offered, "I'll treat you to dinner."

Abhimanyu, giving in, said, "Alright."

Excited, Kashmira kissed Abhimanyu on the cheek and said, "Thank you! You are my best friend."

Abhimanyu said, "Yeah, the only friend."

Kashmira replied, "No, you're not the only one. I have many foreign and NRI friends. I just don't meet them often because I'm busy."

Suddenly, Sudhir entered angrily and said to Abhimanyu, "You said Tina ma'am was calling me, but she said she didn't call me."

Abhimanyu replied, "When did I say she was calling you? She was cursing you."

Kashmira burst out laughing at this.

Sudhir, furious, said, "From tomorrow, you are not allowed in my class."

Abhimanyu said, "Thank you, your class is very boring anyway."

Sudhir said, "Come to the principal's office right now."

Kashmira intervened, "Sir, he's just a kid."

Sudhir replied, "Yes, that's why we teachers need to teach him manners."

Abhimanyu said, "You can teach me in class. It's lunch break now." Saying this, he said goodbye to Kashmira and left.

Sudhir told Kashmira, "Miss Kashmira, forming a relationship with a student is against the rules."

Kashmira, irritated, said, "What relationship? He's just my student."

Sudhir said, "I clearly saw you kissing him. Do you think we don't see anything? Many teachers saw you kissing him."

Kashmira retorted, "Stop talking nonsense. It was just a cheek kiss, nothing more."

Sudhir said, "Cheek or lip, it's still inappropriate. There have been rumors for a while that something is going on between you and Abhimanyu. You could lose your job because of this behavior."

Sudhir said this and then left.

Abhimanyu returned to class and saw that all the students were engrossed in their studies. Not wanting to disturb them, he checked the news but hadn't received any updates about Raghav yet. Later, while streaming his game, he got the news that some of Raghav's men had been killed and some captured, but Raghav had escaped.

Abhimanyu said to himself, "I hope Kapil's family isn't in danger because only Kapil knew about Raghav's whereabouts."

He arranged for several people to guard Kapil's family for security and then resumed his streaming.