Chapter 79: Kapil's Family in danger

Lokesh said, "Uncle, I was suggesting that both children should spend more time together and go on dates to get to know each other better before the marriage."

Shivshankar said, "Yes, you're right. It's a modern era, and we have no problem with that."

Lokesh added, "Kashmira, dear, I know you're quite shy, but you both should get to know each other. It's good to understand each other before marriage."

Kashmira was at a loss for words and said, "I'm currently very busy with school work and exams are also approaching, so there's a lot of work to be done."

Lokesh offered, "If you want, I can talk to Dean Trilok and get you some time off."

Kashmira quickly responded, "No, no, I need to help my students prepare as well. Look at Abhimanyu here, he misses most of the year, so I have to give extra attention to students like him."

Abhimanyu said, "I am sorry for causing you so much trouble."

Kashmira smiled and said, "It's okay."

Shivshankar said, "Then he deserves some punishment."

Ratan said, "My daughter is so kind and responsible, she takes care of everyone."

Lokesh laughed and said, "That's why we chose your daughter. We have brought some gifts for the bride as part of the shagun." With that, he clapped his hands, and some people brought several plates with various gifts, including gold jewelry, a Rolls-Royce car key, some documents, and a whole crate of 100 original bottles of Amritjal.

Shivshankar Mathur said, "Your gifts are quite expensive. Ours might look a bit modest in comparison." He clapped his hands as well, and people brought in various gifts on trays, including a car, a villa, and some other expensive gifts, along with stamp papers of a small company owned by the Mathur family. Only Chirag's signature was missing.

Kashmira was confused about how to stop this marriage.

Abhimanyu, smiling, said to Chirag, "By the way, Chirag Bhai, doesn't Nate's ghost bother you?"

Chirag glared at Abhimanyu angrily and said, "I told you, I have nothing to do with a girl named Nate."

Suddenly, Abhimanyu's eyes turned dark, and Chirag saw darkness engulfing him. In the darkness, he saw a shadow and then Nate's face appeared.

The shadow said, "Chirag, do you remember me? I'm the one you sexually assaulted and killed. And now you're enjoying your wedding? I will never let this happen."

Chirag, covering his ears, screamed, "No, Nate, forgive me, please forgive me, don't kill me!"

Lokesh said, "Chirag, what happened?"

Chirag said, "Dad, Nate is back."

Lokesh said, "There's no one here, calm down."

Shivshankar asked, "What's going on? Who is this Nate?"

Abhimanyu said, "It seems you haven't seen the news."

Shivshankar asked, "What news?"

Abhimanyu took out his phone and played live news.

Just a few moments earlier, Abhimanyu had sent all of Chirag's dark secrets, along with evidence, to the Intelligence Bureau, namely Aakash.

When Shivshankar saw the news, he was shocked. The breaking news was, "In a shocking turn of events, just yesterday Chirag Aggarwal was taken into custody while intoxicated. Now, CBI investigations have revealed many of Chirag's dark deeds. His criminal activities started as early as 10th grade. Watch how he sexually assaulted a girl named Nate and killed both her and her boyfriend. The video has been partially blurred. Chirag not only did this but also staged the deaths as a car accident. But the truth always comes out, and after many years, this murder has been uncovered. The former principal, Shubham Chaudhary, helped Chirag cover up this crime, and this was just the beginning of his crimes. The list of his crimes is so long that even hell might not have enough punishment for him."

Shivshankar looked at Chirag and said to Lokesh, "This marriage will not happen. I will never give my granddaughter's hand to a man who has done such heinous acts."

At that moment, police officers arrived and started arresting Chirag. They also began arresting Lokesh.

Lokesh asked, "What have I done?"

The police inspector said, "We have many pieces of evidence against you too. From illegal killing contracts to kidnapping, sexual assaults, and much more." Saying this, the police arrested both of them and took them away. Lokesh's wife followed them.

Harish Mathur said, "Dad, could it be that Yuwan was the one who gave this information to the police? Because he was the only one who knew about their dark secrets that could lead to their arrest all at once."

Rajbahadur said, "If that's the case, he might also reveal information about us to the media, which could severely damage our business."

Shivshankar said, "Are you suggesting that a member of the Raijada family could break a given promise?"

Abhimanyu, smiling to himself, thought, "They think only the Raijada family has a copy of that pen drive."

Shivraaj said, "That's what must have happened. Maybe he will attack us next."

Shivshankar said, "Alright, we will discuss this matter later. Kashmira, you can take Abhimanyu home, and everyone else can also go home. Only Tata, Ramraj, Harish, and Shivraaj should stay here."

Abhimanyu and everyone else left.

Abhimanyu and Kashmira were in a car.

Kashmira, smiling, said, "Finally, this problem is solved."

Abhimanyu thought to himself, "Yes, but I think I have caused trouble for Yuwan Bhai."

Kashmira, looking at Abhimanyu, asked, "What's wrong?"

Abhimanyu said, "How many marks will I get in the internal exams?"

Kashmira said, "You will get marks according to your performance."

Abhimanyu said, "When I wasn't working, I was going to fail the internal exams. Now that I have helped you, I should get full marks in the internal exams."

Kashmira said, "Look, our friendship is one thing, and the teacher-student relationship is another. I'm not going to give you free marks, and at that time I was just joking."

Abhimanyu said, "So I won't get any reward?"

Kashmira said, "You will get a reward. I will personally tutor you. That's your reward."

Abhimanyu said, "I'd rather go home and play games."

Kashmira said, "Look, you have taken so much time off and even in between, you disappear. So you really need this study session. Just come quietly." Saying this, she drove the car to a small villa where Kashmira lived with a maid who did the cleaning and cooking and left for her home at night.

After a while, Abhimanyu was sitting with his books, studying, while Kashmira was making late-night snacks for him. She brought the snacks.

Kashmira had changed into her home clothes, which were a pair of shorts and a white sleeveless t-shirt, making her look quite attractive.

Kashmira handed Abhimanyu a bowl of noodles and said, "Alright, I'm going to ask some random questions. If you answer all of them correctly and accurately, I'll know that you have studied chemistry well."

Abhimanyu, eating noodles, said, "I'm telling you, I've revised every subject thoroughly."

Kashmira asked the first question, "What does the ratio 'space occupied/total space' denote?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Packing factor is a fraction of total space of the unit cell occupied by the constituent particles."

Kashmira asked the next question, "Which of the following metals would have the highest packing efficiency?"

Abhimanyu answered, "Copper metal has face-centered unit cells in its crystal structure. Potassium and chromium both have body-centered unit cells, whereas polonium is the only known metal with a simple cubic structure. FCC structure has the highest efficiency."

Kashmira continued asking more questions, and Abhimanyu kept answering them.

When Abhimanyu answered the last question correctly, Kashmira said, "You've mastered chemistry."

Abhimanyu said, "I told you, I've studied everything."

Kashmira looked at the clock; it was 11 PM.

Kashmira said, "Alright, we can study for another half hour." She then took out a question paper, which had all math questions.

Kashmira said, "Solve these questions."

Abhimanyu angrily said, "I don't want to solve them."

Kashmira said, "If you solve them correctly, I can give you a bottle of Amritjal to drink."

Abhimanyu, surprised, said, "Amritjal?"

Kashmira said, "Yes, my family has also bought some bottles." Saying this, she brought a bottle. "Alright, if you want this bottle, clear the test."

After spending half an hour, Abhimanyu solved the test.

When Kashmira checked the answers, she was again surprised because he had given all the correct answers this time too.

Kashmira said, "You've really prepared well for all the subjects. Alright, this bottle is yours."

Abhimanyu said, "Why don't we share it?"

Kashmira said, "These bottles are really amazing, but I feel like having alcohol. Anyway, this Amritjal won't have much effect on me; I drank two bottles just last week."

Kashmira then took out a bottle of wine from the drawer and started drinking from a glass.

Abhimanyu, pouring Amritjal into a glass and drinking, thought to himself, "I don't really need it either, but when you're getting a reward, it's not right to refuse."

Kashmira emptied the entire bottle and started feeling drunk. She began looking at Abhimanyu with a dazed expression. Abhimanyu had also finished his Amritjal.

Kashmira, looking at Abhimanyu, sat on top of him. Abhimanyu was lying on his back on the floor, and Kashmira was on top of him.

Kashmira, crying, said, "Where were you all this time?"

Abhimanyu pushed her away and moved back, saying, "What do you mean, where was I?"

Kashmira, looking at Abhimanyu with innocent eyes, crawled towards him like a cat. Her sleeveless t-shirt revealed her body clearly; she wasn't wearing a bra, which made it hard for Abhimanyu to control himself, and he started having dirty thoughts.

Kashmira said, "You said you loved me, you liar."

Abhimanyu said, "When did I ever say that?"

Kashmira said, "Don't lie. You told me you loved me, and like a mad girl in love, I even gave you my body, but you deceived me and ran away."

Saily said, "You did all this too? I can't believe you could do such a thing to a girl."

Abhimanyu said, "I swear, I have only slept with Nina and maybe Jasmine, but nothing else."

Arjun said, "He seems to be an expert at lying too."

Meanwhile, Kashmira, getting very close to Abhimanyu, said near his lips, "Please don't leave me. Come back, Black Dragon."

Saying this, she fell asleep on top of Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu said, "Black Dragon?"

Arjun said, "Looks like she got the name wrong in her drunken state and said Black Dragon instead of Black Demon."

Abhimanyu picked Kashmira up, placed her on her bed, and then flew back to his home with the help of his wings. Reaching his room, he went inside his ring and started practicing.

While Abhimanyu was practicing, Arjun asked him, "Will you stop thinking so much? I don't like thinking too much."

Saily said, "I didn't feel anything."

Arjun said, "That's because you aren't connected to him yet."

Abhimanyu said, "I've heard of the Black Dragon."

Arjun asked, "You've heard of him? Who is the Black Dragon?"

Abhimanyu said, "He's part of the Night Demon and is quite dangerous. Only Army Chief Ravindra Narayan might know about his identity. He's considered a legend in the military."

Arjun asked, "A legend like the Black Demon?"

Abhimanyu said, "The Black Demon is famous for killing, but the Black Dragon is internationally known and considered the most powerful. Many people have seen him only in his robe and mask, but no one has seen his face yet. He's known as the ultimate soldier."

Arjun asked, "But what does the Black Dragon have to do with Kashmira?"

Abhimanyu said, "That's what I don't understand either. There's no record of Night Demon cases."

Saily said, "But we can find out about Kashmira, right?"

Abhimanyu said, "I don't think that's necessary. For now, let's not investigate anything."

Arjun said, "Why are you listening to him? I want to know; it sounds very interesting to me."

Saily said, "It's interesting to me too. Even if he's the Black Dragon, deceiving someone and running away is not right. If you don't want to look into it, forget it. But I will investigate."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, do whatever you want," and continued his exercise.

While Abhimanyu was exercising, that same night, the Delhi Wars launched attacks on several of Tripathi's hideouts, even targeting his bases in Bihar where Brijesh attacked with his gang.

However, Tripathi seemed to have anticipated this. As soon as the goons reached Tripathi's hideouts, they were met with heavy gunfire. Quickly, the sounds of firing and gunshots echoed across various areas in Delhi. Even where Brijesh attacked, Tripathi's men surrounded him, and a fierce shootout ensued.

The Delhi Wars had not expected to lose so easily despite their meticulous planning. Seeing the situation, they ordered their men to retreat and hide in their bases. Many people were killed in this gang war, including some of Tripathi's men, but mostly members of the Delhi Wars. The Delhi Wars managed to pull back, but Brijesh couldn't escape because Tripathi himself was present there.

Tripathi said to Brijesh, "Brijesh, we both came from the same gang, and I considered you my younger brother. I never expected you to attack like a coward."

Brijesh, grabbing Tripathi's feet, pleaded, "Forgive me, brother. Please forgive me once, and I will live as your servant."

Tripathi replied, "Do you think everything is so easy? Do I look like a saint to you?"

Brijesh begged, "Brother..."

Tripathi shot Brijesh in the head.

Tripathi said, "Sorry, Brijesh, but Abhimanyu sir has a rule that if someone does such heinous acts that are unforgivable, they should be given only death, just like Rahul Chaube."

Tripathi, reminiscing, said, "It's good I punished you because after seeing Rahul Chaube's condition, every gangster working with Abhimanyu sir understood well what not to do. And for stunts like yours, Abhimanyu sir would have made your condition worse than Rahul Chaube's."

The next day, when Abhimanyu came to the living room after freshening up, he saw the news.

The news reported about the gang war that occurred the previous night:

- "Firing in several areas of Delhi."

- "Many people killed in the shootout."

- "Was the police sleeping like ordinary citizens?"

- "Last night, several hideouts of the Tripathi gang were attacked."

- "Many people killed in the firing. Investigation reveals that several gangs were involved, such as the Gurgaon gang, Rohtak gang, Noida gang, Ghaziabad gang, and Baghpat gang, who collectively attacked multiple hideouts of the Tripathi gang."

"For more updates, stay with us."

Then advertisements began.

Seeing all this, Abhimanyu immediately called Tripathi.

Tripathi answered, "Hello, boss."

Abhimanyu asked, "What happened?"

Tripathi replied, "As you predicted, the Delhi Wars really attacked us. Even though we didn't expect this attack so soon, we were prepared. However, the Delhi gang retreated, so our matter with them isn't over yet. But Brijesh was killed by me."

Abhimanyu asked, "Brijesh Sharma?"

Tripathi replied, "No, boss, my Brijesh."

Abhimanyu said, "Okay, do one thing: contact all the bosses and arrange a meeting with all the leaders."

Tripathi said, "Alright, boss. I'll contact them."

Abhimanyu then hung up the phone.

Abhimanyu left for school.

Meanwhile, all the leaders of the Delhi Wars were sitting in a meeting.

Raghav said, "I think this Kapil Mehta has joined hands with Tripathi or is working for him. That's why Tripathi has kept him alive."

Raju Pehlawan, who managed the Rohtak gang, said, "We haven't been able to contact Brijesh from Bihar either."

Surma, the leader of the Rohtak gang, said, "Tripathi himself went there."

Raghav said, "Only Kapil Mehta knew that Brijesh had joined us and was planning to attack Bihar."

The Noida gang leader said, "Yes, but what do we do about this Tripathi now?"

The Baghpat gang leader said, "We need to teach Kapil Mehta a lesson, but how do we trap Tripathi? Doesn't he have any weaknesses?"

At that moment, Brijesh Sharma entered and placed a photo on the table. It was a photo of Himani Sharma, who was Himanshu's mother.

Raju Pehlawan asked, "Who is this?"

Brijesh replied, "This is the widow of my deceased brother, but nowadays she is Tripathi's girlfriend and his weakness."

Raghav said, "She is beautiful. So, this is his weakness."

The Noida gang leader said, "I don't think so."

Brijesh said, "Tripathi has assigned some of his men for her security. Do you think she doesn't matter to him?"

Raghav said, "Alright, then we can kidnap two people: Kapil Mehta's wife Drishti Mehta and Tripathi's girlfriend Himani Sharma. It will be fun having both of them in our custody. If Tripathi doesn't do anything, Kapil certainly will."

Raju Pehlawan said, "Why only Drishti Mehta? Let's also kidnap his daughter Rashika Mehta. That will be even more fun."

Brijesh said, "I need Himani to sign a stamp paper."

Raghav said, "Don't worry, that will also be done."

As Kapil and Drishti were leaving for the office, Drishti received a call.

Just as Drishti was about to pick up the call, a car screeched to a halt in front of them. Several other cars quickly surrounded Drishti's car, and many goons with pistols got out.

Seeing this, Drishti got scared.

One of the men aimed at Kapil's forehead, while the others pointed their guns at Drishti.

One man said to Drishti, "Get in the car quietly." Just then, another car arrived, and four men got out, starting to fire at the goons. Kapil took advantage of this and grabbed the gun from the man aiming at him, shooting him twice in the stomach. Seeing this, the Delhi Wars goons started firing at Kapil.

In the meantime, the goons surrounded Drishti, and as the newly arrived men were not firing at Drishti and Kapil, they managed to take Drishti into the car and drove away.

Kapil couldn't fire at them; he tried to come out of cover to chase them, but the goons fired at him, preventing him from moving.

The four men shot all the goons. Kapil immediately ran towards the car in which Drishti was taken, but it sped away. Kapil got into his car, but the tires were shot and punctured, preventing him from driving far.

The four men stopped their car near Kapil and said, "Get in quickly."

Kapil got into the car, and they started chasing the Delhi Wars gang.

However, they had gotten far ahead, and after a traffic signal, they disappeared.

Kapil immediately called someone from the traffic department.

Kapil said, "Patil, can you check where a white Innova with the number 7879, which just crossed an Okhla traffic signal, is going, and keep tracking it?"

Patil replied, "Brother, this isn't for any illegal work, right? I don't want to get involved in any trouble."

Kapil said, "Tell me quickly where it is. They have kidnapped Drishti."

Patil said, "What? Sister-in-law? Wait, I'll tell you right away."

After checking, Patil said, "Brother, this number plate is fake, but I'll tell you through CCTV where it is going."

Kapil kept following the car according to Patil's instructions.

On the other side, Rashika was attending a lecture in her college. After the lecture, she went to the bathroom. In the bathroom, some people put a chloroform-soaked cloth on her face, making her unconscious. They then dressed her in a burqa and easily took her away.

Meanwhile, Himani was cooking in her restaurant when some customers entered. Two men went to the kitchen and sprayed something on Himani, then took her out through the back in a trash can.

At the Delhi Wars' main hideout, Raghav was on the phone with someone.

After hanging up, Raghav said, "We managed to kidnap Kapil's wife, but Kapil escaped because Tripathi's men arrived."

The Noida gang leader said, "It proves Kapil was working for Tripathi all along."