Chapter 80: Rudra

Raju Pehlawan asked, "Boss, will we be able to defeat Tripathi?"

Raghav added, "Yeah, boss, I've heard that Tripathi has some powerful martial artists."

One of the men replied, "No matter how many martial artists he has, none can stand against me. We also have many martial artists."

Meanwhile, after chasing for a while, Kapil Mehta stopped at a place.

Patil called Kapil and informed him, "The car disappeared after crossing Khazoori Khas, and right now, you are standing in Khazoori."

On the other side, Abhimanyu was streaming when he received a call from Tripathi.

Tripathi said, "Boss, Kapil Mehta's wife and daughter, and Mrs. Himani Sharma have been kidnapped."

Abhimanyu, angry, said, "What kind of men have you assigned for protection?" He then remembered he was on stream and moved to the side to continue the conversation.

He asked, "When did this happen, and how?"

Tripathi replied, "About an hour ago, Kapil's wife was kidnapped. Kapil and our men were chasing the kidnappers, but they disappeared after Khazoori. Just two minutes ago, we got news that Kapil's daughter and Mrs. Himani are also missing. I think they knew our men were providing security."

Abhimanyu, surprised, asked, "But why would they kidnap Mrs. Himani?"

Tripathi replied, "Boss, maybe because we were providing her security, they thought she had some connection with our gang."

Abhimanyu said, "Find the kidnappers as soon as possible," and hung up.

Samarth, who had overheard Abhimanyu, approached him and asked, "What happened?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Five gangs from around Delhi have formed an alliance and have kidnapped some people."

Samarth said, "You mean the Delhi Wars? Our group has been monitoring them for some time."

Abhimanyu asked, "Do you have details on all their leaders?"

Samarth asked, "Why do you need them?"

Abhimanyu said, "Just give me the details."

Samarth opened a dual operating system on his phone, which had many files. He sent one of the files to Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu also had a dual operating system. He opened the file and found complete details on five individuals, including their family members' locations. He tracked the family members with the help of Saily, identifying Raju Pehlawan's niece, Raghav's girlfriend, one leader's wife, another's sister, and one's boy because he was from a family with no female members.

Abhimanyu sent these details and GPS coordinates to Tripathi.

Tripathi called Abhimanyu and asked, "Boss, what should we do with them?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Kidnap them."

Tripathi said, "But boss, wasn't it your rule not to harm women and children?"

Abhimanyu clarified, "Don't harm them. Just kidnap them peacefully and keep them hostage. Make sure no one is mistreated."

Samarth, overhearing this, said, "If our superiors find out about this, you won't be safe."

Abhimanyu replied, "I said there will be no harm. This is just insurance to ensure the safety of those who were kidnapped."

Samarth asked, "Who has been kidnapped?"

Abhimanyu said, "Kapil Mehta's wife and daughter, and another woman connected to me. But Tripathi's men were assigned for her protection, so they took her too."

Samarth asked, "What about Kapil and Rohit?"

Abhimanyu immediately went out to find Rohit and Himanshu, but Saily informed him that they were safe and still at school.

Abhimanyu went to check on them to ensure their safety and found them all safe.

Meanwhile, in the meeting, Raghav informed, "Boss, they have been taken to the secret warehouse."

The man who was the boss of the Delhi Wars said, "Very good. Now, contact Kapil Mehta and Tripathi and arrange a meeting."

The leader from Gurgaon, puzzled, asked, "Why a meeting, boss?"

Suddenly, the Delhi Wars boss's demeanor darkened, and a black aura surrounded him. He extended his hand towards the Gurgaon leader, and the leader's neck seemed to be forcefully drawn into the boss's grip.

In a demonic voice, the Delhi Wars boss said, "Just because you are allowed to sit with me doesn't mean you can question me. Remember who the boss is. I can kill you all in an instant if I wish."

The Gurgaon leader, trembling, said, "Sorry, boss. I'll be careful from now on."

The Delhi Wars boss declared, "From now on, no one has the right to ask any questions if they don't want to lose their lives. From now on, Delhi will be ruled by the Demon Clan."

Raghav shouted, "Long live the Demon Clan!"

The Noida leader echoed, "Long live the Demon Clan!"

Everyone else, including other members of the Demon Clan present, also chanted, "Long live the Demon Clan!"

The leader of the Delhi Wars was actually a demon and part of the Demon Clan. Demons were trying to establish their rule on Earth by sending their agents to different regions. A demon at the general level was the one Abhimanyu had encountered in Korea.

Raghav and the other leaders then left the meeting.

The Noida leader asked, "Did we really do the right thing by joining these demons?"

Raghav whispered, "Speak softly. If they hear, they'll kill us without thinking. And if we didn't join them, they would have killed us anyway."

Raju Pehlawan asked, "But what's their plan?"

Raghav replied, "Who knows? By the way, let's go meet those three at the warehouse. They're quite something."

The Noida leader agreed, "Alright, it will be interesting."

Raghav added, "And we also need to get some papers signed by Tripathi's girlfriend for Brijesh."

Raju Pehlawan said, "Let's call her too."

Raghav replied, "What's the rush? Let's enjoy them first."

The five of them reached an industrial area about 10 kilometers from Khazoori, where the warehouse was located. Inside, three women—Himani, Rashika, and Drishti—were being held hostage. They were terrified, with their mouths gagged, and there were over 25 people in the warehouse, moving and loading goods to avoid suspicion.

Raghav said, "So, who will choose whom?"

The Noida leader replied, "Brother, all three are stunning. I can't decide."

Raghav said, "Then let's share all three. I'll take Kapil Mehta's daughter first."

Raju Pehlawan said, "I'll take Tripathi's girlfriend."

The Noida leader said, "Then I'll take Kapil's wife."

The remaining two asked, "What about us?"

Raghav laughed wickedly, "We'll share them. What else?"

Meanwhile, Abhimanyu had finished school and was waiting for a call from Tripathi. When he received the call, Tripathi informed him that everyone had been kidnapped.

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, send a video of their loved ones being kidnapped and warn them that if anything happens to our women, their women will suffer too. Arrange a meeting."

On the other side, Raghav and the other leaders were laughing when they received a message simultaneously. It was a video.

When they played the video, they saw their loved ones, indicating they had been kidnapped.

Then, an audio message from Tripathi came, repeating what Abhimanyu had instructed.

Raghav said, "I don't care if my girlfriend lives or dies, or what happens to her. I'm going to enjoy these women."

The other leaders immediately pointed guns at Raghav's head and warned, "Get those dirty thoughts out of your mind. If they get even a scratch, we will kill you in such a way that you won't recognize yourself."

Raghav, nervously laughing, said, "You guys are serious. I was just joking."

Tripathi sent another audio message.

Tripathi said, "During the meeting, there will be a hostage exchange. Just attend it peacefully."

Himani, Drishti, and Rashika were utterly confused and terrified, having no idea what was happening or why they were there. None of them knew anyone in the warehouse, and the fear in their eyes was evident.

Meanwhile, as Abhimanyu was on his way, an attacker suddenly lunged at him with a knife. Abhimanyu quickly dodged, and the knife struck the wall behind him with such force that it caused the lower part to crack, sending shockwaves through the entire structure.

Abhimanyu was alone since Karishma had gone with Samarth to the military headquarters to find the missing trio. Suddenly, dozens of daggers came flying towards him with incredible speed. Abhimanyu's eyes turned black as he swiftly dodged each dagger, his movements becoming a blur.

Just then, another assailant attempted to strike Abhimanyu with a sword. Instantly, a black katana appeared in Abhimanyu's hand, and he blocked the attack, finally seeing his attacker's face. The assailant had eyes that resembled those of a serpent.

The man opened his mouth, and a ball of terrifying energy began to form inside. Although Abhimanyu didn't know what kind of attack it was, he sensed it was a powerful compressed energy. To avoid it, Abhimanyu moved aside, and the man fired the energy ball. Abhimanyu suddenly vanished and reappeared after the ball had passed through where he had been standing. He had actually entered his ring and emerged after the energy ball had passed, but to outside observers, this happened almost instantaneously.

The energy ball hit a building behind them, causing a massive explosion that impacted an area of 500 meters. The blast was immense.

Seeing the destruction, Abhimanyu was filled with fear. His hair turned white, his eyes turned golden, and his wings emerged, allowing him to fly away. The attacker chased him briefly but couldn't match Abhimanyu's speed. The man transformed into a snake and began slithering quickly. Abhimanyu increased his speed and reached a jungle far from Delhi, where he suddenly descended.

The snake quickly arrived and transformed back into a human. Abhimanyu started making some signs with his hands, and lightning began to gather in the sky. A white katana appeared in Abhimanyu's hand, and as he pointed it towards the sky, a powerful bolt of lightning struck the blade.

Abhimanyu slashed at the man with the lightning-charged sword. The man tried to block with his sword but was thrown back and fell to the ground. Abhimanyu immediately followed him, ready to thrust his sword into the man's abdomen while still in mid-air.

The man quickly produced a copper coin and tossed it into the air. The coin blocked Abhimanyu's sword strike, deflecting him and throwing him backward. Abhimanyu was astonished by the coin's defensive power.

He tried several more slashes, but the coin blocked every attack effortlessly. Despite its small size, the coin acted like an impenetrable wall.

The man stood up, laughing, and Abhimanyu got an idea. He threw a dagger at the man and simultaneously advanced to attack from another direction. The dagger was about to hit the coin when Abhimanyu planned to strike the man. However, the coin deflected the dagger first and then blocked Abhimanyu's attack.

The man laughed and said, "This is the most dangerous kawaz. It might look like a coin, but it can protect my entire body. It belongs to our Nagraj."

Abhimanyu thought, "How can I defeat this?"

Abhimanyu then transformed into his second demon form, his wings turning black with a red outline, and the same transformation happened to his eyes and hair. His speed increased dramatically, and a demon katana appeared in his hand again. He launched a ferocious attack on the man, who blocked with his sword. They engaged in a rapid and intense sword fight, with Abhimanyu relentlessly slashing at the man, who parried every blow with ease.

Suddenly, Saily's voice came through, "Tripathi has sent a message. He has arrived in Delhi and is asking for the meeting location."

Abhimanyu replied, "Tell him the meeting will be at Signature Bridge. Message Ramakant sir to have the bridge blocked off for civilians and prepare backup. Make sure the police stay out of this, and ensure that no one knows the military is involved in this matter."

Abhimanyu quickly cooked a grenade, threw it towards the ground, and leapt in the opposite direction. The grenade exploded, creating a thick cloud of smoke. Amidst the smoke, Abhimanyu launched several slashes at the man, but the coin continued to defend him, absorbing the impact and dispersing the smoke.

Just then, another serpent warrior arrived and attacked Abhimanyu with a sword. Abhimanyu instantly drew a white blade and blocked the attack. The newly arrived attacker struck Abhimanyu with a palm attack, sending him flying backward and causing him to spit out some blood, which he wiped away before spitting it out. Both warriors advanced on Abhimanyu together.

Suddenly, a ball of lightning struck the first attacker, who quickly drew his sword and sliced the ball in two. The second attacker lunged at Abhimanyu, who easily deflected the attack, forcing the attacker to retreat. Abhimanyu then positioned himself next to Ammy.

The first attacker, laughing, said, "My name is Rudra, and I am the general of Nagalok. It won't take me long to crush half-breeds like you."

The second attacker warned, "General, this one is very powerful. Do not underestimate him."

Rudra's expression darkened. "What did you say?"

The second attacker quickly apologized, "I'm sorry."

Abhimanyu turned to Ammy and asked, "Why are you here?"

Ammy replied, "Who is this guy? Is he a demon?"

Abhimanyu clarified, "No, he's a serpent, a real Naga."

Ammy was astonished. "You mean a true Naga?"

Rudra advanced with his sword, and Abhimanyu blocked the attack, initiating another intense duel. At the same time, the second attacker lunged at Ammy. Abhimanyu threw the white space katana towards Ammy, who caught it and deflected the attack. Now, two fierce battles were raging, wreaking havoc on the surrounding jungle.

Meanwhile, Tripathi had arranged the meeting, and everyone had agreed to it. The bridge was blocked off for civilians, and everyone was expected to arrive shortly. Tripathi stood with about 100 men, with two masked individuals behind him.

Earlier, while Abhimanyu and Ammy were busy fighting, Abhimanyu had sent Shrikant and Hinisa to the meeting location.

Back in the jungle, Abhimanyu and Rudra were locked in a fierce sword fight. The forest around them was being destroyed by their battle. Ammy, armed with the white space katana, was holding her own against the second attacker.

Rudra, noticing Abhimanyu's skill, said, "You are indeed strong, but you won't last long against my power."

Abhimanyu replied, "We'll see about that."

With a powerful slash, Abhimanyu forced Rudra back. Meanwhile, Ammy managed to disarm her attacker, who quickly retrieved his weapon and continued the assault. The fights were brutal and relentless, with both sides showing incredible skill and determination.

As the battles raged on, Abhimanyu's thoughts briefly drifted to the hostages and the importance of rescuing them. He knew they had to end these fights quickly and get to the meeting.

Back at the meeting location, Tripathi and his men stood ready, waiting for the exchange. Tension filled the air as they prepared for what was to come.

On one side, Tripathi and his men stood, numbering around 100, with two masked men standing behind Tripathi.

A little earlier, while Abhimanyu and Ammy were busy fighting, Abhimanyu had sent Shrikant and Hinisa to handle the situation.

After some time, the Delhi Wars also arrived, and the five leaders stepped out of their cars, accompanied by at least 100 or more men.

On one side stood Tripathi, Shrikant, masked Hinisa, Kapil Mehta, and a few of Tripathi's key men, all holding pistols. On the other side stood the five leaders with their key men and the rest of their gang members, only the main men had pistols.

Raju Pehlawan shouted, "Where are the hostages?"

Tripathi shouted back, "We also want to know if the hostages are safe and sound."

The leader from Noida brought three women out of the car, who were undoubtedly Himani Sharma, Rashika, and Drishti.

Tripathi signaled behind him, and five hostages were also brought out.

When Tripathi and Kapil Mehta saw that they were safe, Tripathi said, "You send them from there, and we'll send these from here."

At that moment, a masked man walked out calmly and stood in front of everyone. The five leaders and everyone else bowed their heads.

The man said, "What's the hurry?"

Tripathi asked in surprise, "Who are you?"

The man replied, "The soon-to-be new king of Delhi."

Meanwhile, Abhimanyu and Ammy were fighting the powerful serpents.

Suddenly, Rudra's green snake eyes gleamed, and many snakes began attacking Abhimanyu and Ammy. They were fighting them off, but there were so many that both of them got entangled and covered by the snakes.

However, this was all an illusion.

Abhimanyu's eyes suddenly turned black, and all the snakes disappeared. Then darkness fell in front of Rudra and the other serpent, in which Abhimanyu beheaded the other serpent. When he went for Rudra, Rudra swung his sword, dispelling the darkness, meaning he had cut through the illusion.

Abhimanyu quickly advanced towards Rudra, but nothing was affecting him. Abhimanyu was quite frustrated because Rudra was just playing with him.

Rudra then gathered a very powerful energy in his sword and fired it at Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu blocked it with his demon katana, but he was severely injured, and his hands were swollen. He fell to the ground unconscious.

Seeing this, Ammy screamed, "Abhimanyu!" and her sword suddenly started glowing golden, and her eyes shone. Ammy used the white katana, now golden, to strike the serpent, cutting through its sword and beheading it.

Seeing this, Rudra rushed towards Ammy to behead her. He reached her in a single step and was about to strike when Abhimanyu's eyes opened. They had turned green, resembling a snake's eyes, with scales appearing around his face.

Abhimanyu leaped up, reaching Ammy, and blocked Rudra's attack. He was now wielding the cursed sword he had bought from an antique weapon shop in Mumbai.

The sword contained many dark souls that sharpened the blade.

After blocking Rudra's attack, Abhimanyu deflected it and slashed, causing Rudra's sword to fly out of his hand, slicing off half his wrist.

Rudra said in astonishment, "This is the sword of silence of Nagraj Indransh."

In that moment, Abhimanyu beheaded him. The sword returned to the ring, and Abhimanyu's eyes returned to normal. He suddenly dropped to his knees on the ground.

Abhimanyu held Ammy's cheeks and asked, "Are you alright?"

Ammy replied, "Yes, I'm fine. But what was that?"

Abhimanyu said, "I don't know, but I can't control this power. Unlike the demon technique, I used to remember nothing, but this time I remember everything that happened here."

Abhimanyu then placed their bodies into the ring and kept Rudra's sword and the copper coin with him.

Ammy handed the white space katana back to Abhimanyu, saying, "Here, this is yours."

Abhimanyu said, "You keep it. You'll probably use it better than I can."

Ammy said, "But where will I keep it? I can't carry it everywhere."

Just as Ammy finished speaking, the sword split into several pieces, turning into scales, and formed bracelets around both of her wrists.

Maya told Ammy, "That's another feature of it. Interesting, right?"

Ammy smiled and said, "Yes, it's cool."

Abhimanyu then spread his wings and said, "I have to be somewhere."

Ammy said, "I'll come with you."

Abhimanyu replied, "No, you stay away from all this for now and go home."

Abhimanyu's hair was white, his eyes were golden, and he began to fly away.

Arjun said, "I think we should recover first. Besides, an eagle spirit can take us there." Abhimanyu agreed, and an eagle spirit emerged from the ring. Abhimanyu put the ring on the eagle's claw, went inside, and began to recover in the substance made from the blood and bodies of those serpents.