Once I was a great, invincible warrior and no one dared to stand in my way. I traveled the lands searching for a worthy battle. Until, I discovered the gates of shadows. I defied the laws of the elders and opened the gates. The demons of the other world was beyond them . They rushed up on me tearing my flesh, draining my soul , turning me into a shadow. And now for eternity I am doomed to wander the world and fight the demons I've freed.

Sensei sits on the floor outside his dojo as he meditates. He suddenly felt a strange wind blowing in and felt the presence of an other worldly being so he opened his eyes. Well, well my vain disciple and strongest pupil has returned and without a physical body it seems, how unfortunate for you said Sensei as the obvious look of disappointment was on his face.

You are nothing but a shadow now, no flesh , no bones just an outline formed from your opaque body said Sensei. You had left my dojo seeking greater power and to test your limits as a swordsman and warrior which I agreed upon. However, you had defied the laws that the elders had put in place for the future generations said Sensei. You opened the gates of shadows didn't you? Freeing the demons that were bounded and trapped in the shadow realm, however what you didn't expect was that the consequence for opening the gates was going to be your physical body. I had failed you as your teacher and you have failed yourself as a person said Sensei.

What's this? You are nothing more than a shadow now and yet, I sense great potential within you. I wonder.... Sensei then stood up , come with me into the dojo . Sensei then went into the dojo and Shadow followed behind him.

I want you to hit the punching bag with everything you have. Let me see what moves you have, show me what exactly a shadow can do said Sensei as he opened the doors to the dojo completely.

Shadow then stepped up towards the punching bag and he started to jab the bag continuously while weaving as if he was dodging attacks from a foe. Shadow then rolls on the floor behind the bag and then gives it a front kick, back kick, upper kick and a spin kick and to finish it off he put all is energy into a single punch and the chains that held the punching bags in the air broke sending it flying across the dojo.

My word, this is fascinating said Sensei impressed by the power his pupil possessed despite not having a physical body. So my intuition was right you seem to have become more power than you once were and you are also able to make contact with physical objects despite being a shadow. The skills you have displayed were truly impressive, but the punching bag is unable to defend itself said Sensei.

Kenji!! Come here said Sensei. Yes Sensei what is the matter? Asked Kenji. Let's see how you fare against my young disciple Kenji. So let me get this straight you want me to fight a shadow asked Kenji. There is no time for questions follow me to the bamboo fields said Sensei as he walked off. Both Kenji and Shadow followed him deep into the bamboo fields. Now then you will be sparing with each other for exactly ninety-nine seconds, if you are unable to beat Kenji in this time then I'm afraid that I cannot aid you on your journey .

I'm aware that you came here seeking my help because you know that there was a way to get back your physical body however, you have guts showing your face here after releasing those demons into our realm said Sensei. You may now begin said Sensei. He can't be that powerful, afterall he's just a shadow Kenji said to himself as he smirked. Kenji then rushes in and started to throw punches at shadow who effortlessly evades and blocked all of his attacks. Kenji then went in for a sweep kick to get shadow off balanced however, shadow reacted just in time to avoid Kenji's attack.

Kenji then proceeded to throw a straight punch at shadow, however, Shadow countered with a straight front kick to his gut causing him to stagger backwards. Damn this shadow's kick hurts as hell Kenji said the himself as he held his stomach in pain. Kenji then took a fighting stance and then rushed in to attack Shadow once more. Kenji then does a front flip to get behind shadow and tried attacking him from behind with a spin kick but then shadow moved out of the way by rolling forward. Shadow then got back up and started jabbing Kenji who was blocking his attack however, he felt the impact of every punch and the more he got punched the more unbearable it was.

Finally with Kenji defense broken down Shadow delivered the final blow with a spin kick to Kenji's head sending him flying and knocking him out cold. Well done, you took out Kenji under thirty seconds and with not a single scratch on you, that's truly impressive said Sensei. I knew you could do it for you were my strongest disciple said Sensei.

Sensei Lin, there is a problem said a terrified and troubled young man. What is it? Asked Sensei. A demon and his bodyguard are causing havoc in our town , slaughtering everyone in sight, please I beg of you please help us!! Cried the young man as he was on his knees hold on to Sensei Lin's Robe. What is the name of this demon? Asked Sensei. His name is Lynx said the young man.

Sensei then turned his attention to both Kenji and Shadow. Both of you will go into the town and assist this young man in defeating that demon said Sensei. Shadow then looked at Sensei with a worried look in his eyes. When have you ever backed down from a fight, don't get cold feet on me now said Sensei. In this form you can't die, however you were to ever loose to one of those demons your soul would be trapped in the shadow realm for eternity.

You're a shadow now , therefore now would be the perfect time to challenge one of the demons, Lynx the cold blooded ninja. Here take these pair of knives , it may not be much but its better than to go empty handed said sensei as he handed the knives to shadow. I'll bring my bow staff with me said Kenji as he spun his bow staff around his body. Hurry up and get to the town remember people life are at risk said Sensei as he sent both shadow and Kenji on their way. Though both of them are not a match for that demon I had to do something. Shadow is not ready to take on this threat , I can only hope that they don't cross paths.