What happened here? Asked Kenji. This place is a complete blood bath. Everyone has been killed women, men and even children said Kenji. Please stop, I don't want to die please!!! Screamed a man as he ran for his life. Lynx then through shurikens at him piercing his body and killing him in the process. Don't leave anyone alive, I want to see everyone slaughtered said Lynx to his bodyguards.

There they are, Lynx and his bodyguards said the young man. Thank you for leading the way leave the rest up to us. Please save the people who are still alive said the young man. Don't worry we'll definitely do so said Kenji. Let's go shadow, we have to stop them.

Please somebody help me!!! Screamed a woman as she ran. Shut your mouth you annoying tramp, how I'm going to enjoy carving you up to bits said one of Lynx bodyguard. Lynx bodyguard then lounges herself at the woman attempting to pierce her body with the Sais in here hand. However, shadow repelled her attack with his knives and kicked her in the gut causing her to fly into a house made of boards.

Get out of here , it's not safe!! Take as much people with you as you can said Kenji. The woman then runs off away from the danger. Both Kenji and Shadow then faced their enemies. What the hell was that !! Said Lynx bodyguard as she pulled herself from the rubbles.

We are here to stop you from killing all these people, you evil bastards said Kenji. Who are these lowly worms before me, a shadow and a man with a bow staff don't make me laugh. I'll not waste my time fighting the likes of you, you're not even worthy of gazing upon my presence you pile of gravel said Lynx.

Then if you don't mind my lord, may I take this chance to slaughter the both of them and prove my worth to you? Asked one of Lynx bodyguards. Sure that's actually a good idea said Lynx. I'll let you fight Shin, the weakest apprentice in my order. First defeat him..if you can, then perhaps I'll give you the honor of fighting me to the death said Lynx.

I'll make quick work of that shadow first so there's no need for you to get all malicious on him Needle said Shin. I'll allow you to do your thing but be sure to slaughter them painfully said Needle. You can stand over there and wait your turn , I'll be sure to slaughter you as well said Shin as he smirked.

Shin then lounges at Shadow with two sharp long knives in his hands , slashing at Shadow attempting to kill him. Shadow deflected and blocked his barrage of attacks with his knives. Shin then proceeded to slash at shadows ankles to reduce his movements however shadow expecting this jumped backwards. Shin then spins using both his swords like fan blades in which shadow dodges and blocked every chance that he got. What's wrong? Are you overwhelmed by my skills with the blade? Don't worry I'll end you soon said Shin).

Shin then dashes in and attempted to sever shadows head crossing both his blades at shadow's neck. Shadow who was unfazed deflected both his swords leaving shin wide open for an attack. Shadow then punches shin in the nose breaking it in the process and causing Shin to fall to the ground in agony. Ahhh!! My nose, my God damn nose!! You'll pay for this you son of a- , Shadow then rushes towards shin kicking him in the face , sending him flying into the wall of a building. Before Shin could recover Shadow continuously started punching him in the gut and in the face giving him no room for a counter attack.

Shin who was overwhelmed mustered up all the little strength he had left into one final attack, an upward slash that's so powerful that it would be able to cut a man's head in two. However, shadow blocks effortlessly and pierced Shin's chest with both his knives. Shin then spits blood and fall on his knees. Shadow then kicks Shin towards the direction of Lynx , in which he rolled until he was almost at Lynx's feet. Shin then lifted up his body and tried crawling towards Lynx.

My lord , I have failed you, he was too strong, stronger than I had ever imagined, please I beg of you, help me said Shin as he held on to Lynx pants on the brink of death. Did you hear yourself? You lost and you expect me to save you ? Asked Lynx. You lost to this worm and expected that somehow your life would be spared how pitiful said Lynx as he laughs intensely. What are you trying to say? Asked Shin shocked. I'm saying that you should just die!! Shouted Lynx as slashed of both Shin's arms and slashed him in the chest with razor sharp claws killing him in the process.

No way, he killed his own men said Kenji shocked at what he just witnessed, he truly is a demon. Lynx then turned his attention to Shadow. You displayed keen battle sense and fought well, besting my bodyguard in the process, truly remarkable for a worm. I'll let you live to see another day , however, I'll need some form of compensation for my comrade's death said Lynx as he vanished into thin air.

Where the hell did he go? Asked Kenji. Kenji look out !!Shouted Shadow. Lynx then clawed at Kenji while invisible attempting to slash him in the chest. Kenji react in time and blocked the attack , however, the bow staff wasn't durable enough so in broke in two and Kenji was hit with Lynx claws. Kenji then fell to the ground bleeding with three large claw marks in his chest. Kenji say something to me!! Said Shadow as he rushed to Kenji's side. I didn't see him, he vanished into thin air said Kenji as he gasped for breath. Don't worry he's not dead yet, however he nearly out of time hmmm, hahaaha said Lynx. Suddenly a loud boom sound was heard and Kenji exploded into pieces. Nooooo! Said Shadow.

I am Lynx, a demon that was once sealed into the gates of shadows. I am the leader of the assassin order; as you are now you would die instantly if we were to cross blades for you are not worthy of fighting me . Though your battle with Shin was quite entertaining said Lynx. I'll kill you demon said Shadow as stared at Lynx with daggers in his eyes. I want to see you try said Lynx. Let's get going, I got what I came here for said Lynx as he vanished, followed by his other remaining bodyguards.

May your soul rest in peace Kenji, I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you said Shadow as he covered up Kenji's body with a Robe and then prepared himself to leave the town.