As shadow prepared himself to leave the town he hears the voice of a young woman calling out to him. You there!! Um , I don't know exactly what are you but could you please wait up said the young woman as she runs towards shadow. Shadow then stops and turned around facing the woman who was quickly approaching. You were truly amazing back there , you somehow managed to fend off those monsters. They killed almost everyone here , thank god that you came here in time said the young woman. I didn't fend them off , they were the ones who spared me , I'll let them regret that said Shadow.

That guy they killed he was your friend wasn't he, I'm so sorry for your lost said the young woman. I barely got to know the guy , however he must have been very important to Sensei Lin said Shadow. I almost forgot to mention my name. My name is May and I'm a local and wandering weapons and armor expert, the best in these chimes. Well at least I was until those jerks destroyed this town , damaging all my goods in the process said May as she looked clearly upset. Wait i know you are a fighter aren't you? Would you be willing to work with me? Asked May. No said Shadow bluntly. Oh please, please, please, I'll provide you with all the high quality, durable armor and weapons you'll ever need at a reasonable price of course said May.

Not interested said Shadow bluntly. Shadow then walks off. Don't you want to defeat those guys? Asked May. I know that youll go after them, however, you must be prepared with the right armor and weapons or you won't prevail said May. Do as you please said Shadow as he started walking again . So do you have a name? Asked May. I go by Shadow these days said Shadow. That's self explanatory said May. So Shadow where are you headed to ? Asked May. Back to Sensei Lin's dojo said Shadow. Uh, I don't know where that is but I'll tag along said May.

Shadow and May then arrived at Sensei Lin's dojo. Shadow, you have returned and unharmed at that , so am I to assume that you didn't cross paths with that demon Lynx said Sensei Lin. Oh , we definitely crossed paths however, he decided that he would spare me said Shadow. So your finally opening up that mouth of yours, you have finally come to terms with your mistakes. And may I ask where is Kenji? Asked Sensei Lin. He didn't make it said Shadow.

I see , how unfortunate, Kenji was a great disciple who was always discipline and committed to his training. It pains my heart that he's gone said Sensei as he mourned the death of Kenji. May then walks up to the door of the dojo. I see that you have brought someone with you and who may you be young lady Asked Sensei Lin. My name is May , I'm a weapon and armor expert hired by Shadow said May proudly. I see, nice to meet you said Sensei Lin.

I didn't hire you, I said that you should do as you please said Shadow. That's basically the same thing said May. Now then Shadow, what have you learnt about the enemy? Asked Sensei Lin. They are strong that's for sure . Lynx , the leader of the assassin order is powerful, he's different from the men I had fought in my lifetime said Shadow. He took out Kenji in the blink of an eye and he was invisible somehow said Shadow. He also has five bodyguards. I'm sorry has five body guards , four now remain.

I see, so he was the one who killed Kenji, may your soul be at peace my young apprentice said Sensei Lin. You had proven yourself worthy of me training you once more, I'll teach you all that you weren't taught , if you remember, you left without fully completing your training said Sensei Lin. You'll need to master as much techniques as possible and be prepared to face Lynx. He's not a regular swordsman, he's a monster said Sensei Lin. I'm prepared to be trained by you once more Sensei Lin said Shadow.

So what do we do now ? Asked May. I'm going to track down Lynx and his bodyguards for now and find where they are stationing themselves said Shadow. You heard what Sensei Lin said you're not ready to face such a threat yet said May. Then what do you suggest we do then ? Wait around for them to slaughter more people Asked Shadow angrily.

No, we will prepare by getting you all the proper armor and weapons you need so that you can oppose them said May. However, I don't have any money to buy you any weapons and I'm sure that you don't either said May. Therefore I suggest that you join an underground tournament in order to make yourself some cash said May. Make yourself known in these parts and you'll make a whole lot of cash and that will be your revenue to purchase good equipment said May.

Take me to this underground arena said Shadow. Okay we'll have to head out in the morning though because it's getting dark out said May.