As dawn came, Shadow and May gathered all their belongings,said their goodbyes to Sensei Lin and made their way to the underground tournament, which was south east to the Dojo. How did you get like this, what happened to you? Asked May curiously. Shadow however didn't respond and kept on walking. It's strange that you aren't a physical being yet still you are able to make contact with physical objects and they are able to make contact with you said May as she touches Shadow's shoulder.

Why do you talk so much? Asked Shadow. What do you mean? I can't help but be curious, were you a human-, move out of the way shouted shadow as he pushes May out of the way and deflected an attack from a man wearing a mask wielding dual machetes . The man then steps back and prepared himself for another attack. Who is that guy ? Asked May. He is an hired mercenary, sent here to kill me said Shadow. Oh I'll do way worst than that said the masked Man.

The Masked Ninja then lounges at Shadow slashing at him with his razor sharp machetes. Shadow dodges all of his attacks with the machetes however, he was left wide open for a spin kick in the face sending him flying. Shadow then immediately got up and took a fighting stance with his knives. Do you really think that you can best me with those little pockets knives don't make me laugh said the masked ninja. The masked ninja then rushes at Shadow once more relentlessly slashing at him trying to inflict serious wounds on him.

Shadow remained calm through all this and blocked all of the masked ninja's attacks while waiting patiently for an opening. You can't block me forever said the masked ninja as he swinged his large Machetes at Shadow's head. Shadow then ducks avoiding the fatal blow he would have receive from the masked ninja's attack. With his stomach wide open Shadow rushes in and began stabbing him in the gut and chest relentlessly until he fell to the ground squirming in pain. He's so amazing, he took him down in less than four minutes said May astonished by Shadow's sheer skills with the blade.

Who sent you? Asked Shadow. I was hired to be a Dummy so that he and his bodyguards could evaluate your skills and fighting techniques said the masked man. So that monster Lynx sent you? Asked Shadow. And what if he did? What difference will that make, he is way more powerful than you and could easily kill you if he pleases said the masked ninja.

Shadow then recalled what Lynx did to his bodyguard and Kenji. May!! Get away from here said Shadow as he runs off. The masked ninja then exploded into pieces. Oh my God!! Said May shocked by what she just witnessed. You tried to pull a fast one on me Lynx but that won't work said Shadow. Shadow and May then continued on their way to the underground tournament.

Here we are the illegal gambling and fighting arena the underground tournament said May. Hey may it's been a while said the administrator for the tournament. Yes it has, he wants to apply for the tournament. Okay and what's his alias asked the administrator. I go by Shadow said Shadow. Okay that actually makes sense , you can wait over there until your match starts said the administrator.

Welcome all to this night's one on one fight between our famous flexible but strong Monkey!!! Said the Host. The crowd started cheering for Monkey as he walked into the cage unharmed and acting all monkey-like. And the new comer that goes by the alias Shadow!! Now place your bets on who you think will be the winner of this match said the Host.

I'm definitely placing my bets on monkey, no way that shadow looking freak stands a chance said a gambler . Me too, I'll be placing three hundred gold coins on Monkey beating shadow said another gambler. Me too let me bet Two hundred dollars. I'll be placing a bet of five hundred gold coins on Shadow said May confidently. Go ahead it's your lost either way, who would be dumb enough to bet on a shadow, just had over your money from now Missy said a wealthy man as he and his company started laughing at May. Just you wait and see , all of you will be singing a different tune after this fight starts said May.

Are both fighters ready? Then begin said the Host. Monkey then rushes after Shadow performing a lot flexible but powerful kicks. Monkey kick shadow with a front kick and then a back kick followed by a sweep kick which caused shadow to lose his balance. Monkey then kicks Shadow in his head sending him flying and disarming him. This man is good, he took out shadow in mere seconds May said to herself. Monkey then began taunting shadow using monkey noises and the crowd gathered around the caged arena bursted into cheers.

Okay , you're pretty agile, I'll give you that said Shadow as he stood up. I'll take you on fist for fist said Shadow as he formed two fists. Monkey then rushes after Shadow once more kick him with a barrage of fatal leg attacks. Shadow blocks all of his attacks and then counters with a punch into his stomach which made him stagger backwards. Monkey agitated and angered by Shadow's punch started violently attacking Shadow. Shadow was able to easily dodge Monkey and eventually seized the opportunity to land an upper cut on Monkey after he failed to kick shadow in his head. Monkey was knocked out in the process and Shadow came out as the victor.

No way !! He took out monkey said one of the gamblers shocked by what he just witnessed. How interesting he took out Monkey in 36 seconds flat said one of the female fighters as she licks her long, pointy knife. I'll be taking my prize money now thank you said May as she started grabbing all of the cash she had won for betting on Shadow. And the winner is the newcomer Shadow!! Shouted the Host. You were amazing Shadow you took him out and made us five thousand gold coins said May. Enough chit chat let's go get the gear said Shadow as he heads for the exit.