Ch.04 Family

"Say hi to Shirou," Sarah introduced the boy as they stepped into the living room.

The room fell silent, eyes widening in surprise. It wasn't the first time Sarah had brought home a child who had nowhere else to go. Shirou was just the latest. Sensing the collective curiosity, Chris, the eldest, stepped forward with a welcoming smile.

"Welcome, Shirou. It's nice to meet you. I'm Chris, the eldest here. If you ever need any help, don't hesitate to ask. From now on, you're part of the family." Chris's words were warm, and his tone reassuring.

Before Shirou could respond, a girl with long brown hair rushed forward, enveloping him in a tight hug, her cheeks rubbing against his. "So cute! Look at his red eyes and white hair. He's like a little bunny!" she squealed, her eyes sparkling with delight as she tugged at his cheeks.

"Hey, that hurts! Get off me, you stupid girl!" Shirou protested, trying to push her away.

The girl released him, looking slightly abashed. "Sorry, but you're so cute, I couldn't resist. Can I pat you? Can I hug you again?"

Overwhelmed by her barrage of questions, Shirou looked troubled. Chris intervened. "Cherry, you're overwhelming him. Give him some space."

Cherry stepped back, pouting. "I'm sorry, Shirou. I'm Cherry. I take care of the children here. You'll meet everyone in the orphanage soon and make lots of friends."

Chris chuckled, noticing a little girl hiding behind him, peeking out. "Alica, come forward and introduce yourself."

Alica stepped forward, eyes downcast, and pointed a finger at Shirou. "I'm your senior, so you have to listen to everything I say, okay?"

"But Alica, don't you think he's older than you?" Cherry interjected. "Shirou, how old are you?"

"Eight, I think," Shirou replied after a moment of thought.

Cherry snapped her fingers. "See, he's older by a year!"

Alica's face fell, feeling defeated. "I hate you, Cherry! I'm never talking to you again," she declared, running towards her room.

"Alica, wait! I'm sorry!" Cherry called, chasing after her.

Watching the drama unfold, Shirou muttered, "This is the weirdest family I've ever seen. So this is the famous war hero's household."

Sarah laughed, a bit embarrassed. "It's a unique family, that's for sure."

Chris smiled warmly at Shirou. "You must be hungry. Come with me, we've prepared dinner."

"Thank you, Chris," Sarah said, and they all moved to the dining room.

Cherry pulled out a chair for Shirou. "Here's your seat. It's not very comfortable, but we'll get you a new one tomorrow."

Shirou nodded, taking his place. As they ate, the room filled with chatter and laughter. But Shirou's mind wandered to memories of his mother and friends, making him feel a pang of sadness. Unable to finish his meal, he stood up abruptly. "I'm going for a walk."

"Wait!" Sarah called, but he was already gone.

Chris looked concerned. "Is something wrong, Miss Sarah?"

"Nothing. He's just feeling lonely. I'll talk to him," Sarah replied, standing up to follow Shirou.

She found him sitting alone, gazing at the stars. "So here you are. You know it's bad manners to leave food unfinished," she teased gently.

"Why are you here?" Shirou asked, not looking at her.

Sarah sat beside him. "It's beautiful, isn't it? The world is full of wonders we don't even know about."

"What are you talking about? Just leave me alone," Shirou said.

"You don't have to listen to me. Just pretend I'm not here," Sarah said, looking up at the stars.

After a moment of silence, she continued, "During the war, whenever I felt lonely, I'd look at the stars and talk to them. It made me feel at ease."

"That's stupid. Talking to stars that don't talk back," Shirou scoffed.

"Maybe, but try it. Close your eyes and think of someone you love. When you open them, you might hear their voice," Sarah suggested.

Skeptical, Shirou closed his eyes. He pictured his mother and, when he opened them, he was in a place bathed in white light. He saw his mother calling his name.

"Mom? Are you there?" he asked, his voice shaking.

"Yes, I am," she replied gently.

"I want to be with you. Please take me with you," Shirou pleaded, reaching out to her. But no matter how he tried, he couldn't close the distance.

"Shirou... Shirou, can you hear me?" Sarah's voice broke through the vision.

Shirou blinked and saw Sarah beside him. "Yes, I can hear you."

Sarah smiled. "Did you hear the voice of your loved one?"

"I guess," Shirou said quietly.

Sarah smiled softly, sensing a breakthrough. "You know, Shirou, it's okay to miss them. It's okay to feel lonely. But remember, you're not alone anymore. You have us now."

Shirou looked up at the stars again, the weight of his loneliness lifting just a little. "It feels strange. Being here. It's like I don't belongs here I am betraying everyone."

Sarah nodded. "It will take time. But we're here for you. All of us."

They sat in silence for a while, the night enveloping them in its calm embrace. After a few minutes, Sarah stood up and offered her hand. "Come on, let's go back. Dinner might be cold."

Shirou hesitated for a moment before taking her hand. They walked back to the house together, where the others were waiting. The dining room was filled with the buzz of conversation and laughter.

As they entered, Cherry immediately rushed to shirou and hug him tightly while tears in the eyes she said"Shirou! Sorry, I didn't realise you are feeling lonely but don't worry from now on your big sister never leave you alone."

Shirou annoyed again ."I said stop hugging me stupid "

They all resumed their places at the table. Shirou looked around at his new family. Chris, with his calm authority; Cherry, with her boundless energy; Alica, peeking shyly from behind Chris's shoulder, still pouting but curious.

He took a bite of his food and found it surprisingly comforting. The flavors were different from what he was used to, but they were good. He listened as the others talked about their day, shared jokes, and made plans for tomorrow.

For the first time in a long time, Shirou felt a spark of hope. Maybe, just maybe, he could belong here. He wasn't alone in the world after all.

As dinner wound down, Chris stood and clapped his hands. "Alright, everyone. Time for bed. We have a busy day tomorrow."

The children groaned but began to disperse, each heading to their rooms. Sarah patted Shirou's shoulder. "You have a room upstairs. I'll show you."

Shirou followed her up the stairs to a small, cozy room. It wasn't much, but it was his. A place to call his own. "Goodnight, Shirou. Sweet dreams," Sarah said, giving him a warm smile before leaving him alone.

Shirou sat on the bed, looking around. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Maybe things would be okay. He lay down, pulling the blankets up around him, and for the first time in a long while, he fell asleep feeling safe.

Downstairs, Sarah rejoined the others. Chris looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "How'd it go?"

Sarah smiled. "I think he'll be alright. He just needs time."

Chris nodded. "We've got plenty of that. Welcome home, Shirou."

And with that, the house settled into a peaceful quiet, the promise of a new beginning hanging gently in the air.