Ch.05 Assessment

Alica stood by Shirou's bedside, frustration etching her features. The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the room. She had tried everything to rouse him from his slumber—shouting, tugging at the blanket—but Shirou remained blissfully unaware.

"Hey, wake up, you sleepyhead!" Alica's voice held a mix of annoyance and amusement. She leaned over, her breath tickling Shirou's ear. "If you don't wake up, it's not my fault, okay?"

Still, Shirou didn't stir. Alica's patience waned. She grinned wickedly, mischief dancing in her eyes. "Fine, you asked for it." With a sudden burst of energy, she leaped onto the bed, aiming to jolt him awake.

But Shirou was quicker than she anticipated. He rolled away, avoiding her airborne attack. In one fluid motion, he twisted her arm, pinning her to the mattress. His expression shifted from groggy confusion to alert wariness.

"What are you doing here?" Shirou's voice held a hint of panic. "Are you here to finish me off? I can't trust an enemy."

Alica's eyes widened. "Finish you off? Seriously? I'm not your enemy, idiot!" She struggled against his grip. "I came here because Mom said breakfast is ready. Now let go!"

Shirou's grip tightened. "You're not lying, right? If you are, don't think I won't break your arm."

"Stupid!" Alica's frustration boiled over. "Release me, and we'll settle this face-to-face." She glared at him, her determination unwavering.

Just then, Cherry—the apron-wearing older sister—appeared in the doorway. Her eyes widened at the scene before her. "Oh my, Alica," she said, hand to her mouth. "You're certainly enthusiastic about waking him up."

Alica's cheeks flushed. "Sister Cherry!, help me out here!"

Cherry chuckled. "I didn't know you were this hardcore, Alica. But don't worry—I won't lose to you either."

"Are you that airheaded!, you stupid sister?"

Alica's frustration reached new heights.

After Cherry and Alica explained that Alica's mission was to wake Shirou, he finally accepted the explanation. "So you really came here to wake me up," he said, rubbing his temples.

"Yes! You should've listened the first time," Alica huffed.

Cherry intervened. "Enough bickering. Let's go downstairs. Mom and Chris must be waiting for breakfast."

In the dining room, Sarah—the hero—served breakfast alongside Chris. Shirou leaned toward Sarah. "You didn't forget our promise, did you?"

Confused, everyone turned their attention to Shirou. "What promise?" Chris asked.

Sarah met Shirou's gaze. "I promised to help him become stronger," she said. "But first I need to assess where he stands now."

"But we've fought before so you did assessed me before ," Shirou protested.

Sarah shook her head. "My current state prevents me from accurately gauging power levels. So, Shirou, you'll duel with Alica. That should give me a better idea that where you stand right now"

Shirou grumbled, but Alica's eyes sparkled. "Hey! You think I am weaek. Don't underestimate me," she declared. "I can beat you even with my eyes closed."

" Okay with that we will meet after an hour so go and do your work for now" sarah said

An hour later, outside the house, everyone was present except cherry who went to the orphanage so she can help there.

Shirou and Alica faced each other, both clad in leather armor and gripping wooden swords.

"So, both of you are ready, right?" Sarah's voice cut through the tension.

"Yes," they replied in unison, determination in their eyes.

The tension in the arena was palpable, the air thick with anticipation.Their determination etched on their faces. Sarah, the renowned war hero, watched from the sidelines, her unwavering confidence in Shirou evident.

Chris, however, couldn't shake his concern. He leaned toward Sarah, his voice a hushed whisper. "Miss Sarah, I'm not doubting you, but are you sure it's right? I mean, for Shirou—I think he doesn't stand a chance against Alica. He might hurt himself."

Sarah's gaze remained fixed on the duel. "Don't worry," she replied, her tone steady. "Everything will be alright. And for one thing, you're mistaken. Shirou will win this, for sure."

" What? Shirou will win I am little confuse but let's see" chris said

The fighters took their battle stances, swords at the ready. Sarah's command cut through the tension: "START THE FIGHT!"

Alica vanished with lightning speed, leaving Shirou momentarily bewildered. He sensed her presence behind him just in time to dodge her attack, but her recovery was swift. Alica closed in, swinging her sword toward Shirou's exposed stomach. Despite his efforts, the blow connected, sending him staggering backward.

"Shirou, are you alright?" Chris rushed toward him, concern etching his features. But Shirou's response was firm: "Don't come here! I'm fine." He gritted his teeth, suppressing the pain.

Alica's teasing smile didn't waver. "Are you sure? Your words don't match your body."

Shirou's grin was defiant. "Nahhh… It's nothing. Compared to the strikes I've faced, this is like a kid's play."

"You! I will make sure you pay for you rudeness"

Alica said

Alica vanished again, but this time Shirou didn't guard himself. His sword pointed downward, eyes closed. Chris fretted.

"What's he doing? If he doesn't protect himself, he'll surely lose. Miss Sarah, please stop the duel. It'll hurt Shirou. There's no way an ordinary person can defeat someone personally trained by the legendary hero Sarah!"

Sarah's calm demeanor remained unshaken. "You're wrong. And don't worry; the match will be over soon."

Suddenly, Alica reappeared, sword poised from the front. She landed a clean hit on Shirou's stomach. But then something unexpected happened—the sword froze mid-air. Shirou had caught it, twisting his body. With lightning reflexes, he seized Alica's hand, pinning her to the ground and start twisting her hand.

"Ouch puch! Hey that's hurt let me go hey!" Alica said while tear in her one eye

"We have our winner," Sarah declared.

Chris stood there, stunned. How could this newcomer defeat Sarah's own daughter?