Leader of the Pack

"When i tell you to run ,you run and don't look back.Alright?".Valecta spoke with a serious tone making Brit realize the actual weight of the situation. Brit stared at Valecta with plenty questions to ask but chose to keep quiet and nodded his head slowly. Valecta slid the child behind her along with Zezu as protectiveness washed over her. Sweat dripped down Valecta's face as her heart pounded against her chest. She was scared. Those who laugh in the name of death have either never experienced it's graveness or they've experienced everything there is. Valecta was far from either of the characters.An ordinary peasant who feared death as much as farmers feared locusts.

Her body trembled from fear and shivered from the cold wind as it grazed her skin. It finally approached the trio. Saliva dripping from its teeth as it growled towards it's prey. It's eyes clearly craving for the sack of flesh in front of it. It slowly approached her as others of it's kind followed.

Valecta had accepted her death.Though she feared it, cowardice wasn't her way.As she was about to yell out "Run" for Brit to save himself, Zezu jumped out of Brit's embrace. "Come back!!"- Brit followed the cub as it slowly paced towards the alpha in front of it fearlessly. Valecta's eyes widened as chills ran down her spine at the thought of those two getting eaten alive. She took a step forward, a wide one and as she was about to take another she stretched out her hand towards them and yelled out "NO!! STOP!!" .Her voice echoed through out the forest as she had stopped in her step. She realized she wasn't able to speak up. Her voice had left her throat. She was wide eyed, shocked. Her heart thumped against her chest at a very fast pace as she tried to release herself from the wind's grip. Soon she came to realize that time had stopped.

She felt a sharp pain run through her body making her heart skip a beat, choking her, making her unable to breath."NO GUILT, NO SHAME".The words that had bothered for a while now were spoken again but this time it came from a source unlike the previous times. A woman, an old lady. Wrinkles running crisscross all across her face. Her eyes were different. Pupils shaped the same way of a reptile's. Golden color with a hint of turquoise and blue.

"My dear child.", Her voice was soothing, relieving Valecta of her pain but still her vegetative state remained. "You must find us before it's too late. You must crave for it like you feel hunger for it in order to obtain it". Though her voice was rather very soothing it created a pressure that pressed down on the body on those inferior to the status of the being. "Crave for the power that dwells within you and it shall reveal itself in no delay. You must possess it before it possesses you".She placed her hand on Valecta's head releasing Valecta of her pressured upon state and as her body had relaxed she realized that the situation in front of her had now resumed to unfold again.

Valecta wasn't able to speak throughout the whole time and had paused wide eyed listening to the lady paying no heed to her words because of the unexpected situation and the pain that ran through her body during the one sided conversation.

Her body resumed, her step that had paused on it's way now continued to land on the ground,her brain slowly registering the unbelievable data made her body slow down than it already was.In no time Zezu and Brit stood in front of the wolf which had now grown too hungry to stop its mouth from salivating.