The capital city of Verta

The ruling King, Ashwell was a fool, as his queen would say. Though it's a pity that the people lost their king, who was faithful to his duties to the country just to be replaced with an Abigail fool, the nobles thought otherwise. The five great families who looked over the affairs of the kingdoms they lived in were the Abigails, The now lost home of the Dragon gods, Sirsilas, Quertals and the Vernals.

The ancient royal family of the Dragon gods named their descendants with "Drakos" at the end of their names. They ruled the four lands for as long as the kingdoms could remember. After their end ,the lands lost their stability and rebellions broke out in places. In the end no one had any choice but to accept the fool of the Abigail house Ashwell as their ruler as the royal family members were slaughtered like goats. Though it is said that the entire of the royal family was slaughtered there remained one who escaped their hold. The queen, Firola Drakos.

The rightful queen of the four kingdom who was pregnant with the seventh flame in her belly. Many still hold hope that the flame would return for vengeance even if the queen doesn't. The people hated the previous king's concubine as she hailed from the family of the Abigails and suspected her of conspiring to kill the Dragon god's child and their suspicions were all soon proven right.

The current queen was the concubine of the late king, Berlinda. The house succeeded in convincing the innocents about how the queen was forced to marry the current king but failed to trick the wise.Many knew the truth but hesitated to speak the truth as the world is filled with more fools than intellectuals. Berlinda and the current king are cousins .Truth to be told it is Berlinda who pulls all the strings in the royal meetings that take place to discuss the people's welfare matters.



"You may enter"- Berlinda spoke up. As she allotted permission a man, an old man, bearded with fair skin and white haired entered- "Your grace", he spoke as he bowed. He was followed by a girl, a village girl with a burnt mark on her head, quite similar to the girl who had banged on Valecta's door once.

Berlinda turned her head from the balcony of her room. Her quarters were huge. High ceiling , with beautiful chandelier hanging and long curtains stretching all the way up from the window top to the floor, sliding against it. Belinda's beauty couldn't be denied. She was very pretty with her thin eyes, small nose, and rosy lips. She was brown haired, light brown almost making it seem a bit blonde.She wore a long maroon gown, not so fancy. It covered her neck and her hands whole.She always wore her hair down with only a ring and pair of earrings . That was the extent of her fashion sense and she acknowledged it.

"Is she the one?", Berlinda questioned as she sat herself down on a chair which was kept for the table in the room. "Yes your grace"-The old man spoke.The girl's head was lowered and her body trembled with fear. "Come here my child"- the queen called out to the girl. Following her queen's commands the girl stepped forward towards her."Sit.", she commanded and it was followed obediently.

"Are you sure it's her? "-she questioned. On being questioned the girl nodded her head in response."Yes..your grace her eyes...they had changed color".The queen's expression changed into a look depicting disgust and anger. "That putrid bitch must have given birth in a ditch secretly"- she muttered to herself.

"Y-your grace..the money i was promised.."- the girl muttered. The queen was annoyed now, she got up ,making the girl stand up abruptly from her seat as well and walked to the balcony grabbing a cup of wine on her way. She took a sip, inhaling the smell of wine as she commanded-

"Dispose of her."