The King's fool

The peasant stared at the woman in front of her who had just ordered her death to the king's adviser with dread. Eyes wide open, her body turned cold, her skin turned pale as her mouth trembled to move she pleaded- "Y-your grace..?". Tears started forming in her eyes as Ceneris approached her to dispose of her."Y-Your G-grace..please have mercy..!". She screamed and wailed "Noo!!, don't do this please..!". Until the adviser dragged her to the door she pleaded.

When she saw the queen sipping out of her cup concerning herself over nothing that she considered insignificant such as the girl, the peasant's expression turned from one of fear's to of hatred. The she spoke in a low growl - "I hope the child in your stomach suffers the same fate you are tied to, I hope your children die from the wrath of the Dragon gods-burnt alive just as you will". The peasant spoke of the words as she was sure of it, her curse finally made the queen stop from sipping and made her turn to look at her with an expression of confusion as to why the girl was so sure of it".

"Ser.."- Berlinda said.

"Yes your grace..?"- He replied.

"How long do i have to wait for you to drag this filth out of my quarters?", heeding no mind to a commoner's word the queen continued to taste her drink turning her head towards the sky again as the gears in her head turned vigorously. 

The peasant screamed and resisted until the sound of her wailing was shushed by the closing door. "These peasants need to know their place", she muttered. "Girl"- she called out to her lady in waiting or maid. "Yes your majesty", she answered her call and rushed by her side. "More wine."- Berlinda commanded as she stretched out her empty cup to her left. The wine was poured and the maid returned to her place to three foot behind Berlinda.

"Girl, tell the bookkeeper to send a letter to Jakob Mester and ask him to write 'I've found the traitor' in it. Just that .If he asks who he is, you will tell him that he is my cousin. Is that understood?". "Yes your grace". "You make a mistake and i'll have your head on a pike for decoration in my room". The maid gulped as her body trembled ever so slightly, nervously. "Yes your grace.."- she answered. "Well then are you waiting for me to kiss your arse? move along". Upon hearing the words from the queen , the girl bowed and rushed out of the quarters.

The king was counseled by his eight counselors. A table in the counselor's hall would seat four to the left and four to the right. All of the counselors serve the realm,not the king themselves. But it is human's nature to be selfish, envious and greedy. Though in name they serve the realm but in truth they serve themselves although some on the seat did stay true to their titles and their role.

It was time for the counsel meeting which was held every week twice at most. The counselors sat themselves in their seats, pulling out their chair in the most elegant way. The senses of a king - they were called. The first sense, responsible for the wealth, loans and financial matters, Bohar juth. The second sense, an old , cunning man. Responsible for the social welfare of the people , who barely contributed Shadrt. The third and the fourth senses were twins, men in their forties who handled negotiation matters with noble houses. The fifth was the old woman Yegwa, consumed by greed , she always found ways to exploit..just about anyone.

The sixth was Yegwa's brother who was the current king's father, Jakhar, responsible was ports and overseas trade. The seventh was the prince, as handsome as the rumors spoke, boy of fifteen . Different from his father, much different from his mother.A kind soul. He was to be seated to learn about the nation's affairs. The eight was the old uncle of the late king, Maerta Drakos. The only living line of the Drakos family who was spared to gain the public's sympathy only to be named the king's fool.

All assembled to commence the hundred and eighth counsel of the year.