
All arose as the king Ashwell, stepped in the counselor's hall, chairs sliding backwards. The king still wore his robe which was more lavish than a commoner's most expensive jewelry. The king wasn't very thin neither very obese. His frame was tall, some would even think he was made king just because of his appearance.

"Sit, my subjects". He took his seat and so did the others after presenting a synchronized bow. Everyone was silent waiting for the king to speak and he did. "My son!", he smiled as he spoke out in a loud voice. The old lady Yegwa, the fifth sense clicked her tongue, saved by the King's distraction.

The prince stood from his chair and bowed, greeting his father."Good morning,my king.", "Now, now don't be so formal child there's no one else but us". "Father..", the prince hesitantly spoke as he signaled his father by placing his eyes on the senses present there. The king sighed, "Yes..so shall we get this started?". "As you command your majesty", a uniformity in their voices could be heard.

"If i may?",Bohar, the first sense spoke up asking for permission."Yes", the king gestured him to speak as he lifted his right hand , his palm facing up. "We...have built up quite a bit of a loan my king...the bank of Zulia has been demanding their loan to be paid back..".

"So what?", the King spoke up in a tired voice as if he was already tired of listening to an issue that could be a major problem in the days to come."Sire..?", Bohar confused by the king's reaction even after having viewed it a numerous times questioned. "I asked , so what?, ha! what can they do to us !?".The king dismissed the matter with no hesitation or consideration."They might seize our-", as Bohar Juth was about to complete his sentence , the fool of a king interrupted."Next ,you", pointing at the second sense,Shadrt.

Shadrt was the laziest man present in the hall , his presence even made the kind prince annoyed. "I don't have anything to report, my sire", He yawned as he spoke, clearly displaying his disinterest . Al though that played in the favor of the king as he too was eagerly waiting to get out of the meeting which was as clear as day to notice by the tapping of his fingers on the table and his leg shaking under it.

"Anyone else?", the king asked eagerly. Everybody stayed silent. Noticing the silence, a grin spread across his face as his chair slid back and he got up on his feet and just as he was about to turn, the fool spoke. "M-me your majesty.. I have news of great importance", the old man's voice trembled as he spoke hesitantly.

Ashwell raised his eyebrow as to why the fool who had remained silent for almost a year had dared to utter another word out of his old dried lips. Though the man was of the same family the people in this room had betrayed, everybody held atleast some kind of respect for him in their hearts daring not to display it in their actions.

"What do you want now?", the king spoke in an irritated voice, sounding annoyed. "A-a spy reported something you see..".The old man spoke slowly and subtly but the king had turned rather impatient. "Can't you speak any faster?!", he raised his voice. At his tone ,the old man flinched and spoke again this time, rushing his words. "A-a man you see h-has b-been seen-". "I don't need to hear you stuttering for the sake of the heavens!". The king yelled again but this time, his patience had run out and as he stepped towards the exit of the hall the fool finally spoke up. "Dragons..". The king paused in his steps, a shiver running through him.

"W-what did you just say..", he turned his head to look back, his expression filled with terror.

"T-to be precise, a dragon egg.. your majesty. A trader, one of the drakosi rebels was seen transporting the dragon egg on the road to Geftaq...". "Go on..". The king finally paid attention to his words as he sat himself back down. Every sense there, had their eyes wide open. Shiver running through their spines as they remembered the days during the sixth flame when the dragons still existed. The days before the event of the dragon god's abandonment towards the drakosi family. When the people who had betrayed the family were burnt alive.

It was a terrific memory printed into everyone's mind. The second sense found it hard to believe as he scoffed and said "That can't be. Your family was abandoned. What schemes are you upto now old man?", he accused the drakosi present in the room.

"Actually I've heard the news from a friend too father..", the prince spoke up. By hearing it directly from the prince's mouth everyone was forced to believe even if it could've been a false truth.

"We must leave for Geftaq tonight". Sweat dripped from his face as the cold thought of being burnt alive ran across his mind.

"You can't your majesty.You mustn't leave the capital, the people need you.". The twins opposed his suggestion. The king was conflicted as he realised the twins were right. Without him the capital would break out into a civil war.

"I'll go, my sire". The prince suggested as he turned to the drakosi and asked. "Where exactly should I head ser?". "If I-i had to anticipate where the trader would go, it would be the ruins my prince..",He replied. "The ruins? And where would that be?". The prince questioned.

"The sacred hills, my prince".. The drakosi replied.