Flowers can be lethal too

Valecta held Zezu in her arms carefully and softly. Zezu squirmed in her arms, whimpering. He was no more bigger than a coconut, largely sized. Brit rushed his footsteps occasionally turning around to glimpse at Zezu in Valecta's arms. On their way they came across a crossroad, which confused the poor boy,he panicked. Valecta had just came to the realisation about how the little child and the cub had bonded so well in whatever short amount of time they had to themselves.

The Forest wasn't the brightest due to the canopies covering the sky above them. Rays of sunlight peeked through the differently shaped leaves. Valecta walked and sweated profusely, her body wasn't in the best condition but she spared the beautiful sight of the forest a couple of minutes to be admired. And it didn't waste away. The path was laid with thorns which barely tickled at her feet. Her eyes shone as she turned her head around, looking to seek and absorb more of the forest's scent and it's beauty. It was captivating, Valecta wondered about how in the hells had she missed out on viewing such beauty.

Holed up in her house, she was confined within the walls of her house, alone. When the Dashkho villagers came to know about the existence of Valecta and rumor that she was the King's fool, Maerta's unknown granddaughter ,Greya had sent Valecta away to live in a secluded area near the hills. Saddened by the fact that the rumors were spread by her mother but sure of the fact that there must've been a reason, Valecta spent her days in isolation. Unable to explore what the world had to offer. Her curiosity grew in a rapid speed as she grew up, unable to go too far from home, a feeling of suffocation creeped up on her. Now that she had the chance to leave her home, she wasn't going to miss her chance on subsiding her curiosity.

As she held the shivering cub in her arms, unable to tear her eyes off of the beauty she was surrounded by, an open sky had spread across above her head. She finally focused her eyes ahead.

"Valecta!!, we're here!!"- Brit yelled out in an ecstatic voice.

Valecta's eyes widened as she stopped in her step. Her pace slowly died down, as she stood still staring at the scenery in front of her in awe.

"Val!! What are you doing?? let's go!!"- Brit's voice snapped her out of her amazement. A flower bed spread across the floor for as long as the eye could see. Almost as if the colors on the ground were reflected on the sky, the sky turned pink in her vision. Her heart beated ever so fast at the sight of this. No matter how hard she thought, she couldn't get the idea that the scene was familiar out of her head. No matter, she walked to the cabin that stood at the center of the ocean of flowers on the ground.

"Three times and one"- Brit interrupted as Valecta was about to knock on the stranger's door. "What..", Val questioned. "The old man told us to knock three times and one if we ever came back again, this way he wouldn't murder us the moment we walk in". Valecta felt something off but brushed it off and knocked three times and a one. The door wasn't answered. Valecta attempted to knock again and this time, a man around his twenties opened the door, slightly. Peeking through the gap. "Yes?", he asked in a soft but low voice, glaring at Valecta. His glare had an intensity that even Kyro didn't possess. "W-we-","Brother!!!", Brit interrupted Valecta just as she was about to ask for help.

"Brit?", The man reconfirmed as he noticed Brit standing beside me and let the door open a bit more than it already was. "I'm back!!", Brit jumped on him and a soft smile spread across the handsome young man's face. "We need your help..", Valecta said said as she interrupted their reunion. "I'm sorry but i don't know you?", He was cautious as he should be, living in these woods must've not been any easier for him. "Let's save the introductions for another time.. i request you to look over this cub..please", Valecta pleaded. The young man seemed to recognize the cub as his face displayed an expression similar to of concern, Val's plead was ignored but the cub was taken in as he replaced the cub in his arms and slammed the door on Val's face leaving her stranded outside in the garden. Spiting it on her face to let her know that she was uninvited.
