Strange familiarity.

The door didn't open for a while and Valecta became curious about what was going on inside.. a little about that and more about the flower garden. She stepped away from the door and marched forward leaving the cabin behind in her footsteps to explore the beautiful floor.

Soft flowers touched the sole of her feet almost seeming like an invitation. A little walk ahead, there was a bench on the edge of the cliff. An old man sat there."He must be the old man Brit mentioned", she thought to herself as she slowly stepped towards the bench approaching the old man slowly and cautiously. "Um.. Hey there..", she called out but it appeared that the old man hadn't heard her. "Excuse me..?", she asked again, this time the old man turned his head to look in her direction and spoke in a voice similar to a man's who possesses no teeth. Valecta smiled at the man, but to her surprise the man appeared to be shocked at the sight of her. It was almost as if he had seen a ghost. "Y-you!!",he tried to get up just to end up tumbling down. "Watch out!", Valecta warned him as she held his arm to support him and prevented him from staggering any further. "M-my child? Verona?", he stared at Valecta, tears forming in his eyes as he spoke in a trembling voice.

"Father!!", the young man came running. The elderly turned his head at the voice of his son and grinned "Look!! Your sister is here!", he said in a joyous voice and a melting smile. Valecta was hesitant to deny the claim, looking at the old man's face filled with ecstacy while calling her his daughter, Valecta for the first time clearly sensed the emptyness, which was always present but forgotten to be reminded again. She felt a sense of loss for her father. " have the wrong person..", Valecta said as the old man hugged Valecta tight in his arms now. "Tada, uncle. That's not Verona..", the young man clarified. "But she's got her hair!! Fifi's hair!!", he protested. "Father..", even the young man seemed to have been hesitant to break it down to the old man that his daughter had never been born.

" name is Valecta... And my hair... Is naturally black.. Sir.. I do not have any intention of deceiving you.. It's just my hair just turned white overnight..", Valecta tried to deny the claim in the politest way she could think of. The old man frowned, a sad expression took over his face in an instant, ".. Is that so..?". He mumbled to himself as he retreated from Valecta and sat himself down again. "What.. did you just say..?", the silent relief, broken by the shooketh voice of the young man.

"Yes..?", Valecta asked him, confused. "Your hair.. It changed overnight?", he asked, his expression giving away his curiosity and nervousness though Valecta couldn't make out what it was for. "That's.. What i said.. Yes", Val replied. "Greya.. You're her... master .. Aren't you..". "She's my mother, yes", Valecta replied, oblivious of the fact that the man knew of her. Valecta noticed the man stumble, his legs giving away. Valecta rushed to give him a hand, placing her hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright?!", she panicked but the young man sweated profusely.

The young man didn't answer Valecta and an awkward silence surrounded them soon which was broken by the crying noise of Brit.

Both of them startled and alerted by the crying noise, rushed towards the cabin.

"What?! What is it?!", the young man asked panting who had reached first followed by Valecta and her question, "What happened?! ". They both entered the room to pause and look at the whole cabin floor painted with book and Brit siting on the bloody floor with his legs folded. "What is all this?!", Valecta asked, her heart filled with trepidation.

"Hic.. He.. Hic... He, he grew up!!!", he sobbed as he cried out loud his throat screaming the words. Both the adults stood there confused until Valecta felt her hand licked. Drenched in wet saliva, she flinched as turned head to look at a wolf, almost her height, white furred and rainbow eyed. Anyone would have been able to recognise those unforgettable eyes. It was Zezu. The cub.. or was he?.