The magic in the mountains

Valecta was surprised. Unable to recognize the pup that was an arm's length just a while ago, she backed up. The pup stopped sticking his tongue out voicing out a short whimper and tilted it's head. A captivating beauty he was. Fur as white as snow, eyes shining like expensive jewels among jewels. "It must be because of the trees"- the young man spoke out. "The trees..?", Valecta turned her head to the young man standing beside her. "The trees in these hills possess a strange... magic", he said, a bit hesitant to mention magic. "Magic?",Valecta questioned as if what he had said was something preposterous. He let out a sigh and nodded. "But longer exists because...the dragons all flee our lands and were terminated?", Valecta laid out what she had heard from the rumors that had circulated for almost seventeen years. "Don't you know..?",he asked as if everybody except her was known to it. "Know what?", Valecta raised an eyebrow, waiting for his answer. "The return of the dragons?".

"The return of the what...?", Valecta squinted her eyes and leaned her head forward incredulously. He sighed again,"You know what? it's not something a village girl can get a grasp on .So forget it",He said this and turned his body around heading outside the cabin. From what Valecta guessed it was to get back to his ill father. "Ugh, he never hesitates to lift down my spirits, such an absurd man", she muttered to herself as she turned her head and focused her attention back to the grown "cub".The animal huffing in excitement, waiting to receive Val's affection. Just like the first time she had met his mother, injured, cautious and ..beautiful. She extended her hand out, slowly approaching the animal but this time for her own safety. Though her action was slow and steady, Zezu rushed into her arms, his increased body weight pushing Valecta to the ground.

She let out a chuckle as she loosened herself up from the stiffness she felt before feeling Zezu in her arms. She ruffled through his now thick and fully grown fur and mumbled to the animal in wonder, smiling "How did you grow up so massive and in such a short amount of time huh? hehe". Zezu, hopped around the cabin feeling happy supposing from what was visible to the eyes.

Valecta shifted her eye to the small boy sitting in the corner now, upset that his little companion had grown up before him. She gave Zezu a final ruffle and headed towards the upset boy and sat beside him as he sniffled and wiped his nose on his garment. "Hello there, little britty", Valecta grunted as she placed herself down, her body tired and facing the consequences of her continuous movement."Don't call me little..", the little boy replied in a wavering voice."Well at least , he got better don't you think?", Valecta attempted to make him feel better about this entire situation. Brit finally lifted his lid to glance at the animal, hopping and jumping around in a playfull dance. He buried his face in his arms again after glancing at the animal , which looked completely different as compared to his original appearance.

"Leave him alone, he'll come around", the familiar voice of the only man there was heard. Valecta turned her head towards the door frame to look at the man leaning on it. "We need to talk", he said. "May i at least know who i'm about to have a conversation with here ?".The man stared at Valecta for a while before answering, "'m called Nolak".Valecta raised an eyebrow doubting his stutter."Nice to meet you Nolak. I'm called Valecta. "Now that the introductions are over ,shall we have that conversation in need?".