Real Training

Valecta kisses Brit on his head providing him with comfort as Brit blushes in embarrassment due to Valecta treating him as a child which he didn't want to be treated as. Nolak still waiting for Valecta to detach herself from the whimpering kid, leaning on the door frame now sighed in frustration and spoke ,voicing out his annoyance. "Are you coming for the sake of the dragon gods"?. Valecta lifted herself from the ground turning to face Nolak,"A little patience can't hurt you", she muttered as she walked past the door frame he was leaning on.

Nolak smirked to himself, surprised by her sassiness. Valecta paused in her steps as she was walking out the door and turned her head to look at him, he too turned his head to look at her. Both of them looking into each other's eyes now until Valecta spoke up- "You gonna come for the sake of the hells?", attempting to imitate Nolak's behavior and continued her walk towards the woods, where the road continued. Nolak stared at her as she strutted away, unconsciously letting out a small chuckle, before following Valecta's steps and muttering "Sassy",to himself.

"Where are you even going?", Nolak questioned Valecta after catching up to her by fastening his pace. "I don't know..", Valecta answered. "PFFT-", Valecta turned her head and glared at the young man who was about to burst out laughing."Ahem!!", he cleared out his throat before saying-"Let's head to the bench", "Isn't your father relaxing there? i'm not sure if i'd like to disturb a person whose house i've just barged into", Valecta spoke as she avoided looking into his eyes. "He's not there anymore..he..left to get something done.", Valecta felt the secretive tone that the man spoke in and discontinued her train of questions."..Alright". They head to the bench and sit next to each other maintaining a reasonable distance. "So, what are you searching for in these hills?",Nolak questioned. "I was..told to get to this address..", Valecta answered with her gaze held low and her eyes on the ground, she seemed to be contemplating about something.

".....", Nolak looked at the woman who held a saddened expression now in silence. He knew of the expression, the same expression he had on when he had lost his mother. His birth mother lived but she was not what he had in mind everytime he was reminded of the word "Mother". "Does this person who told you about these hills...mention anything else about your errand on it", he questioned purposely avoiding the topic he knew would fill the air around them with sympathy for each other. Valecta sensed his carefulness and a smile tucked at her lips, a gentle and a tender smile which had been missing from her face for almost two weeks now.

"No...not at all", Valecta spoke with her tone more soft now. They sat on the topmost of the hill as the sun began to set, the orange light fell on their faces, they sat there talking and admiring the sky all along. "Most people come here to test their skills, these hills are rather dangerous. I wonder how you survived."

"Pure luck i'd say"- Valecta said, chuckling to herself followed by an amused scoff from Nolak.

"Martial artists affiliated with the royal family come up here to gain answers from the temple of the Dragon gods"- Nolak informed her.

"Dragon gods ?, i thought their temples had been made a ruin?", Val questioned.

"They did. Except the sacred temple that lies behind the waterfal because nobody knows about them except the ones who once served the royal family of Drakos." , Valecta's eyes widened at the mention of the waterfall. Being cautious of the man she had just met she managed to hide her surprise and knowledge about the temple.

"Then how do you know about it?". Nolak hesitantly answered "I'm a bit affiliated with the Drakos family..". Valecta's suspicion increased at the man as he had tried to hide his identity twice. She raised an eyebrow at his slow answer. "So you've been there, this means? what is there inside? something special?", Valecta continued her train of questions again. "I've not been there.."

"Why not?"

"People who posses the royal blood can't enter..if they go near the waterfall..they get poisoned by the air surrounding it", he explained. Valecta eyes widened at the mention of the royal blood. "'re..royal..?". "I'm..... a bastard...", a bit of secrecy in his voice failing to hide his attempt at hiding it.

"You can't enter either."- He added.

"Me..?", she asked confused by his addition to the sentence.

"You've got royal blood too."

"What...",Valecta turned her head to look at him incredulously. Valecta was confused and he sensed it. To confirm her doubts and to clear it he lifted his hand and brushed it on his head a small recitation leaving his lips in a whisper as his hair soon turned white.

"Your hair!!"- Valecta, shocked at this change which looked similar to her hair's.

"The people who possess royal blood have their hair turn white when they come of age, you seem to have aged..recently"

"B-but i don't think i am of royal blood..", Valecta seems sure of it.

"You're probably just another bastard of the late me. Your eyes seem rather different compared to the blood.They seem raven black while ours are blood red."

"But i've went near the fall ,i even met a guy named Kyro who had even agreed to teach me but ...kind of decieved me in the end",she sighed.

"Then you must be someone distant or something....not that it matters. But you'll have to hide that colour because if the Abigails know of it they'll execute you with no trial for sure and who is this guy exactly?".

"One more burder to bear"- she muttered to herself. She couldn't have cared less about it, brushing it off as an insignificant burden.

"I..can teach you how to.. you know? conceal your hair.. "