The bank of Zulia

Raynard, an accountant at the World BANK, knocks on the steel door, the knocking sound surrounding the hall within." Come in dear", an old voice said. The steel door was opened by the two guards dressed in Zulian clothes. Grey coloured armoured grey pants, a triangular hat and a spear in their hands to increase their display of fierceness.

The hall inside held high ceiling. Two long windows draped with black curtains. A big hearth built at the end of the room which sat behind the long table which stretched across the room horizontally. A man sitting in the middle chair, an only man occupying the seven feet table.Welcomed Raynard, " Greetings Raynard, I see you're here again today". Raynard held a black book to his chest with golden patterns drawn on it. He wore a black robe to cover the necessary and descrete parts of his body. "It's important, master Gerwer.", he said to the old accountant sitting, wearing specs and turning pages of his books of accounts.

"I'm quite busy young man, I hope it is not trivial", the old man said. "It indeed isn't", he walks to the long table and slides out a chair from the table sitting on it, facing Gerwer."It concerns the Abigail unfortunately..",Raynard spoke with disdain in his words for the Abigail house. "They're the royal family now and you'll address them as such. If someone hears you-", he is cut in between by Raynard. "If sometimes is to see me whose chances are unlikely, I'll just be executed.", he answered shrugging. "You do not value your life as it should be". "If only my life valued the same of a king's",he scoffed." You can't be a king in this lifetime but the least you can do is to treat yourself like one and if you can't even do that what's the point in living when you hate yourself?". The man's eyes were fixated on the paper in front of him and the boy stared at him as if he had realized something important that he needed to hear.

Gerwer finally lifted his gaze to look at thy boy who had just been hit with a realization. "So boy", he took off his specs and placed it lightly on the table. "What is it that you wish to discuss so urgently?". "The A- ...royal family's debt has increased thrice fold compared to last year's and the due date has long past since they had to repay their due amount sir" .Gerwer stared at the boy in front of him, no surprise or anything of change in his expression upon hearing the inexcusable matter. He waited for the boy to say more and then spoke in a casual tone "They should've paid, yes". "That's it? "They should've paid"? is that all you have to say?", Raynard spoke with an expression displaying confusion and surprise with a slight frown. ".....If you do not have anything else that seems to be crucial to our current matter at hand you may leave"

Stressing on the word leave, he made sure that Raynard understood his tone. Raynard looked at the man in disbelief. How could a man that he had felt so righteous could excuse the debt that the usurpers were drowned in? His expression soon shifted to neutral as he bowed and excused himself. He got up from the chair and paced his steps towards the door facing his back towards Gerwen now. As he rushed to exit the room, his eyes shifted to the left side of the room where a man sat, a wine glass in his hand. He wore clothes foreign to Zulia's. Raynard made sure to not stop as he slowed his pace by just a momentum, his expression neutral as he casually exited the room. He had behaved as if he had just noticed a customer but in truth his mind ran a train of questions to himself.

"A man? why hadn't i noticed? He hid his presence. Clothes laced with gold lining. Relation to royal family. A supervisor ? NO, someone to keep an eye on . What do they have against us?". His questions continued in his head as he exited the room and the steel door behind him was closed by the same two guards with a thud. He paused his steps just in front of the door, contemplating something for a while. As soon as his contemplation had completed he rushed his pace towards his quarters.

Raynard was announced an arithmetic genius at five. He was sold to the World Bank when his father had lost a bet, addicted to gambling. Though Raynard's strongest forte was his calculating zealous and his fast thinking , it had all been a part of his intelligence since the start. He is an intellectual and a smart person completely capable of making decisions, mostly right.

As soon as he entered his quarters, filled with rage he slammed his door and started packing. He had now made up his mind to do what he felt was right. Most of the times, what he feels is right turns out to be right and he trusted himself. He rushed out of the Bank that was located at the center of Zulia, heading towards the port. He reached out at a man standing beside a boat that was filled with crates of exotic fruits, painted with the capital's colours prepared to be traded, tapped on his shoulder. The man turned his head. "Yes kippo?", "Sedwar turkha Capitol" - "Pughai".


kippo- Friend

Sedwar turkha Capitol- Take to the capital

Pughai- With pleasure.