Serwiya's escape

Meanwhile in the Capital city of Verta : 

"No! no... " her voice trembled as tears ran down her cheek. She was being dragged in one of the cells kept hidden in basement from the public on being demanded to be disposed of by the queen.Her knees were being scraped as she was dragged by her hair down the decrepit staircase. She sobbed and screamed until her throat turned sore. "NO!", she screamed. Blood showing through her ragged gown. A sign of bruised legs showing up on her calves as her garment rode up. She sniffled and begged but the soldier couldn't have cared less.

Before being dragged into the cells Berlinda had given an order to Ceneris, one of the king's advisor. Ceneris passed the order to the soldier, bringing us to the present. The soldier dragged Serwiya through the numerous amount of cells. Each cell was lit up with a candle. A single candle for each wasn't enough to light up the room. Cells on her left and cells to her right. Hands sticking out of each cell block reaching out for the soldier. Every one of the prisoner's voice sounded like gibberish . It seemed as if they had difficulty in speaking, as if their right to talk had been taken from them. Perhaps a missing tongue. But Serwiya's fear was only fueled by this sight. She wriggled her legs aggressively, only causing the soldier to clench onto her hair more tightly. The soldier paused in his step as if they had reached their destination. A cell with three prisoners already imprisoned in it. Which meant Serwiya's going to be having cellmates. She was thrown into the cell when the cell was unlocked and soon it was locked again. Her hands scraped and bleeding, her eyes red, her clothes ragged, bleeding legs , she desperately hugged the bars of the cell, sobbing.

The three inmates sat facing the back wall of the cell opposite to it's entrance. Serwiya paused her crying, not ready to accept her supposed fate. She turned her head around, wiping her tears to notice the three inmates sitting and acting unusual. She approached the middle woman and tapped lightly on her shoulder. "H-hey?". The woman didn't turn. Serwiya raised an eyebrow and tapped on the woman next to her, left first, no response. Then to the woman to her right, repeating her words "Can you hear me? hello?". Serwiya had enough and shook the woman in the middle aggressively, "Respond to me!!", she screamed. The body thudded on the ground. The woman's face was carved. There was nothing on her face that would've helped in recognizing her. They were dead. All three of them."AH... AH .. AHHHHH!!!", a terrified scream escaped her throat and yet no one bated an eye as if it was a daily occurrence. 

She fell unconscious. Starved for days without having any money to pay for food. She had expected to fill her stomach as soon as the queen's deed was done and she had gotten her expected pay. And now all that awaited her was death. How could she have been feeling? Was she thinking about vengeance when she rested on the bottom of the food chain and her perpetrator on the top? Was she praying for heaven in her head? Or was she thinking of repenting for her sins?

When she opened her eyes she noticed that her surrounding had changed, she assumed that it was time for her head to be severed already, a dreaded expression spread across her face. But it wasn't her time to be dead yet. Left in the middle of nowhere, As her vision steered , she noticed the open clear sky above her and green grass stretched for as long as the eye could see. Had she been forgiven? But the queen was not known for mercy? So why was it that she lied in the middle of the Geftaq greens?