Prince Ardin's Journey

After it was decided that Prince Ardin was to travel to the north, to the Geftaq Ruins, the prince couldn't hide his excitement and rushed to his mother to let her know of his journey. Though she was already aware about the matters mentioned in the counsel meeting through her anonymous informers. A wide smile on the prince face as he knocked on the Queen's wide door.

"Who is it?", Berlinda questioned her maid. The maid rushed to the door, picking up her maid's long gown. The door creaked open and a blush spread across the young woman's face as Ardin presented a pleasant smile. "Will you tell me or not?", Berlinda growled at the maid, snapping the maid out of her thoughts. She bowed her head and got out of the prince's path, stuttered - "It-it's the prince your majesty!", she yelled at a loud voice, flustered. Berlinda sighed as she placed her usual wine cup on the table in front of her, "Get out before I suffocate you to death and don't speak a word". The maid rushed out of the hall in terror, glancing at the prince for the last time.

"Mother. you're aware that you can't be treating your subjects like that aren't you?", he smiled and questioned his mother. She chuckled, "Seeing you is the only joy I have in this wretched palace", she approached the child and tucked her arm in his. "Mother.. I have something to speak to you about..", he said hesitantly. "Is it something serious? You don't look good at all. Wine?", she asked as she grabbed an extra cup with the wine jar. "Yes.. A little will do." She poured the wine in the cup and handed it to him, dragging him tk the balcony. "Speak your mind son, I'm not going to eat you". Ardin let out a awkward chuckle as he took a sip of the wine.

"I... I am leaving for Geftaq, the coming sunrise", he said his eyes fixated on the liquid in his cup. A pretense to avoid his mother's possessive gaze. "Geftaq? the Drakosi land?", on being asked he nodded as he lifted his gaze and looked at the scenery in front of him. "Why in the Hells would you agree to go to that cursed place?". She said angrily as she retreated her arm from him, furrowing her eyebrows as her possessiveness started to show. Her tone slightly higher than before.

"The Dragons.. appearance.. It wasn't just a rumor mother..", Berlinda shifted her gaze to the sky as she avoided his eyes. "...", "Did you know about this...?", the prince looked at her incredulously. She silently sipped tee wine in her cup as she mumbled, "Does it matter?". "Mother!", as Ardin raised his voice Berlinda's hand raised just as fast, striking his left cheek. "You do not raise your voice to me boy", she warned as she looked at the child with anger. Ardin rushed out of the room placing the wine cup on the nearest table he could find.

The door was slammed, making Berlinda flinch. A wave of guilt washed over her and she sighed, realising she had struck her only child and the only living human she loved. Tears filled her eyes but her strong will made prevented the tears from flowing out. She gulped the cup of wine in a one turn as disdain filled her heart.

Ardin rushed to his quarters and ordered every servant of his, "Pack every useful thing you can find". He undressed himself to attend to lunch with the king. Berlinda never took out of her quarters after the Userpur's conquer but no one questioned it, not even her own son. Not because they were filled with terror, they just couldn't be bothered.