Phoenix Crest Meridians

Shen Wu took a deep breath, his mind racing with questions as he stared intently at the Battle Sage King. With a solemn expression, he spoke, his voice firm and determined.

"Before I agree to anything, you'll have to answer a few questions, alright?" he stated, his tone devoid of the usual levity.

The Battle Sage King chuckled in response, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "Alright, brat, what is it you want to know, huh?" he replied, his tone indulgent.

Shen Wu paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before posing his first question. "What is this place?" he inquired, his gaze unwavering.

The Battle Sage King appeared slightly taken aback by the simplicity of the question. "Sage Peak?" he offered tentatively.

Shen Wu shook his head, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice. "No, this place in general. Like, what country is this, or at least what province?" he clarified, his brow furrowing in confusion.

The Battle Sage King's confusion deepened, and he regarded Shen Wu with a perplexed expression. "We are in Murim. Are you by any chance from the west?" he asked, his tone tinged with curiosity.

Shen Wu's eyes widened in realization as he processed the information. Murim? The name sounded unfamiliar, and he struggled to place it geographically. Placing his head in his hands, he pondered deeply, his thoughts racing.

"Where the fuck is Murim? Is it China, Japan... Russia... wait... am I even on Earth?"

As Shen Wu lifted his head, his eyes betraying a hint of fear, he asked slowly, "Is this world called Earth?" His voice trembled with uncertainty, his mind grappling with the enormity of the situation.

The Battle Sage King regarded Shen Wu's frightened expression with confusion. "What's 'world' and 'Earth'?" he queried, his brow furrowing in puzzlement.

Shen Wu's desperation grew, and he pressed on, his voice filled with urgency. "Like the planet we're on, what's it called?" he implored, his heart pounding with anxiety.

But his pleas for answers were met only with the Battle Sage King's puzzled expression. Frustration mounting, Shen Wu turned to Wei, desperation etched into his features. "Wei, tell me what planet I'm on... what the fuck is this place?" he demanded, his voice cracking with emotion.

Wei's gaze bore into him with undisguised disgust as she scoffed dismissively. "What the hell are you talking about, you crazy brat?" she retorted, her tone dripping with disdain.

Feeling a surge of frustration and confusion, Shen Wu turned back to the Battle Sage King, only to find himself surrounded by multiple other old sages, their expressions reflecting varying degrees of concern.

Before he could process the situation further, Wei delivered a sharp blow to the back of his head. Reacting on instinct, Shen Wu launched a swift kick towards her jaw, but Wei caught it effortlessly. As their eyes locked, Shen Wu realized that his emotions had overcome him, leaving him vulnerable and exposed.

As Shen Wu retracted his leg and apologized to Wei, a sense of remorse washed over him. He then turned to the gathered sages and offered his apologies for the commotion, his voice tinged with sincerity.

The Battle Sage King's expression softened, his concern evident as he beckoned Shen Wu closer. "Place yer hand on mine," he instructed, his voice gentle yet commanding.

Though apprehensive, Shen Wu complied, placing his hand on the Battle Sage King's outstretched palm. Almost immediately, he felt a warm sensation enveloping his body, spreading from his fingertips to the core of his being.

But as the warmth reached his heart, an agonizing pain seized Shen Wu, causing him to cry out in agony. Blood gushed from his mouth, eyes, and ears, his body wracked with convulsions as he collapsed to the ground, overwhelmed by excruciating torment.

In the midst of his suffering, Shen Wu managed to gasp out a pained question, his voice barely audible amidst the cacophony of his anguish. "How could you..." he uttered, his words trailing off into a choked sob.

With a final shudder, Shen Wu fell limp, his body convulsing as black liquid poured from his every orifice. The sages looked on in horror, their faces etched with shock and dismay as they watched helplessly, unable to comprehend the depths of the tragedy unfolding before them.

As Shen Wu lay writhing on the ground, his body consumed by pain and darkness, a younger sage stepped forward. With a short brown beard and piercing red eyes, he addressed the group of helpless sages gathered around.

"Looks like the kid has the Phoenix Crest Meridians, although sealed," the sage observed, his tone grave as he assessed Shen Wu's condition. He turned to the Battle Sage King, a determined glint in his eyes.

"I'll take the kid. I know more about such meridians," he declared, his voice resolute despite the gravity of the situation.

The Battle Sage King hesitated, his expression torn between concern for Shen Wu's well-being and trust in Senior Gu's expertise. "Senior Gu, are you sure? It would be hard for even you to nurture this brat," he cautioned, his voice laced with uncertainty.

Senior Gu merely smirked in response, his confidence unwavering as he reached out to grab Shen Wu. Without another word, he launched himself into the air with Shen Wu in tow, the force of his departure causing a powerful shockwave to ripple throughout Sage Peak.

As Senior Gu carried Shen Wu through the air, the wind whipping past them at incredible speeds, Shen Wu gritted his teeth against the pain coursing through his body. With each passing moment, his strength waned, his consciousness slipping further into the abyss of darkness.

"Hold on, kid. I'll fix you up in no time... that is if you don't die on me here," Senior Gu reassured him, his voice calm despite the urgency of their situation.

Shen Wu grunted softly in response, his breaths coming in shallow gasps. Senior Gu chuckled softly at his reaction. "I'll take that as you promising me you'll live at least another two minutes," he quipped, his tone light yet tinged with concern.

With a burst of speed, Senior Gu propelled them forward, hurtling through the air with breathtaking velocity. Moments later, they touched down on a small peak adorned with a quaint Chinese-style abode. Before they could even catch their breath, a woman with fiery red hair and a scarlet robe emerged from the dwelling.

"Hey, mas—" she began, but Senior Gu cut her off with a commanding tone. "Bring me the box with the phoenix, NOW!" he demanded, his urgency palpable.

Without a word, the woman hurried into the abode, returning moments later with a small ornate box in her hands. With practiced efficiency, Senior Gu rushed inside, gently placing Shen Wu on the ground before tearing apart his shirt.

As Senior Gu placed his hand on Shen Wu's chest, a soft glow enveloped the young man's body, illuminating the dim interior of the abode.

As Senior Gu opened the Phoenix box, a sense of solemnity filled the air. With careful precision, he retrieved an ornate sharp pin from within its depths. Without hesitation, he plunged it into Shen Wu's chest, eliciting a gut-wrenching scream of agony from the young man. The fiery-haired woman held Shen Wu down firmly, her expression a mixture of concern and determination.

With a steady hand, Senior Gu traced a phoenix symbol on Shen Wu's heart, causing it to burst into flames. But instead of agony, Shen Wu felt a warm and comforting sensation spread throughout his body. Overwhelmed and drained, he managed to utter a faint "thanks... I guess..." before succumbing to exhaustion and slipping into unconsciousness.

The fiery woman looked at Senior Gu with a mixture of confusion and concern. "Okay, master, what's up with this kid?" she inquired, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Senior Gu calmly removed the pin from Shen Wu's chest and returned it to the box. "This kid is a descendant of a phoenix," he explained matter-of-factly.

The woman's eyes widened in shock. "Oh, that's okay... THE FUCKING WHAT?!" she exclaimed, unable to conceal her astonishment at the revelation that the young man her master had brought back was a descendant of a phoenix.

Senior Gu shrugged nonchalantly. "Let the kid rest. He's your new junior martial brother, so take care of him," he instructed before turning and exiting the abode, leaving the woman to stare at the unconscious Shen Wu.