Master Gu

As Shen Wu slowly stirred from his slumber, he found himself lying on a comfortable bed within the confines of the abode. Residual pain lingered in his chest, a constant reminder of the ordeal he had endured. With cautious movements, he attempted to rise, but the lingering discomfort forced him to proceed with care.

"Looks like I'm alive... don't know if that's a good thing though," he mused to himself, his thoughts clouded with uncertainty.

As he scanned his surroundings, his gaze fell upon the fiery-haired woman sleeping nearby, her form slumped against the bed. Despite the circumstances, Shen Wu couldn't help but admire her beauty, her delicate features softened in repose.

"With a face like that, she'd definitely be popular... But what's she doing sleeping against the bed?" he pondered, his curiosity piqued by her unusual position.

Deciding to leave her undisturbed, Shen Wu quietly rose from the bed, careful not to disturb her rest. Shen Wu looked around the abode and spotted a door leading outside.

As Shen Wu stood at the slightly ajar door, the moonlight spilled through the opening, illuminating the stormy landscape outside. Without hesitation, he stepped out into the rain, feeling the cool droplets splash against his skin. His bare feet sank into the soft mud as he made his way towards Senior Gu, who sat calmly beneath the cherry blossom tree, his attention absorbed by the wine jar in his hand.

Approaching Senior Gu, Shen Wu took a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking. "Thanks... for whatever you did to save me," he offered, his voice barely audible over the sound of the rain.

Senior Gu glanced up from his wine jar, meeting Shen Wu's gaze with a calm expression. "No problem, kid. You are my disciple after all," he replied nonchalantly, as if saving Shen Wu's life were a mere triviality.

Shen Wu's brow furrowed in confusion at the mention of being Senior Gu's disciple. "What do you mean by disciple, and how did you manage to fly in the sky?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued by Senior Gu's enigmatic abilities.

"To answer your first question," Senior Gu continued, his voice steady and unwavering, "I'll pass my techniques onto you and train you to become a martial artist of at least the unrestrained realm."

Shen Wu listened intently, absorbing every word. It was a monumental commitment, one that filled him with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. The thought of mastering Senior Gu's techniques and reaching new heights in martial arts was both thrilling and daunting.

"And as for your second question," Senior Gu continued, "what I used was void steps. You will naturally be able to use it at the unrestrained realm."

Shen Wu's mind buzzed with the implications of Senior Gu's words. Void steps—such a technique sounded like something out of a legend, yet here he was, being told that he would one day wield it himself. The idea filled him with a sense of awe and wonder.

But amidst the excitement, a question lingered in Shen Wu's mind, one that spoke to the very core of his being. "Do humans in this world have no growth limit?", but he chose to wave the thought away and instead sit next to Senior Gu.

As Shen Wu settled next to Senior Gu, the stormy atmosphere seemed to mirror the turmoil within him. Despite the rain, a sense of unease hung heavy in the air, weighing down on Shen Wu's shoulders like a leaden cloak. Leaning against the cherry blossom tree, he let out a heavy sigh, his thoughts racing with worry and uncertainty.

"Mind sharing some of that wine?" Shen Wu's request carried a hint of desperation, a fleeting attempt to dull the edges of his anxiety.

Senior Gu's laughter echoed softly in the damp night air as he handed the wine jar to Shen Wu. "Drink up, kid," he replied, his voice laced with understanding.

Taking the wine jar in hand, Shen Wu lifted it to his lips and took a long sip, hoping that the warmth of the wine would soothe the gnawing doubts that plagued his mind. The rich, earthy taste washed over his senses, momentarily offering a reprieve from the storm both outside and within.

Shen Wu turned to Master Gu, his expression earnest as he sought guidance in this unfamiliar world. "How should I refer to you then, since I'm like your disciple?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Master Gu met Shen Wu's gaze with a reassuring smile. "You can call me Master Gu, kid," he replied, his tone gentle yet firm.

With a nod of understanding, Shen Wu watched as Master Gu took the wine jar and finished it in one swift chug, a display of strength that both impressed and intimidated him. Gathering his thoughts, Shen Wu continued, "Can you explain to me what Murim is?"

As he spoke, Shen Wu couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension creeping over him. The very mention of Murim evoked a mixture of curiosity and trepidation.

Master Gu's expression grew solemn, and a hint of gravity colored his words as he began to describe the harsh realities of Murim. "Kid, Murim is an unforgiving place," he explained, his voice carrying the weight of experience. "Monsters hide in the shadows just waiting for you to show weakness... waiting to pick you apart so that not even your bones remain."

Listening intently, Shen Wu absorbed Master Gu's words, his mind grappling with the implications of this new knowledge. Despite the similarities to his previous world, there was an undeniable sense of danger that permeated Murim, a sense of peril that lurked just beyond the horizon.

As Master Gu spoke, Shen Wu couldn't help but draw parallels between Murim and the world he had left behind. Though different in many ways, both worlds seemed to share a common thread of harshness and adversity.

With a contemplative expression, Shen Wu thought to himself, "Sounds like Earth."

Master Gu looked back at Shen Wu and ordered "go back inside kid, I'll make you go through hell... maybe literally... ", Shen Wu obliged and retreated back into the abode.

As Shen Wu retreated back inside, leaving Master Gu alone in the stormy night, the older martial artist remained outside, gazing up at the moon with a mixture of nostalgia and sorrow. Raindrops mingled with the tear that trailed down his weathered cheek, a silent testament to the weight of his emotions.

"Old friend..." Master Gu's voice was barely a whisper, lost amidst the howling winds and crashing thunder. "The kid is just like you were back then... Just like you, he has no idea where he is or that martial arts even exist... I hope he doesn't end up like you did."

His words carried a solemn resonance, a reflection of the burdens he carried and the ghosts of the past that haunted him still. With a futile gesture, Master Gu reached out towards the moon, as if seeking solace or guidance from the distant celestial body that illuminated the night sky.