Is Master Gu a sadist?

Shen Wu was awoken by Master Gu's booming voice echoing through the abode. "Wakey wakey, kid! Time to grind your bones!" the martial arts master shouted, his tone filled with both urgency and expectation.

Quickly rousing from his slumber, Shen Wu scrambled out of bed, his movements hurried and adrenaline coursing through his veins. "I'm coming!" he shouted in response, his voice echoing in the modest room.

As Shen Wu hastily pulled on a pair of trousers, his foot caught on a stray scroll lying on the floor. With a sudden yelp, he stumbled forward, landing in a heap at the feet of a woman with fiery hair who had been sleeping nearby.

"Fucking hell, who left the scroll in the middle of the room!" Shen Wu exclaimed, his frustration evident as he pushed himself up from the ground.

The woman chuckled softly at Shen Wu's outburst, her laughter like a melody in the morning air. "Better get used to it," she remarked with a playful glint in her eye. "Master Gu leaves things on the ground all the time."

Brushing off the incident with a sheepish grin, Shen Wu finally managed to properly don his trousers. Turning to face the woman, he regarded her with curiosity. "I guess I'll have to clean this place up so I don't end up dying one day... Anyway, the name's Shen Wu. What's yours?" he inquired, extending a hand in greeting.

The woman returned Shen Wu's smile, her demeanor warm and welcoming. "Nice to meet you, Shen Wu. I'm Ling Ling," she replied, reaching out to shake his hand.

With introductions made, Shen Wu nodded in acknowledgment. "Well, Ling Ling, I'll keep that in mind," he said, gesturing towards the scroll on the floor.

Shen Wu and Ling Ling quickly left the abode, responding to Master Gu's call. As they stepped outside, they were greeted by a rather peculiar sight. There was Master Gu, engaged in one-armed push-ups, with a massive block of metal resting on his back. Shen Wu stood in amazement, thinking to himself, "That's like having a bloody car on his back... he's built different..."

Master Gu then disappeared from sight, the block of metal hitting the ground with a resounding thud. Moments later, Master Gu reappeared, now seated atop the metal block, his long hair swaying gently in the wind.

"Now that the both of you are here," Master Gu announced, "I'll temper your bodies. See those bamboo crosses over to your left? I'll tie you to them and smack ya until you enjoy it."

Shen Wu and Ling Ling exchanged a glance, both feeling a mix of anticipation and apprehension. They followed Master Gu's instructions and made their way to the bamboo crosses.

As Master Gu securely tied them to the crosses, Shen Wu couldn't help but feel a surge of nervous energy coursing through his veins. He glanced over at Ling Ling, who offered him a reassuring smile, her fiery hair framing her face like a halo in the morning light.

With a deep breath, Shen Wu braced himself for what was to come.

Master Gu's smile seemed to promise pain as he wielded the metal sticks with precision. With each strike, Shen Wu and Ling Ling gritted their teeth, enduring the relentless assault. Thud after thud echoed through the air, blood trickling from their wounds, tears mingling with the rain.

Hours passed like an eternity until finally, Master Gu ceased his onslaught and walked away, leaving Shen Wu and Ling Ling battered and bruised. Gasping for breath, Shen Wu muttered weakly, "Fucking... finally... that monster... left..."

But before they could even catch their breath, Master Gu returned unexpectedly. "Sorry about that, kids," he said nonchalantly, "just had to take a sip of wine... Now since you've been such brave little disciples, I'll award you with... two hours more."

Shen Wu's heart sank at the news, but Master Gu's grin remained unfazed as he struck a triumphant pose. An oppressive silence settled over them, broken only by Master Gu's disappointed sigh. "Geez, kids these days are too serious," he muttered, before picking up the metal sticks once more.

With a heavy heart and weary bodies, Shen Wu and Ling Ling braced themselves for another round of punishing training under the watchful eye of their unrelenting master.

As the two hours dragged on, Shen Wu and Ling Ling endured an agonizing ordeal, their bodies covered in bruises and lacerations from head to toe. Master Gu's relentless training had pushed them to their limits, leaving them exhausted and in excruciating pain.

Finally, Master Gu let out a sigh of satisfaction, acknowledging their efforts. "Nice... you kids enjoyed it about as badly as I expected," he remarked casually. Dropping the metal sticks, he proceeded to untie Shen Wu and Ling Ling, who collapsed to the ground with groans of agony, their bodies unable to bear any more strain.

For a brief moment, they lay there, gasping for air and struggling to cope with the pain. But their respite was short-lived as Master Gu clapped once, breaking the silence. "That's enough break," he declared cheerfully, his tone devoid of sympathy. "We still have five more hours in the day... Let's do muscle training."

Hovering over Shen Wu and Ling Ling, who could barely move, Master Gu's enthusiasm seemed relentless. Shen Wu managed to utter through clenched teeth, "I... want... to... go... home." But his plea only elicited laughter from Master Gu.

"Oh, silly kid," Master Gu chuckled, shaking his head. "This is your home now." And with that, the grueling training continued.

Shen Wu and Ling Ling struggled to maintain their horse stance, their muscles trembling under the weight of Master Gu lying atop them. Despite their efforts, Shen Wu's body quivered uncontrollably, while Ling Ling appeared to be on the verge of collapse.

Master Gu, however, seemed unfazed as he lay comfortably on their heads, casually admonishing Ling Ling for her apparent struggle. "Ling Ling, stop struggling. What are you, a little chick?" he chided. Turning his attention to Shen Wu, he remarked, "Kid, you're vibrating pretty badly there."

With a mischievous grin, Master Gu issued a warning that sent shivers down Shen Wu's spine. "Remember, if you drop me, I'll tie you upside down and specifically hit the soles of your feet. Then, when I untie you and your blood flows to your feet, you'll want to die." His laughter echoed through the air as he flipped through the pages of a manual.

As Shen Wu's strength waned and he teetered on the brink of collapse, Master Gu suddenly leaped off both him and Ling Ling, his voice ringing out cheerfully. "That's it for muscle training today!" he declared. "As expected, you're... how do I say this... on the same level as an ant, except you use up more oxygen."

Gasping for breath, Shen Wu and Ling Ling collapsed onto the ground, their bodies throbbing with pain. The rain pelted down on them, its cold touch serving as a harsh reminder of their harsh reality.

Master Gu's voice cut through the sound of the rain as he addressed them once more. "Alright then, kids. No lazing around in this house," he admonished. "Go take a bath, and after that, I'll make some food."

Relieved to be granted a temporary respite from their grueling training, Shen Wu and Ling Ling struggled to their feet and headed inside to wash away the sweat and dirt of the day's hardships.

Ling Ling looks at Shen Wu sternly and says "stop looking at me... or you know what, get out and wait for me to finish", Shen Wu tiredly says "listen, I ain't got enough energy to be perving around right now and also, fuck you I'm already in and I ain't leaving", the two of them immersed themselves in the healing waters of the marble bath, unknowingly letting the warmth soothe their aching bodies and hasten their recovery. They exchanged splashes and playful banter, the tension of the day giving way to a moment of respite.

Once they finished and donned comfortable pajamas, Ling Ling and Shen Wu returned to their abode. They collapsed onto their beds, exhaustion pulling them into a deep slumber almost instantly.

Meanwhile, Master Gu, unaware of his disciples' state, returned triumphantly with a demon boar he had caught. His enthusiasm was met with silence from Shen Wu and Ling Ling, who were already lost in sleep. Disappointed but resigned, Master Gu muttered to himself, "Guess I'll eat the demon boar myself. Tch, disrespectful kids, not even gonna eat with their master."

With a sigh, Master Gu prepared his meal, his thoughts lingering on his young disciples.

As the rain continued to fall outside, the tranquil abode was filled with the sounds of peaceful slumber, broken only by the crackling of the fire and the occasional snore from the exhausted disciples.