But my steamed buns…


A week later, Shen Wu sat in the same training area, his body now accustomed to the rigorous routines Maid Yi had put him through. His control over his internal energy had improved significantly, and he could now circulate it through his meridians with ease. The training was intense, but Shen Wu had grown stronger and more resilient.

Maid Yi stood before him, her expression stern but with a hint of approval in her eyes. "You've made good progress, Shen Wu," she said. "Your internal energy is flowing more smoothly, and your control has improved. Now, it's time to move on to the next stage."

Shen Wu nodded, determination burning in his eyes. "I'm ready, Master."

Maid Yi gestured for him to stand. "Today, we will begin integrating your internal energy with your martial arts techniques. This is the essence of the Ten Way Blood Asura Arts. It's not just about physical strength, but about using your energy to enhance every move."

She handed him a bo staff, this time a sturdier one made of reinforced wood. "This staff will help you channel your energy more effectively. Remember to use your whole body, and let the energy flow through your strikes."

Shen Wu took the staff and assumed his stance, feeling the familiar pulse of energy in his dantian. He focused, drawing the energy into his arms and through the staff. With a deep breath, he began to move, executing the techniques Maid Yi had drilled into him.

His strikes were more powerful now, each movement fluid and precise. The energy coursed through him, amplifying his strength and speed. Maid Yi watched closely, occasionally correcting his form or offering advice.

"Good, Shen Wu. Remember to keep your movements smooth and controlled. Don't force the energy, let it guide you," she instructed.

As the training session continued, Shen Wu felt a growing confidence. The techniques that had once seemed impossible were now within his grasp. He could feel the power of the Ten Way Blood Asura Arts coursing through him, a testament to his hard work and dedication.

After a particularly intense sparring session, Maid Yi called for a break. "You're doing well, Shen Wu. Your progress is impressive," she said, a rare smile playing on her lips. "But remember, this is just the beginning. Mastery takes time and patience."

Shen Wu nodded, wiping the sweat from his brow. "I understand, Master. I'll keep working hard."

Maid Yi nodded in approval. "Good. Now, take a moment to rest and recover. We'll resume shortly."

Shen Wu sat down, leaning against a nearby rock and closing his eyes. He took deep breaths, feeling the energy within him slowly settle. As he rested, his mind drifted back to the past week, to the relentless training and the lessons he had learned. He had come a long way, but he knew there was still much to learn, but a thought tugged at the back of his mind, how was Master Gu and Ling Ling, where they safe, where they even still alive, he didn't know but one thing he did know is that as long as he trained hard and became the strongest nobody in Murim would hurt them.

After a few minutes, Maid Yi approached him again. "Ready to continue?" she asked.

Shen Wu stood up, gripping his bo staff with renewed determination. "Yes, Master," he replied.

Maid Yi nodded. "Very well. Let's move on to the next technique."

Maid Yi stood in front of Shen Wu, her expression serious as she prepared to teach him the next technique. "Today, we will learn Blood Reversal. This is a powerful but dangerous technique that can double your strength for fifteen minutes. However, the cost is high. Your veins will bulge out, and once the effect ends, you will feel immense fatigue. This is a blood cult martial art, so only use it if your life depends on it."

Shen Wu nodded, understanding the gravity of her words. "sure I understand, Master. I'll be careful."

Maid Yi demonstrated the technique, her internal energy shifting as she activated Blood Reversal. Shen Wu watched as her veins became prominent, her muscles visibly tensing with the increased power. After a few moments, she released the technique and relaxed.

"Now, it's your turn," she said, her voice steady. "Remember, focus your energy into your bloodstream, and let it circulate rapidly. Control your breathing and keep your mind clear."

Shen Wu took a deep breath and closed his eyes, concentrating on his internal energy. He directed it into his veins, feeling a surge of power as the energy flowed faster and faster. His veins began to bulge, and his muscles tensed with the increased strength.

"Good," Maid Yi said, observing his transformation. "Now, channel that power into your strikes."

Shen Wu nodded and moved into his combat stance, feeling the incredible strength coursing through him. He swung his bo staff with newfound force, the air whistling as the weapon cut through it. Each strike was powerful, precise, and relentless.

Maid Yi watched, her eyes narrowing as she assessed his form and control. "Remember, Shen Wu, this power is temporary. Use it wisely."

For the next fifteen minutes, Shen Wu continued to practice, his strikes growing more confident and powerful. The energy coursing through him felt exhilarating, but he could already sense the strain it was putting on his body.

As the time limit approached, Maid Yi signaled for him to stop. "Release the technique, Shen Wu."

He did as instructed, allowing the energy to dissipate. Instantly, he felt a wave of exhaustion crash over him, his muscles burning and his breath coming in ragged gasps. He stumbled, barely managing to stay on his feet.

Maid Yi was at his side in an instant, supporting him. "Rest now," she said softly. "The fatigue will pass, but you must learn to manage it. This technique is a double-edged sword."

Shen Wu nodded weakly, sinking to the ground. "I... I understand, Master," he said between heavy breaths. "I'll just use it to train."

Maid Yi gave him a rare smile, a flicker of pride in her eyes. "You've done well today, Shen Wu. Remember, strength alone isn't enough. You must also have control and wisdom. Rest now. We'll continue your training tomorrow."

When Maid Yi left the training ground, Shen Wu stood up straight, no longer panting. He muttered to himself, "It sure isn't hard to fool you, Master... Now then, I wonder why I don't feel tired?"

He sat down and began cultivating in the same way Maid Yi had taught him. Shen Wu could feel all his meridians, muscles, and blood vessels clearly. Intrigued, he decided to examine what happened to his body when he used the Blood Reversal technique.

Focusing his internal energy, Shen Wu activated Blood Reversal. He noticed that his blood did, in fact, reverse its flow. "Hmm... interesting," he thought. Delving deeper, he observed his blood vessels and noticed they were regenerating quickly, despite the strain of the technique. His muscles, too, were healing rapidly from the microtears caused by the sudden surge of power.

Next, Shen Wu directed his attention to his dantian, where his internal energy was stored. He saw that activating Blood Reversal consumed his internal energy at a steady rate. He mused, "So, I regenerate by using internal energy... I only have 16 years' worth of internal energy stored up. Judging by how quickly it's depleting, I could probably use both Blood Reversal and the Ten Way Blood Asura technique for around fifty minutes in a real fight... maybe? God, I'm shit at math."

Shen Wu paused, thinking over his findings. The rapid regeneration of his body was a significant advantage, but it came at the cost of his internal energy reserves. He realized he needed to be strategic about when and how to use these techniques to avoid running out of energy mid-battle.

As he sat there, pondering his next steps, he felt a surge of determination. "I need to increase my internal energy reserves and improve my control over these techniques. If I can master these arts and manage my energy efficiently, I'll be unstoppable."


A week had passed since Shen Wu began mastering the Blood Reversal technique. He had spent every moment of his free time training and cultivating, determined to push his limits and grow stronger. One evening, Shen Wu found himself in the cozy dining hall of the abode, seated across from Miss Gu at a polished wooden table laden with an assortment of delicious dishes.

Miss Gu watched Shen Wu with an amused smile as he dug into his food with gusto. "You're eating as if you haven't seen food in days," she remarked, her eyes twinkling.

Shen Wu grinned sheepishly, swallowing a mouthful of steamed bun. "Training with Maid Yi is no joke. I need all the energy I can get."

Miss Gu chuckled softly. "Maid Yi is a strict teacher, but she means well. You seem to be handling it quite well, though. How are you finding the Ten Way Blood Asura Arts?"

Shen Wu paused, considering his response. "It's intense, but I'm learning a lot. The techniques are powerful, but they take a toll on my body. I've been working on managing my internal energy to keep up with the strain."

Miss Gu nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Maid Yi mentioned that you're quite adept at picking up the techniques. She also mentioned that you have a natural talent for quick regeneration. That's quite a rare gift, Shen Wu."

Shen Wu looked down at his plate, a mix of pride and curiosity in his eyes. "I noticed that too. When I use Blood Reversal, my body heals quickly, but it drains my internal energy. I'm trying to find a balance."

Miss Gu's smile widened, and she reached across the table to pat Shen Wu's hand. "You're doing well, dear. Keep pushing yourself, but remember to listen to your body. Overworking yourself can be just as detrimental as not training at all."

Shen Wu nodded, grateful for her advice. He was about to ask Miss Gu more about her own training when Maid Yi entered the dining hall, her expression as stern as ever.

"Shen Wu, I see you're enjoying your meal," Maid Yi said, her tone neutral but with a hint of disapproval.

Shen Wu grinned. "Yes, Master. The food here is amazing."

Maid Yi, with a firm grip on Shen Wu's collar, dragged him out of the dining room. Her expression was stern, and her voice was devoid of any sympathy. "You're late to training. Be ready to go through all nine circles of hell."

Shen Wu, despite his best efforts, couldn't break free from Maid Yi's iron grip. His arms stretched out towards the dining table, his voice tearful and filled with longing. "But my steamed buns…"

Miss Gu, watching the scene unfold with amusement, called out, "Don't worry, Shen Wu. I'll save some for you."

Shen Wu gave a weak smile, grateful for her kindness, but the reality of the grueling training ahead quickly brought his focus back. Maid Yi didn't slow her pace, pulling him towards the training grounds with relentless determination.