And when I return, everything will be different


Maid Yi pointed at the top of a distant peak, her eyes gleaming with a sadistic challenge. "You are to climb to the peak and come back," she instructed.

Shen Wu smiled confidently. "No problem, master."

Her smile widened. "You can't use the Ten Way Blood Asura Arts, and no internal energy in general."

Shen Wu sighed. "Well, I guess it's fine..."

"You have two hours," Maid Yi cut him off, her sadistic smile stretching from ear to ear. The distance was daunting, even with proficient qinggong, but Shen Wu had to make the journey on foot.

Scratching the back of his head, Shen Wu said, "Alright, I'm going then." He gave a small bow and sprinted off into the forest to the left of the cave.

As he disappeared into the trees, Maid Yi's smile faded. She whispered to herself, "I hope you survive, but don't come back. Your mere existence is dangerous to the Lady." With a heavy heart, she turned back to the cave, her expression saddened.

Meanwhile, Shen Wu darted through the forest, the sounds of rustling leaves, snapping twigs, and splashing puddles accompanying his steps. He took deep breaths, relishing the fresh air as he leaped over a small stream. "Finally, I'm out again!" he exclaimed with joy. "After a month, I can see the sky... well, not really, the tree leaves are covering the sky, but the leaves do be looking kinda nice too."

He marveled at the forest's beauty, his spirits lifted by the freedom of being outside. However, he quickly refocused on his task. The peak loomed in the distance, and he knew he had to maintain a steady pace to reach it in time. Shen Wu pushed himself harder, his legs pumping as he navigated the uneven terrain.

The forest was dense, and the ground was slippery from recent rain, but Shen Wu's determination was unwavering. He jumped over fallen logs, ducked under low branches, and splashed through puddles with a growing sense of exhilaration. Despite the physical exertion, he felt alive and free.


Reaching the base of the mountain, Shen Wu paused to catch his breath. He looked up at the peak, the daunting climb ahead. He couldn't help but grin. "Alright, let's do this," he muttered to himself.

Shen Wu began his ascent, using the natural footholds and handholds the rocky terrain provided. His muscles ached from the effort, but he ignored the pain, focusing on each step. The climb was steep and treacherous, with loose rocks and slippery surfaces, but Shen Wu's agility and determination carried him upward.

As he climbed, he couldn't help but reflect on Maid Yi's training. The harsh discipline and rigorous routines had strengthened him, both physically and mentally. He knew that this challenge was not just about physical endurance but also about testing his resolve.

Halfway up the mountain, Shen Wu encountered a narrow ledge. He carefully edged along it, the drop below making his heart race. One misstep could be fatal, but he pushed the fear aside and concentrated on his movements. Reaching the other side, he continued his ascent, his breath coming in heavy gasps.

"Come on, Shen Wu, you've got this," he muttered to himself, wiping sweat from his brow. "Just a bit further."

The path grew steeper and more perilous as he ascended. The rocky surface gave way to loose gravel in some places, making each step treacherous. At one point, a section of the ledge crumbled beneath his feet, sending him sliding downward. Shen Wu clawed at the rock face, managing to catch a small outcropping just in time. His heart pounded in his chest, but he hauled himself back up, determination burning in his eyes.

"No way I'm giving up now," he whispered fiercely.

Further up, he encountered a dense thicket of thorny bushes, their sharp spikes scraping his skin as he pushed through. The thorns tore at his clothes and flesh, leaving angry red welts, but Shen Wu pressed on. His thoughts drifted to Maid Yi's training sessions, recalling her words about endurance and resilience.

"Pain is just the body's way of telling you you're alive," he reminded himself, gritting his teeth.

As he emerged from the thicket, a shadow passed overhead. Shen Wu looked up to see a large bird of prey circling above, its keen eyes fixed on him. The bird swooped down, talons extended. Shen Wu barely had time to react, diving to the side as the bird's talons grazed his shoulder. He picked up a loose rock and hurled it at the bird, driving it away with a defiant shout.

"Not today, bird brain!"

Undeterred, Shen Wu continued his climb. The air grew thinner as he ascended, each breath a struggle. His vision blurred slightly, but he forced himself to focus. The peak was getting closer, and he refused to give up. He reached a steep wall of rock and began to climb, his fingers finding small holds as he pulled himself up.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Shen Wu reached the peak. He stood there, panting and sweaty, but triumphant. The view from the top was breathtaking, the forest below a sea of green. He allowed himself a moment to savor the achievement, feeling a sense of peace and accomplishment wash over him.

As he stood there, the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the landscape. Shen Wu realized that the ascent had taken far longer than he anticipated. He knew he wouldn't be able to make it back to the cave within the two-hour limit. Resigning himself to the situation, he decided to spend the night on the peak.

He found a small, sheltered alcove in the rock face and settled in for the night. The temperature dropped rapidly as darkness fell, and Shen Wu shivered in the cool mountain air. He used some dry leaves and twigs he had gathered to start a small fire, its warmth providing some comfort.

As he sat by the fire, Shen Wu reflected on his journey. He had faced numerous challenges and dangers, but he had overcome them all. The experience had taught him valuable lessons about perseverance and inner strength. He knew that he had grown, both as a martial artist and as a person.

"Master Yi will probably kill me for being late," he chuckled to himself. "But at least I can say I conquered this mountain."

The stars twinkled overhead, and Shen Wu felt a deep sense of connection to the world around him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, feeling a profound sense of peace. Despite the physical exhaustion and the hardships he had faced, he knew that this journey had been a crucial step in his training.

As he drifted off to sleep, Shen Wu smiled to himself. "I did it," he whispered. "I really did it."


Shen Wu woke up on the peak, the fire reduced to cold ashes, and his body chilled from the night air. Shivering, he sat up and began circulating his internal energy to warm himself. As the energy flowed through his meridians, he felt a strange tingly sensation across his body, something he couldn't quite understand but chose to ignore for now.

He stood up and looked down the mountain at the cave he had spent over a month in, where he had endured grueling training and learned martial arts. His thoughts drifted to Maid Yi and Miss Gu, and he felt a mix of gratitude and sadness.

"Master," he began, speaking as if Maid Yi were standing right there, "I could tell you and everyone in the hidden cave want me to leave but don't have the heart to do it..." Shen Wu sighed deeply, the weight of his realization heavy on his shoulders. "...I'll go on an adventure, and once I'm back, I'll make sure that neither you, Master, nor Lady Gu have to live in the cave anymore."

With a resolute look in his eyes, Shen Wu turned away from the cave and began his descent down the other side of the mountain. The path was steep and treacherous, but Shen Wu moved with a sense of purpose and newfound determination.

As he descended, his mind raced with possibilities. He would travel the world, gain strength, and uncover the secrets of his abilities. He would find a way to ensure that those he cared about could live freely and happily, no longer confined to the hidden cave.

The mountain terrain was challenging, with jagged rocks and dense underbrush, but Shen Wu navigated it with agility. He paused occasionally to catch his breath and to take in the unfamiliar surroundings. The further he descended, the more he felt a sense of liberation. This was his chance to forge his own path and prove his worth.

As he reached the base of the mountain, he looked back up one last time. The peak where he had spent the night was barely visible through the thick foliage. With a deep breath, he turned away and began walking towards the unknown, his heart filled with determination.

"I won't let you down, Master," he murmured to himself. "And when I return, everything will be different."