Chapter 25

Hearing Rose's words, Jennie looks at her with wide eyes. "What? Do you even know what nonsense you are saying?" Jennie says, "Really ma'am, I have seen it with my own eyes. Both of them talk to each other a lot these days...and laugh together. What's more, I have just seen them together in a corner a little distance from here. I saw them while leaving too. I was about to follow them but suddenly I bumped into one of the staff due to which my attention got diverted... and when I looked for them again, I didn't know where they had disappeared." Listening to her, Jennie thinks of that scene in her mind when Jungkook had ignored her and gone with Bogum and even before that, how both of them were talking to each other harmoniously. Then she thinks about how Joo Young had told her that when Jungkook hit him, Bogum took his side and the biggest thing Jungkook was ignoring Joo Young too these days. Thinking about all these things, Jennie comes to only one conclusion and that Rose's words could be true. As soon as the thought of this being true comes to her mind, she gets worried because in this case her entire plan will fail. Then she says in her mind, "No! This cannot happen. My plan cannot fail at any cost. I have spent a lot of time trapping Jungkook. That is why I will not let him slip from my hands so easily. I can give. I will have to do anything to keep Jungkook away from Bogum." When Jungkook came to the make-up room, Jennie was sitting alone there. The makeup artists and everyone else had still not arrived there. Jungkook did not know this because she had come. Seeing Jennie alone, he suddenly goes crazy. He knew that Jennie would definitely take advantage of this opportunity to talk to him. But now he couldn't go like this without any reason. Otherwise Jennie would have become suspicious. So Jungkook looks at her and pretends to be a good friend and says, "Jen, what are you doing here alone?"

Hearing his normal tone, Jennie feels that maybe jungkook has become normal again, so she says to him, "Jungkook, where were you till now? I have been waiting for you for so long. I want to talk to you about something important." Seeing her acting, Jungkook makes a face in his mind but smilingly says, "Sorry, I was talking to Bogum-si. By the way, tell me, what do you want to talk to me?"After listening to him, Jennie again starts realizing the truth of Rose's words, hence she thinks that she will soon have to get rid of Jungkook and Bogum. So, now she has created While working on the plan, she says to Jungkook, "Kook-ah, I didn't know you were so stupid?"Listening to her, Jungkook thought in his mind that he was definitely stupid which he got influenced by her and Joo young. But he says to her with dis-pleasure on his face, "Hey, Don't call me stupid?"Jennie says, "You are stupid. That's why you refused to shoot that hot scene with Bogum. You know... actor/actresses die to shoot such scenes with him."Jennie wanted Jungkook to get ready to shoot this scene so that Bogum would misunderstand that Jungkook wants to take advantage of his popularity. Then she will not need to do anything else Bogum himself will start hating Jungkook. Also, when he refuses to do this scene with Jungkook in front of everyone, he will be insulted. In this way she will hit two targets with one arrow. Jungkook was also understanding his moves very well. He thought that Jennie was doing all this to get him insulted in front of Bogum . However, he did not know that Jennie had such a big misunderstanding about him and Bogum. Jungkook said, "Oh! So this is the thing... I had accepted that because I have not done such scenes till date, because I would feel very uncomfortable." So on this Jennie says, "Hey, you are an actor. How long will you avoid such scenes? If you always run away from such scenes, you will never be able to become a professional actor. Then those producers will never cast you in their movies who want to include such scenes in their movies." Listening to him, Jungkook pretends as if he has started getting interested in his words, so she further says, "Right now your opposite is Bogum, so the producer and director sir are ready to cancel this scene because they know that Once Bogum refused to shoot this scene, then he will not listen to anyone, but you have worked in other movies, they will not cancel such scenes. Therefore, you should start shooting such scenes from now on. You should start and if you start with Bogum, your popularity will increase manifold." Jungkook thinks that Jennie is really a very manipulative girl. He is thankful to God that he gave him another chance otherwise she would have been manipulated by jennie long ago. Then he hesitantly says to Jennie, "Maybe you are right but Bogum-si...he will not agree. So, I myself refused out of fear that he might insult me in front of everyone." Jennie got shocked by his words. She couldn't believe that Jungkook could talk so Smartly. So Jungkook has really changed? Thinking this, Jennie gets a little nervous because if this happens then her plan will fail. Jennie says, "Hey, you should try it once. Without trying, how can you say that he will refuse?" Jungkook replied, "Because he is Taehyung's friend."

Hearing the mention of Taehyung from his mouth, Jennie remembers that Joo Young had told her that Jungkook was behaving very well with Taehyung and Hanni these days. Then she gets confused as to what is really in jungkook's mind? Does he like Joo Young or Bogum? And if he likes one of these two then why did he start behaving well with Taehyung? Could it be that Bogum has wooed Jungkook and that too, like her and Joo young, though Jungkook wants to grab Taehyung's property?When this thought comes to Jungkook's mind, she feels that this will definitely happen. Otherwise, Bogum did not even care for Jungkook at all a few days ago. But if it is so, then it was not at all good for her plan, so she thought that why not instigate Jungkook against Bogum so that he himself keeps distance from him because at the moment Jungkook will not fo this hot scene under any circumstances. he didn't seem to agree to do it. Although she wanted to see Bogum insulting Jungkook in front of everyone, but her plan was more important than that. So she decided that now she will instigate Jungkook against Bogum. Jennie says to Jungkook, "Well Jungkook, don't you think that Bogum's behavior has changed a lot for you?"Jungkook, listening to her, thinks in her mind that now I don't know what is planning this Jennie was making. So he also pretended to be confused and said, "Meaning?" Jennie says, "Meaning, earlier he did not even talk to you properly and now he has also started joking with you. Don't you find it strange?" Hearing him, Jungkook narrows his eyes and asks, "What do you want to say?" Jennie replied " he's acting like he likes you." Jungkook was very surprised to hear her words. He wonders what was going on in Jennie's mind? But one thing was certain that she had definitely made some vicious plan again. Then Jungkook innocently asked her, "But why would he act like he likes me?" To this Jennie said, "Maybe he wants to take advantage of you?"

"My advantage? He is already a more famous actor than me. In fact, he is the best male actor in the industry....then why would he want to take advantage of me?" Jungkook asked. "Oh! I am not talking about him taking advantage of your popularity." Jennie said. Then what else do I have that Bogum would want to take advantage of? What can I offer him in the end?" Jungkook asked. "Your money! You already belong to a rich family and what's more, your husband the richest person in Korea. I think Bogum's eyes are only on your money. What a disgusting person he is, who, in order to take advantage of your money, even pretended that you were his friend's wife. He is a blot on the name of friendship." Hearing what Jungkook said, Jungkook's blood started boiling. Shee considered Bogum to be cheap, whereas it was she and Joo young who were cheapest. She herself wanted to grab his money and was blaming Bogum. She used to do the worst things herself and was calling Bogum bad. She herself was a blot on the name of friendship and was defaming Bogum's name. By now, Bogum had also become a good friend of Jungkook and he could not listen to these mean things about him at all, so Jungkook said angrily, "It seems that your eyes have gone bad, Jennie. When did he tried to impress me?" Did you seem to be trying? Being Taehyung's friend, he talked nicely me? You have made such a bad accusation against him." After listening to her, Jungkook controlled his anger a little. While doing this he says, "Jennie, just as you are my very good friend and always wish well for me... similarly, Bogum-si is also a very good friend of Taehyung and always wishes well for him." Jennie gets very irritated seeing Jungkook praising Bogum. She wanted to turn Jungkook against Bogum by doing anything. that's why She further says, "Well, you tell me why there was such a sudden change in his behavior?" "That's because I complained about him to Taehyung, so Taehyung asked him to treat me well, so he is doing this because of Taehyung." Jungkook replied innocently. Hee lied because he wanted Jennie to question his about him and Taehyung's relationship. And the same thing happened. Jennie immediately asked him, "What, did you complain about Bogum to Taehyung? That means you talked to Taehyung? But you always ignore him, right?"

Jennie pretended that she had no idea about their improving relationship. Seeing her acting, Jungkook says in his mind, "She should get an Oscar award. I mean, what a tremendous acting she does. It was not my fault if till now I had believed her acting to be true." Then he says to Jennie a little shyly, "Yes, now our relationship has started improving."Jennie gets surprised to see Jungkook blushing like this. The relationship he hated. Today he is feeling shy while talking about the same. After all, how did a relationship built on the foundation of hatred for six years suddenly blossom into love within a few days? Jennie asked with surprise, "Okay? And how did all this happen suddenly?"Jungkook then tells her the same story of his dream. Hearing him, Jennie says, "kook-ah, how can you believe in a dream?""But what is there to believe in this? Taehyung and Hanni really love me very much. That is why they tolerated my rudeness for so many years and when I apologized to them, they immediately forgave me. True. I can say that I feel very good with them. What a family is...I realize it with both of them. I feel very happy whenever they both are with me." Jungkook said. This time not for acting but from the heart. His happiness and gratitude were clearly visible in his eyes, which Jennie also noticed. Jennie understood that Jungkook had really accepted Taehyung and Hanni. Although this thing was troubling her a lot, at this time she could not try to instigate Jungkook against her because she had already tried to instigate her against Bogum once. At that time, Jungkook had become so angry, now if she says anything against Taehyung and Hanni, then Jungkook might get angry and turn against her. That's why she says to Taehyung, it is very good that you have started getting good relationship with Taehyung and Hanuel. And if this is your happiness...then, I bless you to have a great life with them." Hearing her, Jungkook says in his mind,"Of course, I will have a great life with them but I will never let you have a good life."Thinking this in his mind, Jungkook becomes very happy and hugs Jennie saying 'thakyou'.